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This study examines the role of individual- and family-level factors in predicting the length of shelter stays for homeless families. Interviews were conducted with all families exiting one of six emergency family shelters in Worcester, Massachusetts, between November 2006, and November 2007. Analyses, using an ordinary least squares regression model, find that families with a positive alcohol or drug screen in the year prior stay 85 days longer than those without a positive screen; families leaving shelter with a housing subsidy stay 66 days longer than those leaving without a subsidy. Demographic factors, education, employment, health, and mental health are not found to predict shelter stay duration. Consistent with prior research, housing resources relate to families' time in shelter; with the exception of a positive substance abuse screen, individual-level problems are not related to their time in shelter. Efforts to expand these resources at the local, state, and national levels are a high priority.  相似文献   

This article offers an analysis of family homelessness in Britain and makes suggestions for change and development in both policy and practice. In Britain, family homelessness too often has been defined solely as a housing issue. The author asserts that this approach ignores the evidence that it is a complex problem in which not only economic and political, but also personal and social, factors play significant roles. The widespread failure to recognize the broad range of needs and problems experienced by homeless families seriously limits British vision and creativity in developing potential solutions. The article sets forth a number of policy recommendations, including developing comprehensive housing and service programs for homeless families; adding an intensive service component to existing homeless-at-home programs; emphasizing homelessness prevention; better utilizing persistently vacant housing; better utilizing the private rental sector; and exchanging Britain's present national commitment to temporary accommodation for an ongoing commitment to build sufficient affordable housing. These recommendations are based on the author's experience as an Atlantic Fellow in Public Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of Oxford and on her 10 years of work with homeless families in the United States.  相似文献   

The article explores how homelessness may impact on the educational participation of children and young people in families living in emergency accommodation in Dublin. Many difficulties arise in terms of maintaining consistent schooling for children when they are part of a homeless family, including problems getting to and from school if living at a distance from their original schools, frequent changes in school and inadequate facilities and overcrowding in their temporary accommodation. Despite the many difficulties involved in maintaining children's regular school attendance, it is evident that school may represent the only stability for a child in an otherwise insecure and changing routine. Copyright © 2006 Children's Research Centre.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Analysis of Research on Recovery from Homelessness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changing attitudes toward the poor are producing sweeping revisions in public welfare. The homeless population may be particularly affected by stricter guidelines for subsidies and service. This article reports findings from the first 2 years of an ongoing, qualitative, longitudinal study of nine formerly homeless families who received services at a transitional shelter in 1994. The purpose was to explore the extent to which these families were able to maintain self-sufficiency. One year after care, two families were on the verge of homelessness again, and all needed public assistance to meet basic needs. Two years after care, eight families were beginning to attain economic self-sufficiency. Recommendations address programmatic issues, including the need for comprehensive services during the shelter stay and family mentoring during the rehousing process.  相似文献   

Changing attitudes toward the poor are producing sweeping revisions in public welfare. The homeless population may be particularly affected by stricter guidelines for subsidies and selVice. This article reports findings from the first 2 years of an ongoing, qualitative, longitudinal study of nine formerly homeless families who received selVices at a transitional shelter in 1994. The purpose was to explore the extent to which these families were able to maintain self-sufficiency. One year after care, two families were on the verge of homelessness again, and all needed public assistance to meet basic needs. Two years after care, eight families were beginning to attain economic self-sufficiency. Recommendations address programmatic issues, including the need for comprehensive selVices during the shelter stay and family mentoring during the rehousing process.  相似文献   

In May, June, and September of 1998, 169 residents of the largest homeless shelter in Missouri were surveyed in response to the Institute for Children and Poverty's February 1998 request to continue research on homeless families in other areas of the country. Our findings corroborate the New York City data of the Institute for Children and Poverty (ICP), with these notable differences: ” For the women in our study, the experience of childhood violence and abuse was significantly higher than that reported in the ICP study. ” The number of children in homeless single-parent families in which the parent is beyond childbearing years was higher than the ICP-reported average (2.7 children). ” Older respondents were more likely to have graduated from high school than younger respondents. ” Compared to the ICP´ is respondents, fewer of our survey's respondents had previously lived on their own and more had stayed with family and friends. ” Significantly more residents in our study had no medical insurance. In addition, ” We gathered information on how many non-high school graduates had earned their GED and how many had attended or graduated from college. ” Our respondents were asked in what career fields they wanted to work. ” We gathered data on nicotine, alcohol, and drug abuse among our residents. ” We asked respondents if their children had the same father. Based on this survey, we concluded that programs for homeless children aimed at keeping them in school, improving their education, and helping them to form and realize career goals—as well as services such as counseling and mentoring—are necessary to keep homeless children from becoming homeless adults.  相似文献   

The homeless elderly are vulnerable, silent, and fearful. Their trajectory into homelessness more often than not precludes recovery and takes them on a course toward early death or nursing home placement. Psychiatric nurses who work in community or acute care settings are in key positions to recognize elderly victims of homelessness, assess their needs, match them to services, start them on the road to recovery, and become their advocates. The definition of a homeless person as agreed on in the Report of the Federal Task Force on Homelessness and Severe Mental Illness (1992) is the one used in the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (Public Law 100-77). A homeless person is someone "who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence" and whose main nighttime residence is a "supervised public or private shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings." This definition, then, excludes those individuals living on the "fringes" in substandard or condemned housing, a condition that warrants attention in general and particularly among the elderly.  相似文献   

The southwestern borderland region of the United States is characterized by a large immigrant population, high levels of poverty, high unemployment rates, and a growing number of homeless families. In order to assist these families it is necessary to gain information about the demographics and service needs of this population. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of homeless families in El Paso using the “point in time” technique. Face to face interviews were conducted with 95 homeless families. The data was compared to information on homeless families presented in Ten Cities, 1997-1998: A Snapshot of Family Homelessness Across America as well as to demographic characteristics of domiciled families in El Paso. What emerges is the unique profile of the homeless family in this southwestern city.  相似文献   

Survey data from a national sample of homeless family shelters (N=59)were analyzed to describe the family support programming available to residents. Data were reported on facility and resident characteristics and family support programming, as well as on facility admission criteria and program participation requirements. Four independent variables (length of stay, shelter capacity, sponsorship, and program philosophy) were examined for their relationship to the family-oriented services offered. Facilities sheltered an average of 17 families, with a range of 2–200; the average length of stay for families was slightly over 5 months. Regarding family programming, services of an educational nature were more popular than those focused on providing support or therapy/intervention; services to parents to further adult development were more often offered than those either directed to parents in their parenting roles or to the family as a unit. Virtually all shelters (98%) applied eligibility criteria to families seeking admission. The most common reasons for exclusion were active drug (86%) and alcohol (83%) abuse by a family member; 40% also refused acceptance to families with adolescent males. Seventy-eight percent of facilities mandated participation in some support services. Smaller shelters operated with greater numbers of exclusions (¯x=5.98773; p<.05);larger shelters had higher percentages of mandatory family programming (¯x= 9.21823; p<.06).These findings shed light on shelter directors' beliefs about the etiology of family homelessness and proper steps to solve the problem.  相似文献   

Pathways to and from homelessness were examined from the perspective of people who were both employed and homeless in Calgary, Alberta. Based on data collected through semi-structured open-end interviews (n = 61) with employed homeless people (N estimated at 2,400), we found that respondents identified aspects of five predominant social relationships that had the greatest impact on their present homeless situation: relationships with friends and family, acquaintances in shared accommodation, landlords and employers, other homeless people, and the social service delivery system. The findings provide a model for beginning to understand the complex social communities in which homelessness exists. Further research needs to explore the relationship between service providers and individuals' other social relationships and the role those can play in finding a pathway from homelessness.  相似文献   

The following article outlines a longitudinal study tracking changes of the social support networks of 28 homeless families in shelter. Weekly changes in support networks of homeless mothers were tracked including 482 dyadic ties between mothers and supportive persons. Findings suggested that informal social support and persons who provided emotional support were significantly more stable forms of support in the mothers' lives throughout their shelter stay. Time was found to be a significant predictor of financial well-being and housing stability at shelter exit, but characteristics of the supportive ties were not. Implications for family social work and research practice are presented.  相似文献   

Homelessness is increasing and health workers and others need to be ever vigilant about the risk that this has on children's health. What is that risk and what are children's experiences of homelessness? A retrospective case note study was carried out to compare the health of a group of five-year olds who had experienced homelessness and compare them with matched ‘non-homeless’ controls. A home interview questionnaire was used to give a profile of the children's housing experience and the health issues faced during their time in temporary accommodation. Fifty-three cases when compared with 41 controls showed a statistically greater prevalence of child protection issues and an increased number of health needs identified at the school nurse health appraisal. The housing profile identified that the case children moved homes many times (37 per cent more than five times), were homeless much longer than the officially registered period (67 per cent more than 12 months) and 61 per cent were made homeless through domestic violence. The study reinforces the need for us to acknowledge important environmental stress and to continue to advocate for this group of disadvantaged children.  相似文献   

Homeless families, usually headed by single mothers, are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Although families with children make up a large percentage of those experiencing homelessness, there have been few studies on the effectiveness of services for homeless families offered by shelters transitional housing programs, and other agencies. This article summarizes the research that has been conducted on families that are homeless and the limitations of this research for program evaluation. Challenges to program evaluation are identified: the lack of published studies in the area; the fact that program evaluation is rarely built into programs or funded; the methodological issues in tracking families; the difficulty in assessing the impact on families; implementation issues; the range of barriers to housing stability faced by homeless families; and changes in society at large that influence the results of evaluation. Six recommendations are made for meeting these challenges: evaluation from a coherent theory of change; setting reasonable and differential expectations for clients; strengthening linkages with other agencies that serve the same client population; increasing the emphasis on follow-up; utilizing prevention efforts to reduce the number of families that become homeless; and working for expanded low-income housing and expanded subsidies.  相似文献   

Survey data from a national sample of homeless family shelters (N = 59) were analyzed to describe the family support programming available to residents. Data were reporled on facility and resident characteristics and family support programming, as well as on facility admission criteria and program participation requirements. Four independent valiables (length of stay, shelter capacity, sponsorship, and program philosophy) were examined for their relationship to the family-oriented services offered. Facilities sheltered an average of 17 families, with a range of 2-200; the average length of stay for families was slightly over 5 months. Regarding family programming, services of an educational nature were more popular than those focused on providing support or therapy/intervention; services to parents to further adult development were more often offered than those either directed to parents in their parenting roles or to the family as a unit. Vbtually all shelters (98%) applied eligibility criteria to families seeking admission. The most common reasons for exclusion were active drug (86%) and alcohol (83%) abuse by a family member; 40% also refused acceptance to falnilies with adolescent n'lales. Seventy-eight percent of facilities mandated panicipation in some support services. Smaller shelters operated with greater numbers of exclusions (x = 5.98773; p < .05); larger shelters had higher percentages of mandatory family programming (x =

9.21823; p < .06). These findings shed light on shelter directors' beliefs about the etiology of family homelessness and proper steps to solve the problem.  相似文献   


Social workers are increasingly called upon to provide services to homeless families, the vast majority of which are mother-headed. Drawing on empirical findings from the literature on homeless families and the practice literature on solution-focused and strength-based practice, this article describes and illustrates how principles and techniques of these two approaches to practice can be used to empower homeless mothers to resolve their housing crisis and restabilize their families after an episode of homelessness. Examples are given for how social workers can use these principles and techniques in various stages of the helping process.  相似文献   

Emergency homeless shelters can be stressful environments for families. They can be associated with emotional distress and feelings of restriction for parents, and with behavioural, social, and developmental challenges for children. However, little is known about the experiences of accompanied youth residing in shelter with their families, as the literature about this age group's experiences of homelessness has mainly focused on unaccompanied youth. Findings from the current study are drawn from qualitative interviews with 16 adolescents and young adults (aged 16–21) who were homeless and living with their families in family homeless shelters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Youth described family homeless shelters as stressful environments but also found that the shelters provided support to them and their families. Youth discussed the various strategies they used to cope in facing the challenges of shelter life. These findings add to our understanding of youth who are homeless and highlight the ways in which they adapt to the challenges of living in a family homeless shelter with their families. Recommendations are included for ways that shelter staff and policymakers can enact operational and systemic changes that could potentially improve the experiences of such youth and their families.  相似文献   


This study analyzed secondary data collected from a recovery home specifically for Hispanic female substance abusers, and from four other recovery homes. Demographics, drug use history, and length of stay were compared to determine if participants of the culturally specific home remained in the program longer, and the reasons why. Results indicated that the women in the Hispanic recovery home stayed over a month longer and were more likely to be poor, unemployed, and methamphetamine or heroin addicts. Regression analysis was used to determine how these and other characteristics predicted length of stay, a variable that has been found to correlate with successful outcomes. Length of stay was associated with the culturally specific program, prior arrests, and years of problem drug usage. Implications for program design and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

A peek through the doors of New York City's Emergency Assistance Unit (EAU), the entryway into the City's family shelter system, presents a shocking snapshot of life for the poorest of America's welfare families: the homeless. Burgeoning with young single mothers and children sitting on floors and sleeping in chairs as they wait for someone to send them on to temporary shelter, the EAU offers a vivid example of the overburdened institutions of support on which poor families depend daily.  相似文献   

Prior to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the ACA), the US health care system left many low-income families facing limited access to medical care, struggling with high-health costs, or lacking health insurance altogether. The ACA aims to increase access to care, improve the quality of care, and lower total health care costs. While the ACA can benefit all individuals and families, it has significant potential for expanding and improving services for those experiencing homelessness. This paper describes specific opportunities under the ACA and Medicaid that can be used to strengthen services for homeless families and provides examples of efforts under way. It also offers guidance for how homeless service agencies can effect change in their respective states. The examples described here are promising approaches to strengthening homeless services. Pursuing these ideas for homeless families will require initiative, creativity, and perseverance, but recent progress is encouraging.  相似文献   

This study examines congressional policymaking and funding support for homeless women during the 1980s. Contemporary research shows that this time period marked an important demographic shift in the composition of homeless individuals in the United States, as women, children, and families comprised a larger portion of homeless populations. Using Schneider and Ingram’s (1993; 1997) Degenerative Policy Design, I used logistic regression and predicted probabilities to analyze federal congressional bills on homelessness during a 10-year period from 1977 to 1988. Results indicate that bills targeting homeless women, children, and families increased over time, but there was substantive policy action for these groups. This aligns with Schneider and Ingram’s theory that groups like homeless women, who are constructed as dependent and needy but politically powerless, garner congressional elite sympathy but no monetary resources at the national level.  相似文献   

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