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新型工业化在实际产业结构分析中存在操作性问题。新型工业化可以看做一个地区经济体能力的衡量标准,使之对区域的产业结构进行主观评价,并且尝试引入DEA模型,结合新型工业化的要求,构建专门针对地区产业结构的新型工业化评价体系。  相似文献   

Learning literature typically assumes that initial attractions to choose each possible alternative are given exogenously. However, evidence shows that current behaviour depends on past experiences. In this paper, we design an experiment to control for the initial experience in decisions from experience by providing decision makers with an exogenous history (successful vs. unsuccessful) prior to initiating the decision task. Moreover, varying the initial endowment level for fixed histories we investigate the income effect. We are also interested in analysing the duration of both effects (history and income). We find significant treatment effects in the sense that more risk taking behaviour is associated with good histories and with low income levels. According to previous literature, our results confirm the transitory nature of both effects, although the duration of the income effect doubles the duration of the history effect. In the long run, risky choice behaviour converges across different treatments.  相似文献   

Arguing that the 2006 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) human-subjects rule allows use of unethical third-party research (on pregnant women and children) in setting pesticide regulations, this article first (a) provides a brief history of U.S. pesticide regulation, particularly regarding childhood safety. Next it (b) outlines ethical and scientific loopholes in the 2006 EPA rule; (c) shows how the Human Subjects Review Board, mandated by the 2006 rule, has been implemented in flawed ways; and (d) illustrates that one source of problems with the rule may be influence by those with conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

Calls for new arrangements to deal with problems involving the integrity of results reported from scientific research have generally taken the form of investigations into data quality and the research methods utilized. Alternatives to proposed government regulation of scientific research have included suggestions for using accounting type audits of the kind used for attesting to the representations of management in corporate financial reports. Here a different type of audit is suggested for the advantages it offers in dealing with the situations in science—which are much less structured and not restricted to situations like those to which financial accounting audits are directed. A broadening from “accounting”; to “accountability”; is thereby achieved. Experimentation with the use of such audits is suggested which can simultaneously help to improve scientific processes and accommodate the interests of the public in responding to the results of scientific research. A beginning is also suggested in the form of “GAO type”; (U.S. General Accounting Office) audits of research activities undertaken (or to be undertaken) at laboratories such as Los Alamos, Livermore and Sandia as they are being redirected from military to civilian type research. It is also suggested that GAO type audits be extended from audits of management activities to examination and evaluation of the validity and significance of the research that has been, or is to be, undertaken.  相似文献   

A necessary and sufficient condition is established in terms of restrictions on individual preferences for a class of democratic systems to be Nash-stable: that there is no one in the society who can profitably misrepresent his preferences. It is shown that only a very strong similarity of preferences can eliminate the incentive for individuals to misreveal their preferences. Since individual preferences in actual practice are not likely to be so similar, the result in this paper shows that strategic misrevelation of preferences by individuals remains a disturbing possibility under this class of democratic rules.We are grateful to Professor Prasanta K. Pattanaik for many helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

The study explicates a competency-based model of contemporary social work management practice and compares this model with frameworks derived from earlier studies. Using a purposive sample of 184 social work managers throughout the country, an exploratory factor analysis yielded twelve sets of competencies required of today's social work manager. A comparison of the present model to earlier management frameworks reveals that substantive changes in the nature, scope, complexity, and priorities assigned to management competencies and skills have transformed the role of the social work manager over the last decade. Implications for social work manager education are reviewed and future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

“Risk and insurance” provides an illustrative set of decisions made in the presence of uncertainty. As behavioral models become more integrated into economics and finance, many of their effects are illustrated quite well within insurance markets. Especially noteworthy are the complementary roles of theory and experiments. This article reviews the interactive role of experiments and theory in analyzing insurance demand from a behavioral perspective. We pay special attention to several models of underinvestment in insurance or in other risk-mitigation markets.  相似文献   

山岚 《今日辽宁》2002,(1):24-25
"太阳每天都是新的,生活也每天都是新的.作为一个业余摄影作者,自然不该满足于昨天的一切,要多学习,多观察,多感受,多体验,多思考,随时用准确的光影,留住岁月的脚步,把最真最美的瞬间定格在图象中,捧献给生活."浏览着志贵新近出版的摄影作品选集<昨日的回忆>,耳听他轻言曼语的述说,让你不能不油然而生出由衷的感动.  相似文献   

We characterize the existence of semicontinuous weak utilities in a general framework, where the axioms of transitivity and acyclicity are relaxed to that of consistency in the sense of Suzumura (Economica 43:381?C390, 1976). This kind of representations allow us to transfer the problem of the existence of the ${{\mathcal{G}}{\mathcal{O}}{\mathcal{C}}{\mathcal{H}}{\mathcal{A}}}$ set of a binary relation to the easier problem of getting maxima of a real function. Finally, we show that the maxima of these representations correspond to the different levels of satiation that each of individual has (an individual reaches his or her level of satiation when an increase of consuming an alternative product/service brings no increase in utility).  相似文献   

We estimate rates of time preference using a utility-based choice experiment administered to a nationally representative sample of 2,914 respondents. For the full sample, the rate of time preference is very high for immediate benefits and drops off substantially thereafter, which is inconsistent with exponential discounting but consistent with hyperbolic discounting. Estimates of the hyperbolic discounting parameter range from 0.48 to 0.61. Visitors to water bodies have low rates of discount but exhibit hyperbolic discounting, whereas those who do not visit have consistently high rates of discount and low valuations of water quality.  相似文献   

This article examines the target zone proposal for exchange-rate management by presenting the results of simulations performed on both a large macroeconometric model and a small analytical model. The main conclusions derived from the large model are: (1) that exchange-rate-oriented monetary policy could have curbed misalignments without undermining counterinflation policy, but (2) a major impact on current balances would have required compensatory fiscal policy as well. The small model suggests the value of assigning world interest rates to the pursuit of a (flexible) world nominal income target and fiscal policy to national nominal income targets, if interest rate differentials are assigned to exchange-rate management.  相似文献   

Abstract   The article outlines a conceptual and theoretical framework for improved comparative analysis of publicly provided social protection in developing countries, drawing on the research tradition of the study of longstanding welfare democracies. An important element of the proposed institutional approach is the establishment of comparable qualitative and quantitative indicators for social protection. The empirical example of child benefits indicates that differences between developed and developing countries should not be exaggerated, and that the prevalence of child benefits in sub-Saharan African and Latin American countries today resembles the inter-war period (1919-1938) situation in developed regions.  相似文献   

Many decisions require tradeoffs over time and in the presence of risk. To examine interactions between risk and intertemporal effects we developed a laboratory experiment. In the experiment, subjects choose between payoffs that take place at different points in time. We find that very few subjects are consistently risk averse or risk loving. Instead, we find that subjects are less patient in the presence of risk. We also find that increased risk decreases subjects’ patience levels. However, we do not find evidence that the effect of risk on the intertemporal decision depends on the length of the temporal delay.
Lisa R. AndersonEmail:

This paper offers a conceptually informed analysis of fostering and adoption social work and argues for more consistent inclusion of trans and non‐binary people. The conceptual framework through which we explore current policy and practice is set out to provide clarity about the ways in which we employ the concepts of trans, gender diversity, and cisgenderism (a prejudicial ideology). We employ the notion of cisgenderism as a critical lens through which to overview fostering and adoption social work within the context of trans inclusion. Focus is turned to the existing literature relevant to trans parenting, trans‐headed families, and the field of fostering and adopting. We highlight significant knowledge gaps in this regard. We then argue that if fostering and adoption social work is to embody inclusive practice with trans people, a new culture must be embedded to promote collaborative working, enhance knowledge, and improve service provision. The paper concludes by asserting that such an approach must be underpinned by an understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of people who identify as trans and/or as non‐binary.  相似文献   

An outline is given of the behavioral properties (axioms) that have been proposed, and to some extent empirically evaluated, concerning uncertain (often risky) alternatives, the joint receipt of alternatives, and possible linking properties. Recent theoretical work has established the existence of three inherently distinct risk types of people—risk seeking, risk neutral, and risk averse—and so evaluations of theories must take respondent type into account. A program of experiments is sketched making clear exactly which empirical studies need to be repeated with respondents partitioned by risk type.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Jackie Powell, Department of Social Work Studies, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO9 5NH Summary This paper focuses on the decision-making process at a strategiclevel in the context of implementing a ‘community care’policy for older people with mental health problems. It is basedon the findings of an evaluative study of the implementationof one district health authority's strategy for the decentralizationof its mental health services for older people. The study wasan attempt to develop an evaluative approach which acknowledgedthe importance of cost, but also the need to include the viewsof the several ‘interested parties’, not least thosewho used the service. The reconciliation of what might be seenas the conflicting interests of the wider public for a carefulutilization of resources with the individual's needs for anaccessible and responsive service represents a major challengefor planners, managers and practitioners within the public sector.This paper argues the need for dialogue as the basis for partnershipbetween those with a primarily financial focus to their workand those more intimately concerned with individual needs.  相似文献   


This article looks at two periods in the history of white supremacy in New Zealand: the short-lived explosion of skinhead groups in the 1990s, and the contemporary rise of the internet-driven alt-right. It looks at the similarities and differences between the two groups, looking at style, symbols, ideology, and behaviour. It looks at the history of these two movements in New Zealand and compares the economic and social factors that contributed to their rise, in particular how the different social class of members produced groups with near-identical ideology but radically different presentation and modes of action.  相似文献   

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