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2003年12月1日,中东和平的<日内瓦倡议>在日内瓦正式提出,作为一份民间倡议,它给中东和平注入一股新的动力.倡议内容丰富,对巴以间许多重大问题提出了解决方案.倡议可视为"路线图"计划的一个重要补充,但实施的难度依然不小.  相似文献   

水墨 《阿拉伯世界》2004,(3):9-10,15
2004年2月,美国布什政府提出旨在中东国家推动政治、经济、社会改革的“大中东倡议”(下称倡议),又被外界称为“大中东民主改革计划”,认为是“冷战后最雄心勃勃”的计划。所谓大中东,是指22个阿拉伯国家和土耳其、以色列、阿富汗、巴基斯坦,但主要针对的是阿拉伯国家,将以色列、  相似文献   

戴启秀 《阿拉伯世界》2005,(5):25-28,24
从新地缘政治角度看,扩大后的欧盟拥有新的边境和邻国。在大欧洲框架下,中东成为欧盟新的外部环境在欧盟共同外交和安全政策中也具有战略优先权。本文在简述欧美共同战略认知框架基础上,论述欧盟的中东方案,其内容涉及欧盟致力于中东和平与稳定的外交目标、和平进程中的原则与措施等。同时也指出了中东地区的安全困境及其出路。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,东西方历时半个世纪的冷战时代宣告结束,美苏主宰世界的两极格局发生了根本变化:一方面美国依靠其强大的经济和军事实力,推行强权政治,试图独霸世界;另一方面在地缘政治的基础上,国际间经济贸易合作更趋向区域化和集团化。作为世界热点地区的中东,其重要的战略地位和丰富的石油资源,历来是西方大国争夺的目标,以致于成为它们相互间进行政治、经济和军事力量较量的场所。由于长期以来阿以冲突得不到解决,中东地区战乱频仍,因此促进中东和平早日实现,符合中东人民的利益。1991年马德里中东和会后,虽然阿以双方的极端势力竭力阻挠和平计划的实施,甚至发生了以色列总理拉宾被杀事件,但是人们对中东和平前景仍持比较乐观的态度。 对阿以和平后,中东以何种面貌展现于世,为世人注目。中东地区的各种势力为此提出了各种构想,绘制了种种蓝图,主要有中东安全体系、地中海沿岸国家经济合作圈、中东伊斯兰体系计划等。其中,中东安全体系被认为是最有希望付诸实施的方案。本文就这一体系的构想,以及有关各方的反应作一浅述。 中东安全体系原是英国全球战略的一部分。1994年和1995年在卡萨布兰卡和阿曼先后召开中东地区经济首脑会议之后,美国出于其全球战略考虑,提出了建立中东安全体系的计划。 自本  相似文献   

何帆 《中外书摘》2014,(6):34-36
政治残局 一个错误跟着另外一个错误,一个错误引发了更多个错误。于是,中东政治成了不治之症。由于西方国家的不断搅局,和平的幻梦一再破灭,繁荣的前景遥遥无期,中东政治是一盘无人能够破解的残局.  相似文献   

布什政府新近推出的和平计划虚多实少,存在诸多缺陷。美国的中东政策服务于全球反恐的战略需要,没有也不可能改变“袒以压巴”的一贯立场。美国政策的利己主义不可能给中东带来持久的和平,新政策避免了不昙花一现的命运。  相似文献   

1995年11月4日,以色列总理拉宾惨遭犹太极端分子的杀害。时值中东和平进程的关键时刻,暗杀事件的发生令世界为之震惊。人们在惊愕与痛惜之余,更多关心的是拉宾之后——受到冲击的中东和平进程能否按预定轨道继续向前?面对以色列建国后首例领导人遇刺事件,以色列人民能否弥  相似文献   

解析美国"大中东倡议"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年2月,美国布什政府提出旨在中东国家推动政治、经济、社会改革的"大中东倡议"(下称倡议),又被外界称为"大中东民主改革计划",认为是"冷战后最雄心勃勃"的计划.所谓大中东,是指22个阿拉伯国家和土耳其、以色列、阿富汗、巴基斯坦,但主要针对的是阿拉伯国家,将以色列、土耳其等国纳入该计划,是为了显示美国"改造中东"并非仅仅针对阿拉伯"反美"国家.美准备在6月召开的8国集团首脑会议上正式提交该计划,寻求整个西方世界的支持.  相似文献   

中国近年来在中东变局中实施了建设性介入的政策,这是广义干预概念下一种灵活的政策行为,即依据国际法的基本原则,强调客观中立地提出政策建议,超越了西方的传统干涉概念。中国在突尼斯、埃及、利比亚、叙利亚、巴以和平等问题以及促进中东总体和平稳定的政策立场上均体现了这种政策的核心要素。中国在中东变局中的建设性介入政策,是其和平外交政策的一贯性表现,彰显了中国负责任大国的形象,不仅有助于维护自身国家利益,而且有利于国际和地区问题的和平解决,为中国参与解决国际和地区问题提供了重要范示。  相似文献   

巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特走完了自己悲壮的人生旅程,于2004年11月11日在法国巴黎病逝。这位巴勒斯坦人民的领袖驰骋中东政治舞台近半个世纪,不仅领导巴勒斯坦人民进行了艰苦卓绝的反以武装斗争,而且以超凡的勇气开启了巴以和平进程。他的逝世,必将对巴勒斯坦政局、巴以和平进程乃至中东形势产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Corporate Governance: Impulses from the Middle East   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The sheer fact that the concept of Corporate Governance is not yet as widely spread in the countries of the Middle-East as in Western economies, may lead to our labelling, once again, this region as underdeveloped. The purpose of this article, however, is to lead the reader to let go of this Western perspective and to discover the distinctive impulses that the Arab-Muslim region has to offer for the further development of the human-social dimension of corporate governance, if not to ultimately transform it in such a “Middle-Eastern” light. We start then, in this article, by revealing some of the general limitations to corporate governance, before moving onto the specific impulses provided by the Muslim-Arab context. Islamic management is a new domain of knowledge that will be addressed in this paper to shed some light on how Islam can inform reform and transform the notion of corporate governance.   相似文献   

"In 1983, possibly more than 1 million East Asians were working in the capital-rich, labor-short countries of the Middle East. This article reviews the causes and consequences of this new migration flow and notes emerging political, military, and economic linkages between East Asia and the Middle-East."  相似文献   

The reader is taken on a journey spanning some 30 years devoted to the author’s involvement in practicing, teaching and studying peace education. The core concept in this journey is active bystandership, which implies the capacity to disengage from our ethnocentric narratives and perceptions and to face the emotional challenges of acknowledging narratives that contradict our collective assumptions about the conflict and accept the moral obligation to address our contribution to violence. The author describes her non-professional as well as her professional activity in academia of participating, initiating, teaching and facilitating peace education projects. She describes inter and intra-group encounters and attempts to identify the limitations and opportunities of each type. Finally, some research methods and results of recent studies in peace education, especially regarding perceptions of collective narratives, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Two categories of ethnic minority – Moro and Lumad – are indigenous to the Philippine island of Mindanao, with Muslim Moros outnumbering largely animist Lumads. Both have been profoundly displaced by the post-World War II influx of Christian Filipino settlers from other islands, leading to armed conflict with the national government over land and political control. Due to their political and demographic inferiority to Moros, Lumads have regularly resorted to the accommodation and assimilation of Moro priorities, including throwing their support behind the latters’ decades-long struggle for territorial autonomy. Thanks to wide public support among the Lumad and other Mindanao sectors, the latest peace talks between the government and Moro leaders has led to the signing of a major peace deal involving the creation of a new autonomous Bangsamoro homeland. Despite this, the legitimate needs of Lumad stakeholders have been ignored, and in some cases deliberately undermined, by Moros and the national government. This article analyses the post-conflict status of the Lumad who, as second-order minorities in the future Bangsamoro homeland, have been doubly marginalized in daily life and in the peace process. It concludes that denying Lumad concerns now will render Bangsamoro more vulnerable to legal and constitutional challenges, as well as jeopardize the unique ‘tri-people’ ethos that has made this the most firmly grounded peace process to date.  相似文献   

以色列在中东地区格局的转变中更趋孤立,周边安全环境遭受巨大冲击后趋于复杂,巴以和谈重新启动,但进展迟缓,以色列国内安全堪忧,以土关系跌入低谷后重回正常化轨道,以色列对伊朗发出动武威胁,并反对伊核协议的达成。  相似文献   

埃及是联合国51个创始成员国之一,自联合国成立之日起,埃及就积极支持联合国的各项工作。虽然联合国在维护埃及和阿拉伯国家利益方面也发挥了一定的积极作用,但总的来说,作用有限。埃及希望联合国及其安理会进行改革,加强其在维护地区和平与安全方面的作用。  相似文献   


The American Revolution is central to the identity of citizens of the United States. It is, therefore, rarely critiqued in the U.S. social studies classroom. This article examines how teachers can discuss the American Revolution using both a critical historical approach and the ideas of peace education, particularly the strand that focuses on the problematization of war. Specific examples are given for how teachers can critique some of the national myths surrounding the American Revolution. Furthermore, the rationale for this critique of the American Revolution is presented, particularly as it relates to the problematic history of minorities in the aftermath of the Revolution and the relationship between students’ views of the American Revolution and the ties to modern-day violence and military engagements. The goal for this more nuanced understanding of the American Revolution is not only to make students more critical thinkers in regard to their history but hopefully to also help them gain a healthier societal outlook in regard to the issues of peace and conflict.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the question of the existing and potential role of sociologists in the nuclear debate by first sketching some of the major nuclear issues, second by guaging the extent of professional attention which sociology has focused on nuclear issue. Our focus is on the professional sociological literature. In addition to it there is a vast peace literature which ranges from academic studies to newsletters and propaganda pieces. Sociologists may contribute heavily to the peace literature and be active in the peace or relatede campaigns, but we exclude these activities from our study. We view them as actions which sociologists do in their roles of concerned citizens. Our focus here is on the professional sociological literature and our comments pertain solely to it. We select thirteen journals to represent various aspects of this literature and review all issues from 1945 to the present to guage the coverage of nuclear issues in the sociological literature.  相似文献   

The Israeli, Northern Ireland, and South African conflicts are compared to explore the underlying nature of conflict in these three conflict zones. The nature of the state and the economy, the treatment of dissenting non-dominant groups by the state, and the role of external regional powers are examined to illustrate some of the driving forces behind the conflict in these three regions. Also, the recent peace processes are critically outlined. Finally, this article investigates how a transformational peace building process is critical to the constructive development of a participatory democracy in these three civic cultures.  相似文献   

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