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Research on the progressivity of the social security system generally does not take into account the existence of differences in mortality rates between socioeconomic groups. For the Netherlands, these differences result in a difference in life expectancy between persons with a lower education and persons with a higher education of about 4.5 years. On a lifetime basis this results in a net loss of about Dfl. 90,000 for the group with a lower education in comparison with the group with a higher education. This means that the return from various social security schemes no longer appears to be the highest for persons with a lower education. In particular, the group with a middle level education now gains from the system. Due to these differences in life expectancy, the redistributive impact of the social security system, as measured by the Theil coefficient, is decreased by about 6%.  相似文献   

清朝文官休致的实质是向朝廷和君主交还职事和俸禄.休致的原因主要有年老、疾病和处分三种;休致的方式有乞休和勒休之分;休致年龄前后多有变化,且有很大的不确定性.文官休致后的品衔、俸禄和封赠,主要根据其原有品级和休致方式予以决定.凡被勒休和中低品级官员休致后一般不再复用,而三品以上大臣则无有一定.  相似文献   

对于王庭珪辞官归隐的原因,后人存在错误的认识.文章就产生这种错误的认识和为什么错误进行考辨,目的在于纠正偏颇,有益于王庭珪的研究.  相似文献   

对家庭养老为主、社会养老为辅的养老模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国进入老龄化社会的行列,养老问题倍受人们关注。本文认为,在众多养老模式中,目前以家庭养老为主、社会养老为辅的模式比较适合中国国情。在家庭养老中,子女应注重从物质和精神备方面赡养老人;在社会养老模式中,关键在于形成健全的社会养老设施体系,进一步健全老年人权益保障的法律法规,使日益增多的老年人能老有所养,老有所乐。  相似文献   

Although previous studies have demonstrated that religious people in Europe have larger families, the role played by religious socialisation in the context of contemporary fertility behaviour has not yet been analysed in detail. This contribution specifically looks at the interrelation between religious socialisation and current religiosity and their impact on the transition to the third child for Dutch women. It is based on data of the first wave of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (2002–2004) and uses event history analysis. The transitions to first, second and third birth are modelled jointly with a control for unobserved heterogeneity. The findings provide evidence for an impact of women’s current church attendance as well as religious socialisation measured by their fathers’ religious affiliation, when they were teenagers. A religious family background remains influential even when a woman has stopped attending church. The effects of religious indicators strengthen over cohorts. Moreover, the combined religious make-up of the respondent’s parents also significantly determines the progression to the third child.  相似文献   

中国老年人的比例在社会支持机制欠缺的条件下快速增长,传统的家庭照料模式也由于生育率的下降和人口流动正经历巨大的变革.为理解人口转型下家庭支持对农村老人健康晚年的作用机制,利用安徽巢湖对60岁以上农村老人的四期纵向调查数据,检验了包括居住安排、子女教育、子女经济支持在内的家庭支持对各种健康指标的短期、中期和长期影响.研究发现,相比独居的生活方式,与他人同居降低了患其他慢性病老人的死亡风险;与子女同居则增加了患心脏类疾病老人的死亡风险,但短期能改善健康自评,降低基期患心脏类疾病和中期新患心脏类疾病的可能.研究也发现,子女教育与经济支持分别在不同时期对提高老人生存质量发挥保护功能,但也增加了中期新患心脏类疾病的风险.  相似文献   

文章从制度安排的角度,对我国20世纪50年代以来的农民自然就业制度的回顾,分析了自然就业的特征,自然就业就是农民没有准入制度,也没有退休制度,探讨了自然就业的各种弊端;提出了农民的制度就业和制度退休的问题。农民应当建立退休制度。我们应当借鉴国外的经验,实行适合中国国情的免费培训-资格证书-农业就业-退休时交出土地所有权-退休-领取含有国家补贴的养老金的多位一体的就业与退休制度。  相似文献   

The transition from two to three children is investigated, using data on Swedish women's fertility behaviour and labour force participation over a period of some 20 years ending in 1992/93. Two questions are examined: what is the relationship between working life and childbearing of two-child mothers? Are there differences in fertility between cohabiting and married couples? Several paths to the third child are identified, one of women with a university education and another of women with preference for more children, reflected by marriage after having the first or the second child or by persistent working experience followed by household work.  相似文献   

高校退休教师社会参与的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000我国已升始迈入老年型社会的门坎,2002年联合国第二届世界老龄大会将"独立、参与、尊严、照料和自我实现"确立为21世纪老龄问题行动计划的基本原则之后,老年人社会参与被正式纳入"积极老龄化"发展战略,成为世界各国公共政策的重要议题.本文就是在此背景下来对高校退休教师社会参与问题进行调查研究,为高校退休教师社会参与研究提供必要的实证依据.  相似文献   

荷兰的就业政策是欧盟各成员国中最为成功的,它特有的政府、企业和个人相互协商的制度,被总结成"荷兰模式",由此产生的灵活就业制度等,对我国就业政策有借鉴意义.我国在就业政策上要加强政府、企业和个人的协商,大力发展灵活就业,建立城乡统一的就业服务机构.  相似文献   

农村养老的社会支持系统可分为非正式的社会支持系统与正式的社会支持系统。农村地区养老主要由老年配偶、子女、亲戚、邻居和朋友组成,它能够提供一定的养老支持,但也存在请多不足之处,不能化解农村养老危机。只有在此基础上,通过正式社会支持系统的介入,大力发展机构养老和社区养老,建立和完善农村养老保险制度和医疗保险制度,大力提倡并推广家庭赡养协议制度,方能给与困难老年人以充分的养老支持和照顾。今后农村养老的发展趋势是在农村社区建立和完善农村养老的正式社会支持系统。  相似文献   

矿区废弃和一般固定资产清理不同,废弃成本金额巨大。对矿区废弃成本确认与计量经历了忽视、态度的转变、相关规则的制定、“将未来拆迁和恢复成本确认为负债”观念的增强几个阶段。经过多年的争论与探索,世界各国对矿区废弃成本的确认与计量问题的处理基本趋同,这有利于促进社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

近十年来,世界各国掀起了退休制度改革的浪潮,一些发达国家的退休年龄也进行了延迟。由于我国的国情以及与国外在养老保险制度方面有关退休年龄制定上的差别等原因,造成了从年轻人就业状况、从企业经营者以及从生活负担较重人群等角度的对延迟退休的反对观点;也产生了从我国劳动力资源利用程度、从实际的养老金收益以及从老年人的工作延长是否对年轻人就业造成压力等角度对延迟退休的赞成观点。对以上各种观点进行比较,借鉴国外改革方法,建议我国在出台延迟退休政策时,应考虑不同行业、不同工种的具体情况予以区别对待;制定退休年龄范围,不同年龄享受不同养老金待遇。此外,政府应加大相关政策知识普及。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of macro- and micro-economic uncertainty on family formation between 1970 and 2000 in The Netherlands. Using data of the Family Survey Dutch Population, we analysed the monthly hazard rates of experiencing the transition into first union, first marriage and parenthood after the start of the relationship of 365 male and 364 female partners by applying piecewise-constant exponential models. The results show that macro-economic uncertainties, i.e. high unemployment rates, lead to postponement of the first union and marriage, but not of the first child. In addition, we found that this relationship is not interpreted by individual-level employment insecurity, i.e. temporary employment or unemployment, which does not seem to prevent people from making long-term family commitments. Although hypothesized, we did not find that the negative effects of macro- and micro-level insecurities on family formation reinforce each other or that they vary between individuals with different educational qualifications.  相似文献   

离退休党支部建设是党的基层组织建设的重要组成部分。加强离退休党支部建设,对于贯彻落实党中央关于政治上尊重和关心离退休干部的要求,进一步加强离退休队伍建设,具有十分重要的意义。文章论述了加强离退休党支部建设的重要意义、离退休干部党支部的地位作用、主要任务、工作原则和工作方法,以及建立党支部建设的长效机制,促进离退休干部党支部工作步入科学化轨道等问题。  相似文献   

离退休党支部建设是党的基层组织建设的重要组成部分。加强离退休党支部建设,对于贯彻落实党中央关于政治上尊重和关心离退休干部的要求,进一步加强离退休队伍建设,具有十分重要的意义。文章论述了加强离退休党支部建设的重要意义、离退休干部党支部的地位作用、主要任务、工作原则和工作方法,以及建立党支部建设的长效机制,促进离退休干部党支部工作步入科学化轨道等问题。  相似文献   

养老金的计发办法在很大程度上会影响男女享受养老金待遇的水平。我国现行养老金计发办法的改革存在着性别意识的缺失,进一步加大了女性退休职工和男性退休职工养老金待遇水平的差距,增加了女职工养老金的受损程度。要解决这一问题,关键是使性别意识决策主流化。  相似文献   

我国现在正处于环境风险多发和上升时期,防范环境风险是当务之急。面对严峻的环境风险形势,运用法律手段对环境风险进行防范是十分必要的,但是,我国在防范环境风险法律方面还存在环境风险防范专门立法缺失、政府对环境风险防范法律责任缺失、环境风险预警制度不完善、环境风险信息公开制度不健全等问题和不足。为此,提出了制定专门的《环境风险防范法》,确立环境风险防范立法的基本原则,明确环境风险防范的管理机构和政府职责,建立与完善环境风险防范的具体法律制度(如健全环境风险监测、预警制度,完善环境风险信息公开制度,构建环境风险源调查制度,完善环境风险评价制度)等法律对策。  相似文献   

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