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In this paper, we study the estimation of the minimum and maximum location parameters, respectively, representing the minimum guaranteed lifetime of series and parallel systems of components, within a general class of scale mixtures. The conditional or underlying distribution has only the primary restriction of being a location-scale family with positive support. The mixing distribution is also quite general in that we only assume that it has positive support and finite second moment. For demonstrative purposes several special cases are highlighted such as the gamma, inverse-Gaussian, and discrete mixture. Various estimators, including bootstrap bias corrected estimators, are compared with respect to both mean-squared-error and Pitman's measure of closeness.  相似文献   

Moving Extremes Ranked Set Sampling (MERSS) is a useful modification of Ranked Set Sampling (RSS). Unlike RSS, MERSS allows for an increase of set size without introducing too much ranking error. The method is considered parametrically under exponential distribution. Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), and a modified MLE are considered and their properties are studied. The method is studied under both perfect and imperfect ranking (with error in ranking). It appears that these estimators can be real competitors to the MLE using the usual simple random sampling (SRS).  相似文献   

Multivariate extreme value models and associated statistical methods are developed for vector observations whose components are subject to an order restriction. The approach extends the multivariate threshold methodology of Coles and Tawn, Joe and co-workers and Smith and co-workers. The results are illustrated by an analysis of extreme rainfalls of different durations, and by a study of the problem of linking a long series of daily rainfall extremes with a partially overlapping shorter series of hourly extremes.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of making inferences about extreme values from a sample. The underlying model distribution is the generalized extreme-value (GEV) distribution, and our interest is in estimating the parameters and quantiles of the distribution robustly. In doing this we find estimates for the GEV parameters based on that part of the data which is well fitted by a GEV distribution. The robust procedure will assign weights between 0 and 1 to each data point. A weight near 0 indicates that the data point is not well modelled by the GEV distribution which fits the points with weights at or near 1. On the basis of these weights we are able to assess the validity of a GEV model for our data. It is important that the observations with low weights be carefully assessed to determine whether diey are valid observations or not. If they are, we must examine whether our data could be generated by a mixture of GEV distributions or whether some other process is involved in generating the data. This process will require careful consideration of die subject matter area which led to the data. The robust estimation techniques are based on optimal B-robust estimates. Their performance is compared to the probability-weighted moment estimates of Hosking et al. (1985) in both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

The authors consider the problem of simulating the times of events such as extremes and barrier crossings in diffusion processes. They develop a rejection sampler based on Shepp [Shepp, Journal of Applied Probability 1979; 16:423–427] for simulating an extreme of a Brownian motion and use it in a general recursive scheme for more complex simulations, including simultaneous simulation of the minimum and maximum and application to more general diffusions. They price exotic options that are difficult to price analytically: a knock‐out barrier option with a modified payoff function, a lookback option that includes discounting at the risk‐free interest rate, and a chooser option where the choice is made at the time of a barrier crossing. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 738–755; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Bivariate extreme value condition (see (1.1) below) includes the marginal extreme value conditions and the existence of the (extreme) dependence function. Two cases are of interest: asymptotic independence and asymptotic dependence. In this paper, we investigate testing the existence of the dependence function under the null hypothesis of asymptotic independence and present two suitable test statistics. Small simulations are studied and the application for a real data is shown. The other case with the null hypothesis of asymptotic dependence is already investigated.  相似文献   

A common approach to modelling extreme data are to consider the distribution of the exceedance value over a high threshold. This approach is based on the distribution of excess, which follows the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) and has shown to be adequate for this type of situation. As with all data involving analysis in time, excesses above a threshold may also vary and suffer from the influence of covariates. Thus, the GPD distribution can be modelled by entering the presence of these factors. This paper presents a new model for extreme values, where GPD parameters are written on the basis of a dynamic regression model. The estimation of the model parameters is made under the Bayesian paradigm, with sampling points via MCMC. As with environmental data, behaviour data are related to other factors such as time and covariates such as latitude and distance from the sea. Simulation studies have shown the efficiency and identifiability of the model, and applying real rain data from the state of Piaui, Brazil, shows the advantage in predicting and interpreting the model against other similar models proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Local likelihood smoothing of sample extremes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trends in sample extremes are of interest in many contexts, an example being environmental statistics. Parametric models are often used to model trends in such data, but they may not be suitable for exploratory data analysis. This paper outlines a semiparametric approach to smoothing sample extremes, based on local polynomial fitting of the generalized extreme value distribution and related models. The uncertainty of fits is assessed by using resampling methods. The methods are applied to data on extreme temperatures and on record times for the women's 3000 m race.  相似文献   

For random variables with Archimedean copula or survival copula, we develop the reversed hazard rate order and the hazard rate order on sample extremes in the context of proportional reversed hazard models and proportional hazard models, respectively. The likelihood ratio order on sample maximum is also investigated for the proportional reversed hazard model. Several numerical examples are presented for illustrations as well.  相似文献   

Generalized additive modelling of sample extremes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary.  We describe smooth non-stationary generalized additive modelling for sample extremes, in which spline smoothers are incorporated into models for exceedances over high thresholds. Fitting is by maximum penalized likelihood estimation, with uncertainty assessed by using differences of deviances and bootstrap simulation. The approach is illustrated by using data on extreme winter temperatures in the Swiss Alps, analysis of which shows strong influence of the north Atlantic oscillation. Benefits of the new approach are flexible and appropriate modelling of extremes, more realistic assessment of estimation uncertainty and the accommodation of complex dependence patterns.  相似文献   

The class of limit distribution functions (d.f.s) of bivariate extremes order statistics with random sample size, which is independent of all basic random variables (r.v.s), is fully characterized. Necessary and sufficient conditions, as well as, the domains of attraction of the limit d.f.s are obtained. Furthermore, when the interrelation of the random size and the basic r.v.s is not restricted, sufficient conditions of the convergence and the forms of the limit d.f.s are deduced.  相似文献   

In this article, convergence for moments of powered normal extremes is considered under an optimal choice of normalizing constants. It is shown that the rates of convergence for normalized powered normal extremes depend on the power index. However, the dependence disappears for higher-order expansions of moments.  相似文献   

Various nonparametric and parametric estimators of extremal dependence have been proposed in the literature. Nonparametric methods commonly suffer from the curse of dimensionality and have been mostly implemented in extreme-value studies up to three dimensions, whereas parametric models can tackle higher-dimensional settings. In this paper, we assess, through a vast and systematic simulation study, the performance of classical and recently proposed estimators in multivariate settings. In particular, we first investigate the performance of nonparametric methods and then compare them with classical parametric approaches under symmetric and asymmetric dependence structures within the commonly used logistic family. We also explore two different ways to make nonparametric estimators satisfy the necessary dependence function shape constraints, finding a general improvement in estimator performance either (i) by substituting the estimator with its greatest convex minorant, developing a computational tool to implement this method for dimensions \(D\ge 2\) or (ii) by projecting the estimator onto a subspace of dependence functions satisfying such constraints and taking advantage of Bernstein–Bézier polynomials. Implementing the convex minorant method leads to better estimator performance as the dimensionality increases.  相似文献   


The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is known as the limiting result for the modeling of maxima blocks of size n, which is used in the modeling of extreme events. However, it is possible for the data to present an excessive number of zeros when dealing with extreme data, making it difficult to analyze and estimate these events by using the usual GEV distribution. The Zero-Inflated Distribution (ZID) is widely known in literature for modeling data with inflated zeros, where the inflator parameter w is inserted. The present work aims to create a new approach to analyze zero-inflated extreme values, that will be applied in data of monthly maximum precipitation, that can occur during months where there was no precipitation, being these computed as zero. An inference was made on the Bayesian paradigm, and the parameter estimation was made by numerical approximations of the posterior distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Time series of some cities in the northeastern region of Brazil were analyzed, some of them with predominance of non-rainy months. The results of these applications showed the need to use this approach to obtain more accurate and with better adjustment measures results when compared to the standard distribution of extreme value analysis.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distribution of the first order statistic X(1) of log-Normal and Gamma samples is considered. The parameters of this extreme value asymptote (Weibull distribution) are approximated in terms of the initial sample size n and the parameters of the initial log-Normal and Gamma measurement models. The resulting asymptotic model of X(1) is found to be a reasonable and computationally convenient approximation to the exact model of X(1).  相似文献   

We consider the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model of option prices which is a simple binomial model and deal with its multivariate extensions. The model consists of n independent up or down movements of the (multivariate) price. We discuss the model in the view of the limiting distributions for the price as well for the extreme changes of the prices during a period T which is split up into n small price changes, which depend on n (with nh = T). Interesting is also whether the components of the prices and of the extremes are asymptotically dependent.  相似文献   

We investigate the extremal clustering behaviour of stationary time series that possess two regimes, where the switch is governed by a hidden two-state Markov chain. We also suppose that the process is conditionally Markovian in each latent regime. We prove under general assumptions that above high thresholds these models behave approximately as a random walk in one (called dominant) regime and as a stationary autoregression in the other (dominated) regime. Based on this observation, we propose an estimation and simulation scheme to analyse the extremal dependence structure of such models, taking into account only observations above high thresholds. The properties of the estimation method are also investigated. Finally, as an application, we fit a model to high-level exceedances of water discharge data, simulate extremal events from the fitted model, and show that the (model-based) flood peak, flood duration and flood volume distributions match their observed counterparts.  相似文献   

Diagnostics for dependence within time series extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The analysis of extreme values within a stationary time series entails various assumptions concerning its long- and short-range dependence. We present a range of new diagnostic tools for assessing whether these assumptions are appropriate and for identifying structure within extreme events. These tools are based on tail characteristics of joint survivor functions but can be implemented by using existing estimation methods for extremes of univariate independent and identically distributed variables. Our diagnostic aids are illustrated through theoretical examples, simulation studies and by application to rainfall and exchange rate data. On the basis of these diagnostics we can explain characteristics that are found in the observed extreme events of these series and also gain insight into the properties of events that are more extreme than those observed.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the asymptotic behaviors of the extreme of mixed skew-t distribution. We consider limits on distribution and density of maximum of mixed skew-t distribution under linear and power normalizations, and further derive their higher-order expansions, respectively. Examples are given to support our findings.  相似文献   

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