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A population census was conducted to describe the effects of the growth stage of rice on the population dynamics ofS. furcifera, in particular, on immigration, seasonal abundance, population growth rate, and wing-form expression. The number of immigrants was highest on rice plants 17 to 30 days after transplanting (DAT), which suggested that immigrants prefer to settle or remain more on rice plants at the tillering stage (approximately 20–30 DAT). Population growth rate from immigration to the 1st generation decreased with an increase in rice plant age. In contrast, population growth rate from the 1st to 2nd generation was not influenced by rice plant age and was negatively density-dependent. The percentage of macropters (flyers) was positively related to the growth stage of rice when rice was in the vegetative or early part of the reproductive stage, and reached 100% at about 10 days before heading (booting stage). Threafter, most adult females molted into macropters regardless of population density. The roles of host plant age and crowding effect on the population dynamics ofS. furcifera are discussed.  相似文献   

本文论这了两种人口再生产模式———强制性人口再生产模式和适应性人口再生产模式 ,并提出了我国由强制性人口再生产模式向适应性人口再生产模式转变的措施  相似文献   

Plutella xylostella in the temperate zone shows a clear seasonal change in adult body size. In the laboratory, large and small moths were produced during immature stages at 15°C and 25°C, respectively. These moths were then used to evaluate longevity, age-specific flight ability, flight ability of mated and unmated females, and the influence of flight experience on the subsequent reproductive success. The large moths lived longer and displayed a greater flight ability over 3 weeks. Irrespective of body size, unmated females flew for a longer time than mated females, and flight experience affected their subsequent reproductive success. Females of both sizes mated and laid eggs soon after emergence, without any obvious pre-reproductive period. More flight experience did not delay oviposition, but did reduce egg production. It is likely that large moths with a longer adult life span and greater flight ability are better fitted for long-distance flight and more fecund than small ones. These experimental results may explain why long-distance migration ofP. xylostella is mostly seen during cool seasons, when relatively large moths with long forewing appear in the field.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the effectiveness of a pest management system that uses pesticides at a low level, we censused populations of seven insect pests and three plant diseases from 1980 to 1989 in a citrus orchard which was managed with a pesticide-reduced and pesticide-free protocols, in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. In the orchard, we controlled the pests solely by spraying petroleum oil once a year from 1980 to 1985, by not spraying insecticide in 1986, and spraying only germicide in 1987. The arrowhead scale population remained much lower level at which citrus trees begin to wither when petroleum oil was sprayed, whereas it rapidly increased and began to wither trees during the years without spraying petroleum oil. The Indian wax scale population rapidly increased only during a 2-year period and then declined. Although the infection level of the sooty mold was unusually high on the trees where the density of the scale was high, this pathogen did little damage to citrus trees. The population of the red wax scale gradually increased throughout the census period but did not reach the level at which citrus trees begin to be damaged. Other pests also caused negligible damages to citrus trees. The results indicated that the pesticide-reduced pest management system which was proposed by Inoue and Ohgushi (1976, 1977) is valid for the prevention of the outbreak of the arrowhead scale, and that is has the sufficient control efficiency for the other pests in citrus orchards. Contribution to the ecological studies of scale insect 3.  相似文献   

Contest competition inDrosophila subobscura   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of larval intraspecific competition in laboratory populations ofDrosophila subobscura was investigated. Mortality is density-independent during the first 3 days after hatching but becomes density dependent as development proceeds to pupation. Although total biomass per patch was independent of initial egg density, competition betweenDrosophila larvae leads to the formation of smaller pupae. This resulted in a population that was dominated by suppressed individuals. Development rate ofD. subobscura larvae was not affected by high larval densities. Smaller pupae give rise to females with fewer eggs in their ovarioles. A simple simulation model, predicting the effects of intraspecific competition on the fecundity of the nextDrosophila generation is described.  相似文献   

Summary Population dynamics ofNephotettix virescens was studied in 17 paddy fields transplanted at intervals of about 1 month in 1988–1990. The adult density was highest either in the immigrant or the 1st generation and sharply decreased to the 2nd generation. The survival rate of the 1st generation was lowest in the transition season when areal population density increased. Key factor analysis revealed that the nymphal and adult mortality of the 1st generation (kn) was the principal source of population fluctuations. No significant correaltion was found between kn and natural enemy density, natural enemy density/healthy egg density, or the precipitation during the nymphal period. On these bases adult emigration was suspected to be the key factor. Areal population build-up ofN. virescens in the transition season was considered to occur as a result of increasing immigration to young stages of rice. Contribution from Indonesia-Japan Joint Program on Food Crop Protection (ATA 162), which was implemented by the Directorate of Food Crop Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia and Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary In most gall-forming aphids, only the fundatrix is able to induce a gall on the host plant. InSmynthurodes betae Westw. (and a few other species), F2 descendants emerge from the mother gall and induce their own, morphologically different galls. This constitutes an added complexity to the already very complex life cycle of gall-forming aphids. We investigated the ecology ofS. betae on marked trees and shoots at four sites in Israel. Gall initiation, gall distribution and density, and temporal changes in clone size within the galls were investigated during two consecutive years. We discuss the possibility that the two-gall life cycle evolved from the typical one-gall system of most gall aphids, and the possible selective advantage of this added complexity in the life-history strategy of gall aphids. Although the total reproductive output ofS. betae is not higher than in related species with a single gall per life cycle, there seems to be an advantage in the subdivision of each aphid clone into several galls, thus reducing the risk of the accidental extinction of the clone (genotype) by environmental factors, including parasites and predators.  相似文献   

Demographic attributes of the adults of an introduced herbivorous lady beetleEpilachna niponica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were investigated from 1975 to 1981 in the Botanical Garden of Kyoto University. Population growth rate varied from 4.8 to 16.8 throughout the study period. Fecundity and mortality in the late larval period contributed most to annual changes in the population growth rate. Population growth rate was negatively correlated with the density of overwintering adults. Adult survival from emergence to the reproductive season, which varied from 0.03 to 0.36 throughout the study, was almost completely determined by survival during the pre-hibernation period. Adult survival to the preproductive season changed in a size- and sex-dependent manner. Larger adults survived better than smaller individuals; male-biased mortality occurred from adult emergence to the reproductive age. Severe intraspecific competition among late instar larvae due to host plant defoliation produced a higher proportion of small-sized adults, resulting in lower adult survival to hibernation. The introduced population had a higher population growth rate and a lower adult survival to the reproductive season than the source population.  相似文献   

Summary A model is presented for analysis of mark-recapture data of mobile insects which, unlike the Lincoln Index, does not require marked individuals to remain within the sampling area or to mix uniformly with the wild population. The model assumes a single or multiple releases of marked insects from the centre of the sampling area and that captured individuals are not returned to the population. Dispersal rates of marked insects are estimable from serial recaptures and, for catches that are either unaffected by or have been corrected for weather effects, the model also provides estimates of mortality and age-dependent trappability. Application of the model is illustrated using mark-recapture data for adults of the Australian sheep blowflyLucilia cuprina. A Biometrics Unit report detailing all source data, program code and comparisons between dispersal models is available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Summary Reproduction and egg diapause of the oriental chinch bug,Cavelerius saccharivorus, in the subtropical winter season were investigated in relation to its wing polymorphism. Macropterous females collected from the southern part of Okinawa Is. in the autumn season delayed their oviposition and were less fecund early in the adult life period, but survived much longer than brachypterous females collected from the same locality. The total fecundity was not significantly different between wing morphs. The diapause of eggs laid by brachypters tended to be terminated more easily at a high temperature than that of eggs laid by macropters. This indicated that the eggs laid by macropters were more intense in their diapause than those laid by brachypters. However, irrespective of the parental wing form, diapause showed considerable variation in its intensity within and between clutches.  相似文献   

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