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近年来,随着我国航空业的快速发展,飞行员不足成了很多航空公司发展的制约因素。由于飞行员的飞行时间有周、月、年度飞行小时的约束,航空公司在执行每月第四周的航班计划时,往往由于飞行员前三周飞行时间不平衡,造成利用剩余的飞行员资源完成第四周计划航班任务的紧张状况。本文针对此问题,提出一种评估每月第四周飞行员资源紧张程度的方法。该模型首先按照带队机长可用的飞行小时,将带队机长分为若干类,以各类带队机长的投入数量为投入变量,利用历史数据分析航班任务和飞行员投入之间的关系。利用各类飞行员投入结构比例的约束,计算第四周可用带队机长飞行小时可完成的最大航班任务量,通过与计划航班任务量的比较,评估完成该航班计划的紧张程度,并根据结果在需要预警时,给出不同级别的预警。从而可以使得安全生产关口前移,提高航空公司的安全生产水平,同时为飞行员的培训提供依据。  相似文献   

飞行员在各机型、各岗位的流动安排是航空公司人力资源规划的重要内容,是满足航空公司生产需求的主要措施之一.本文根据航空公司实际工作中飞行员流动安排的各种方案与规定利用网络图进行描述并以此建立数学规划模型,最后采用网络流理论给出模型算法.  相似文献   

航空公司机队集中调度理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内航空公司生产组织模式的特点,研究了实施航空公司机队集中调度的必要性和可行性进行,提出了"飞机-‘航班节’分配成本"的概念作为评估机队调度质量的技术经济指标,搭建起实施航空公司机队集中调度的理论框架。并通过实例进行了仿真模拟研究,结果表明:机队集中调度是航空公司运行管理模式的发展趋势,不仅必要而且可行。  相似文献   

在政策优势下,民用航空业得以快速发展,这就对其安全管理提出了严格的要求,飞行品质监控的落实,致力于解决基础保障不足、规章落实不规范等问题,切实提升民用航空安全管理水平。本文从工作内容、流程以及分析过程等出发,对民用航空飞行品质监控的构成进行分析,进一步探讨民用航空飞行品质监控项目的实施,旨在降低事故发生概率,仅供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

航空机组人员排班是航空公司运营调度过程中的重要环节,现有文献对该问题的研究主要集中在排班成本的最优化以及排班结果的鲁棒性等方面,但排班计划对机组人员工作状态的影响尚未在已有的研究中得到充分的讨论与重视。因此,本文借鉴了最早提出于车辆路径规划等问题中的一致性概念,通过对华东地区某大型民营航空公司真实航班数据的分析,提出一类新型的、具有重要价值的一致性规范约束。该类约束具体体现在生成排班计划过程中,对人员工作班次的一致性与人员过夜城市的一致性做出要求。基于我国民航规定与真实航班数据,本文构建了航空公司机组人员排班的基础模型以及包含一致性约束的拓展模型。求解算法采用了列生成算法框架,并且在针对该框架中复杂子问题的求解提出了一种新的基于动态规划的启发式算法。数值实验结果表明,该求解算法可在短时间内求解大规模的机组排班问题,求解结果显著地提升了机组排班计划的一致性,这对航空公司实际机组排班计划的制定具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

伴随陆军航空部队的快速发展和职能拓展,陆军航空飞行员既要承担军事任务又要完成反恐维稳、抢险救灾、医疗救援、警戒安保等多种非军事行动,其人员的疲劳问题十分突出。文章通过了解军用直升机飞行员飞行过程中所处的大气环境,分析飞行员飞行疲劳的影响因素,并针对这些因素提出低压氧舱训练、自我防护的方法建议,对保证飞行安全具有积极作用。  相似文献   

岳喜翠,中国人民解放军第三批女飞行员,中国第一位飞行女将军,闻名遐迩的“功勋飞行员”;在展翅蓝天近四十年里,安全飞行6000多小时,航程200多万公里,是我国女飞行员中飞行年龄最长、飞行时间和执行急难险重任务最多的一位。  相似文献   

产业组织模式对农产品质量安全的影响:来自奶业的例证   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从食品质量安全的内涵出发,定义了将质量安全按经济学特征差异划分为"品质"和"安全"两个方面的"全面质量安全观",并从生产和交易两个维度构建了产业组织模式与农产品质量安全之间的逻辑关系。通过对奶业抽样数据的实证分析表明,尽管生产模式和交易模式对食品品质和安全都具有显著影响,但是在控制了其他条件的情况下,生产模式更为显著地影响了品质,而交易模式更为显著地影响了安全。这为解释当前农产品质量安全问题产生的深层次原因提供了新的视角,也为有效治理农产品质量安全问题提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   

大数据时代,大数据技术和大数据思维对整个安全生产领域产生了重要影响。但因安全生产大数据贯穿于极其复杂的生产经营活动过程,对其界定和分类较一般的大数据更加复杂、困难,且在大数据的采集方面,因会涉及个人隐私和商业秘密,故数据来源和采集还存在很多问题。加上技术和经验等多方面的原因,在整个安全生产和安全科学领域,对安全生产大数据的探索仍然处于初级阶段。但从整个安全科学领域的研究重点看,大数据仍有着巨大的应用价值和空间。本文依据数据的来源与用途,对安全生产大数据进行了详细的分类,探讨了安全生产大数据的主要特征。在数据来源与用途分类的基础上,探讨了安全生产大数据在安全生产监管监察、安全生产状态评估、风险监测预警、事故调查、应急管理等领域的作用与应用,希望能为进一步促进大数据在我国安全生产领域中的应用发挥一点作用。  相似文献   

透过IOSA新标准手册(飞行运行/训练与程序)的61条审计条款,不难看出国际民航组织对运输航空公司安全运行水平的评估,特别是对航空公司飞行机组成员训练的评估,是本着查验航空公司对飞行机组的训练是不是全面的、系统的和有重点的;能不能确保飞行机组成员的相关知识技能得到不断的提高和有效的巩固。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a research project funded by a regional carrier operating inter-island services within the Canary Islands (Spain) in addition to services to Morocco and Portugal. It operates between 100 and 150 flights a day using three airline operators. The main scope of the project was to solve fleet-assignment, aircraft-routing, crew-pairing and crew-rostering problems on real-world data. The special characteristics of the carrier, flying between 7 am and 11 pm every day, have motivated us to design models and algorithms that are different than the ones addressed in the literature, typically built for large airline companies. This paper shows a solution approach for an integrated fleet-assignment, aircraft-routing and crew-pairing problem covering the flights of a single day. This is a new combinatorial problem that can be considered as a 2-depot vehicle routing problem with driver changes, where the vehicles represent aircrafts and the drivers represent crews. Adapting approaches from the vehicle routing literature, this paper describes a heuristic algorithm based on an integer programming model. In a similar way, this paper also addresses the rostering problem. This problem can be decomposed in smaller problems taking into account operators, bases and crew groups. These problems admit a compact formulation through mixed integer linear programming models which can be tracked by modern general-purpose solvers. This paper illustrates the success of our solution approaches on real-world instances. The airline carrier is currently using these approaches.  相似文献   

Aviation insurance premiums have become a heavy burden for the airline industry since September 11, 2001. Although the industry must constantly balance its operations between profitability and safety, the reality is that airlines are in the business of making money. Therefore, their ability to reduce cost and manage risk is a key factor for success. Unlike past research, which used subjective judgment methods, this study applied quantitative historical data (1999–2000) and gray relation analysis to identify the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance premiums. An empirical study of six airlines in Taiwan was conducted to determine these factors and to analyze the management strategies used to deal with them. Results showed that the loss experience and performance of individual airlines were the key elements associated with aviation insurance premiums paid by each airline. By identifying and understanding the primary factors influencing ratemaking for aviation insurance, airlines will better understand their relative operational strengths and weaknesses, and further help top management identify areas for further improvement. Knowledge of these factors combined with effective risk management strategies, may result in lower premiums and operating costs for airline companies.  相似文献   

航空公司与旅行社的协作机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旅行社是航空公司机票销售网络中非常重要的一环。作为一种特殊的机票代理,为了应对旅游旺季的旅客需求,旅行社往往会提前较长时间从航空公司预订机票。对于航空公司来说,提前预订机票给旅行社是降低销售风险的一个重要途径。在进行机票预订交易时,双方都必须进行慎重的决策;旅行社决策最优的预订数量;航空公司决策最优的供给量。本文正是在对双方各自最优决策探讨的基础上,对双方的协作机制进行了研究。在模型中,我们考虑了双方的缺票损失、航空公司的超额预订等因素。双方协作的目标是在实现整体收益最大化的基础上,同时实现航空公司和旅行社各自的收益更大化。本文提出了一种中间价格调整的协作机制,并说明了这种机制的可行性和收敛性。  相似文献   

When firms evaluate their service system design choices, there is typically more uncertainty surrounding the value that a particular auxiliary service provides than there is on the cost of providing that service. To help inform this decision, we propose an approach where we compare the relative value of the segment of passengers who use an auxiliary service to the relative value of the segment that does not use it. We demonstrate this approach for a typical auxiliary service common to the airline industry. In 2008, most US airlines implemented checked baggage fee policies to decrease their costs by reducing the number of customer service agents needed in the check‐in and baggage handling processes. The success of this change has led to a current debate at many of these airlines on whether to make further staffing cuts in these areas, essentially making it even less attractive for passengers to check their baggage. Our proposed methodology helps answer whether passengers who continue to check bags in today's baggage‐fee era are more or less valuable than passengers who do not check bags. We explore this question empirically by examining, through a stated preference survey, if a history of checking or not checking bags can be used to segment passengers based on how their itinerary choices are influenced by common airline service attributes (on‐time performance, itinerary time, number of connections, airfare, and schedule delay). Contrary to the opinions of some top airline executives, we find that the passengers who continue to check bags at airlines that charge baggage fees are generally less sensitive to differences in three of these important service attributes and are less likely to switch airlines when a competing airline improves its offerings along these dimensions. Thus, airlines that charge for checked bags should consider improving the customer experience for their bag‐checking passengers, as they represent a potentially more valuable segment class to the airline.  相似文献   

In recent years, the notion of business models has gained momentum in management research. Scholars have discussed several barriers to changing business models in established firms. However, the national institutions of market economies have not yet been discussed as barriers, even though they can constrain the latitude of action of a firm's management. Based on interviews and a longitudinal content analysis, we analyse the extent to which full service carriers in two countries (British Airways in the UK and Deutsche Lufthansa in Germany) have adopted elements of a low cost model over time. Furthermore, we investigate how this process has been influenced by the differences in each national institutional context. We particularly focus on the role of the rights of employee representatives in changes in business models. Our results show that British Airways has moved its business model more in the direction of low cost carriers than Deutsche Lufthansa, although the business model of the former airline still differs significantly from that of a typical low cost carrier. We identify national institutions that potentially strengthen the position of employee representatives as a factor that can influence, and also act as a barrier to, business model change.  相似文献   

MM Etschmaier  M Rothstein 《Omega》1974,2(2):157-179
This paper is intended to present an introduction to the use of operations research in the international airline industry, and to demonstrate the scope and significance of the airline OR activities. First, the special reasons for the viability and spread of airline OR are discussed. Then a functional framework for an airline is outlined, to be used in analyzing the problems of an airline and relating the OR work to it. Four major applications are described, corresponding to four major components of the framework. These applications are: schedule development, overbooking control, crew scheduling and engine management, respectively. In each case we describe the problem and its significance, indicate the types of solution techniques which have been developed, and assess the implemented solutions. The paper concludes with comments on the current state-of-the-art and the future of airline OR. A detailed bibliography is given.Both of the authors have been operations research directors in major airlines and more recently have focused their attention upon the industry as academic researchers. This background has provided us with an unusual opportunity to analyze the role of OR in the airlines, and our paper seeks to share with the reader some of the insights we have gained thereby.  相似文献   

U.S. airports and airliners are prime terrorist targets. Not only do the facilities and equipment represent high‐value assets, but the fear and dread that is spread by such attacks can have tremendous effects on the U.S. economy. This article presents the methodology, data, and estimates of the macroeconomic impacts stemming from behavioral responses to a simulated terrorist attack on a U.S. airport and on a domestic airliner. The analysis is based on risk‐perception surveys of these two scenarios. The responses relate to reduced demand for airline travel, shifts to other modes, spending on nontravel items, and savings of potential travel expenditures by U.S. resident passengers considering flying domestic routes. We translate these responses to individual spending categories and feed these direct impact results into a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the U.S. economy to ascertain the indirect and total impacts on both the airline industry and the economy as a whole. Overall, the estimated impacts on GDP of both types of attacks exceed $10B. We find that the behavioral economic impacts are almost an order of magnitude higher than the ordinary business interruption impacts for the airliner attack and nearly two orders of magnitude higher for the airport attack. The results are robust to sensitivity tests on the travel behavior of U.S. residents in response to terrorism.  相似文献   

航空公司收入管理价格与舱位控制的统一分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
收入管理对于改善民航企业的经济效益、增强民航企业的竞争能力具有重大意义. 文章 运用随机过程理论和最大凹向包络原理,探讨航空公司客运收入管理研究中动态价格与舱位 控制的统一分析模型,即在任意订票时刻,决定航班的哪些舱位该开放,以什么价格开放,从而 实现单个航班的收入最大化. 文章指出,航空公司可通过三阶段方法来获取最优的动态价格与 舱位控制策略,即确定最优价格集、开放舱位数及最优价格. 最后给出了实例分析.  相似文献   

Government regulation of business activities is increasing rapidly, exposing firms to considerable uncertainty and requiring managers to decide on appropriate strategic postures. To help managers make informed decisions, this study compiles a comprehensive overview of strategies to cope with regulatory uncertainty and illustrates their interdependencies and how they can be combined into overall coping postures, as well as offering management guidelines on deciding which to adopt. A literature review identifies a considerable variety of coping strategies, and we apply unique data from a worldwide cross-industry survey to categorize each into one of three types - offensive, defensive or passive. We find that firms aiming to cope with the uncertainty associated with post-Kyoto regulation typically adopt one of four strategic postures, each characterized by a specific combination of these types: ‘daredevils’ rely solely on offensive strategies; ‘coordinators’ combine them with defensive ones, ‘hedgers’ pursue strategies from all three categories while ‘gamblers’ choose not to specifically cope with uncertainty at all. We exemplify the strategies characteristic of each posture, and illustrate their interdependencies by means of case studies in the European airline industry. We identify two main factors managers should consider particularly when deciding on their firm’s strategic posture: the level of regulatory uncertainty they perceive and the firm’s exposure to future regulations, and find that the higher the level of uncertainty, the broader the range of strategies applied, and the more future regulation seems likely to affect a firm, the more actively it seeks to cope with the associated uncertainty.  相似文献   

纪杰  龙勇 《管理评论》2012,(3):164-170
本文在基于飞行频率、拥挤成本和互补型航空联盟的基础上系统分析了中枢轮辐网络机场拥挤问题。研究表明:航空公司的利润最大化使得航班飞行频率存在过度供给,飞机大小也是次优的,这进一步恶化了中枢机场的机场拥挤;航班飞行频率与航空公司的拥挤成本系数、旅行计划延迟效用系数正相关,与飞机每次起降的固定成本负相关;互补型航空联盟使得联盟体利润增加,航空联盟对连接市场乘客有利,对本地市场乘客不利,航空联盟还可以内化伙伴间拥挤,航班飞行频率得以优化,机场拥挤得以缓解。  相似文献   

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