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My True Joy     
Ihave special ties with paper-cuts. My interest has developed from my childhood to the present. Now I am over 40 and often use scissors to create art. I cannot deny this interesthas has matured with me. Being a newspaper arts editor I'm busy all the time. I'm the only one who knows my suffering and joy, I lack the time and energy to work on big art projects. That's why I can only  相似文献   

ALL Jino people will make an offering to "Api'e'e" before meals. Api'e'e is considered Jino people's ancestor, dating back to the time when Amoyaobu created the world. At that time, human beings lived in peace and happiness and in harmony with all things on earth. Then one year the world was suddenly stricken by a flood. Crops, villages, livestock and people were drowned. Mahei and Maniu were friends living  相似文献   

IT has been many years since the last time I visited West Lake in Hangzhou but it is still fresh in my menlory. It was in late spring, a cloudy and drizzly day. I did not feel like going at first, but later went along as two veteran editors insisted upon going. It didn't take long to get to the lake. This was my first time to appreciate the landscape of the region south of the Yangtze River at leisure. The air was damp and chilly as we strolled along the bank. Mist and fog hovered over the lake, and it was hard to distinguish the water from the sky. At a kiosk on the  相似文献   

FROM childhood we have gotten used to living according to the advice of others from time to time. When the weather changed, your mother reminded you to put on more clothes. When you made a new friend, your father reminded you to be careful of his intentions. When you saw some success, your friends and family reminded you that you shouldn't be too proud. And when you yourself are  相似文献   

To be like the man from Zheng who bought shoes. (To believe only in dogmas and ignore the objective reality). A man from the State of Zheng was going to the market to buy himself a pair of shoes.Before he left home, he measured his feet with a piece of string. He cut the sting to match the size of his foot. Then he got dressed and set off for the market. It was quite a long walk, and by the time he arrived, it was almost noon. He wasted no time in shopping for  相似文献   

Blowing Kisses at Vegetables给蔬菜宝宝一个吻A group of kindergarten children in Lijin County, Shandong Province, enjoyed the time they spent, recently, playing with vegetables. The educational game was designed and organized by the county's first experimental kindergarten. The purpose of the kindergarten is to foster children's desire to explore and discover, and to teach the children to exercise their hands.  相似文献   

I have been to Hong Kong twice,in spring and in fall,and I have always had a great time.The weather was very nice,so I did some sightseeing.I went to the peak,which is the highest point  相似文献   

I have been living in Beijing for nearly 20 years. I often ride my bike to and from the office. I love to avoid crowded roads and ride through the hutongs, or small lanes. My feelings of bustle and agitation can disappear when I ride in the lanes—so simple and unsophisticated, quiet and familiar. In my spare time, I  相似文献   

Father Remarries     
FATHER seemed a different person after my mother's death. During my frequent visits home I noticed that he stayed in one place for a long time, silently, but sighing all the time. As time went by I visited home less often, mostly because of the pressures of my job. My father called and complained that he had no one to talk to, that he was  相似文献   

When March comes with its spring breezes, it is the time for many minority nationalities that inhabit southwestern China to hold their traditional festivities. There are two aims for these activities: to pray for a good harvest, to increase vigor fot production before the spring sowing and to develop commercial trade to improve life. These activities are usually occassions for young people to date and enjoy themselves.  相似文献   

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