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Often, in industrial stress testing, meteorological data analysis, and other similar situations, measurements may be made sequentially and only values smaller than all previous ones are recorded. When the number of records is fixed in advance, the data are referred to as inversely sampled record-breaking data. This paper is concerned with nonparametric estimation of the distribution and density functions from such data (successive minima). For a single record-breaking sample, consistent estimation is not possible except in the extreme left tail of the distribution. Hence, replication is required, and for m such independent record-breaking samples, the estimators are shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal as m ∞ →. Computer simulations are used to investigate the effect of the bandwidth on the mean squared errors and biases of the smooth estimators, and are also used to provide a comparison of their performance with the analogous estimators obtained under random sampling for record values.  相似文献   


In survival or reliability studies, it is common to have data which are not only incomplete but weakly dependent too. Random truncation and censoring are two common forms of such data when they are neither independent nor strongly mixing but rather associated. The focus of this paper is on estimating conditional distribution and conditional quantile functions for randomly left truncated data satisfying association condition. We aim at deriving strong uniform consistency rates and asymptotic normality for the estimators and thereby, extend to association case some results stated under iid and α-mixing hypotheses. The performance of the quantile function estimator is evaluated on simulated data sets.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of predicting a real random variable from a functional explanatory variable. The problem is tackled using a nonparametric kernel approach, which has been recently adapted to this functional context. We derive theoretical results from a deep asymptotic analysis of the behaviour of the estimate, including mean squared convergence (with rates and precise evaluation of the constant terms) as well as asymptotic distribution. Practical use of these results relies on the ability to estimate these constants. Some perspectives in this direction are discussed. In particular, a functional version of wild bootstrapping ideas is proposed and used both on simulated and real functional datasets.  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimators of autocovariance functions for non-stationary time series are developed. The estimators are based on straightforward nonparametric mean function estimation ideas and allow use of any linear smoother (e.g. smoothing spline, local polynomial). The paper studies the properties of the estimators, and illustrates their usefulness through application to some meteorological and seismic time series.  相似文献   

We propose a modification of the moment estimators for the two-parameter weighted Lindley distribution. The modification replaces the second sample moment (or equivalently the sample variance) by a certain sample average which is bounded on the unit interval for all values in the sample space. In this method, the estimates always exist uniquely over the entire parameter space and have consistency and asymptotic normality over the entire parameter space. The bias and mean squared error of the estimators are also examined by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study, and the empirical results show the small-sample superiority in addition to the desirable large sample properties. Monte Carlo simulation study showed that the proposed modified moment estimators have smaller biases and smaller mean-square errors than the existing moment estimators and are compared favourably with the maximum likelihood estimators in terms of bias and mean-square error. Three illustrative examples are finally presented.  相似文献   

The estimation of the hazard rate has a great number of practical appli¬cations in dependence situations (seismicity analysis, reliability, economics), Based on kernel estimates of the density and the distribution function, we study the properties of the nonparametric estimator of the hazard function as-sociated with a strongly mixing time series. We prove consistency and asymp¬totic normality properties, and a cross-validation method for the smoothing parameter selection is studied. Some simulations and a practical application to real data are also shown.  相似文献   

Kernel smoothing methods are used to extend the Poisson log‐linear approach to the estimation of the size of population using multiple lists to an open population when the multiple lists are recorded at each time point. The data is marginal as only the lists at each time point are available and the transitions of individuals between lists at different time points are not observable. Our analysis is motivated by and applied to data on the number of drug addicts in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymptotic behaviour of an M-estimator of regression parameters in the linear model when the design variables are either stationary short-range dependent (SRD), α-mixing or long-range dependent (LRD), and the errors are LRD. The weak consistency and the asymptotic distributions of the M-estimator are established. We present some simulated examples to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed M-estimation method.  相似文献   

If angular data are obtained from Cartesian observations, then any measurement error in these observations will produce a particular error structure in the angular data. The paper shows how non-parametric density estimation by orthogonal series may be performed in this case.  相似文献   

We consider integer-valued autoregressive models of order one contaminated with innovational outliers. Assuming that the time points of the outliers are known but their sizes are unknown, we prove that Conditional Least Squares (CLS) estimators of the offspring and innovation means are strongly consistent. In contrast, CLS estimators of the outliers' sizes are not strongly consistent. We also prove that the joint CLS estimator of the offspring and innovation means is asymptotically normal. Conditionally on the values of the process at time points preceding the outliers' occurrences, the joint CLS estimator of the sizes of the outliers is asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

Asymptotic Normality of Kernel-Type Deconvolution Estimators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  We derive asymptotic normality of kernel-type deconvolution estimators of the density, the distribution function at a fixed point, and of the probability of an interval. We consider so-called super smooth deconvolution problems where the characteristic function of the known distribution decreases exponentially, but faster than that of the Cauchy distribution. It turns out that the limit behaviour of the pointwise estimators of the density and distribution function is relatively straightforward, while the asymptotic behaviour of the estimator of the probability of an interval depends in a complicated way on the sequence of bandwidths.  相似文献   

Single‐index models provide one way of reducing the dimension in regression analysis. The statistical literature has focused mainly on estimating the index coefficients, the mean function, and their asymptotic properties. For accurate statistical inference it is equally important to estimate the error variance of these models. We examine two estimators of the error variance in a single‐index model and compare them with a few competing estimators with respect to their corresponding asymptotic properties. Using a simulation study, we evaluate the finite‐sample performance of our estimators against their competitors.  相似文献   

Using a global window width kernel estimator to estimate an approximately symmetric probability density with high kurtosis usually leads to poor estimation because good estimation of the peak of the distribution leads to unsatisfactory estimation of the tails and vice versa. The technique proposed corrects for kurtosis via a transformation of the data before using a global window width kernel estimator. The transformation depends on a “generalised smoothing parameter” consisting of two real-valued parameters and a window width parameter which can be selected either by a simple graphical method or, for a completely data-driven implementation, by minimising an estimate of mean integrated squared error. Examples of real and simulated data demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, which appears suitable for a wide range of symmetric, unimodal densities. Its performance is similar to ordinary kernel estimation in situations where the latter is effective, e.g. Gaussian densities. For densities like the Cauchy where ordinary kernel estimation is not satisfactory, our methodology offers a substantial improvement.  相似文献   

利用分位数回归方法,讨论了非参数固定效应Panel Data模型的估计和检验问题,得到了参数估计的渐近正态性及收敛速度。同时,建立一个秩得分(rank score)统计量来检验模型的固定效应,并证明了这个统计量渐近服从标准正态分布。  相似文献   

Consider a Markov step process X=(Xt)t≥0 whose generator depends on an unknown d -dimensional parameter ϑ. We look at certain empirical measures for recurrent Markov step processes and their a.s. convergence; based on this, we introduce a class of minimum distance estimators. For broad families of sequential observation schemes (at stage n, the trajectory of X is observed up to time Sn, (Sn)n a sequence of stopping times increasing to ∞), we formulate a stochastic expansion of the suitably rescaled estimation error; for a particular scheme, asymptotic normality is obtained as n →∞. A minimax property under misspecification of the model (in the sense that the true probability law is contiguous to the parametric model but not contained in it) is given.  相似文献   

The usual one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance is generalized to obtain an improved lower confidence region for the extreme left tail of the reliability function based on k observations in a “k out of n censored” plan. Finite sample and asymptotic critical values necessary for implementation are given. The two numerical comparisons with existing parametric procedures for the case of complete or censored samples demonstrate the applicability of the proposed nonparametric procedure.  相似文献   

Robust M-estimators of intraclass correlation coefficient, location and scale parameters are defined for familial data. It is shown that these estimators are strongly consistent. Also the asymptotic distributions of these estimators are derived when the underlying distribution is elliptically and permutationally symmetric.  相似文献   

We consider the case 1 interval censorship model in which the survival time has an arbitrary distribution function F0 and the inspection time has a discrete distribution function G. In such a model one is only able to observe the inspection time and whether the value of the survival time lies before or after the inspection time. We prove the strong consistency of the generalized maximum-likelihood estimate (GMLE) of the distribution function F0 at the support points of G and its asymptotic normality and efficiency at what we call regular points. We also present a consistent estimate of the asymptotic variance at these points. The first result implies uniform strong consistency on [0, ∞) if F0 is continuous and the support of G is dense in [0, ∞). For arbitrary F0 and G, Peto (1973) and Tumbull (1976) conjectured that the convergence for the GMLE is at the usual parametric rate n½ Our asymptotic normality result supports their conjecture under our assumptions. But their conjecture was disproved by Groeneboom and Wellner (1992), who obtained the nonparametric rate ni under smoothness assumptions on the F0 and G.  相似文献   

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