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A quantitative approach to risk management for accidents in light water nuclear power reactors is proposed to serve as one focus for discussion. In this proposal risk management is divided into two major tasks: the predominantly social and political task of setting the safety goals and the technical task of estimating the risks and deciding whether the safety goals have been met. The proposed safety goals include limits on the following: risk to the individual of early death or delayed cancer death; overall societal risk of early or delayed death; and the frequency of core melt accidents as well as the frequency of containment failure, given a core melt. Also included are a small element of risk aversion and an "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) approach with a cost-effectviness criterion which includes both economic and health effects.  相似文献   

A recent article reported the results of a study on the effects of two kanban policy variables—the length of withdrawal cycle and the type of priority rule—on average customer wait time and total inventory. This study extends that work by adding two kanban policy variables and two performance criteria. It reports the results of simulation experiments that were conducted to determine how four policy variables—withdrawal cycle, priority rule, status of waiting withdrawal kanbans, and number of kanbans influence four performance criteria—average customer wait-time, total inventory, and average number of full containers in the input and output stock points of stations. It was found that the information about waiting withdrawal kanbans in sequencing decisions results in the simultaneous improvement in two conflicting objectives—customer wait time and total inventory. Also, the effects of including the information regarding the status of waiting withdrawal kanbans on system performance are larger than the effects associated with the type of priority rule. The results provide insights into determining the level of each policy variable while fully considering the possible interactions among the variables and the levels of other policy variables to improve system performance. These insights allow for setting the levels of policy variables to make the improvement process smooth.  相似文献   

二分群体决策规则约束条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从二分群体决策的角度讨论了Arrow、May、Mitzan等提出的群体决策规则约束条件的合理性,指出了其中非独裁性条件、不计名条件、Pareto条件并不完全适用于二分群体决策;重新界定了方案对称性,并指出只有在二分群体决策满足方案对称性时,中性条件才是合理的;最后用Venn图表示出了各组约束条件所确定的规则集、加权多数规则集之间的关系.  相似文献   

基于一个制造商和一个零售商组成的双渠道绿色供应链,建立Stackelberg博弈模型,对比分析政府不补贴和政府补贴两种情形下零售商公平关切对供应链最优定价、绿色度决策及供应链成员利润的影响。结果表明:政府不补贴时,零售商公平关切增强会降低产品批发价格、销售价格和绿色度,减少制造商利润;零售商利润则随着其公平关切增强既存在增加也存在减少的情况,具体与产品绿色化效率有关。相比之下,政府补贴时,产品绿色度更高,制造商和零售商的利润更大;零售商公平关切增强可以增加制造商和零售商的利润,但并不影响产品销售价格、绿色度和社会福利。基于此,政府补贴不仅能够增加供应链利润,还能协调零售商公平关切对产品定价与绿色度决策的影响。  相似文献   

Most of the initial work on perishable asset revenue management (PARM) situations assumed no possibility of customer diversion from one product class to another when the former is made unavailable. In this paper, an evaluation is made of the few published decision rules that incorporate the realistic and common behavior of customer diversion (or sell-up). We present a new heuristic approach that incorporates diversion and could be used by airlines and other relevant industries to achieve improvements in expected contribution of 0.25 to 2.5% over the approach currently used. The sensitivity of the difference in expected contribution between these rules is tested relative to changes in the input parameters, and managerial insights are presented.  相似文献   

服务公平性对储户与银行之间关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作者在某银行广州地区的15个营业点对储户进行了一次问卷调查,探讨服务公平性对顾客与企业之间关系的影响。数据分析结果表明,结果公平性、程序公平性、交往公平性和储户感觉中的软、硬质量是同一个高阶因子的子因子,储户在正常服务环境中感知的服务公平性影响储户的消费情感和储户对本次消费经历的评估(服务质量、消费价值、储户的满意感),进而影响储户与银行之间的关系(信任感、储户与服务人员的人际关系纽带、储户与银行的感情纽带)和储户的行为意向(再购意向和口头宣传意向)。  相似文献   

多标准决策表中发现概率规则的变精度粗糙集方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用优势关系代替不可分辨关系,本文提出了一种可以从多标准决策表中获取概率规则的扩展变精度粗糙集模型,该模型能够处理多标准决策表中可能的不一相容性,获取由偏好对象组成的概率决策规则集,并导出事例决策系统的偏好模型。研究结果表明:基于优势关系,从多标准决策表中获取的最小概率规则集,使用的条件数量较少,且导出规则的数量较少、较强。  相似文献   

借助层级团队形式制定决策,决策者能激发员工的决策承诺,确保决策的有效执行。以委员会作为决策者的层级团队为例,本文探讨了以下问题:当存在个体对自身胜任力的自信、专用性人力资本投资这两个因素的影响时,互动公平与委员会决策程序公平效应及它们之间的交互效应会发生什么变化?引入公平启发理论与不确定管理理论,本文假设并检验了上述四个因素如何交互作用于员工决策承诺。以两家大型商业银行信贷业务人员为研究对象,实证研究表明:(1)自信和专用性人力资本投资对委员会决策程序公平效应有着显著调节作用,但它们对互动公平效应的调节作用不显著;(2)当存在自信和专用性人力资本投资的影响时,较强的互动公平与委员会决策程序公平之间的交互效应更稳定一些,而较低的互动公平感知与程序公平之间的交互效应在方向上发生变化。本文有助于管理者理解"公平何时能引致员工合作"这一问题,帮助其更好地把握决策过程以获得员工对其决策的支持。本研究的假设完全基于公平启发理论(FHT)和不确定管理理论(UMT)的理论逻辑做出,实证结果与FHT和UMT的理论预测以及已有实证研究结果相一致,这意味着本研究具有较高可信性和可靠性,能为进一步理论探索提供了比较坚实的基础。  相似文献   

公允价值的核心内容就是按市值给资产定价.但公允价值实施以来,恰巧碰上了这场次贷危机.在经济形势乐观的时候,公允价值起到了"推波助澜"的作用;一旦景气周期下滑,公允价值便成了"落井下石"的"帮凶".显然,在本次金融危机中,公允价值的公允性遭到了质疑,世界上叫停之声不止,但一时又无法找到"公允"的新方法.我国也实施了新会计准则,未来业界在继续推行公允价值时必将更为谨慎.  相似文献   

This study uses fully factorial computer simulation to identify referral network attributes and referral decision rules that streamline the routing of people to urgent, limited services. As an example of a scenario, the model represents vaccine delivery in a city of 100,000 people during the first 30 days of a pandemic. By modeling patterns of communication among health care providers and daily routing of overflow clients to affiliated organizations, the simulations determine cumulative effects of referral network designs and decision rules on citywide delivery of available vaccines. Referral networks generally improve delivery rates when compared with random local search by clients. Increasing the health care organizations’ tendencies to form referral partnerships from zero to about four partners per organization sharply increases vaccine delivery under most conditions, but further increases in partnering yield little or no gain in system performance. When making referrals, probabilistic selection among partner organizations that have any capacity to deliver vaccines is more effective than selection of the highest‐capacity partner, except when tendencies to form partnerships are very low. Implications for designing health and human service referral networks and helping practitioners optimize their use of the networks are discussed. Suggestions for using simulations to model comparable systems are provided.  相似文献   

在经济的发展过程中,会计起着基础性的作用.而会计法律规范的完善与否是衡量一个国家会计发展水平的显著标志.本文从会计法律规范的性质入手,对我国会计法律规范的历史发展作了梳理,以期进一步完善我国会计法律规范理论.  相似文献   

McComas KA  Besley JC 《Risk analysis》2011,31(11):1749-1761
Research suggests that fairness perceptions matter to people who are asked to evaluate the acceptability of risks or risk management. Two separate national random surveys (n = 305 and n = 529) addressed Americans’ concerns about and acceptance of nanotechnology risk management in the context of the degree to which they view scientists and risk managers as fair. The first survey investigated general views about scientists across four proposed dimensions of fairness (distributional, procedural, interpersonal, and informational). The results show that respondents who believe that the outcomes of scientific research tend to result in unequal benefits (distributional fairness) and that the procedures meant to protect the public from scientific research are biased (procedural fairness) were more concerned about nanotechnology. Believing scientists would treat them with respect (interpersonal fairness) and ensure access to information (informational fairness) were not significant predictors of concern. The second study also looked at these four dimensions of fairness but focused on perceptions of risk managers working for government, universities, and major companies. In addition to concern, it also examined acceptance of nanotechnology risk management. Study 2 results were similar to those of study 1 for concern; however, only perceived informational fairness consistently predicted acceptance of nanotechnology risk management. Overall, the study points to the value of considering fairness perceptions in the study of public perceptions of nanotechnology.  相似文献   

We show experimentally that fairness concerns may have a decisive impact on the actual and optimal choice of contracts in a moral hazard context. Bonus contracts that offer a voluntary and unenforceable bonus for satisfactory performance provide powerful incentives and are superior to explicit incentive contracts when there are some fair‐minded players, but trust contracts that pay a generous wage up front are less efficient than incentive contracts. The principals understand this and predominantly choose the bonus contracts. These results are consistent with recently developed theories of fairness, which offer important new insights into the interaction of contract choices, fairness, and incentives.  相似文献   

模糊AHP决策方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出一种梯形模糊数比较大小的方法,据该方法进行层次单排序,得到一个模糊AHP决策方法的模型.  相似文献   

Philosophers, psychologists, and economists have long argued that certain decision rights carry not only instrumental value but may also be valuable for their own sake. The ideas of autonomy, freedom, and liberty derive their intuitive appeal—at least partly—from an assumed positive intrinsic value of decision rights. Providing clean evidence for the existence of this intrinsic value and measuring its size, however, is intricate. Here, we develop a method capable of achieving these goals. The data reveal that the large majority of our subjects intrinsically value decision rights beyond their instrumental benefit. The intrinsic valuation of decision rights has potentially important consequences for corporate governance, human resource management, and optimal job design: it may explain why managers value power, why employees appreciate jobs with task discretion, why individuals sort into self‐employment, and why the reallocation of decision rights is often very difficult and cumbersome. Our method and results may also prove useful in developing an empirical revealed preference foundation for concepts such as “freedom of choice” and “individual autonomy.”  相似文献   

在单一线下模式销售的基础上,考察制造商以转销模式进行线上入侵和以代销模式进行线上入侵这两种模式,通过数理推导和数值仿真得到的研究结果表明:(1)当实体店具有公平关切心理时,制造商进行线上入侵总是有利的。(2)当消费者对线上渠道接受程度较高且实体店公平关切程度较低时,制造商将以转销模式进行线上入侵;当消费者对线上渠道接受程度较低时,制造商会以代销模式进行线上入侵,并不受实体店公平关切程度的影响;而当消费者对线上渠道接受程度适中且实体店的公平关切程度较高时,制造商倾向于以转销模式进行线上入侵。(3)无论制造商选择哪种模式进行线上入侵,制造商的线下零售价格始终高于线上。此外,随着实体店公平关切程度的增强,线上渠道和线下渠道的零售价均会同步提高。  相似文献   

筹资公平性是WHO于2000年提出的卫生事业三大目标之一,在我国实现卫生筹资公平性过程中面临区域及城乡不平衡、卫生资源有限等难题,短期不易实现筹资公平。本文试图对城镇职工基本医疗保险参保职工的卫生筹资公平性作出评价,发现城镇职工基本医疗保险各省参保职工问有较好的公平性,但大多数省市的个人支付比重仍较高,各省市之间的筹资构成也有很大差异,因此部分省市的增加财政投入和调整筹资构成是必要的。  相似文献   

企业薪酬管理公平性对员工工作态度和行为的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者对广东省七家饭店的员工及他们的主管进行了前后两次问卷调查,通过纵断数据分析,探讨员工的薪酬公平感和满意感与他们的情感性归属感、工作积极性和工作绩效之间的因果关系。数据分析结果表明,企业薪酬管理公平性是影响员工薪酬满意感的重要因素,员工的薪酬公平感和满意感会影响他们的情感性归属感,薪酬管理信息公平性会影响员工的工作积极性和工作绩效,员工的薪酬满意感与他们的工作积极性和工作绩效存在双向因果关系。  相似文献   

公平偏好与锦标激励   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
行为合约理论认为代理人具有公平偏好,会关注自己的物质收益与他人相比是否公平,因而试图建立包含公平偏好的最优激励合约.在锦标激励中,这种公平偏好一方面是由于参与约束效应会降低代理人的努力程度,另一方面是由于激励相容约束效应提高代理人的努力程度,参与约束效应占主导作用,在最优的锦标激励制度下公平偏好会降低代理人的努力程度和委托人的期望收益水平.因此积极识别员工的公平偏好对企业制定恰当的锦标激励制度具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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