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关于青少年毒品预防教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年吸毒人数在我国吸毒人数中所占比重较大,给个人、家庭和社会带来严重危害。“一日吸毒,终生戒毒”,因此,对青少年进行毒品预防教育至关重要。本文分析了青少年吸毒的危害及其原因,指出毒品预防教育是青少年禁毒工作的“治本之策”,并具体阐述了对青少年进行毒品预防教育的措施。  相似文献   

青少年吸毒背后的原因离不开个人、朋辈群体、家庭、学校及社会这五个范畴的因素,而这五个范畴的因素是互相关联的,如未妥善处理,便会成为青少年吸食毒品的风险因素,反之,它们亦可成为防止青少年吸毒的防御因素.而要解决青少年吸毒问题,进行青少年禁毒教育是必不可少的一个环节.比照香港青少年禁毒教育的成熟模式,或许可以为我们开展青少年禁毒工作拓宽思路. 香港青少年禁毒形势 青少年吸毒问题持续深受关注.联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处发表的《2012年世界毒品报告》显示,大麻和苯丙胺类兴奋剂作为主流毒品呈上升趋势,而新药物和非医疗使用处方药品的滥用正成为全球日益严重的健康问题.在我国香港地区,鸦片类毒品曾是最多人吸食的毒品,但其流行程度日渐下降,过去10年,呈报吸食鸦片类毒品的人数下降约50%,而吸食危害精神毒品和药物滥用的人数则大幅上升.可见,香港的情况与全球相仿,危害精神毒品和药物滥用已成为香港新的威胁.  相似文献   

尽管我国在打击吸食毒品方面不断加大投入,但迄今为止,形势依然相当严峻,这集中表现为:首先,我国已经从毒品过境国转变为毒品消费国;其次,吸毒人员总体数量居高不下,而且,青少年吸毒人员、女性吸毒人员、无业吸毒人员、低收入吸毒人员以及农村吸毒人员呈现出持续上升的势头;第三,新型毒品使用种类日益繁多;第四,吸毒行为与卖淫、盗窃等违法犯罪行为交叉叠加的现象越来越严重。  相似文献   

青少年吸毒成瘾已经是一个严峻的社会问题,需要我们的关注.诸多案例显示青少年初次接触毒品是因为朋友,在戒毒一段时间之后重新吸毒也多是朋友造成.笔者在以中国社会学家费孝通的"差序格局理论"和法国社会学家迪尔凯姆"失范"理念及美国社会学家默顿"压力学说"理论作为分析框架的基础上,对朋友在青少年吸毒过程中扮演的角色及其发挥的作用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

中国青少年“嗨K”:时尚还是犯罪?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国青少年中的“嗨K”族将冰毒、摇头丸、K粉等新型毒品视为“娱乐消遣品”。他们大多因为猎奇和寻求刺激而吸食新型毒品,并认为这是一种时尚。本研究主要采用个案访谈的定性研究方法,在分析新型毒品的危害性以及青少年吸食新型毒品的违法性的基础上.阐释了青少年“嗨K”的原因链:冲动性人格-自我控制弱化-社会联系薄弱-犯罪机会-吸食新型毒品。  相似文献   

当前青少年吸毒行为现状及其成因的社会学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毒品泛滥作为全世界的重大公害之一 ,已成为全球性的社会问题 ,越来越引起各国政府和人们的关注。联合国国际麻醉品管制署在1999年年底报告中指出 :世界人口10 %卷入了毒品的生产和消费 ,并正在以每年3 %~4 %的速度增长。每年用于毒品交易的数额达4000亿至7000亿美元 ,仅次于军火交易。①特别值得关注的是 :从发展趋势上看 ,吸毒正朝低龄化发展。据1999年国家禁毒委对23个省、市、自治区、直辖市的统计 ,吸毒者的年龄多数为17~35岁 ,占总数的比例达85.1 % ,最小的只有8岁。②一、青少年吸毒行为的界定及其…  相似文献   

青少年吸毒的社会现象越来越严重。本文从我国目前青少年吸毒问题的特点及其危害、青少年吸毒的原因,论述了当前我国日益严重的青少年吸毒问题,并从家庭、学校、同龄群体及社区等层次来探讨解决青少年吸毒问题的策略措施。  相似文献   

据统计,全国因吸毒造成的死亡人数累计达33975名。据国家禁毒委介绍,截至2004年底,我国现有吸毒人员已达79.1万名,比2003年上升6.8%。在吸毒人员中,35岁以下的青少年占70%。受国际国内因素的影响,我国毒品向题又出现了蔓延的趋势。毒品不知给多少个人和家庭带来了深重的灾难。开展禁毒斗争,扫除毒品祸害,是中国政府的历史责任。当前,一场禁毒人民战争正在神州大地如火如荼地进行。  相似文献   

沈康荣 《社会学》2007,(3):48-61
通过对苏州市戒毒所的新型毒品吸食人员的全面调查发现,新型毒品吸食者群体呈现如下特征:男性占据绝对多数,但女性吸食者增长趋势明显;低学历者多;青少年多;个体职业者多。戒毒是个复杂的社会系统工程,我们应该净化社会环境、重燃家庭温馨;提高社工素质、强化社工作用;消除就业歧视、解决就业困难,帮助新型毒品吸食者回归社会。  相似文献   

美国青少年吸毒问题的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国当代青少年吸毒问题有所加剧,主要原因是贩毒犯罪猖獗、新型毒品的迷惑与诱惑,吸毒者负面社会形象的淡化,演艺娱乐界和媒体的误导,以及不良的家庭氛围等多方面因素。中国目前也面临着如何遏制青少年吸毒现象蔓延的问题,从美国的经验与教训来看,应当有效打击贩毒犯罪行为,加强毒品识别和危害知识的普及,加强青少年自我克制和保护意识的教育,以及对流行文化中丑恶现象的辨识能力,此外还应为青少年营造有利于拒绝和远离毒品的家庭氛围。  相似文献   

Drug Policy     

This paper argues that the war on drugs is based on retributive values that are illogical, burden the criminal justice system, and are ineffective in reducing drug-related harm. It examines the relation between political agendas and anti-drug legislation. It demonstrates that anti-drug policy has resulted in dramatically inceased punishment and incarceration since 1970, after four decades at a level rate, especially for blacks. This paper contends that segregation was a form of nonjudicial punishment for blacks until 1970, and concludes tht the war on drugs has become a punishment substitute for segregation. It argues that drug prohibition must be replaced by regulation and that devising such a system involves a complex balance of competing values.  相似文献   

Sociological Forum -  相似文献   


Successful 'recovery' from long-term problem drug use has depended largely upon understanding and tackling the physiological and psychological nature of drug dependence; however, drawing upon research and practice in Liverpool, England, the author questions whether this discourse is sufficient given the changing nature, context and attitudes towards drug consumption in the twenty-first century. This article emphasises the importance of incorporating structural and social factors. Drawing upon qualitative data from three separate studies, the author illustrates how stigmatisation, marginalisation, and social exclusion are significant debilitating components that have tended to be overlooked. This paper contributes new insights into the damaging impact of political rhetoric and structural discrimination that has placed many long-term drug users vulnerable to relapse. In response to these findings the author offers a new conceptual framework for practice that incorporates and promotes an understanding of the social nature and context of long-term drug dependence.  相似文献   

The authors examine the limitations of employee drug testing as a method of improving productivity and safety in the workplace. Attempts to modify licit and illicit drug use, including prohibition, are briefly reviewed, and the importance of social setting is underscored. The authors discourage the widespread use of employee drug testing because of problems in interpreting the significance of test results, laboratory errors, and possible civil liberties infringements. They propose that work performance be evaluated as a more reliable indicator of impairment, and they identify behaviors often associated with substance use. Finally, a protocol is recommended for the procurement and management of samples, laboratory standards and certification, and interpretation of test results, when testing is determined to be indispensible.  相似文献   

Karen Hawley Henry is the Managing Partner of the Labor and Employment Law Department for Weissburg and Aronson, Inc., a multi-practice law firm which specializes in the representation of health care providers and employers. Ms. Henry received her law degree from Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, and previously received a Masters in Labor Economics from Iowa State Univirsity. She serves as labor counsel to the Affiliated Hospitals of San Francisco, a multi-employer collective bargaining group, and also represents a number of other public and private California health care facilities. In addition to her presentations at numerous seminars and programs on employment law issues, she participated in AHA's 1987 Teleconference on Drug Testing and Substance Abuse, is a member of AHA's Ad Hoc Labor Relations committee, and has authorized numerous publications, including the "Health Care Supervisor's Legal Guide." Her firm currently is working with a number of employers developing policies related to fitness for duty or drug testing.  相似文献   


Australia is experiencing a period of immense cultural change predicated on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). New devices such as smartphones, tablet computers, and the social iterations of the internet are impacting on communication patterns and contributing to the merging of people's online and offline lives. Using Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells's theory of the Network Society as a theoretical foundation, this issues paper posits that social work must overcome its historical reluctance to embrace ICT if it is to remain relevant in the era of the network society. In particular, we argue that social work professionals need to begin a dialogue with IT developers, social service managers, and funding bodies about the need for practice-led ICT systems. This paper examines the turbulent history social work has had with technological change, and concludes that the adoption of a practice-led approach to ICT use in education, practice, and research provides a strong foundation for reimagining the relationship between social work and ICT.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This meeting report documents the exciting ongoing research aimed at developing new therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative diseases at the interface between academia and industry, and illustrates the direction the NIH "roadmap" for medical research is taking. Some of the projects have resulted in very promising drugs, identified and developed by academic centers, entering clinical trials.  相似文献   

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