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<正>习近平总书记在今年"六·一"前夕以一个大朋友的身份来到北京少年宫,向全国少年儿童祝贺节日的同时,祝福勉励少年儿童既要学习书本知识,又要多学课外知识;既要勤于思考,又要培养创造精神。习总书记在一两个月中间,多次谈到少年儿童的成长话题,语重心长。上海市政府也很重视儿童成长环境,关心青少年一代的健康成长。与此同时,我们也应该正视当前儿童成长、儿童教育中存在的一些问题。2013年6月14日,上海社会科学院青少年研究所和中国少先队工作学会基础理论专委会共同举办"儿童成长环境与社会责任"研讨会。上海社科院副院长叶青、上海市妇儿工委办公室常务副主任田熊、原上海  相似文献   

王文明 《社会学》2008,(2):50-52
企业的社会责任需要全社会共同推进。企业履行社会责任积极与否,与外部的社会大环境具有密切的关系。社会环境的优劣,直接影响着企业履行社会责任的质量和数量。因此,构建企业良好成长的社会环境、优化企业履行社会责任的外部环境,对促进企业更加积极承担社会责任具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

那玉波  ;万嘉旭 《职业》2014,(3):154-155
本文通过环境艺术设计师的反思,分析影响我国生态环境保护的直接因素,强调环境艺术设计师的社会责任的重要性。  相似文献   

工业化、城市化和全球化对儿童健康造成了深远的影响。如何让儿童的身体和心理发育都能适应其年龄特点和社会发展,已经成为维护儿童权益,促进儿童发展的核心问题。为了更好地探讨儿童健康发展的规律,上海市妇女联合会、上海社会科学院、  相似文献   

论坛背景儿童是明日世界的希望。给予儿童一个稳定、公正、安全的社会环境,满足他们的基本需要和发展需求是国家、社会的重要责任和重大任务。上海作为中国最大的经济中心城市,一直重视儿童的发展,并将它纳入到政府经济和社会发展目标之中。为了更有效地维护儿童的各项权利,促进儿童的健康发展,上海市妇女联合会、上海社会科学院联合主办“儿童安全和社会责任”——第五届“为了孩子”国际论坛.本论坛由上海社科院青少年研究所承办,将于2005年11月24-26日在上海召开。  相似文献   

儿童的主要需求与成长环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以黑龙江省4693名小学生思想道德文化状况调研为依据,认为儿童在学习新知、扩大交往、表现自我、尽情玩乐、得到关爱和理解等方面具有强烈的需求。同时,提出由家庭、学校和社区构成的儿童的主要成长环境在需求供给上存在着严重缺位的问题,并据此提出一些有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

社会文化环境与未成年人成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会学的社会系统理论提供了未成年人健康成长的独特分析视角。社会文化环境包含了文化符号系统、角色系统和角色转化系统,成为影响未成年人成长的核心变量。本文分析了社会文化环境的内涵和主要内容,揭示了当前社会文化环境中存在的假恶丑等不良因素对未成年人健康成长的严重影响,提出了净化社会文化环境与维护未成年人健康成长应该正确处理的几个关系。  相似文献   

21世纪是世界共同发展的世纪,也是儿童发展的新世纪.全球经济的发展变化既为社会的发展注入了活力,也为儿童的发展提供了广阔的选择空间.  相似文献   

润江 《公关世界》2008,(3):57-57
20世纪70年代,英国“公民社会”首先提出来了企业公民概念,将企业看作一个社会的公民,认为企业在创造利润的同时,还要承担对环境和社会责任。“企业公民”的理念是,既然企业也是社会公民,那么它就必须尽社会公民应有的责任和义务。也有人把企业公民理解为表达出对人类、社区以及环境的尊重,所做出符合道德及法律规范的发展战略。  相似文献   

学校环境、社会支持与流动儿童的精神健康   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文基于对510名上海市中小学流动儿童的问卷调查考察流动儿童的精神健康状况及其影响因素。本研究发现学校的安全与纪律、歧视与排斥、师生关系和社会支持均显著影响流动儿童的精神健康。论文针对研究结果提出若干政策建议,希望对流动儿童的教育有所助益。  相似文献   

青年作为一种社会承前启后、富有生命力和创造力的代群,是未来社会的主干,是推动社会进步的重要力量。"中国梦"和青年梦是相辅相成的,青年梦是"中国梦"的一个重要组成部分。青年一代是实现"中国梦"的重要力量,青年对国家认同度上升是实现"中国梦"的基础。中国特色社会主义事业是面向未来的事业,需要一代又一代青年的努力奋斗。实现"中国梦"应将青年优先发展作为国家重要战略。  相似文献   

R. H. Tawney is frequently cited as one of the most distinguished social theorists of the twentieth century, and his position in the British school of ethical, democratic socialism is assured. This paper revisits that contribution for the so-called post- industrial age. It emphasizes Tawney's roots in philosophical idealism and Christian socialism, demonstrating how these systems underpinned his famous critiques of inequality and the acquisitive society. His deontological morality anticipates key ideas of John Rawls, leading similarly to a robust social egalitarianism. The moral basis of Tawney's left-liberal politics explains its durability and thus its relevance for the Great Information Society Debate. Tawney would have rejected many of the propositions associated with the information society thesis, including the allegedly axial role of information itself. While recognizing the importance of information and knowledge in democracy, he would not have supported transformationist rhetoric on behalf of an electronic information polity. Tawney's essentialist socialism may be vulnerable to some of the better documented post-industrial trends, notably the move from goods to services. However, his work supplies useful resources for critical perspectives on the technocratic social structure and on the exaggerated economic role of teleworkers, inter alia. As regards the last in Daniel Bell's triad of polity, social structure and culture, some might lament the anchorage of Tawney's progressive politics in a particularist metaphysics, specifically Christianity. Yet the return of religious modes seems now as certain as the rise of new modes of information and communication. The Christian socialist values that inspired Tawney's ideal of social democracy, especially an expansive vision of brotherhood or 'fellowship', could therefore be appropriated for a modern normative theory of the information society.  相似文献   

Bonus-malus taxes appear to have been successful in encouraging people to change to less polluting travel options in France (e.g. the tax on large and small engined cars). We hypothesize that they have three possible effects on consumer behaviour. The positive effects are: (1) a price effect (the less polluting option is subsidized and the polluting option is taxed); and (2) a social norm effect (the less polluting option is classified as pro-social and the polluting option as antisocial). The negative effect (3) is that they may decrease intrinsic motivation (crowding out). We provide an initial test of this tripartite model using survey data on students given a choice between taking the plane or the train between Toulouse to Paris. The first study shows that imposing a hypothetical bonus-malus tax has both a price effect (relative to a control condition where only the norm justifying the tax is presented) and a norm effect (relative to a control condition in which only the corresponding price difference is presented without mention of the tax). The second study presents a set of choices where the environmental norms and price differences are held constant, but the size of the contribution of the bonus-malus tax to the final price of each option is varied. This study confirms our prediction that a larger bonus-malus subsidy/tax reduces propensity to choose the less polluting option (i.e. the train). As the positive effects outweigh the negative effects in most of the choices studied, we conclude that bonus-malus taxes constitute a promising policy instrument.  相似文献   

Community currency systems attempt to empower the economically marginalized and build social capital. This research explores the role of the elderly in a local voluntary organization. The elderly are potentially very important contributors, yet we know little about their participation in these local exchange networks. Eighty-seven months' worth of transaction data from a “time bank,” which has had a total of 950 members, was examined in social network analyses. Measures of quantitative engagement in the system were constructed. The elderly were found to be as active as other members. Qualitative characteristics of the network were also explored. The organization is rather homogeneous, yet exchanges within it tend to connect diverse actors. Male and female seniors undertransact with themselves and with one another, generating bridging social capital. The evidence presented suggests that the participation of the elderly in local currencies is mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

Since the inception of electronic community networks in the USA in the 1970s, their goal has remained the provision of support to help the organization of communities at a local level. Despite major commonalities, the authors of this paper identify three generations that coincide roughly with the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. They are clearly differentiated in terms of technology, applications, organization and key actors. This analysis of the US experience of community networks draws on Karl Mannheim's sociological concept of generations to help understand change and adaptability in sociotechnical systems. It is the combined influence of the respective zeitgeist, the advent of a new technology, the influences of technical predecessors, and the appearance of new groups of actors that lead to a generational change. Options for the future of not-for-profit community networks and the possible emergence of a fourth generation are presented which, in the opinion of the authors, lie in a return to their roots. A brief overview of community networks in Europe is also provided.  相似文献   

Since United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, social research has encouraged the involvement of children in research concerning them. However, there is little evidence to demonstrate how autistic children can be involved. Little is known about which methods are appropriate to research the social worlds of autistic children: adult‐centred or child‐centred methods? Empirical research with autistic children is used to illustrate the contribution that methods which involve children, and methods that do not, can make to the understanding of autistic children's social worlds. I argue while autistic children's participation contributed towards greater understanding, the understanding was enriched for having parents and teachers participate too.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impacts of proposed school closures on families in rural communities in the South Taranaki region of New Zealand. We situate this instance of educational restructuring in a critical policy context and present an account of its regional unfolding through drawing on local media coverage. We then interpret narratives gathered during an interview-based study of the proposed changes undertaken in 2003–2004. Our analysis highlights the impact of school closure for rural settlements in terms of affect as well as effects. More generally we reflect on the place of schools in the experience of place itself, as well as their contribution to social cohesion and the broadly defined health of a community.  相似文献   

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