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《雾都孤儿》是一部典型的批判主义小说,对世界文学产生了深刻影响。然而至今尚未有学者从批评话语分析的视角探究小说中人物角色的话语建构及其背后隐藏的意识形态。小说中奥利弗孤儿形象的塑造主要体现在及物性、词汇分类和情态的使用上,运用批评话语分析方法揭示当时作品写作背景时期英国社会资本家的腐败和社会底层人民,特别是孤儿的艰苦生活,呼吁构建公正和谐的社会,追求人性的真善美。  相似文献   

事实孤儿,即事实上无人抚养儿童。在一次社会工作机构组织的事实孤儿发展性活动中,通过对一位典型事实孤儿的介入与走访,了解该个案的基本情况和社会支持现状,结合当地政策与现实因素提出一些具有可行性的介入和发展对策。另外,由此引申和扩展出关于我国目前事实孤儿现状的基本的反思与思考。  相似文献   

俄罗斯有近70万名孤儿,且84%为父母健在的社会孤儿。面对严峻的社会孤儿问题,俄罗斯采取了种种举措。安置好社会孤儿,为孤儿的健康发展创造条件,是俄罗斯政权面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

杨学伟 《现代交际》2014,(12):135-136
青少年孤儿作为社会上的弱势群体之一,大多数孤儿处在一个相对松散的教育管理环境之中,其人际关系、自身成长、自尊、自信等社会适应方面的问题比较突出。随着年龄的增长,增强社会适应能力便成为孤儿成长的重要内容。如何让他们更好地适应社会、融入社会、奉献社会,是我们广大教育者、决策者应该思考和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

张维国 《现代交际》2010,(12):271-271
家庭教育是在家庭生活中由家长(其中首先是父母)对子女所实施的教育,也包含生活中家庭成员(包括父母和子女等)之间相互的影响和教育。家庭教育是社会大教育的组成部分之一,是学校教育与社会教育的基础。家庭教育是终身教育,孩子上了小学、中学后,家庭教育既是学校教育的基础,也是学校教育的补充和延伸。孤儿学校因其特殊性,承担着孤儿家庭教育的重任。本文详细探讨了孤儿家庭教育的内容。  相似文献   

孤儿群体由于自身成长环境的局限性,在德育培养方面难免会遇到比正常社会环境成长的同龄群体更多的困惑和问题。所以,我们特教工作者必须充分履行帮助学生德育培养的责任,进而帮助学生成功地社会化。  相似文献   

目前中国孤儿救助已从以前偏重生活和替代性养护救助扩展到生活,养护,教育,医疗,心理等全方位的救助。但因受当前中国儿童福利制度发展阶段的限制,中国孤儿教育救助还存在着诸如缺乏教育界学术研究关注,忽视教育本质。违背教育规律以及救助模式缺乏教育学视域内评价维度的问题。百年大计,教育为先。教育救助对于孤儿的重要性不言而喻,亟待学界尤其是教育学界的更多关注。  相似文献   

何金玲 《现代交际》2010,(12):269-269
在孤儿学校里,辅导教师的作用非常重要。他们如父母一样,承担孩子家庭教育的作用,在照顾孩子饮食起居的同时,塑造孩子的心灵。本文详细解读了孤儿学校辅导教师的重要性。  相似文献   

齐书春  万里 《现代交际》2014,(4):164-164
青少年孤儿是社会上的弱势群体之一,需要更多的人来关心和爱护。本文从对我校青少年孤儿基本情况及普遍的心理问题进行调查、分析入手,建立健全我校青少年孤儿心理健康帮扶体系,有针对性的提出行之有效的措施和办法。拟通过在制度建设,开展心理咨询工作,开展丰富多彩的课余活动,校园文化建设,建立教师与孤儿的谈心制度等方面形成帮扶体系,为孤儿营造健康、快乐、平等、和谐的成长环境。  相似文献   

万里  于佳琦 《现代交际》2011,(8):151-151
孤儿是社会特殊群体,孤儿学校是集中抚养和教育孤儿的社会福利机构。本文作者通过调查研究,在借鉴孤儿学校55年教育教学经验的基础上,总结了孤儿学校学生情感方面的心理特点。研究发现:孤儿学校的学生在生活自理能力、自立精神、生活适应能力等方面存在着普通同龄学生所不及的优势,但同时在其他方面也存在着一些不足。本文从情感方面加以总结和探讨,初步分析了孤儿情感成因,并提出了相应的教育对策,希望能为孤儿群体养教工作提供有利参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nature and causes of vulnerability to bushfires in the Wulgulmerang district of East Gippsland, Victoria, in south-eastern Australia. In 2003 bushfires devastated the small population of this isolated farming district, destroying homes, agricultural assets and public infrastructure. The fires also adversely affected the health, livelihoods and social lives of many local people. The paper examines: (i) how and why people were exposed to hazards during the bushfires; and (ii) how and why people were differentially capable of coping and adapting to the fires' impacts. Qualitative methods were primarily used to investigate these questions, including semi-structured interviews with residents and landholders of the district and others who responded to the fires in an official or unofficial capacity. Vulnerability is shown to arise from the circumstances of people's everyday lives, which are shaped by factors both within and beyond their control. Local pressures and challenges – such as drought, declining farm incomes, depopulation, and the inaccessibility of essential services – are shown to increase people's exposure to hazards and reduce their capacities to cope and adapt. The paper demonstrates the fundamental importance of sustainable livelihoods and regional economic vitality to the long-term goal of vulnerability reduction.  相似文献   

This article links a risk and protection conceptual framework with definitions of risk and protection from epidemiology. It describes methods for estimating and modeling risk and protection that yield readily interpretable results using contingency tables and logistic regression. Data from a national sample of adolescents illustrate key concepts, providing implications for research and practice.  相似文献   


Communities in Australia and internationally are experiencing massive change. Climate variability is an aspect of change that social workers in Australia, particularly in rural areas, are grappling with. Vulnerable populations will be at increased risk as extreme weather events increase in frequency. Communities will be facing social challenges hitherto unknown. The experience of uncertainty and fragmentation as characteristics of postmodernism has exposed the ambiguous and contested nature of much of social work practice and contributed to a crisis of confidence for the social work profession. The move towards rationality and linear approaches in the postwelfare state is often at odds with the complexity and uncertainty of human situations that has always been social work terrain. It can be argued that social work, with its ethical base, person-in-environment approach, expertise in ambiguity and complexity, and recognition of context, is well-placed to manage postmodern uncertainty. Using the 2009 Victorian bushfire example, I argue that an uncertain future is an opportunity for social workers, those working in rural areas in particular, to reassert social work's moral purpose in working with communities facing change. Implications for social work policy, practice, and education are briefly explored.  相似文献   

This study helps to address a deficiency of gender-specific research into problem gambling. It focuses on the gambling behaviors, family and personal histories and comorbid psychological disorders of 365 female gamblers from across Ontario, Canada, who responded to a mail-in survey. Specifically, this study looks at rates of depression and anxiety, concurrent struggles with other behaviors (such as alcohol and drug use, disordered eating, overspending and criminal activity) and abuse history reported by female gamblers. The reported rates are considerably higher than for the general female population. The findings of this study agree with previous research. They suggest that prevention strategies and treatment practices for female problem gamblers should take into account women’s mental health, addiction and trauma history as contributing factors in the development of problematic gambling.  相似文献   

Rural youths’ images of the rural   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

With the likelihood of future changes in climate and climate variability, it is important to understand how human systems may be vulnerable. Rural communities in Saskatchewan having agricultural-based economies are particularly dependent on climate and could be among the most vulnerable human systems in Canada. Future changes in climate are likely to have significant impacts on rural livelihoods, and rural populations will face the challenge of coping with climate change in light of a multitude of other changing socio-economic and environmental conditions. The Rural Municipality of Rudy No. 284 was chosen as a case study due to its access to irrigation, a key tool in climate adaptation for the agricultural system in the area against one of its most notorious climatic features - severe multi-year droughts. Further irrigation development would continue to reduce climate vulnerabilities. Even with irrigation however, the compounding effects of climate and other socio-economic changes will likely require modifications in current practices and policies in order to secure adequate livelihoods. Climate change adaptation in the RM must ensure equitable access to water and potentially irrigation, reduce barriers to collaboration when addressing communal problems, and provide more certainty in government programs.  相似文献   


The literature identifies rural, older people as at risk of social exclusion, as a result of rural disadvantage. In this context, improved access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) has potential to build social inclusion, yet current evidence shows that rural, older people are the lowest current users of technology. This paper draws on the practice and local knowledge of rural practitioners from one Victorian region in order to explore: (a) the practice issues associated with ICT use among rural, older people; and (b) the characteristics of effective practice models in the rural, social work context. An analysis of findings highlights the need to respond to the diverse skills, needs, and learning styles of older people, to demonstrate the benefits of ICTs, involve users, and build confidence. Major barriers include poor ICT usage by many rural agencies and low practitioner capacity, as well as access and resources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to better understand human capital and social support in the long-term economic well-being of rural, low-income mothers in the US. Three waves of data from a multi-state, longitudinal investigation tracking the well-being of rural families, known as “Rural Families Speak,” were used to test two latent growth curve models of economic well-being. Results indicated that human capital alone is not a good predictor of economic well-being over time for this sample. A model of economic well-being that includes both social support and human capital provides a better fit for these data. Findings suggest that social support is a key contributor to long-term economic success for this sample. Implications for public policy are presented.
Scott R. MillerEmail:

学校教育制度应该促进农村学生的向上社会流动,然而在我国社会转型过程中的教育制度以城市教育为中心,优先发展城市教育,以"市场能力"和学业成绩作为学校选拔规则,以及重点学校制度对农村学生获得高一级教育机会的制约,导致了对农村学生的"教育排斥"。教育制度的城市化、市场化、精英化取向是转型期农村教育社会分层功能弱化的制度性原因。将现阶段农村教育主要功能定位于促进农村学生城市化和社会地位升迁,确立教育制度的正义原则,实现对农村学生的"差异补偿"是解决这一问题的主要思路。  相似文献   

朱俊 《科学发展》2016,(11):65-72
我国幅员广阔,因地理区域不同建筑风格也多种多样.因此,在新农村住宅建设中,既要充分体现生态观,又要保持多姿多彩的建筑风格.优秀的规划和建筑设计方案对于村容村貌整治具有重要的先导作用,有利于改善现在新农村建设过程中随意建设、模仿严重的状况,有利于改变农村面貌、改善农民居住条件.新农村住宅应统一规划、合理布局、功能齐全.土地作为一种不可再生的资源,具有短缺性.新农村规划应以土地的集约使用为宗旨,以节约尽可能多的土地,为农村长远的发展留有足够的空间.  相似文献   

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