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Organized activities represent a potentially important context for the development of adolescent sociopolitical values, but few studies have examined longitudinal associations between youths’ sociopolitical values and activity involvement. Adolescents (N = 299, Time 1 Mage = 15.49, SD = .93, 62% female) reported on their organized activity involvement (volunteering, church, sports, arts/music, school and community clubs) and sociopolitical values (materialism, social dominance, authoritarianism, patriotism, spirituality) at baseline and one year later. Greater involvement in arts/music predicted lower spirituality and patriotism one year later and greater involvement in church predicted higher levels of spirituality and lower levels of social dominance one year later. Higher levels of materialism predicted less involvement in arts/music one year later and higher social dominance values predicted less involvement in volunteering one year later. Findings support the importance of organized activities in sociopolitical development, and suggest that sociopolitical values may guide decisions concerning future organized activity involvement.  相似文献   

In an Internet survey (N = 275), we investigated how right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), personal values, and political ideology predicted attitudes toward restriction of civil liberties and toward surveillance measured one year later. Feelings of threat from terrorism were also taken into account. RWA, SDO, political ideology, security values, and self-direction values were significant predictors. In addition, RWA interacted with threat from terrorism, in that threat reinforced the positive effect of RWA on support for surveillance measures. Thus, the study contributes to the understanding of psychological reasons for support for political measures related to civil liberties.  相似文献   

Though the emphasis in South Australian mental health policy on deinstitutionalisation is based on sound principles of civil liberties and psychiatric treatment, serious social problems have followed in the wake of the new initiatives. This paper attributes many of the problems to the simultaneous pursuit of deinstitutionalisation and centralisation of resources within psychiatric hospitals. It is argued that the policy of deinstitutionalisation demands a commensurate decentralisation of resources to enable the development of community-based residential and nonresidential alternatives to hospital.  相似文献   

杨思灵  徐理群 《南亚研究》2020,(1):21-52,148,149
印度是中国在亚洲最大的邻国,在中国周边安全战略中具有举足轻重的地位,如何处理好与印度的关系一直是中国外交战略中的重要课题.洞朗对峙之后,中印两国高层保持了频繁紧密的交往,两国关系得到极大改善.客观来看,鉴于中国在印度地区安全知觉意象中的复杂性,中印关系的发展仍然面临不容忽视的挑战.在中印关系中,双方的安全知觉是错位的,即在周边安全环境中,中国并不认为印度是中国安全环境面临的主要威胁,印度则认为中国是其周边安全环境中最首要的因素.在这点上,从2002~2003年度至2018~2019年度印度国防报告中均有体现.毋庸置疑,历年的印度国防报告形成于印度安全知觉与实践的基础之上,较为系统地反映了印度在全球与地区层面对中国的安全知觉意象,涉及中国的内容也较为全面地反映了印度对中国在其地区安全架构中的看法与知觉.厘清这些印度对华安全知觉意象对于思考未来中印关系的走向具有重要意义.同时,根据历年印度国防报告及其综合的外交实践,大致可以勾勒出印度对华安全战略的形态.研究认为,如何稳妥地促进印度地区安全知觉中中国意象的转变是中印关系健康发展面临的重大挑战,也是一项紧迫任务.  相似文献   

Michael Sheppard, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Polytechnic South West, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA. Summary A survey was undertaken of all referrals for compulsory admissionreceived by a city mental health centre over a one year period.The centre receives the overwhelming majority of all these referralsin the city. Referrals from GPs were compared with other referralsfocusing particularly on women. The results indicate GPs discriminatedagainst women, referring considerably more women than men withless emphasis on major (psychotic) mental illness. The involvementof approved social workers (ASWs) in the assessment processwas associated with diversion of many of the women away fromcompulsory admission, although even they appeared affected bypatriarchal assumptions. GPs' behaviour with regard to sectionsis consistent with reports about sexist practice in other areasof work. This, however, is particularly grave with sectionsbecause of civil liberties implications. The article concludesthat ASWs need be aware of potential sexist GP practice, thattheir psychosocial perspective is critical to assessment andthat ASW training should include gender issues.  相似文献   

Objectives. We determine the conditions that account for change in the realized level of political rights and civil liberties within the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Methods. We use ordered logit to assess the impact of religious pluralism and fragmentation and related controls on changes in Freedom House Political Rights and Civil Liberties scores at five‐year intervals between 1976 and 2004. Results. Findings suggest that the presence of non‐Islamic religious groups within OIC states leads to an increase in political rights, while the presence of Islamic groups practicing a version of the faith not officially recognized by the state reduced political rights and civil liberties. Conclusions. Islam's influence on democratization does not fall neatly into either the “pro” or “con” categories that have so strongly defined the relevant literature. Islam's influence is, instead, variable and contingent on the wider degree of religious characteristics within each state.  相似文献   

当代中国国家哲学是自觉超越现代性所带来问题的哲学思想体系,反映了世界现代化发展对社会主义道路的内在要求,在时间上先于西方建设性后现代主义思潮,是真正指导社会主义现代化的先进理论和思维范式,它必然与"建设性后现代主义"有某些相通之处,不仅有利于消除中国在现代化过程中出现的问题,而且对世界现代化也有深刻影响。  相似文献   

本文从"夺取奖牌"、"关注奥运"和"奥林匹克精神"三个方面探讨了北京市民的奥运金牌期待。年龄、学历、收入、职业和户籍等五个因素对不同人群的奥运金牌期待有显著影响。最后,作者从爱国主义、生活场域及人际沟通等三个方面对不同群体的奥运金牌期待特点作出了解释。  相似文献   

近代以来,中国“国学”概念的提出并由此引发的讨论,是受到日本思想界同类概念的影响。中国近代学者提倡“国学”,首先是与“民族国家”概念的引入有关,承载着民族复兴和国家富强的目标。因此,很大程度上体现了中国人对于国家与国家、国家与世界之间关系的重新思考。其次,“国学”观念也体现了中国近代知识分子面对西方学术制度和学术观念的冲击时,反思、理解传统中国知识体系的一种努力。由此,应将“国学”视为一种批判性的视角,它可使人意识到学术传统的独特性和中国自身价值立场的重要性,但这不意味着拒绝西方的学科体系。同样,国家的认同强调,也不应视为对于人类共同价值和共同利益的忽视。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to typify the respondent strategies of the OECD countries based on the interconnected structure of income and employment guarantees. More specifically, this article seeks to typify welfare policies into four types (welfare-to-work, welfare emphasis, labour emphasis, market emphasis) based on the leniency of the pension system and active state intervention in employment security. With the resultant four types, this article then places them as the dependent variable while incorporating per capita GDP, aged dependency ratio, pension maturity level, union density, constitutional structure index and degree of decommodification as causal variables. Through this process, this article aims to derive the decisive variable for each type through qualitative comparative analysis.  相似文献   

One year after the tragedy and horror of the events of September 11, 2001, many still struggle to understand their meaning and long‐term impact. This article provides a brief overview of critical stress debriefings and describes the author's work offering disaster mental health services to survivors of the World Trade Center attacks in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 disaster. The essay considers gaps in mental health services and the toll that such relief work can take on mental health responders. Implications for healing are considered in the context of the government's crackdown on civil liberties and its plans for war with Iraq.  相似文献   

Objective . In this article we investigate why traditionally conservative social groups show less support for spending on drug rehabilitation programs than for drug control spending in general. Methods . Using data from the 1984 through 1998 General Social Surveys, we first estimate logistic regressions of support for drug control spending across five sociopolitical cleavages. We then estimate effects of three types of sociopolitical attitudes on support for drug spending within traditionally conservative groups. Results . Resistance to rehabilitation spending among conservatives is related to their opposition to the welfare state, punitive attitudes toward criminals, and among whites, racial attitudes. Conclusions . Our findings suggest that citizens may withhold support for a social policy to the extent that it evokes negative associations with other salient sociopolitical issues or attitudes. We discuss the importance of these associations for understanding the relationships among political debate, public opinion, and policy outcomes.  相似文献   

After 9/11, public attitudes on numerous social issues changed. While many studies have examined post-9/11 attitude trends on specific topics, such as civil liberties or war, few have investigated the scope and variety of these effects. Did the events of 9/11 have a brief effect on a limited number of attitudes, or did they produce numerous, long-term changes in the way Americans think, feel and act? Drawing on a broad range of pre-post-9/11 studies, this review essay begins to answer this question by developing a framework for categorizing these effects and distinguishing short-term changes from long-term ones. The framework is intended to help facilitate an interdisciplinary social scientific research agenda on the effects of 9/11 and other terrorist acts. The essay concludes by explaining the social importance of the public's response to terrorism and the need for further research on this topic.  相似文献   

肖宏发 《创新》2007,1(3):87-91
历史学的爱国主义教育,在内容上,包括民族自豪感、文化、民族气节、伦理道德、国情、团结统一等多个方面;在理论上,涉及了产生爱国主义的动力和基础、构成爱国主义的核心和骨架、维系爱国主义的灵魂和纽带,由此而组成了历史学爱国主义教育功能的不可分割的整体。  相似文献   

This study explored sociopolitical control among parents of school-age children in a suburban municipality of a large post-socialist city. The participants completed a questionnaire that asked them about their sense of sociopolitical control in terms of leadership competence and policy control, as well as about other aspects of their lives, including mental health. The findings show that the participants have a greater sense of sociopolitical control in terms of leadership competence than in terms of policy control. Moreover, the findings show that voting in the last presidential election and degree of depression influenced negatively the sense of leadership competence among parti-cipants. Within the context of empowerment, the findings have implications for practice which focuses on consumer-based activities that allow citizens more leadership opportunities and control at the local level. Future research is needed that replicates this study, taking into account its limitations. In order for citizens in post-socialist countries to create civil societies at the same time that they implement market economies, they must be empowered. Some evidence suggests that several factors, including mental health problems, may influence the sense of empowerment among citizens in post-socialist coun-tries. Within the context of empowerment, this study examines sociopolitical control among citizens in a suburb of a large post-socialist city. The findings in the study have implications for social welfare practice in this city and for future research.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the appearance in Australia of ‘deprogramming’ (brainwashing) methods and the misuse of psychological techniques against cults. It is suggested that the misuse of such techniques is more dangerous and constitutes a greater threat to civil liberties than the cults themselves, and possibilities for action by psychologists are discussed.  相似文献   

对于青少年堕胎泛滥,这一关涉中华民族永续发展的问题,广大家长表示了深深的忧虑,但迄今为止,从哲学角度对青少年堕胎问题进行反思的文章尚不多见.从建设性后现代哲学角度分析表明,“性教育的匮乏”固然是青少年堕胎泛滥的一个重要成因,但青少年堕胎泛滥背后还有其重要的理论原因,那就是现代自由主义的影响,而现代自由主义背后是现代个人主义在作祟,也就是说现代个人主义哲学是青少年堕胎泛滥背后的理论支撑物.在分析现代自由主义堕胎观局限的基础上,提出一种建设性后现代的厚道堕胎观,其中包括对生命的厚道、对少女的厚道、对婴儿的厚道.与此相应,主张在青少年中展开责任教育、共情教育和敬畏生命教育.本着“上医治未病”的原则,这种厚道堕胎观主张对青少年堕胎泛滥应该全社会共动员,标本兼治,以防患于未然.  相似文献   

This study analyzes hatred against diverse sociopolitical groups and compares the social and political attitudes of three distinct and highly differentiated groups: Jewish, Arab, and Palestinian high school students in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. It examines their perceptions of the political context and aims to find the factors that influence the extremity of their hatred. Analysis of the data shows that the proposed model is more applicable to Jewish students than it is to Arabs and Palestinians, and shows that hatred toward outgroups is influenced by religiosity, the salience of national and civic identity, national security issues, and political ideology.  相似文献   

法院在审理涉外民事案件时,经常会面临法制不统一国家法律的适用问题.在这方面,我国立法无明确规定,存在立法上的空白.为配合我国正在进行"涉外民事关系的法律适用法"的立法,文章对其中的"法制不统一国家法律的适用"条文进行了设计,并从立法和实践的角度,对"法制不统一国家"的内涵、法制不统一国家法律的适用方法等问题作了说明和论证.  相似文献   

This article overviews the important ships that have taken place during recent decades in scientific thinking with respect to poverty and social exclusion, and social security in Europe. Starting from this it points to the basic aims, achievements and shortcomings of social security policies in the fight against social exclusion. As the lack of labour demand presents itself as the ultimate challenge for social security, the need for a European perspective is addressed, together with the inadequacy of existing policy-making structures.  相似文献   

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