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This paper discusses the varied ways Christian fundamentalists think about Jews and Israel in their theology and in their daily lives. Topics include the continuing significance for fundamentalists of Jewish responsibilities for the death of Jesus, the place of the Holocaust imagery and especially the importance of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, and the instrumental role fundamentalists believe Jews play in the end- time story leading up to the return of Jesus to Mount of Olives and the making of a new Jerusalem and the beginning of the millennium. The paper suggests that in these ambivalent images lies much social distress in the form of anti- semitism, distortion of our Middle East policy, and the erosion of efforts to create a human ecumenism.An earlier version of this paper appeared in translation as Das zweitdeutige Bild des Juden in Bewusstsein christlicher Fundamentalisten, inBrennpunkte des gegenwartigen Antisemitismus, a book published by the Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, Free University of Berlin.  相似文献   

This article raises some questions about the usefulness of meta-analysis as a means of reviewing quantitative research in the social sciences. When a meta-analytic model for SAT coaching is used to predict results from future studies, the amount of prediction error is quite large. Interpretations of meta-analytic regressions and quantifications of program and study characteristics are shown to be equivocal. The match between the assumptions of the meta-analytic model and the data from SAT coaching studies is not good, making statistical inferences problematic. Researcher subjectivity is no less problematic in the context of a meta-analysis than in a narrative review.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on microethical issues concerning interactions in which the process of informed consent occurs. It draws on research analysing the biographies and future hopes of 15- to 17-year-old girls and boys participating in targeted youth/educational programmes in the Helsinki area. The ethical challenge explored here is how to negotiate with the young interviewees on expanding the research setting towards a longitudinal and cross-generational approach, which also means expanding the data produced on their already well-reported lives. The paper highlights the power relations between adult researcher and young research participant, the contextual nature of gaining informed consent, and the conflict involved in trying to avoid hounding an over-surveilled group while still tracking their whereabouts and revisiting them for a follow-up interview.  相似文献   


This paper presents a theoretical reflection on e-social work by considering a case study: an intervention programme with vulnerable people, included in the services catalogue of a non-governmental organization (NGO), Zaragoza Red Cross Assembly. This programme cares for older people with a home assistance system mediated by information and communication technologies (ICTs). The digital convergence of the Spanish Red Cross and the digitalization of internal processes were accelerated by the use of ICTs as a tool in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis: first, to manage bureaucratic matters; second, to coordinate professionals and third, to interact with users. The text is divided into five sections including an introduction and final remarks. The first section describes the intervention programme and its evolution from a traditional social work vision to an e-social work perspective. The second section describes and analyses the intervention programme and the incorporation of ICTs in this NGO, over more than two decades. The third section describes professional contributions to the implementation and adaptation of social work to new social and technological circumstances and users’ requirements based on these intervention experiences.  相似文献   

Empirical data on persons of German ethnic origin migrating to Germany from the former Soviet Union are used to calculate their relative ferility levels before and after arriving in their new host country. Despite small numbers in the survey , a suitable method was used to effecitvely compare fertility before and after crossing the border with an index measure of national fertility rates. A relatively strong fertility decline was observed for German origin migrants ( Aussiedler ) from the former Soviet Union during their first years in Germany.
More interesting, we consider, is how and to what extent the change in living conditions affected reproductive behaviour after arrival in Germany.
Surprisingly, the fertility of this former high-fertility population fell to a level much lower than the already low German fertility. The extraordinarily high fertility levels of certain religious groups within the former Soviet Union fell even more rapidly after arrival in their new home country.
The results of the study may shed light on another development in Germany: that immediately after reunification the total fertility rate in the former GDR fell to the extremely low level of about 0.6 in 1993 and 1994. The experience of the former East German population is therefore similar to that of German-origin migrants from the former Soviet Union.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teaching about and for cultural diversity. More specifically, we look at the manner in which different types of teacher feedback either support or hinder student interaction and student learning. We identified seven types of feedback that were used in classroom discussions with 14–15-year-old students. The discussions and the feedback in these discussions provide insight into teaching about cultural diversity and also the impact of specific content that is focused on a sensitive topic. In this case, content of discussions related to a homework assignment about fear in different contexts.

Artikeln berör undervisning för och om kulturell mångfald. Mer specifikt studerar vi vilka typer av feedback som förekommer i en klassrumsdiskussion mellan elever i årskurs 8 och 9 och vad de innebär för elevers lärande. Vi identifierade sju typer av feedback. Sex av dem stödde elevernas lärande medan en av dem motverkade det som undervisningen syftade till. Diskussionen och den feedback som gavs av läraren under lektionerna bidrar med insikt om undervisning om kulturell mångfald, liksom om den inverkan ett särskilt innehåll kan ha. I det här fallet var innehållet i diskussionen relaterat till en läxuppgift om rädsla i olika kontexter.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a case study of a small group of Hakkas who have left the village-town of Beruas in the state of Perak on the west coast of the Malaysian Peninsula to make their homes overseas – mostly in cultures which are very different from the Hakka environment in which they grew up. It looks at: the reasons why they left their hometown; how they identify themselves in their new place of residence; who they married; their offspring in relation to the their mother tongue (Hakka) and traditions; how they see the future of ‘Hakka culture’ and the social and cultural costs of living overseas and marrying outside the dialect.  相似文献   

The article explores conditions under which life history interviewing, based on case study research, may become a valuable research instrument. Validity and reliability of case study as a form of qualitative research are discussed. It is shown that neither triangulation nor internal consistency methods can guarantee a single interpretation. As an example a case study of Zina, an immigrant from Russia, is used, and two explanations of her behavior are proposed. The choice between them is made through construction of a holistic image of Zina, which essentially means introduction of a new dimension—theory, worldview—as a criterion of validity and reliability of case studies. Relations of a case study to a theory are discussed, and the conclusion is made that a case study enables a researcher to utilize the most the diversity of life histories of elderly people.  相似文献   

Though Canadian universities are legally required to accommodate disabled employees, disabled faculty still experience difficulties navigating neoliberal performance standards and medicalized conceptualizations of disability. Drawing on data from a qualitative study with Canadian university faculty, this paper explores the experiences of five disabled academics. Our analysis draws on post-structural understandings of neoliberalism, discourse, disciplinary power, and governmentality, as well as Rosemarie Garland-Thomson’s concepts of the fit and misfit. Though the sample is small, this analysis suggests universities pose disabling contexts for academics. Disability is cast as individual responsibility, leaving disabled academics navigating accommodations without institutional support. The normative academic constructed through a discourse of efficiency and productivity is the measure against which disabled academics are evaluated, requiring self-governance to produce themselves as ‘good enough’ academics. Although higher education environments are increasingly diverse, disabled academics are still having to prove their right to exist in academia, hindering their abilities to participate fully.  相似文献   


The paper considers the case of vegetovascular dystonia, one of the most typical and common “Soviet” diseases. This syndrome emerged in Soviet medicine after World War II, and very quickly become a popular diagnosis among physicians. The author describes how the construct of vegetovascular dystonia was formed and developed, what changes it underwent, and what affected those changes. The concept and history of vegetovascular dystonia can provide an understanding of Soviet medicine and health science in general.  相似文献   

The following case study describes an ergonomics intervention program, designed and implemented by an occupational therapist (OT), which included principles of participatory ergonomics, had full support of management and administration, and addressed the work, worker, and environment. The ergonomics program took place in the Sterile Processing Center (SPC) of a 398 bed, mid-western hospital. The SPC was responsible for the collection, sterilization, and reassembling of hospital surgical equipment. The 30 employees of the SPC were vulnerable to injury, having experienced 19 in only two years (of the 19 injuries, 9 were WMSD or ergonomics-related injuries). Over a two and a half year period, the OT and SPC manager conducted ergonomic evaluations, implemented employee training, designed a new SPC department, and modified work processes and equipment. In the year following the training and changes, the SPC staff experienced no injuries. Because of it's success, the program is continuing on a quarterly basis to ensure new problems are addressed quickly, new processes or equipment are evaluated, and new staff are properly trained.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore how social workers co-operate around a case where a four-year-old child is exposed to hardship or abuse in the family. The empirical data were collected using a vignette technique in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, the state of Texas (USA) and Britain. The data show that it is common to discuss, as well as work jointly, with others in an obviously serious child welfare case, and that different professional expertise is involved. Discussions of a case are generally held within the agency rather than with external specialists. Moreover, there is a positive relationship between the severity of the case and the degree of collaborative working. The data show that there are differences in the answers between the countries under study. One cause contributing to differences might be variation in organisation of the social services in the countries. Another explanation could be the extent to which legislation affects co-operation at the single case level. To be able to establish regular co-operation between different agencies, it seems to be important that co-operation is integrated in the process of the practice in social work.  相似文献   

Hospital cleaning work, as health care work, is mainly performed by women all over Europe. Hospital cleaning activities represent a poorly studied sector although very important also for patient's health. We applied the Method of Organizational Congruencies to study cleaning work in three typical hospital units (Emergency Room, Haematology, General Medicine) of a roman University hospital where 198 women cleaners work. We analyzed the 731 technical actions performed in the three shifts and the related Organizational Constraints (OC). Working outsourcing, no occupational risks training, washing personal equipment at home, standing, long walking, early morning and night shift in emergency room, high monotony (>10 actions per hour) contact with biological and chemicals materials, risk conditions of accidents, artificial lights, hot microclimate and working in a cure setting represent the main Organizational Constraints. Differences among the three Units are discussed together with the importance of considering cleaning hospital as a preventive action towards hospital clinical risk.  相似文献   

Many government agencies have "constituents" who believe the agencies should hear and consider their needs and desires in establishing program priorities. This article describes how one involves interested constituents (consumers, industry, medical professionals, and state organizations) in the agency's annual priority-setting process. This participation has produced a number of beneficial results-some expected and some unexpected.  相似文献   

"The study investigates the departure from Australia of former settlers who arrived during the 1980 calendar year. The 1980 settler arrival cohort [consists] of 75,167 visaed migrants.... The study has three main aims: (i) to analyse departures from Australia of the 1980 settler arrival cohort with a view to gauging the success of Australia's immigration program in retaining settlers; (ii) to examine the retention rates of settlers with respect to characteristics...including age, sex, marital status, country of last residence, and settler eligibility category; and (iii) to consider implications of the findings." Australia's present immigration policy is discussed, previous research on return migration from Australia is summarized, and a detailed analysis of the departure data is presented. "This study found that by August 1984, 12.4 per cent of non-refugee settlers who arrived in Australia during 1980 had departed permanently but that only 0.6 per cent of the 1980 refugee cohort had done so." These figures represent a decline in immigrant departure rates since the 1960s and early 1970s. Small differences in departure rates by place of birth, age, and marital status, which may have demographic consequences if sustained over time, are noted. (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

Social work has always played a dominant role in shaping child welfare and child protection policy throughout the world. At the beginning of the twentieth century Hungary created one of the first and best laws for child protection. Since that time society, social work, and the political climate have changed significantly. The research discussed in this paper tries to show the implication of current political and ideological trends for social welfare of the children via social work methods. During the period of so-called socialism in Hungary, state care was the dominant form of child protection. After the transition to democracy new forms of child protection - including the provision of services by NGOs - became available. One such agency is the Child Protection Foundation that provides 'substitute' or 'deputy' parents (and social work) for families who are temporarily unable to care for their children. The agency's child welfare social worker needs specialized knowledge and skills relevant to the population and their problems. The knowledge base was developed and strengthened by supervision. A programme evaluation showed that out of 25 families more than 95% could care for the child at home after three years in the programme. Implications of the results of the new child protection law of 1997 are discussed. Auf der ganzen Welt hat die Soziale Arbeit sowohl bei der Ausgestaltung wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Politiken und Angebore für Kinder als auch in Bereich des Kinderschutzes schon imer eine dominante Rolle gespielt. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhundets wurde in Ungarn eines der ersten und auch besten Kinderschutzgesetze geschaffen. Seit dieser Zeit haben sich die Gesellschaft, die Soziale Arbeit und auch das politische Klima entscheidend verändert. Die in diesem Aufsatz diskutierten Forschungsergebnisse veruschen die Implikationen der gegenwärtigen politischen und ideologischen Trends für die Wohlfahrtspolitik und -angebote für Kinder im Rahmen sozialarbeiterischer Mothoden und Strategien aufzuzeigen. In der Phase des sog. Sozialismus stellte die staatliche form der Fürsorge die vorherrschende Weise des Kinderschutzes in Ungarn dar. Nach dem Übergang zur Demokratie wurden neue Formen des Kindersschutzes, einschließlich der Beretistellung von Diensten durch Nicht-Regierungsorganisationene verfügbar. Eine solche Einrichtung ist die Stiftung Kinderschutz, die 'Ersatz-' oder 'stellvertretende Eltern' (und auch soziale Arbeit) für solche Familien zur Verfügung stellt, die zeitweilig nicht für ihre Kinder zu sorgen in der Lage sind. Im Hinblick auf die Population und ihre Problemlagen benötigen die Sozialarbeiter dieser Einrichtung sowohl relevantes Spezialwissen wie auch Handlungskompetenzen. Die Wissenbasis wurde vermittels Supervision entwickelt und konsolidiert. Eine Evaluation des Programmes hat gezeigt, daß durch die Teilnahme am Programm über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren 95% der Familien in der Lage waren, zuhause für ihr Kind zu sorgen. Abschließend werden die Implikationen des neuen Kinderschutzgesetzes von 1997 diskutiert. El trabajo social siempre ha jugado en todo el mundo un papel dominante en la configuración de las politicas de bienestar y de protección de infancia. Desde entonces la sociedad, el trabajo social y el clima politico han cambiado de forma significativa. Le investigación presentada en este articulo intenta mostrarla implicación de las actuales tendencias politicas e ideológicas sobre el bienestar social de la infancia a través de los métodos de trabajo social. Durante el periodo del ilamado socialismo en Hungria, la intervención del estado fue la forma predominante de protección social. Después de la transición hacia la democracia se dispuso de nuevas formas de protección a la infancia - incluyendo los servicios ofrecidos por ONG -. Una de estas agencias es la Fundación para la Protección de la Infancia, que provee de padres 'sustitutos' y servicios de trabajo social para las familias que temporalmente no pueden hacerse cargo de sus hijos. El trabajador social del ámbito de la infancia en la agencia necesita unas destrezas y conocimientos especificos aplicables a esta población y sus problemas. Estos conocimientos son desarrollados y fortalecidos a través de la supervision. Una evaluación de programa mostró que, en un grupo de 25 familias, el 95% pudo hacerse cargo personalmente de sus hijos después de tres años en el programa. Se analizan las implicaciones de los resultados de la nueva ley de protección a la infancia de 1997. Le travail social a tougjours joué un rôle dominant dans la formation des politiques de protection de l'enfance à travers le monde. Au début du siècle, c'est en Hongrie que fut créée l'une des premières et des meilleures lois de protection de l'enfance. La recherche décrite dans cet article concerne l'impact des courants politiques et idéologiques actuels sur la protection de l'enfance à travers les méthodes de travail social. Durant la période de soi-disant socialisme en Hongrie, la protection de l'enfance était prise en charge par l'Etat. Après la transition vers la démocratie, de nouvelles formes de protection de l'enfance - y compris les services dispensés par les ONG - sont devenues disponibles. La Fondation pour la Protection de l'Enfance est un organisme de ce type; elle propose, paralellement au travail social, des parents 'de substitution' ou 'délégués' pour les familes qui sont temporairement incapables de prendre soin de leurs enfants. Les travailleurs sociaux de cet organisme ont besoin de connaissances spécialisées et de savoir-faire se rapportant à cette population et à ses problèmes. Les connaissances de base ont été développées et renforcées par le suivi. Un programme d'évaluation a prouvé que sur 25 families, 95% pouvaient s'occuper de ses enfants à la maison après 3 années de ce programme. Les conséquences des résultats de la nouvelle loi de protection de l'enfance sont débattues.  相似文献   

A social health maintenance organization (SHMO) integrates acute and long-term care and provides an extended-care benefit for elderly who are at risk of institutionalization. This article reports findings from a case study of the termination of the Group Health SHMO in Minnesota. Interviews were conducted with social workers and at-risk elderly who had been receiving long-term care through the SHMO. The case study examines the post-SHMO transition and the process of replacing SHMO care coordination and longterm care services. Most of the elderly and their caregivers indicated they were "losing ground"--that is, they were paying more or getting less care. Some were paying more for less care. Because they tended to switch to private-pay arrangements and to rely more on informal care, it appears that their care system became much less stable after the closing of the SHMO.  相似文献   

This case study focused on the steps taken by a Canadian city bordering the United States to manage the commercial sex component of an adult entertainment package that draws many American visitors. It explored how the city dealt with the potential of community stigmatization resulting from its growing reputation as a place for easily accessible sex trade. The distinctive Canadian laws related to the sex industry, the predominantly laissez-faire attitude toward people's sex lives, and concerns about maintaining the atmosphere of safety and privacy protection preferred by many residents set boundaries to the approach that could be taken. The specific historical, geographic, social, and political location of the city figured prominently in its choice of a normalization rather than a spatialization strategy.  相似文献   

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