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《The Leadership Quarterly》2003,14(4-5):569-586
This study examined the possibility that the relation between extrinsic rewards (e.g., pay and recognition) and employee creativity varied as a function of two conditions: employee job complexity and employee cognitive style. Our results showed a positive relation between extrinsic rewards and creativity for employees with an adaptive cognitive style who worked on relatively simple jobs. We found a weak relation between rewards and creativity for employees with an innovative cognitive style who worked on complex jobs and a negative relation for those in the adaptive style/complex job and innovative style/simple job conditions. We discussed theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Consider the repercussions carefully before you take on a legal battle with your employer. It may be better to simply resign and try something new.  相似文献   

In most competitive location models available in the literature, it is assumed that the demand is fixed independently of market conditions. However, demand may vary depending on prices, distances to the facilities, etc., especially when the goods are not essential. Taking variable demand into consideration increases the complexity of the problem and, therefore, the computational effort needed to solve it, but it may make the model more realistic. In this paper, a new planar competitive location and design problem with variable demand is presented. By using it, it is shown numerically for the first time in the literature that the assumption of fixed demand influences the location decision very much, and therefore the selection of the type of demand (fixed or variable) must be made with care when modeling location problems. Finally, two methods are presented to cope with the new model, an exact interval branch-and-bound method and an evolutionary algorithm called UEGO (Universal Evolutionary Global Optimizer).  相似文献   

In this article, we aim to replicate and extend a study that has revealed a link between naïve personality and leadership judgments and company profits. Rule and Ambady (2008) found that power- and leadership-related perceptions derived from CEOs' faces were significantly related to company profits. In our follow-up study and extension, we focus on CEO succession events to explore the longitudinal relationship between personality- and leadership-related perception ratings and company performance. We study the context of CEO successions to test whether variations in personality- and leadership-related perceptions from CEO faces are related to company performance and whether variations in company performance are associated with the type of CEO that is chosen. We can replicate the original correlative leadership effect using a temporal extension of the analysis horizon but fail to replicate the link between CEO leadership perceptions and company performance when using a different measure of performance and a different analytical approach to account for the longitudinal nature of our data. Our results have important implications for further theorizing on the relationship between subjective leadership perceptions and objective performance measures.  相似文献   

How can you tell the difference between mere noise, and a profound change headed your way? Your gut instincts may not always be a reliable gauge. It takes a long time for most people to become an executive leader. If you are typical, you were raised and trained in a different era, with different expectations. You see things with different lenses. So what can you trust? You can trust first principles. Ask yourself what you know about the reasons that changes are happening in this environment. Then ask yourself about what is being proposed--how does it fit with the roots of the changes in health care and your organization? The three change filters presented here can help you to figure out if it's change or just noise. Ask yourself: (1) what are the changes occurring in the health care industry; (2) is your organization ready for change; and (3) how likely is it that your organization will easily adopt this particular change? These three filters together will help you decide what is a truly important change, how ready your organization is for change, and whether it will adapt to this change with ease or difficulty.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘open source’ software initially referred to software projects managed by grassroots communities in public forums. Since 1998, the concept has been adapted and diffused to new settings that extend beyond software. While the open source community has maintained control over which software licenses can be considered ‘open source’, little attention has been paid to the elements that constitute community management. More private parties now contribute to OSS communities and more hybrid governance models have emerged. Before we can understand how hybrid models differ from a community managed model, a more precise definition is needed. This essay takes a step in this direction by identifying five core principles critical to community-managed governance.
Siobhán O’MahonyEmail:

This research investigates consumer preferences for different multi-dimensional price profiles. Drawing on research on price affect, we investigate whether consumers prefer descending monthly installments (e.g., 40, 30, 20, 10) over constant (e.g., 25, 25, 25, 25), or ascending ones (e.g., 10, 20, 30, 40). Results of a field experiment with a sample of 1,628 German car buyers corroborate the hypothesized profile effect. In the experiment, participants were asked to evaluate different finance offers for a new car that all had the same present value but differed in terms of how the installments unfolded over time. Consistent with the hypotheses, decreasing monthly installments are evaluated more favorably than constant installments, which, in turn are evaluated more favorably than ascending installments. Furthermore, the results provide evidence for the underlying process by showing that the impact of different MDP profiles is mediated by positive affect. Finally, it was hypothesized that consumers’ individual differences (i.e., debt aversion, financial expectations, and product category knowledge) would exert a moderating influence on evaluations of different price profiles; these hypotheses, however, were only partially confirmed. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Doing or being?     
The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, would occasionally distill the essence of the art into three simple shapes--a circle, a square, and a triangle. These are three basic ways of dealing with what's coming at you. The square is the simplest. It is about, essentially, doing nothing. The saying here is from the old spiritual: "I shall not be moved." You meet the challenge head on. The triangle is about forward motion--attack, cutting right to the heart of what is coming at you, or cutting right past it to the space beyond. The circle is often the most interesting space. The circle is not about standing ground or cutting through. The circle is about dancing with whatever is headed your way. The real danger lies in being stuck in any one mode--perpetually intransigent, always flailing away in attack mode, or forever slip-sliding through one dance step after another. It is only when our response is embodied in who we are that we will have the power truly to lead other people.  相似文献   

Major companies devote considerable effort to communicating corporate visions and missions. Yet three recent surveys suggest that much of this effort has been counter-productive. A gap has emerged between rhetoric and reality. Arenas of confrontation have arisen between directors and managers, head offices and business units, holding companies and their subsidiaries, and between specialists and generalists. A widespread desire for corporate transformation is not matched by understanding of how to bring it about. The lack of top management commitment and of communication skills are major barriers to change. More competent directors and more effective boards are needed. The article suggests key roles for the chairman and the chief executive. It examines how best to share a compelling vision, and identifies a requirement for new attitudes and approaches to communication.  相似文献   

Hold or fold?     
This article examines some of the problems of the health care organizations we serve and that support us. While external problems can besiege an organization, the fundamental building block for success is to develop physician buy-in and a well-functioning team. The author describes how his IPA failed because the physicians in his organization didn't bond sufficiently, and for a sustained period, to carry out business operations. What are the warning signals that might help you decide whether to stay or move on? An IPA must have: (1) A clearly articulated vision of what success will look like, one that is accepted by its members; (2) effective leadership; (3) clear evidence of adaptability and flexibility; (4) financial stability; and (5) good data available to physicians. There can be other evidence of trouble you need to watch for. In some areas, hospitals and health plans are hostile to physician initiatives. Don't rely on politically motivated decisions--they are too easily changed. If you plan to be a leader for your physician organization, focus on creating or revising the internal architecture of the group.  相似文献   


Continuous shiftworkers of both genders who like shiftwork and report fewer digestive problems have higher scores on hardiness than those who dislike shiftwork. Whether this is a causal, consequential or accidental relationship requires a longitudinal investigation. It is also not clear how far ‘hardiness’ is a personality measure, a behavioural style, a coping strategy, or a consequence of the stress of shiftwork.  相似文献   

This study investigates how a biotechnology firm??s collaboration incidence is affected by the business model it adopts. Specifically, we compare interfirm collaboration conducted by biopharmaceutical firms adopting the hybrid business model with those using the product-focused business model. The analysis based on 1,820 collaborations conducted by 87 dedicated biopharmaceutical firms suggests that firms adopting the hybrid business model generally engage in more collaboration. They also establish a greater proportion of exploration collaboration. These findings have implications for firm??s positioning using business models.  相似文献   

This study documents two empirical facts using matched employer–employee data for Denmark and Portugal. First, workers who are hired last, are the first to leave the firm. Second, workers' wages rise with seniority, where seniority is defined as a worker's tenure relative to the tenure of his colleagues. Controlling for tenure, the probability of a worker leaving the firm decreases with seniority. The increase in expected seniority with tenure explains a large part of the negative duration dependence of the separation hazard. Conditional on ten years of tenure, the wage differential between the 10th and the 90th percentiles of the seniority distribution is 1.1–1.4 percentage points in Denmark and 2.3–3.4 in Portugal.  相似文献   

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