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Lifestyle, currently a popular lay term but not an important construct within the social sciences, is examined briefly. Two studies designed to explore a lifestyle typology using personal projects methodology are reported. In the first study, three distinct lifestyle types were identified among a large community sample. They were tentatively labelled pressured, relaxed, and wishful thinking lifestyles. In the second stuty, these types were replicated for a university student group, with two types of a relaxed lifestyle being revealed.Four lifestyle types were found among those in the university sample reporting high subjective well-being. They were tentatively labelled hedonistic, adventuristic, individualistic, and promethean. A preliminary analysis of a variety of demographic and socioeconomic variables using the four types for the subsample reporting high well-being revealed age and sex differences. Young respondents tended to be assigned to the hedonistic and adventuristic types, while older respondents tended to be assigned to the promethean type. Women tended to be assigned to hedonistic type. The results and some implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent debate in the literature on population, environment, and land use questions the applicability of theory that patterns of farm extensification and intensification correspond to the life course of farmers and to the life cycle of farm families. This paper extends the debate to the agricultural development of the United States Great Plains region, using unique data from 1875 to 1930 that link families to farms over time in 25 environmentally diverse Kansas townships. Results of multilevel statistical modeling indicate that farmer’s age, household size, and household structure are simultaneously related to both the extent of farm operations and the intensity of land use, taking into account local environmental conditions and time trends as Kansas was settled and developed. These findings validate farm- and life cycle theories and offer support for intergenerational motivations for farm development that include both daughters and sons. Environmental variation in aridity was a key driver of farm structure.  相似文献   

Rapid population growth, industrial and military activity, agriculture, and motor vehicles have had severe, quantifiable adverse impact on California's environment and social fabric. Cumulative impact of ground and surface water contamination will take decades to remedy at costs that may prove politically unbearable. The state's educational and welfare systems are approaching insolvency, due to factors associated with population growth, largely fueled by immigration. Increasingly severe restrictions on motor vehicles will be necessary to remediate degraded air, while number of vehicles will double before 2020.The cumulative impact of these processes may prove a severe test to consensus-based American representative government.  相似文献   

Population and Environment - Over the past two decades, population researchers have engaged in a far-reaching and productive program of research on demographic responses to changes in the natural...  相似文献   

Recent literature has suggested that population aging may shape energy demand and related emissions. Recent scholarship also suggests that emissions play a role in contemporary climate change and, as such, understanding the effect of population compositional change has considerable environmental policy importance. The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the macro-level relationship between population aging and emissions of sulfur dioxide. We extend a standard macroeconomic estimation function by including the age composition of the population. In doing so, we separate, for the first time in the literature on aging and the environment, the life-cycle dimension of the age structure from its cohort dimension. We utilize data representing a balanced panel of 25 OECD countries during the period from 1970 to 2000. Consistent with our expectations, we find that societies with a low proportion of young and a high proportion of senior citizens emit more sulfur dioxide. At the same time, our results suggest that a high proportion of individuals born before 1960 is positively correlated to national sulfur dioxide emissions. Our study contributes to understanding of past emission patterns in OECD countries and the findings may allow for improvements in future emission projections.  相似文献   

With its rapid industrial transformation over the last two decades, Korea has experienced a massive population shift from rural to urban areas. In particular, population concentration together with the concentration of economic and political power in the primate city of Seoul created spatial imbalances and a host of urban problems which are not uncommon to many developing nations. In response to these persisting imbalances and problems, the government of Korea has implemented various programs and measures since 1970. Korea's experiment with population redistribution, although it may not be easily replicated in other countries, provides a rare example with which we can examine some of the major issues involved in population distribution policies. The paper reviews Korean policies and programs for population redistribution, assesses their effects in redressing the three major spatial imbalances - between urban and rural, between regions, and between cities of different sizes - and draws lessons for policy formation in Korea as well as in other countries which are considering such a policy.  相似文献   


Keyfitz has derived an elegant formula for estimating the ultimate size of an initially stable, growing population that abruptly reduces its fertility to replacement level. Reduction of fertility is achieved by the rather unrealistic device of dividing the original age schedule nffertility rates by the net reproduction rate. Only the inertia of the age distribution is thus accounted for, but not that of the fertility schedule. The key idea of an abrupt imposition of a fixed regimen capable in the long run of generating zero population growth may be retained, but the regimen made more realistic. By elaborating the population setting, such disparate ZPG regimens as reduction of marital fertility by contraception, delayed and/or less universal marriage, raised mortality risks, or permanent net out-migration may be formulated. Convergence of the populaton to stationarity becomes a two-phase process: a primary adjustment period of changing fertility rates followed by a period of age adjustment.

The present paper treats what happens when a fixed ZPG sterilization regimen, defined by a minimum age of sterilization γ and constant continuous risk φ of sterilization among unsterilized wives aged γ to β, is imposed abruptly (or else progressively over an interval T) upon an initially stable, growing population. Additional sources of residual growth are: (1) the nine-month lag in sterilization effect owing to pregnancy: (2) the more youthful pattern of child-bearing under sterilization: (3) the extra adjustment period (of length β-γ-0.75) of changing fertility rates; and (4) any delays in exposing elements of the population to the sterilization regimen.

Two questions are pursued. First, how important are the additional sources of residual growth? Secondly, how do their relative sizes vary as a function of the characteristics of the initial population?  相似文献   

Summary Keyfitz has derived an elegant formula for estimating the ultimate size of an initially stable, growing population that abruptly reduces its fertility to replacement level. Reduction of fertility is achieved by the rather unrealistic device of dividing the original age schedule nffertility rates by the net reproduction rate. Only the inertia of the age distribution is thus accounted for, but not that of the fertility schedule. The key idea of an abrupt imposition of a fixed regimen capable in the long run of generating zero population growth may be retained, but the regimen made more realistic. By elaborating the population setting, such disparate ZPG regimens as reduction of marital fertility by contraception, delayed and/or less universal marriage, raised mortality risks, or permanent net out-migration may be formulated. Convergence of the populaton to stationarity becomes a two-phase process: a primary adjustment period of changing fertility rates followed by a period of age adjustment. The present paper treats what happens when a fixed ZPG sterilization regimen, defined by a minimum age of sterilization γ and constant continuous risk φ of sterilization among unsterilized wives aged γ to β, is imposed abruptly (or else progressively over an interval T) upon an initially stable, growing population. Additional sources of residual growth are: (1) the nine-month lag in sterilization effect owing to pregnancy: (2) the more youthful pattern of child-bearing under sterilization: (3) the extra adjustment period (of length β-γ-0.75) of changing fertility rates; and (4) any delays in exposing elements of the population to the sterilization regimen. Two questions are pursued. First, how important are the additional sources of residual growth? Secondly, how do their relative sizes vary as a function of the characteristics of the initial population?  相似文献   

This paper examines linkages between the demographic changes taking place in Zaire, particularly overall population growth and rapid urbanization, changes in agricultural practices, and related environmental degradation. Pressures to feed Zaire's rapidly increasing urban population, which fall on a rural population that has been growing relatively slowly in recent years, as well as population growth and increased population density in certain areas of the country, have resulted in changes in agricultural practices that are described in the paper. These changes in turn are leading to declining soil fertility, deforestation, and degradation of the natural resource base. Given present technology and the state of Zaire's economy, the changes in agricultural practices that have emerged in response to population growth, increased population density, and growth in demand for food production do not appear to be sustainable in the long run.  相似文献   

Summary The paper reports the results of demographic research in a rural village of about 1500 Hausaspeaking farmers in southern Niger, during the winter of 1973-74. The research site lies at the heart of the Sahel-sudanic zone just to the south of the Sahara, where drought, and in some areas, famine have exacted a heavy human, animal, and economic toll since 1968. The study was designed to measure and explain the change in the size and structure of the population during the years 1969-73. Social anthropological field techniques were used to ensure full and accurate reporting by community residents on all census topics. Data on rainfall and crop yields, on health and sanitary conditions, and on the political economy, social organization, and culture of the village were gathered in order to interpret the demographic situation The analysis of this data yields the following conclusions: 1. The population of the village appears younger (mean age: 15 years) and growing faster (mean doubling time: 23 years) than reported for Niger as a whole in 1972. 2. Contrary to what the researchers expected, the crude death rate, while relatively high to begin with, actually declined during the drought period (mean: 14.81); the crude birth rate remained very high (mean: 46.01), and the crude rate of increase rose from 1969 to 1973. 3. There was virtually no family out-migration from the target village during the drought, although the number of adult males participating in seasonal migrations to large West African towns rose from 35 per cent in 1969-70 to 75 per cent in 1973-74. 4. Problems of food production and distribution were acute, but thanks to the availability of donated foods, these were sufficiently short-lived during this drought cycle to make no discernible impact on population, although prolonged protein/calorie malnutrition among the very young may affect future fecundity.  相似文献   

本文主要采用第五次人口普查数据,对上海浦东新区流动人口的居住状况进行分析和研究。研究表明流动人口在大城市具有明显的非居民化的居住特征,表现在居住场所集中于城市边缘,居住地更换频繁,居住质量差和居民身份认同感缺乏。为了保障流动人口在大城市的居住健康和大城市整体的健康发展,促进流动人口在城市的居住和谐,有必要采取措施,宏观调控城市的人口规模,适当建造流动人口公寓,制定流动人口的居住标准,增强流动人口的居民身份认同,增进本地人口与外来人口的居住融合。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代开始,众多学者对中国实行的计划生育政策所带来的种种负面影响展开讨论,其中最令学者担忧的是人口逆淘汰现象的出现。“逆淘汰”的赞成者认为中国计划生育政策导致的城镇少生、农村多生的格局会造成中国人口素质下降,产生“逆淘汰”现象。然而20多年过去了,中国人口的素质非但没有出现下降,反而日益得以改善和提高。文章从事实出发,将20多年来城乡教育素质、健康素质加以比较,辅之城市化进程加快和总和生育率下降的数据,论证中国人口素质没有降低的原因,最终证实“人口逆淘汰”并不存在。  相似文献   

The notion of optimal population is recast as a problem of optimal scale (population times per capita resource use). Bioeconomic limits to scale are considered, drawing on concepts from A.J. Lotka and N. Georgescu-Roegen. The ethical choice between many people at low resource use per capita versus fewer people at higher resource per capita transcends bioeconomics, but is unavoidable and highlights the issue of sufficiency as well as efficiency. A policy of increasing resource severance taxes and lowering income taxes, especially on lower incomes, is suggested as a way of serving both efficiency and sufficiency.Presented at the symposium on Population and Scarcity: The Forgotten Dimensions.  相似文献   

人口变动情况抽样调查的回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡英 《人口研究》2005,29(1):37-42
人口变动情况抽样调查是全国和各省、市、自治区获得年度人口数据的主要渠道之一。人口变动情况抽样调查自 1 983年开始至今已走过了 2 0年的历程 ,形成了较为完善的人口调查制度方法。本文就人口变动情况抽样调查制度方法的形成过程做了较为详细的论述。同时也阐述了人口调查制度方法还需不断的改进和完善 ,以适应人口发展的需要。  相似文献   

Prevention continues to gain importance among the strategies open for governmental development of social policy. This paper offers two exploratory conceptual discussions related to prevention in social policy. The first is a representation of the policy making environment with special reference to the informational requirements for the development of policy. The second is a discussion of social pathologies, broadly defined as patterns of behavior with important negative repercussions on individuals whom we refer to as victims, and of possible strategies toward the development of (at least partial) preventive measures. The two discussions are interrelated as the shape of the second is dictated by the desiderata outlined in the first. The paper is divided into five parts:
  1. Introduction: the conundrum of prevention.
  2. The Development of a paradigm of the policy context.
  3. Dependent variables: social pathologies.
  4. Independent variables: a focus on structural determinants.
  5. Conclusion: information requirements for preventive action.

成振江 《南方人口》2006,21(3):14-17
一、山区人口的结构性矛盾及原因分析山区人口在改革开放以来出现了结构性变化,是经济社会发展的必然产物和正常现象,但总的来说处于失衡状态。由此产生的矛盾,将对山区经济社会产生深刻而持久的影响。(一)人口老龄化问题山区老龄人口所占比例,1982年时仅仅是5.05%,2000年时已达到8.17%,到2004年更高达8.33%,已迈入老年型社会。山区人口老龄化具有速度快、规模大、高龄化、经济发展水平低、“未富先老”等特点。这种较快的人口老龄化速度,使得山区人口业已沉重的负担系数,在今后将显得更加沉重。2003年起,山区试行农村合作医疗,信宜市每年的…  相似文献   

本文认为在可持续发展的框架内传统的人口研究方法和概念存在局限性,应树立综合考虑人口的社会属性和自然属性的广义人口观.本文尝试构建对环境的消费压力人口模型,对人口的消费活动及其环境压力之间的联系进行定量分析,并比较了中国各省区消费压力人口的现状和变动.我们认为在研究人口与环境关系时要充分考虑消费的影响,并有必要界定"适度"的消费,在人口学研究中引进新概念与新方法.  相似文献   

【人物简介]邬沧萍1922年9月生于广东番禺。1946年毕业于香港广州岭南大学经济系,曾在香港中国九龙海关任职。1948年赴美在纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学攻读研究生,1950年取得MBA学位。为响应新中国的呼唤,1951年离美回国,一直在中国人民大学从事教学和研究工作。1971年以前,在统计系任教。1971年以后,在人口研究所从事人口学翻译、教学和研究。现任中国人民大学人口研究所教授、博士生导师,兼任中国老年学学会名誉会长、中国人口学会副会长、北京市政府参事,曾任第七、八两届全国政协常委,国际人口研…  相似文献   

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