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宏观经济稳定性对人民币汇率传递的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘淼  于震 《学习与探索》2012,(12):99-101
人民币汇率问题是近年来国内外关注的热点问题。通过平滑转化模型(STR模型)考察宏观经济稳定性对汇率传递(ERPT)的影响,实证结果表明宏观经济稳定性与汇率传递效应有非对称关系,两者之间是负相关关系,即宏观经济越稳定,汇率传递水平越低。宏观经济动荡会导致市场信心降低,进而引发宏观经济货币政策可信性下降,汇率传递效应加强。因此,在当前国际经济尚不明朗的情况下,国内的主要经济目标要偏重稳定,同时要合理安排经济增长,促使产出缺口与潜在经济增长保持一致,避免因政策调整滞后性和累积性引发经济剧烈波动。  相似文献   

人民币升值压力与中国的对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨帆 《求是学刊》2003,30(3):45-52
人民币名义汇率的升值趋势 ,从 1994年汇率并轨时即确立。作者在 1994年就预测人民币“稳中有升”的趋势可以延续到 2 0世纪末。现在可以把预测再延长 5— 8年 ,在此期间人民币将受到越来越大的升值压力。国家可以通过扩大汇率浮动范围 ,放松外汇管制 ,调整国内经济政策 ,一方面消化升值压力 ,一方面逐步实现“浮动升值”。文章通过历史和理论分析 ,论证了人民币升值期的根据和影响 ,并且进一步提出了以汇率为中心调整国内外经济不平衡的政策建议  相似文献   

郭晶 《浙江学刊》2005,(4):175-180
汇率政策有效性受产权、交易费用、市场化程度和对外开放程度约束.人民币汇率政策有效性的阶段性变化与同期的制度约束变化是密切相关的.随着我国市场化进程的推进,汇率政策有效性的制度约束在减弱,政策有效性逐步增强.笔者认为充分认识汇率政策有效性的制度约束,对于转轨国家具有重要意义.目前,人民币汇率政策有效性的制度约束具体表现为国有产权制度缺陷、来自国外的新形式交易费用增加、汇率形成非市场化和国际经济政策协调制度低效.提高汇率政策有效性需进一步加强各项配套制度建设.  相似文献   

人民币汇率改革是近年来国内外理论界讨论的热点.一国的汇率政策属于一国经济主权的范畴.维护中国国家的经济主权是人民币汇率改革的根本出发点,人民币汇率改革只有在坚持维护中国经济主权的前提下,按照主动性、可控性和渐进性原则来推动人民币汇率形成机制的改革,实现人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定.  相似文献   

中国在国际贸易领域表现突出,尤其是连续二十年的贸易顺差和屡创新高的外汇储备,使得一些西方国家将目光盯向了人民币汇率,对人民币汇率安排相继提出各种指控,旨在加快和加大人民币升值的速度和幅度.特别是美国国会近年来针对人民币汇率的法案层出不穷,从指控人民币汇率操纵到汇率偏差,从着眼于汇率操纵行为到关注汇率贸易效果,从单一的制裁措施到全方位的行动,针对人民币汇率的指责尘嚣日上,且相关法案也日趋完善.由于汇率问题涉及一国货币主权,我们必须高度重视美国有关汇率立法的动向,及时作好应对准备.  相似文献   

通过对两次危机过程中人民币汇率的实际表现,包括借由贸易渠道所产生的实际产出影响,以及危机对中国汇率制度调整的阻滞效应等几个层面的分析,可以看出,中国的汇率体制变革并非单一的主观性问题,其进程的推动力量不但根植于国内外的经济形势与环境,更需要包括中国在内的世界主要经济体在广泛领域内的经济与政治合作.  相似文献   

人民币汇率波动对企业与税收的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不确定的汇率波动增加了各类经济主体经济收益的不确定性,形成了外汇风险,对企业的生产经营和国家税收产生了直接或间接的影响.汇率的波动会使得企业的经营效益和长远经营战略受到影响,企业的进出口业务、跨国投资业务、国内业务都会受到由汇率波动所造成的不同程度的影响;同时,由于汇率波动会导致金融市场的不稳定,对国家税收安全也产生了一定程度的影响.所以,我国企业应该积极采取措施,通过短期措施和中长期策略减少因人民币汇率波动而造成的影响.而国家税收则通过积极的调整出口退税政策、完善企业税收政策、完善鼓励创新的税收政策、调整地产税收政策和资本市场税收政策的方式来加强国家税收安全,防范由汇率波动产生的影响.  相似文献   

后金融危机背景下人民币汇率稳定问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当前美国经济出现困难的情况下,美国炮制人民币升值的言论并强迫人民币升值,实际上是试图遏制中国并将其国内问题转嫁给中国。经过长期不断的改革,现阶段人民币汇率已经进入相对合理和稳定的运行状态。总体来说,目前的人民币汇率与中国的经济发展基本相适应,适合中国的对外开放和经济发展的要求。因此,现阶段必须注意保持人民币汇率的相对稳定和人民币汇率改革的循序渐进。为了应对人民币升值的压力,中国应在坚持汇率主权的原则下,积极地推进战略性进口,改善外汇投资和储备结构,鼓励中国企业到国外投资,加强与国际社会的对话和磋商。  相似文献   

本文利用利率平价理论和汇率超调学说以及参考换汇成本学说,对改革开放以来人成币汇率波动及其与利率的关系进行了检验。并针平价在我国的适用程度的差异,将交易成本和资本管制等因素考虑进去,并修正了利率平价公式,建立了人民币汇率调整的模型,以更好地解释现阶段人民币汇率、利率与资本流动之间的关系,以便更好地来适应国情和指导实践。  相似文献   

人民币汇率是近年来国际关注的焦点.本文借助乔翰森(Johansen)协整分析框架,运用行为均衡汇率(BEER)模型和恒久均衡汇率(PEER)模型,探究了人民币实际汇率和名义汇率的均衡水平.论文认为,人民币汇率的确被低估,但幅度最高不超过15%;渐进的"两步走"改革战略是中国推进固定汇率制转向弹性浮动汇率制的最佳选择.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a short-run model for the interaction between money, output, prices, international reserves, and the exchange rate in a managed floating system in Greece. The framework presented, which is in the spirit of the monetary approach modified to allow for adjustment lags in output and prices incorporates a policy reaction function for domestic credit. The role of inflationary expectations is taken into account. The policy question addressed in the paper by means of the model is whether current economic policies are sustainable and whether stabilization measures leading to lower inflation and smaller fiscal deficits should be pursued.  相似文献   

本轮自2008年底开始的经济衰退,在"适度宽松的货币政策"及积极财政政策的配合作用下,经济增长很快走出了低谷,效果明显。但自2010年下半年尤其是2011年却出现了较高的通货膨胀。本文从货币政策独立性的角度分析了通胀形成的原因。认为中央银行缺乏足够的独立性、财政政策货币化、缺乏弹性的汇率制度导致货币政策缺乏独立性,使得货币供应量失控并导致了通货膨胀。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes monetary policy in a stylized New-Keynesian model. A number of issues are focused upon: (i) optimal monetary policy under commitment or discretion versus ad-hoc monetary policy based on simple rules, (ii) the effects of fiscal policies and foreign variables on monetary policy, (iii) the effects of fiscal deficit and interest rate smoothing objectives and the role of forward-backward linkages in the model. The model is estimated for the Euro Area. Using simulations of the estimated model, it is analyzed how these aspects might affect monetary policy of the ECB and macroeconomic fluctuations in the Euro Area.  相似文献   

This paper will assess implications of shifting policy mix in the US for global imbalances and adjustment, with a focus on the euro area, using the European Commission’s QUEST model. Following early market euphoria after the elections on the account of expected “decisive” pro-market policies, uncertainty regarding the composition and timing of the new administration's economic policies has been the norm. Early proposals included a substantial fiscal stimulus which, combined with a tightening monetary stance, was expected to drive up long-run interest rates and the dollar, leading to widening global imbalances and potential instability. Today the expansionary impact of the fiscal plans is the subject of a heated debate while monetary policy continues to tighten steadily and risks related to a protectionist trade agenda remain pronounced. Contrary to initial expectations, real interest rates and the dollar have weakened, while global imbalances persist. Addressing policy and structural needs in the US – and abroad – is a necessary condition to rein in global imbalances. In this context, this paper will discuss the role of the G20/G7 to promote a coordinated policy approach and in particular to what extent the G20/G7 can deal with the transition from crisis management to the balancing of heterogeneous preferences among the policy makers to promote global growth and stability.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the economic impact of discretionary fiscal and monetary actions taken in the United States during 2020 and 2021. The fiscal actions are The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the “CARES” Act, passed in March 2020; The Consolidated Appropriations Act, passed in December 2020; and The American Rescue Plan Act, passed in March 2021. The paper focuses on the impact of the “economic impact payments” that underlie these fiscal actions. The paper also examines discretionary monetary policy actions taken during the same period. The overall implication is that there is a need to return to policies that increase economic growth and stability, including rules-based fiscal and monetary policy, rather than to continue with these one-time discretionary actions.  相似文献   

This article examines the target zone proposal for exchange-rate management by presenting the results of simulations performed on both a large macroeconometric model and a small analytical model. The main conclusions derived from the large model are: (1) that exchange-rate-oriented monetary policy could have curbed misalignments without undermining counterinflation policy, but (2) a major impact on current balances would have required compensatory fiscal policy as well. The small model suggests the value of assigning world interest rates to the pursuit of a (flexible) world nominal income target and fiscal policy to national nominal income targets, if interest rate differentials are assigned to exchange-rate management.  相似文献   

We use decomposition and regression to examine the reasons for the changes in nominal and real rates of return of China’s foreign exchange reserves between 2002 and 2009. The results show that the US financial market risk premium is the most important determinant of changes in the nominal rate of return, while the US dollar exchange rate and the bulk commodity price are the two key determinants of changes in the real rate of return. From empirically based research, one may conclude that the loose monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve increases China’s foreign exchange reserves’ nominal rate of return but decreases the real rate of return and that the European debt crisis has an uncertain impact on China’s foreign exchange reserves’ nominal rate of return but may well raise the real rate of return.  相似文献   

采用分解和回归方法,考察2002-2009年间中国外汇储备名义收益率与真实收益率变动的原因,可以发现:美国金融市场风险溢价是影响中国外汇储备名义收益率变动的最重要因素,美元汇率和大宗商品价格是影响中国外汇储备真实收益率的最重要因素。基于实证的研究还可以推断:美联储宽松货币政策会提高中国外汇储备名义收益率,但降低了真实收益率;欧洲债务危机对中国外汇储备名义收益率的影响不确定,但很可能提高了真实收益率。  相似文献   

王珏 《唐都学刊》2000,16(3):81-84
在我国经济有效需求不足状况下,借鉴西方需求管理理论以启动国民经济,扩大内需,是我国政府所采用的宏观经济政策的主要内容。在通货紧缩,需求不足的经济时期,采用扩张性的财政政策和货币政策,在政策工具的运用及政策的力度上,应考虑我国经济的特点及社会环境因素,不能生搬硬套。本文对我国宏观经济中需求管理政策的运用及运用中应注意的问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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