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According to Inner Mongolia,Xinhua Net,as of the end of May, A Glass of Milk —Program for maternal Care has benefited 816 pregnant women in Alxa League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,among which 667 enjoyed fresh milk and 151 milk powder.The program with such a manifest effect at its early stage was acclaimed  相似文献   

正According to the Government Website of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,relevant departments of Inner Mongolia planned to deliver state scholarship for high school education to disabled students as well as children fromin families with disabled personsmembers.The allowance standard will be 500 Yuan every year for each student initially.In addition,Inner Mongolia has also established a special  相似文献   

Du Jue Min, Associate Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor of Inner Mongolia Normal University, one of first Dr. diploma holders of Chinese painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, guest artist in Zhejiang Art Academy, Painting and guest artist of Calligraphy Institute  相似文献   

The biggest MCH project ever undertaken since thefounding of the People's Republic of China in1949, which will benefit pregnant women and theirbabies in 378 poverty-stricken counties in 12 ofChina's 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomousregions, was officially launched on January 13 thisyear.The project was initiated in conmenmoration of the10th anniversary of the United Nations' passing of theConvention oil Children's Rights. The meeting wasco-sponsored by the Working Committee on …  相似文献   

Despite improving health conditions of Chinese students aged 7-22 on the whole in recent years, some problems still exist. These include increasing obesity, a high rate of nearsightedness, weakening physical and vital capacities and a low level of health care for rural students. These are the results released by the Education Ministry through a monitoring network established in 2002 in 14 provinces (municipalities or autonomous regions) including Beijing, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning. The…  相似文献   

Forestry authorities throughout China were urged to keep on high alert for forest fires in coming months as lingering dry weather and high temperatures have made forests tinder dry. Zhou Shengxian, director of the State Forestry Administration (SFA), said forestry departments in the major forest regions of northeastern China and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the north should be on the alert to provide fire prevention. These areas are thought to be at higher risk for forest fi…  相似文献   

30 years ago, Professor Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh began to issue micro-lending to the local rural women. Since Bangladesh is a poor country, its rural women are the poorest of the poor. According to the Western financial creeds, there is no such thing as contract, security, guarantee, lawyers and credit rating in this country, nor exist the financial markets here.  相似文献   

In July 2000 and May and June 2001, a group of experts from China Population Information and Research Center and Nanjing College of Population Management conducted assessment surveys in Tumote Qian Banner (Inner Mongolia), Longhua (Hebei), Jinchuan (Gansu), Pingyao (Shanxi) and Minhe (Qinghai) for the International Integrated Project (FP/MCH/parasite control) that was jointly implemented by JOICFP, SFPC and China Family Planning Association. They obtained plenty of firsthand …  相似文献   

According to People’s Network,the Eleventh Five-Year Plan has witnessed a cumulative reduction of 750,000 poverty-stricken people in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. For five years,the Autonomous Region has completed the task of the integrated development plan for 5,000 key povertystricken villages,each  相似文献   

The Uzbeks in China are mostly living in Xinjiang,typically in cities such as Yining, Tacheng, Kashi,Hetian, Urumqi, Shache and Yecheng. Some of themalso live in Shaanxi, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia andBeijing.The size of the Uzbeks fluctuated in history. In 1949,there were. 12,000 Uzbeks, in 1953, that number roseto 13,600. By 1964, however, it dropped back to7,700 but by 1990. it climbed back to 14,700. In 1990,the birth rate of the Uzbeks stood at 26.6 per thousand,a rate between the …  相似文献   

During the Seventh Five-Year Plan period (1986-1990), the Chinese government divided its 30provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) onthe mainland into three parts according to theirgeographical location and level of economicdevelopment. This is shown as follows:Eastern: Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong,Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong,Guangxi, Hainan.Central: Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi,Henan, Anhui,Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan.Western: S…  相似文献   

In January 2008, the National Population and Family Planning Commission and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League jointly launched the "Care for Girls Youth Volunteer Action" pilot program throughout the nation. The pilot project will span the years from 2008 to 2010 ,and after that ,the Action will be scaled up around the nation.  相似文献   

Population region distribution of the 2000 population census (10 thousand) RegionPop.RegionPop.RegionPop.Beijing1382Jiangxi4140Qinghai518Tianjin1001Shandong 9079Ningxia562Hebei 6744Henan9256Xinjiang1925Shanxi 3297Hubei6028Hong Kong678Inner Mongolia2376Hunan6440Macao44Liaoning 4238Guangdong8642Taiwan and Jinmen, Mazu and a few other islands ofFujian2228Jilin 2728Guangxi 4489Heilongjiang3689Hainan787Shanghai1674Chongqing3090Jiangsu 7438Sichuan8329Servicemen of CPA250Zhejiang4677G…  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the newly revised Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of I the Elderly, the society has attached continuousconcern to the feasibility, and legal and ethical boundaries of the clause of children "visiting home often". How to support family-based senior nursing has become an important area for discussion.  相似文献   

According to Shanghai Government Network, while striving to promote the internationalization of the local talents, Shanghai municipal government has officially unveiled the "Suggestions by Shanghai Municipality About Implementing the Program of Introduing High-level Overseas Talents", with which the local "Thousand Talents Program" was started up. According to the program, the municipality will bring in a batch of high-level and urgently-needed talents from abroad within 5-10 years,  相似文献   

According to Xinhua Net, starting from2011,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will provide free education and textbooks to all the students studying in general Mongolian secondary schools and secondary vocational schools,and financially disadvantaged students who are learning in general Chinese secondary schools.By 2013, the practices will coverall secondary school students in all districts,so free education for  相似文献   

Using the survey data collected by Center for Population and Development of Renmin University of China in 2009 at Chaoyang district of Beijing, Dongguan city of Guangdong province and Zhuji city of Zhejiang province, this paper analyzes the impact of family floating on employment status of floating population and their family members. This paper finds that family floating not only affects men but also women, and family floating has a greater impact on women. The likelyhood of employment and work time of men are affected by family floating, so do the likelyhood of employment and income of women.  相似文献   

Liu Changjiang is a 77-year-old retired chief physician in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecological Hospital. He is quite determined to take part in the "Silver Age" Campaign. As soon as he knew that Beijing was launching an aid campaign to Inner Mongolia as  相似文献   

Everyone has something to fear. At the end of 2012, Baidu Knowledge collected statisticson near 20 million questions related to "'fear' and issued a list named "What do Chinese fear lbr?", according to which, it analyzed different fears by Chinese. The psychology of fear is due to uncertainty about people, things and the future. The things people fear for change with age, living experience and the environment. Although the conclusion of the list is not rigorous, however to a certain degree, it reflects the worries of the current society. The most interesting and noteworthy thing is that there are huge differences between men and women.  相似文献   

Basic Data in 2005 At the end of 2005, the whole province of Zhejiang had a total number of 11.22 million immigrants of childbearing age, of whom 4.32 million were women and 2.99 million were married women. The number of children born to the floating population totaled 17,315, of which 2,943 were out-of-plan births. The fertility rate of the married women of childbearing  相似文献   

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