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The International Seminar on Frontiers and Perspectives of Demographic Research was successfully held on May 1920,2010 in  相似文献   

On 3 and 4 May 2012,the International Seminar on Demographic Challenges and Social Cohesion was held in Beijing The seminar was hosted by Nationa Population and Family Planning Commission(NPFPC) and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development(BMZ)  相似文献   

中国目前面临着严峻的就业形势。人口年龄结构的迅速转变严重影响着中国劳动力资源的供给状况。今后20年是劳动力资源最为丰富的时期,每年劳动力资源的供给总量超过8亿,每年新增劳动年龄人口超过1000万。如此规模庞大的劳动力资源和新增就业人口,对中国经济的发展来说既有发展的优势,又是巨大的挑战。丰富的劳动力资源是中国在世界经济体系中最大的竞争优势。这种优势在中国成为 WTO正式成员之后变得更加明显。市场导向经济改革的主要目的就是要让市场发挥更大的配置资源的作用。这意味着就业和失业问题今后要更多地靠市场去…  相似文献   

The present study adopts a multidimensional approach to classifying countries in international comparative policy analyses. The article builds a data-based typology founded on future demographic projections of the United Nations. Latent class analysis is used to identify various demographic profiles of countries based on fertility rates, net migration rates, and dependency ratios. There is great value in identifying future changes in population composition, as it enables governments to set policy agenda, prioritize needs, and prepare better for what lies ahead. The paper demonstrates the value of such typology to social services, by analyzing the demographic profiles and estimating their implications for future challenges in educational provision. The contributions of the paper to international comparative policy analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

基于人口红利视角的大学生就业问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口红利对我国经济增长起到了重要作用。本文从人口红利的视角对就业难与用工荒并存的现象进行了分析,从劳动力市场、产业结构、专业设置、就业理念等不同层面揭示出产生就业难与用工荒的影响因素,提出社会层面要打破劳动力市场分割、国家层面进行产业结构调整、学校层面进行专业调整、学生方面则要进行观念调整等多种措施。这些措施不仅可有效解决就业难与用工荒的问题,而且还可因制度变革获得内涵式人口红利,实现社会经济的增长。  相似文献   

中国农村人口结构与居民消费研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用生命周期模型、家庭储蓄需求模型和家庭生育决策理论等分析了人口结构变化对居民消费的影响渠道,并利用2001~2009年中国农村省际面板数据对人口年龄结构、性别结构与居民消费的关系进行了经验分析。研究表明,农村少儿抚养比与农村居民消费率显著负相关,农村老年抚养比与农村居民消费率显著正相关,而农村人口性别比系数的稳健性较差。  相似文献   

O n the afternoon of August 26, 2013, during the XXVII IUSSP jlnternational Population Conference, Population China and Development Research Center (CPDRC) and Digital China(China), Ltd. convened a side event on PADIS-INT, a web-based Population Projection Software. At the side event, PADIS-INT was introduced for the third time at international occasions after the first side event to promote PAD1S-INT in 2011 at the UN headquarters and the second side event at the Conference on Sustainable Development in  相似文献   

背 景自 2 0世纪 80年代起 ,西方现代的人口分析技术和统计分析方法全面引入中国 ,对我国人口科学研究的规范与发展起到了巨大的推动作用。 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,中国进行了三次人口普查 ,两次全国人口抽样调查 ,以及多次有关生育、生殖健康、死亡、迁移和老年等各个方面的专项抽样调查 ,人口学研究的数据异常丰富。与此同时 ,微型计算机日益普及 ,统计分析软件变得越来越易学好用。这些大大推动了统计分析方法和人口分析技术在人口研究中的普及和应用 ,取得了丰硕的研究成果。根据郝虹生、陈功的统计 ,90年代以来在《人口研究》杂志上发表…  相似文献   

人口红利问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
车士义 《西北人口》2009,30(2):11-14
人口红利问题是经济学和人口学共同关注的热门话题之一,但是对于人口红利的具体定义仍然存在分歧。文章重新界定了人口红利的概念以及衡量标准。并以此标准探讨了中国人口红利的特征和影响经济增长的条件和传导机制。  相似文献   

The digital traces that we leave online are increasingly fruitful sources of data for social scientists, including those interested in demographic research. The collection and use of digital data also presents numerous statistical, computational, and ethical challenges, motivating the development of new research approaches to address these burgeoning issues. In this article, we argue that researchers with formal training in demography—those who have a history of developing innovative approaches to using challenging data—are well positioned to contribute to this area of work. We discuss the benefits and challenges of using digital trace data for social and demographic research, and we review examples of current demographic literature that creatively use digital trace data to study processes related to fertility, mortality, and migration. Focusing on Facebook data for advertisers—a novel “digital census” that has largely been untapped by demographers—we provide illustrative and empirical examples of how demographic researchers can manage issues such as bias and representation when using digital trace data. We conclude by offering our perspective on the road ahead regarding demography and its role in the data revolution.  相似文献   

马妍  刘爽 《人口学刊》2011,(1):16-23
综合运用建国60年以来的人口自然变动以及生育和死亡转变的数据,从实证研究的角度通过聚类分析刻画我国省级人口转变在时间和空间上的演变进程。时间序列聚类的结果表明,各省的生育率、死亡率和人口自然变动的转变过程具有不同步性,转变模式各具特色;而多时点连续聚类的结果充分体现了我国省级人口转变在空间上的扩散过程和在时间上的推移过程,以及省级人口转变趋同的速度不断加快的特点。此外,对省级人口转变和社会经济发展进程一致性的比较,反映出两者既有一致性也有非一致性,社会经济发展对省级人口转变时空演变进程有一定的影响,但非决定性影响。  相似文献   

我国老龄化进程中的第二人口红利:理论与实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前相关研究对第二人口红利的界定并不一致,本文通过对开创性文献及其具体机制的分析发现第二人口红利的本质是居民面临养老风险而提高的储蓄率及其所形成的资本积累效应.利用可支配收入和生活消费支出计算我国的居民储蓄率,在控制了经济发展水平等因素和剔除第一人口红利效应之后,计量分析发现我国人口老龄化过程中存在着显著的第二人口红利.在我国社会养老体制不断变革的背景条件下,人口寿命延长是形成第二人口红利的主要因素,老人抚养比的增大并没有对居民储蓄率造成显著影响.  相似文献   

西方人口分布预测研究动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田飞 《西北人口》2010,31(4):73-76,80
在人口预洲领域,对出生、死亡、迁移、规模以及结构(性别、年龄)等因素的预测已经有了很大进展,然而对于人口分布方面的预测研究则少之又少。非常可喜的是,近十年来西方一些学者,在这个方面已经做了一些有益的尝试。可以为我国将来在该领域的研究起到很好的借鉴作用。本文就西方学者近期人口分布预测的研究傲一简要梳理.涉及的预测主题依次为:种族、教育状况、老年人口保健与收入、劳动力、移民出生地、家庭户主率等。  相似文献   

云南人口机会窗口与人口红利收获研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文首先分析了云南人口机会窗口的特征和给社会经济发展带来的潜在机遇,第二部分指出由于劳动就业压力、资本市场不健全和老龄化问题突出等阻碍着我们获取人口红利,最后对收获人口红利的支撑体系进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

The objectives of the study are threefold: (1) to provide estimates of the total populations and spatial distributions of different language groups in Turkey, (2) to test whether the commonly held belief that Turkish-speaking and Kurdish-speaking populations are “actors” of different demographic regimes is true, and (3) to assess whether a process of integration, in the form of intermarriage of Turks and Kurds is under way in Turkey. Data come mainly from the 2003 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS-2003). Based on the assumption that the mother tongue composition of women is also representative of that of the whole population, the results of the TDHS-2003 imply that of the population of Turkey, 83% are Turkish-speaking, 14% are Kurdish-speaking, 2% are Arabic-speaking and the remaining 1% belong to other language groups. Results show that despite intensive internal migration movements in the last 50 years, strong demographic differentials exist between Turkish and Kurdish-speaking populations, and that the convergence of the two groups does not appear to be a process under way. Turks and Kurds do indeed appear to be actors of different demographic regimes, at different stages of demographic and health transition processes.  相似文献   

A major decision of the 7th Seminar on Information, Education and Communication organized in Tokyo by the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) held in June and July 1977 was to recommend that the term "family planning" be replaced by "family welfare." The intention of this change is to reflect the current trend of combined programs which have the objective of improving the quality of life. The major theme stressed by the seminar speakers was the importance of information, education and communication in launching improved innovative approaches and strategies in support of the integrated approach. 4 topics were selected for special consideration: 1) interpersonal communciation; 2) incentives; 3) organizational approach in family planning programs; and 4) integration of family planning with maternal and child health.  相似文献   

人口转变论的古典问题和新古典问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于已经完成或正在经历人口转变的世界各国在政治、经济、社会各个方面差异性的广泛存在,我们无论是从古典人口转变论那里,还是从新古典人口转变论那里,都不能获得一个理想的理论解释.故此,我们面临着两个选择一是修正和完善人口转变论;二是创立一个全新的理论.本文从古典人口转变论与新古典人口转变论、古典人口转变与现代人口转变两个层面进行比较分析,并将技术和制度两个因素纳入人口转变研究的视野,旨在深化对中国人口转变的认识.  相似文献   

人口转变的经济增长效应研究新进展:一个综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜涛 《西北人口》2008,29(6):1-6
关于人口转变对于经济增长的效应研究由来已久,但是研究大多只考虑了人口数量和人口增长率对于经济增长的效应。近二十年来,许多经济学家在揭示“东亚奇迹”和中国经济腾飞等一系列经济现象的原因时。发现了人口年龄结构对于经济增长的重要贡献,并提出了“人口红利”的概念以解释经济发展。本文将具体介绍近二十年来理论界对于人口转变影响经济增长的相关机制的研究以及经验分析。并对这些研究的政策含义和有待深入研究的问题作出简要评述。  相似文献   

Solving the problem of the adverse impact of human numbers on the natural environment is a collective action problem and, if we are to understand it fully, we need good interdisciplinary research which includes work by demographers and sociologists. A number of factors inhibit this work in Australia: narrow disciplinary training; the scarcity of extrinsic rewards; and, as population growth has come to depend on immigration, the risk of peer disapproval. There is also little encouragement for such research from political leaders or the public. Indeed survey data show that the more Australians worry about the state of the environment the more likely they are to want a higher migrant intake.  相似文献   

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