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现在社会的职业压力越来越大,因此针对职业压力的研究也越来越广泛。而在这其中,对于高校教师这一职业人们也更加重视,研究也越深入。笔者作为高职院校的青年教师,对于这一职业的压力深有体会。本文将从研究目的与意义,国内外研究现状以及研究成果等方面进行分析,更好的促进院校进行管理和青年教师的自身发展。  相似文献   

随着新媒体时代到来,大学青年教师是时代潮流的追随者,面对传统的教育方式或者培训模式很难吸引青年教师的全心参与,新媒体给我们带来了机遇。本研究主要是立足新媒体研究提升青年教师职业精神的途径;通过加强责任教育,规范学术责任;提升信息素养,强化网络道德;驾驭新媒体,培养青年教师为网络领袖;树立典型示范,实现以点带面;有效利用新媒体,创新培训方法等,力求改善青年教师的职业精神状况。  相似文献   

高职院校的青年教师是学校教育的主力军,但是青年教师却有着教学、科研、管理、职称评定、心理各方面的压力。这主要是由于社会、高校、自身的原因造成的,为此本文提出了政府与社会支持、建立更加人性化的管理制度、完善职称评定体系、制定科学合理的考核体系、青年教师个人自身方面的对策。  相似文献   

地方高校青年教师普遍应对着超负荷的工作,个人生活与发展以及生理心理等方面承受很大压力,这些问题的产生主要源于社会对高校教师的高期望,学校教师管理的僵化以及青年教师个人职业成熟度低,压力调节能力差等。本文从社会、高校、青年教师个人三个方面提出了相应的压力调适策略。  相似文献   

张淑 《现代交际》2015,(2):114-115
高校青年教师作为高等院校人才培养的重要力量,其师德师风及自身发展问题成为近年来热议的焦点。而青年教师面临的社会环境和历史使命使他们肩负着越来越多的压力,对师德师风建设带来一些消极影响。本文以积极心理学的相关理论为基础,结合调查分析了高校青年教师面临的压力,并通过理论探究和实证分析,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

蔡平 《职业》2013,(35):26-27
本文从普通高校的培养、高职教育的发展需求和青年教师本身的职业诉求三个维度构建了当今高职青年教师的职业素质结构,并提供了提升青年教师职业素质的路径支持。  相似文献   

曹晓荣 《职业》2014,(3):163
由我社主办的学生职业能力培养与心理健康教育改革创新研讨会于2013年12月25日和2014年1月8日分别在昆明和海口召开。来自全国的70多名职业院校的校长、书记、学生处长、班主任和心理健康老师参加了会议。《职业》杂志社副社长杨生文主持会议并讲话。  相似文献   

路珂 《职业时空》2009,5(5):145-146
随着我国教育改革的深入发展,竞争日益激烈的现代社会已向教师的生存与发展提出了越来越严峻的挑战,教师的心理压力和心理健康越来越引起人们的关注。本文试图通过教师心理健康“自助系统”的建立从根本上解决教师心理健康问题。  相似文献   

随着高职院校的扩招,学生数量的增多,教师的需求日趋明显,青年教师成为学校教育教学的骨干力量。然而高职院校青年教师的职业能力同职业要求却存在着一定的差异,本文从多方面剖析了青年教师存在的问题及问题成因,并提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

由我社主办的“学生职业能力培养与心理健康教育改革创新研讨会”于2013年12月25日和2014年1月8日分别在昆明和海口召开。来自全国的70多名职业院校的校长、书记、学生处长、班主任和心理健康老师参加了会议。《职业》杂志社副社长杨生文主持会议并讲话。  相似文献   

The impact of an intervention on the self-determination and career planning engagement of young adults with mental health challenges was studied. Sixty-seven young adults, 20 to 30 years of age, with mental health diagnoses (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder) were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Statistically significant greater increases were made by the intervention group versus the control group for self-determination and career planning engagement, and self-determination at least partially mediated increases in career planning engagement. With career planning self-determination interventions, young adults with mental health challenges might be able to achieve better career and life outcomes than is typical for this population.  相似文献   

Barriers such as stigmatization and access to health care may lead young adults with mental health conditions (YAMHC) to try to find alternatives to more traditional means of obtaining care. One possible alternative is to seek information online. The purpose of this article is to better understand how YAMHC use the Internet to access information about mental health, and the challenges they face when trying to access that information. Semistructured focus groups were conducted to investigate how YAMHC use the Internet for information and support regarding their mental health. Three major themes about mental health information seeking emerged from the data: (a) Topics searched, (b) Motivations for going online to search for information, and (c) Barriers to successful searching. Findings indicate that YAMHC look up information related to their mental health for a variety of reasons that are unique to the online experience, and use that information to help them with their care, despite at times feeling overwhelmed by, and not always trusting of, the information available.  相似文献   

贫困大学生的心理问题主要表现为自卑、焦虑、封闭、嫉妒、粉饰和依赖等不健康的心理状态.贫困生心理问题的存在将直接影响其拼搏进取精神、社会适应能力、良好道德品质的形成和个性心理品质的完善.建立健全多渠道扶助贫困生的机制,引导贫困生树立正确的人生观、价值观,积极开展有效的心理教育和心理咨询活动,努力优化高校校园育人环境,是当前解决高校贫困生心理问题的主要途径.  相似文献   

Liberation theory from a Third World adult educator is seen as consistent with social work ideals and an avenue for social work education to travel in developing better learning and more motivated, knowledgeable, critical, responsible, and autonomous learners. Conscious choice can free professional education from its pedagogical overtones, recast it in an androgogical perspective, and help it produce learners who are creative subjects rather than receiving objects.  相似文献   


Studies of the current health status of healthy young Native American men (American Indians and Alaska Natives) are rare compared with the attention researchers have given the many problems that plague the lives of these young men. Native American men are frequently not included in other studies focusing on men, and information on college-aged, healthy young Native American men is generally not readily available. Despite those drawbacks, this article brings together what is written or known about the health status of young Native American men. The emphasis, based on available information, is placed on some of the major health problems confronting this population.  相似文献   

More advantaged children (both in terms of social class and racial/ethnic membership) appear protected from symptoms of mental health problem, but a pattern has emerged in which these children who tend to have better mental health are more likely to be diagnosed with certain mental health disorders. These patterns have led some researchers and professionals to wonder if the qualifications for diagnosis are culturally biased or might unfairly favor the mental health needs of more advantaged individuals in society. Evidence that White and middle‐class children are more likely to be diagnosed with certain mental health disorders raises important and legitimate concerns about the mental health profession, but this problem of social advantage leading to mental health diagnosis has often overlooked the role of social process in how children become diagnosed. Mental health diagnoses represent the culmination of a process that involves several stages and requires initiation and (often times) persistence on the part of the individual being diagnosed. This idea of process has previously been referred to as the “illness career,” and applying this logic to the study of children opens the door for renewed inquiry into understanding who is and who is not diagnosed with a mental health problem.  相似文献   

This article examines a central plank of mental health policy (‘recovery’) in societies which have attempted to reverse the long-term warehousing of those with a diagnosis of mental disorder (de-institutionalisation). The emergence of the concept is traced in relation to the shift from an institutional to a more dispersed and community-based form of service organisation. Different usages of the term ‘recovery’, each with distinct implications for practice are considered on the part of three main interest groups (traditional bio-medical psychiatrists; social psychiatrists emphasising social skills training; and dissenting service users). These different usages suggest that ‘recovery’ is a polyvalent concept that creates an uneasy consensus point to define the management philosophies of local services enacting mental health policy. Also mental health work is about more than the group of patients mainly considered in relation to recovery (those with ‘severe and enduring mental health problems’). Practice-near research strategies are now required to investigate the varied practical scenarios these contradictions generate and ethnographic research is therefore indicated. Without multiple ethnographies, we will be left with competing rhetoric about recovery and its meaning or meanings may be rendered worthless.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to review empirical evidence of the effects of interventions designed to improve engagement in mental health services among adolescents, young adults and their families. Investigators searched relevant databases, prior reviews, and conducted hand searches for intervention studies that met the following criteria: (1) examined engagement in mental health services; (2) included a comparison condition; and (3) focused on adolescents and/or young adults. Effect sizes for all reported outcomes were calculated. Thirteen studies met inclusion criteria. Conceptualizations of engagement and measurement approaches varied throughout studies. Approaches to improving engagement varied in effectiveness based on level of intervention. Individual level approaches improved attendance during the initial stage of treatment. While family level engagement interventions increased initial attendance rates, the impact did not extend to the ongoing use of services, whereas service delivery level interventions were more effective at improving ongoing engagement. The review illuminated that engagement interventions framed in an ecological model may be most effective at facilitating engagement. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Deaf children have an increased prevalence of mental health problems compared with hearing children. Generic Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services do not have the skills or expertise to meet the mental health needs of this group of children. Three teams in England provide specialist mental health services for deaf children. This research explored children’s experiences of using these services. Twenty‐four deaf children participated in the study. Overall children valued and benefited from the service. The expertise of the staff and the presence of deaf clinicians were key to these positive experiences.  相似文献   

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