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越南农村土地法律制度中赋予农民永久土地使用权及农村土地使用权的自由流转的经验与教训,其对完善我国农村土地承包制度具有重要意义。我国农村土地承包期限无限顺延所引发的人地不均矛盾,是关系农村社会和谐与安定的重大问题。只有赋予农民永久的土地使用权,才能解决我国农村土地承包制度所面临的困境。  相似文献   

农民的地权选择与农地制度改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前中国农村土地家庭承包制度得到多数农民的认同。但是,当前农村的土地权属关系仍不明晰、不稳定,农民最担心和反对的是国家或集体剥夺农民的土地承包权。农民不仅要求土地承包权的长期稳定,还有实行土地私有化的愿望。农村土地制度改革和完善的总方向应该是:完善土地二轮延包,改革土地征用制度,建立农地退出机制,实行"农地稳定、公地调整"的政策,建立农村地价评估机制,从而进一步明晰和强化农民的土地财产权,确保"农民对土地的生产经营自主权将长期保持不变,也就是永远不变"。  相似文献   

当前我国农村缺乏完善的现代社会保障服务体系,以及土地天然地提供了一种综合性保障的事实,被一些学者解读为土地具有社会保障功能。他们认为,在当前农村政策政策背景下可以借助土地经营权流转等方式构建农村社会保障体系,这暗含着土地实际肩负着农村的部分社会保障职能和农民进入社会保障门槛需要以放弃土地权利为代价两个观点。土地的天然保障功能与社会保障之间具有异质性,土地流转带来的保障作用与社会保障之间同样具有异质性。应当尽量排除土地因素在农村社会保障建设中的作用,在“去土地化”的路向上似乎更有助于农村社会保障事业的发展。  相似文献   

农村土地使用权流转是建设社会主义新农村的必要环节,但是我国农村土地使用权的流动极不活跃。剩余劳动力非农就业机会的短缺、农业比较收益的下降、分散且不稳定的土地使用权、农村社会保障机制的缺失以及农地使用权市场的不完善制约了农地使用权的流转。促使农地使用权流转顺畅发展的根本要减少农民,并进行相关的体制创新。  相似文献   

集体建设用地使用权流转的法律思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化、工业化进程加快,国家建设用地供不应求,用地者转而向农村集体建设用地寻求出路,农村建设用地隐性市场应运而生,这种自发流转事实上处于法律上的"灰色"地带,如果放任其发展,将会导致土地收益流失和市场混乱.因此,必须采取有效措施规范和促进集体建设用地使用权的合理有序流转,而进行制度创新是集体建设用地流转的前提,建立清晰的产权是集体建设用地流转的基础,建立合理的土地收益分配制度是集体建设用地流转的关键,建立合理的土地流转机制是集体建设用地流转的保证.应该采取综合的措施,尤其要在政策和法律上寻求根本突破,从而充分保障农民获得集体建设用地流转的土地级差收益的权利,确保农民成为土地流转收益的主要获得者.  相似文献   

徐美银 《创新》2016,(3):116-128
农村土地主要具有生产价值、财产价值、转让价值,农户家庭根据自身禀赋对土地价值不同方面具有不同的偏好,这会对其土地转出意愿产生影响。对生产价值、财产价值偏好强度较高的农户家庭,土地转出意愿较弱;转让价值提高会增强农户的土地转出意愿。农村社会保障水平提高,会在一定程度上替代土地的社会保障功能,提高农民土地转出意愿。因此,需要采取措施,满足农户的土地财产价值要求、提高土地转让价值、提高非农收入所占比重、改革现有的农业生产补贴制度、提高农村居民社会保障程度,来增强农户家庭土地转出意愿,促进农村土地顺利流转。  相似文献   

中国政府的土地政策虽然一直在改进,在土地流转过程中起到了宏观调控的作用,发挥了个人或者集体所无法达到的效果,但是有些地方还是无法适应农民的需求,存在与民争利的现象。在土地流转市场上,政府应该明确公共利益需求,做到土地增值收益要更多地向农民倾斜,让农民有更多地选择权、自主权和参与权,让农民分享现代化的成果。  相似文献   

我国实行家庭联产承包责任制,曾极大地调动了农民的生产积极性。但随着生产力的发展,这一土地制度的缺陷日渐明显。同时,农业的规模效益与经济的市场化也要求进行土地制度创新。但东北地区还存在土地转出动力不足,政府在土地制度创新中主导性不足等问题。建议重构农村土地产权关系,发展特色生态农业,加强社会保障体系建设,以实现土地经营权流转。  相似文献   

中国经济长期可持续性增长将取决于农村改革的成败,而农村改革的关键在于土地制度的创新,本文试图探讨农村土地流转下的土地金融制度的演进与发展,从土地金融的角度来考察"三农问题"并就完善与创新我国现有农村金融资本市场,提出自己的若干见解。  相似文献   

甘肃农村土地制度改革问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地制度是农村的基础制度。土地制度的合理与否,对土地资源配置及其效率具有重大影响。本文对当前甘肃进行农村土地流转的必要性进行了系统分析;在分析剖析的基础上指出了甘肃进行农村土地流转时应注意的几个问题;在把握土地流转原则的前提下,提出了今后促进农村土地制度改革的战略措施。  相似文献   


Drastic urbanisation has produced a new marginalised group of landless farmers in China. Using representative survey data (N = 620) collected in the communities of landless farmers in Yunnan Province, this study examined the effects of active personal networks on employment status of landless farmers in the transition from rural to urban living. Our findings suggested that landless farmers more active in personal networks (receiving more support through the networks) were more likely to obtain employment in cities. This positive effect was much stronger for male landless farmers than for their female counterparts. While active personal networks significantly improved the opportunity of employment of older landless farmers, they had an insignificant effect on the younger ones. Social policies and service programmes aimed to facilitate landless farmers’ urban adjustment need to pay more attention to the community-based approach, and take into consideration the different service needs of different groups within this marginalised population.  相似文献   

This paper develops a multisector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to simulate the effects of trade on the distribution of income among socioeconomic groups defined both by the factors of production they own and the sector in which they work. The categorization of recipients includes landless rural labor, land owners, workers in the urban traditional sector, and workers in the organized sector and capitalists. Experiments are conducted with an application to Columbia, a primary-exporting economy. The results indicate that, for such an economy, outward-looking policies with increased primary exports are likely to be more detrimental for the distribution of income in the medium term than inward-looking ones.  相似文献   

卢君 《社会工作》2011,(14):74-76
随着我国工业化和现代化进程的推进,原有城市空间已不能满足现今迅猛发展的要求。在这个前提下,征地被提上日程,失地农民也随之产生。政府在制定关于征地的补偿政策时,采取的是一种后发性战略,不能完全覆盖问题的所有方面。本文运用一个新视角———发展型社会政策,来看待失地农民问题并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

China's urbanization faces two greatest difficulties of creating non-farm jobs to “landless farmers” and providing required amenities and social services to urbanites-to-be. In the earlier phase of development, TVE employment had provided important relief to the job pressure. Later, the “Small-city Strategy” that emphasized forming towns and small cities around where rural population resided successfully deterred rural population's entry into large cities. Today, China is implementing a Coordinated Development between the urban and rural sectors, aiming to reach a balanced development between the two sectors by making not only large cities more welcoming to rural migrants but also the small cities, towns, and areas where rural population now reside harder to leave. At the core of the coordination are three concentrations of rural residents, farmland, and firms, intended to help rural residents to settle in large cities, small cities and towns, as well as new residential areas in the countryside, to de-segment land to realize economies of scale, and to gather firms of a same industry in organized industrial areas to gain agglomeration economies and create non-farm jobs. This article examines the trajectory of China's urbanization, analyzes the working mechanism of the Coordinated Development model, and investigates Chengdu's practice of the Coordinated Development, which will help to provide insights into the new developments in China's urbanization.  相似文献   

在宪政框架下构建解决农村土地纠纷的长效机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
白呈明 《唐都学刊》2005,21(6):71-73
中国农村是当今社会矛盾和冲突最为集中和突出的地方,而农村土地纠纷则是农村社会矛盾和冲突的总根源。农村土地纠纷不仅仅是一个法律问题,也不仅仅是一个土地制度本身的问题。我们在构建解决农村土地纠纷机制时,不能仅限于对土地制度本身的改革与完善,这个机制必须能够容纳和消解土地制度以外的东西。概括地讲,就是要在宪政的框架下,在民主政治和现代法治的基础上,构建解决农村土地纠纷的长效机制。  相似文献   

中国农地流转供求态势探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农地流转取决于有效的农地需求和农地供给,通过中国农地市场流转理论决策模型的研究,动态考察当前中国农产品价格、非生产性收益、生产性成本、非生产性成本、土地使用成本、土地交易成本等因素对农地供求的影响作用,可得出结论:中国农村土地市场流转供求态势既存在有效供给不足,同时还存在有效需求不足。为此,促进中国农村土地使用权市场流转,其前提是打破垄断,培育市场,大力发展与农业经营紧密相关的“非农产业”,创造市场需求主体。  相似文献   

董国强 《社会工作》2009,(18):60-62
失地农民的出现,使建立失地农民社会保障制度迫在眉睫。本文通过从社会工作视角界定失地农民,分析失地农民社会保障问题,提出了社会工作视角下解决失地农民社会保障问题的新思路,即,将失地农民社会保障纳入社会工作实务;为失地农民提供法律援助和心理咨询服务;总结失地农民社会保障的执行经验,提出修订建议。  相似文献   

目前,在我国农村土地运行中,出现了土地“抛荒”、“过度征用”、“农民利益受损”等偏离制度预期的悖论现象;其内在深层原因是土地职能的多重性、矛盾性、演进性;而直接原因则是中央政府、地方政府、农户的效用在一定的制度框架中博弈的结果;调整现有制度安排的不当并促进各项制度均衡协调,促使参与农地利益博弈的各方力量形成恰当的张力架构,是克服悖论的现实选择。  相似文献   

As shown in the many disputes occurring in reforms to collective forest tenure, reforms aimed at clarifying property rights that follow the contract responsibility system for arable land are not wholly compatible with the informal system of property rights followed in village communities up to the present. This highlights the fact that the existing theory of collective property rights no longer provides a sufficient or effective interpretation of the property rights game in the practice of collective forest tenure. Further, the existing institutional arrangements for collective property rights are conducive neither to the resolution of disputes over forest tenure nor to the sustainable management and utilization of forest land. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more inclusive analytical framework for rural property rights: village communal ownership. This highlights the village community as the main force in the practice of property rights and integrates the communal ownership values accumulated and inherited in the course of village transition. The introduction of a rational mechanism developed through the practice of village communal ownership may be able to further improve and encourage the reform of rural property rights in China, leading to the construction of a modern system of rural property rights involving clear title to the land.  相似文献   

中国集体林权制度改革实践中出现的诸多林权纠纷现象表明,仿效耕地承包制的明晰产权改革设计与村庄社区沿袭至今的非正式产权制度无法完全兼容,由此凸显的问题是:关于集体产权实践的既有理论已不足以对集体林权实践中展现出的产权博弈现象作出充分有效的解释。既有的集体产权制度安排,也不利于林权纠纷调处及林地的可持续经营利用。为此,有必要建构一种更具包容性的农村产权制度分析框架——村庄社区产权,以凸显村庄社区在产权实践中所具有的主体能动性,整合村庄变迁中积累传承的社区产权价值观。引入村庄社区产权实践中形成的合理机制,或许能够进一步完善和促进中国农村产权制度变革,进而建立产权明晰的现代农村产权制度。  相似文献   

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