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I Didn't See Anything Good about It没看出好来Méi kàn chūhǎo lai One may use this sentence to comment on something when he/she thinks there's nothing wonderful about it,or when he/ she cannot foresee any favorable development trend in it. Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,how was the dance performance last night? B:I didn't see anything good about it. A:老李呀,昨儿的舞蹈晚会怎么样? B:哼,没看出好来。2.A:Lao Li,how are my shares doing? B:I haven't spotted a good trend. A:老李呀,我这股票的走势怎么样? B:哎呀,没看出好来。  相似文献   

Please Excuse Me/My Humble...让您见笑了Rang Nin Jianxiao le This phrase is often used to express one's modesty when he/she gives presents to his/her elders and/or teachers,or when he/she receives advice or comments.Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,there are many grammar mistakes in your article! B:Yes,I know.Please excuse my poor grammar! A:老李呀!您这文章里语法错误不少啊! B:是,是,让您见笑了,我的语法真的不灵!  相似文献   

No Wonder! 怪不得呢! Guai bu de ne! Sometimes, people want to find answers to the questions that puzzle them. If the truth turns out to prove their shrewd observations, they will be pleased. Example例句: 1. A:Hey, Lao Li was arrested for embezzlement! B: No wonder! I was curious where he got  相似文献   

A:老王,你身体怎么样? Lao Wang, How is your health?B:我身体很好,什么病也没有。你呢? My health is very good. I'm not ill. what about you?A:我身体也不错。My health also is not bad.  相似文献   

Be Too Far Behind差得太远了Differences always exist, regardless if they are between people or countries. We should find out where we fall short, and try our best to narrow the gap. Example例句: 1. A: Lao Li, you see, college students nowadays know everything, English, computers, driving... B: Yes, we're too far behind. It's only a matter of time before we're laid off. A:老李呀,你看看现在的大学生,又会英  相似文献   

TDWN Head Zhao: "How tired and good-for-nothing I am! To help ordinary people become richer, I got the money by a deal using my own son against my conscience. But now they think I'm a town traitor. High leaders demand that I build a big free market,  相似文献   

A:过年好!Guo nian hao!Happy Spring Festival!B:过年好!Guo nian hao!Happy Spring Festival!A:我来给您拜年啦!祝您全家身体健康,万事如意!Wo lai gei nin bainian la! Zhu nin quan jia shenti jiankang,wan shi ru yi!I'm paying you a New Year's visit. Please accept my wish-es for your good health, and may everything turn out as  相似文献   

MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL打电话A:喂,您好!Hello!B:您好!请问李江在吗?Hello!May I speak to Li Jiang?A:对不起,他现在不在这儿。  相似文献   

Q:I'm a foreigner who's just arrived in China. I love dogs. Now, I want to keep a dog here. I don't know if I am allowed to own a dog, or how to find out the process for registering a dog. Are mere any regulations specific to foreigners?A:After consulting with relevant departments, we have obtained the following information:轻松生活顾问,我是个刚到中国不久的外国人。我喜欢狗并一直养狗。现在我想在中国养狗,但不知你们国家对于外国人养狗有哪些具体规定。你能帮助我吗?  相似文献   

HISTORICALLY, Hainan Island has been the land of the Li people. It was only during the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.25), when the centralizedgovernment established two prefectures here caned Zhuya and Dan'er, that the Han people began to come southward to this remote island. So when anthropologists study the history and local customs of Hainan, the earliest information concerns the development of the Li nationality. There is a museum which provides clues to this history, the  相似文献   

Helping Me to Know More about China帮我了解中国It is my first time in China. I have been here for only two weeks as an exchange student. I got your February issue from one of my friends. I was absorbed by the cover, which was so colorful. I couldn't help but read the inside. I found some of the pictures so impressive, and very helpful to me in understanding Chinese women and China.  相似文献   

DRINKING TEA 请朋友喝茶A:请喝茶! Please, have some tea!B:对不起,我不喜欢喝茶。 Sorry,I' do not like to drink tea.A:什么茶也不喜欢吗?A:你喝点什么? What would you like to drink?B:我喜欢喝茶。 I would like to drink tea.A:喝什么茶?红茶、绿茶还是花茶?  相似文献   

It Is Good All Right, But... 好是好 Hao shi hao When hearing this, people usually focus their attention and listen to what follows, for the "hao (good)" in the first part of the sentence only shows politeness, while the latter part is the focal point. Example例句: 1. A: Lao Li, what do you think of Xiao Hong's suggestion? B: It's good all right, but it's not perfect and needs to be fleshed out.  相似文献   

Li, a lady who works for a foreign enterprise in Beijing, fell in love with her non-Chinese colleague Paul a year ago. Now they plan to get married in Beijing. What kind of formalities do they need to go through? Stipulations on the Marriage Registration of Chinese Citizens with Foreigners announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China on August 17th, 1983 provide as follows:  相似文献   

I WANT TO LEARN CHINESE我想学中文A:你会说中文吗?Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma?Do you know how to speak Chinese?B:我会一点儿。Wo hui yidianr.I know a little bit.A:你能看中文书吗?B:是,我学过中文。Shi,wo xue guo Zhongwen.Yes,I have learned Chinese.A:你喜欢学习中文吗?Ni xihuan xuexi Zhongwen ma?Do you like studying Chinese?B:我很喜欢学习中文。  相似文献   

1 Tao Te Ching《道德经》Author:Lao Tzu (Translated by D.C.Lau) Publisher:Penguin Whether or not Lao Tzu was a historical figure is uncertain,but the wisdom gathered under his name in the 4th century BC is central to the understanding and practice of Taoism.One of the three great religions of China,Taoism is based upon a concept of the Tao,or Way, as the universal power through  相似文献   

IN early May when flowers were blooming, 37 senior women officials of 16 nationalities from 14 provinces and autonomous regions were invited by Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation Limited to attend the Seventh Seminar for the Senior Officials of the Minorities' Autonomous Prefectures in China. I was also invited as an ethnic women's affairs worker at the All-China Women's Federation. This was the first time I had been with s many senior women officials. They didn't know each other, yet the first day they met they sat together, introducing themselves  相似文献   

A 1990 population census revealed that China has 276,912,000 households. As a result of multiplication by smaller families, they are like a well-branched tree, or a river which grows as it collects brooks along its way. There is no end to the stories that have been told about families and marriages.  相似文献   

Why Didn't You Say So Earlier/in the First Place?你怎么不早说呀? This sentence is often used when someone complains about another person who gives advice after the fact, at which point it is too late to be useful. In fact, the speaker tries to shift the blame to the other person. Example例句: 1. A: Could you help me get two tickets for Swan Lake? B: Why didn't you say so earlier? I had 10! A:帮我搞两张“天鹅湖”的票好吗? B:你怎么不早说呀!刚才我手里还有10张!  相似文献   

‘Without Nyerere,We Couldn't Come to China’"没有尼雷尔,我们不可能来到中国""Without Nyerere,we couldn't come to China;without Mao Zedong,Chinese people couldn't live so well!"That was the song sung by several Tanzanian women,as they witnessed how China's rural women had greatly improved their livelihoods,due to support from the Chinese Government and the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF).  相似文献   

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