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This paper examines the relationship between pregnancy and life satisfaction for US women of childbearing age using a large sample from the 2005 to 2009 waves of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The results show strong differences by race and ethnicity. Pregnancy has a significant positive correlation with happiness for Whites and Hispanics, but no relationship for Blacks. This differential in the marginal effect of pregnancy is in addition to a general decrease in satisfaction for Black women, independent of being pregnant. The results cannot be explained by differences in other demographics such age, income, education, or physical health status. Within each racial/ethnic group, the results are consistent across different categories for all these characteristics. Racial and ethnic differences in the effects of pregnancy on support from others can partly explain this result. For Whites and Hispanic women, pregnancy increases their feelings of social and emotional support from others, while pregnant Black women report lower levels of social and emotional support than non-pregnant Black women.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of youth emancipating from the foster care system makes it difficult to establish the extent to which their functional outcomes are equivalent across different subgroups. In the present study, we use secondary data from the Multi Site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs (MSEYP) to explore the challenges faced by sexual minority youths in comparison to their heterosexual peers. We focus on measurements of key independent living outcomes at age 19 to obtain a broad picture of how sexual minority youth fare during the period of transition to adulthood. Bivariate results indicate that the deficits for sexual minority youth are noteworthy across all categories of functional outcomes (i.e. education, employment, homelessness and financial stability). Furthermore, results from binary logistic regression models indicate that sexual orientation was associated with each category of functional outcomes, even when controlling for demographics and child welfare history factors. Findings suggest that sexual minority youth leaving foster care are particularly vulnerable to negative outcomes and may require more intensive supports during the period of transition to adulthood. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Intercountry adoption is a worldwide phenomenon that has been drawing an ever-increasing amount of research attention. The vast majority of that research has focused on transracial adoptive relationships and, in particular, the ethnic socialization and adjustment of children adopted into racially different families. Very little is known about the ethnic identity development of internationally adopted children who are racially similar to their adoptive parents. In the current study, 50 children adopted into New Zealand from Eastern Europe were interviewed on their ethnic self-identification and self-concept. The adoptees scored in the midrange on an ethnic identity scale and in the high range on a self-concept scale. However, no correlation was found between the two indices, suggesting that ethnic self-identification and self-concept operate independent of each other. These results, plus additional data collected during the interviews, are discussed in light of the New Zealand context and as they relate to the transracial adoption literature.  相似文献   


This study investigates three methods to handle dependency among effect size estimates in meta-analysis arising from studies reporting multiple outcome measures taken on the same sample. The three-level approach is compared with the method of robust variance estimation, and with averaging effects within studies. A simulation study is performed, and the fixed and random effect estimates of the three methods are compared with each other. Both the robust variance estimation and three-level approach result in unbiased estimates of the fixed effects, corresponding standard errors and variances. Averaging effect sizes results in overestimated standard errors when the effect sizes within studies are truly independent. Although the robust variance and three-level approach are more complicated to use, they have the advantage that they do not require an estimate of the correlation between outcomes, and they still result in unbiased parameter estimates.  相似文献   

Traditionally, discussion about neuroimaging focuses on methodological improvement and neurobiological findings. In current psychiatric neuroimaging, the research focus broadens and includes concepts such as the self, personality, well-being, and psychiatric disease. This calls for the inclusion of disciplines like psychology and philosophy in a dialogue with neuroscience. Furthermore, it raises the question of how theories from these areas relate to neuroimaging findings: are results generated by objective data independent of theories? Is there an epistemological priority for the theories used for generating hypotheses and for interpreting the results? Or do theoretical concepts and neuroimaging data influence each other? In this paper, we will discuss these positions concerning the priority of concepts and data in neuroimaging and provide arguments for an interdependence of concepts and data. An awareness of these considerations may help professionals from the life sciences and humanities as well as laypersons to avoid misunderstandings and oversimplifications.  相似文献   

Two studies of working families are combined to demonstrate a strategy for producing reliable estimates from the combination of self-reported (large N) and observational (small N) data. Both studies examine where and how dual-career families spend time at home. The 500 Family Study is sociological and uses self-reported time diary data from a national sample; the CELF study is anthropological and uses observational scan sampling data from a regional sample of 32 families. The data are combined as if they constitute one sample, and an analytic solution for establishing the reliability of the resulting composite estimates of time use is provided. Merging the data sets provides validation for each study, neither of which is without potential methodological weaknesses. The advantages of combining data from the independent data collection methods are discussed, and selected substantive findings on families' activities are highlighted, illustrating similarities and differences between findings in the independent and combined data sets. Results show that working families spend significant time in a small spectrum of home spaces, particularly kitchens and living rooms, with leisure activities prevailing, but mothers, fathers, and children differ in where and how they spend their time. Overall, a template for merging data from different disciplines and methods is provided.  相似文献   

The utilization of evaluation findings is an ongoing issue among evaluators. This article presents an approach to conducting evaluations that can be used to enhance the credibility of findings and to facilitate the production of adequate documentation in support of evaluation findings. The concepts of multiple lines of evidence and the use of independent teams are discussed. Use of this approach is expected to improve the utilization of evaluation findings.Two program evaluations that were undertaken at Canada's federal department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs are presented. To undertake the data collection and analysis, these studies were broken into separate “evaluation modules, ” each one undertaken by an independent team. The teams reported to an in-house study director, responsible for weighing the evidence and findings of each of the teams and writing the final evaluation report.  相似文献   


There is a paucity of research on depression and lesbian women. This is surprising given that large numbers of women experience depressive episodes and lesbian women in particular face an increased number of stressors related to their sexual orientation. This study explored how social support from family, social support from friends, relationship involvement, and sexual orientation disclosure related to and predicted depression for a sample of lesbian women. Information from 117 questionnaires was compiled from self-identified lesbians recruited through various lesbian-positive groups and snowball sampling. Results indicated significantly lower depression rates for women who were in a relationship and moderate negative correlations between depression and social support from family, social support from friends, and sexual orientation disclosure. Standard multiple regression analysis showed that 38% of the variability in depression scores was predicted by knowing the scores on the four independent variables. These results suggest that each of the independent variables has a significant effect on level of depression for lesbian women in the sample.  相似文献   

Adolescents’ subjective social status (SSS) is associated with mental and behavioral health outcomes, independent of socioeconomic status (SES). Many previous findings, however, come from cross‐sectional studies. We report results from a longitudinal study with 151 adolescents identified as at risk for early substance use and behavioral problems sampled from low‐SES neighborhoods. We examined whether adolescent's SSS predicted mental health (depression, anxiety, and inattention/impulsivity) measured over 30 days via ecological momentary assessment and risk for substance use at an 18‐month follow‐up. Results showed that with each perceived step “up” the SSS ladder, adolescents experienced fewer mental health symptoms in daily life and lower future substance use risk after adjusting for objective SES and previous psychopathology. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We study a sequential Tullock contest with two stages and two identical prizes. The players compete for one prize in each stage and each player may win either one or two prizes. The players have either decreasing or increasing marginal values for the prizes, which are commonly known, and there is a constraint on the total effort that each player can exert in both stages. We analyze the players’ allocations of efforts along both stages when the budget constraints (effort constraints) are either restrictive, nonrestrictive or partially restrictive. In particular, we show that when the players are either symmetric or asymmetric and the budget constraints are restrictive, independent of the players’ values for the prizes, each player allocates his effort equally along both stages of the contest.  相似文献   

In a number of recent controversial adoption cases, courts have been forced to decide if an unwed father should be granted custody of his child when the mother purposely fails to inform him of the child's birth or of her intention to place the child for adoption. The current study utilized three bi-variate independent variables from which eight vignettes were created depicting scenarios modeled on actual court cases. It was conducted as a preliminary investigation intended to examine the factors which are important to people when making custody decisions, to see if the importance of these factors varies with circumstance, and to examine their concurrence with factors utilized in judicial decisions. The results suggest that although subjects stress the importance of characteristics associated with being a good parent, the specific circumstances of each separate case and also the subject's gender have influential effects on custody decisions.  相似文献   

The findings from a questionnaire survey of 208 non-clinical family members about their views of the nature of a healthy family are presented. These results are compared to the results of a previous study of family therapists' perceptions of healthy family functioning. Differences and similarities between these two samples are discussed, and the results are considered in light of the findings of another major independent study of healthy family functioning.  相似文献   

This study examines how independent living residents in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) work to maintain a healthy, active community. Specifically, this paper elucidates how independent living residents, who have high status in CCRCs but also face transitions to more advanced care, manage their daily lives to build a positive sense of community against the backdrop of potential health and social declines. The researcher supplemented four years of observation in one CCRC and two years of observation in another with qualitative interviews with thirty residents from both facilities. Results indicated that shared sentiments contrasting the active social world in independent living with other living units, norms of mutual support balanced with autonomy, social participation as a source of belonging (or isolation), and definitions of deviance surrounding functional health and manners framed residents' understandings of daily life by reaffirming independent living residents' privileged status in each facility.  相似文献   

This article addresses the estimation of topological network parameters from data obtained with a snowball sampling design. An approximate expression for the probability of a vertex to be included in the sample is derived. Based on this sampling distribution, estimators for the mean degree, the degree correlation, and the clustering coefficient are proposed. The performance of these estimators and their sensitivity with respect to the response rate are validated through Monte Carlo simulations on several test networks. Our approach has no complex computational requirements and is straightforward to apply to real-world survey data. In a snowball sample design, each respondent is typically enquired only once. Different from the widely used estimator for Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS), which assumes sampling with replacement, the proposed approach relies on sampling without replacement and is thus also applicable for large sample fractions. From the simulation experiments, we conclude that the estimation quality decreases with increasing variance of the network degree distribution. Yet, if the degree distribution is not to broad, our approach results in good estimates for the mean degree and the clustering coefficient, which, moreover, are almost independent from the response rate. The estimates for the degree correlation are of moderated quality.  相似文献   

Human neonates exhibit individually distinctive patterns of variation—sometimes called cry “signatures”—in the acoustics of their cries. For tests of group differences (e.g., age, health status, or ambient language differences), the uniqueness of cry sounds to individuals means that multiple cries from same infant cannot appropriately be treated as independent events for analysis. This approach violates the assumption of independence that underlies many statistical techniques and runs the risk of uncovering “significant” group effects that do not actually exist. Nonetheless, publications continue to appear in which multiple cries from the same infant have been treated as independent events for analysis. To demonstrate the perils, we have compared the cries of infants born into a Mandarin Chinese language environment with cries of infants born into an American English language environment. We show (1) that treating each cry sound as an independent event yields numerous “significant” group effects and (2) that these effects all but disappear when cries are treated appropriately, as “nested” within individual infants. The latter outcome is in keeping with prevailing models of neonatal cry production and casts doubt on the claim that neonates alter their cries to match features of the language spoken in their environment.  相似文献   

We study learning in an individual choice price forecasting task in which subjects must learn coefficients of two independent variables in stationary linear stochastic processes. The 99 subjects each forecast in 480 trials with feedback. Learning is tracked by fitting individual forecasts to the independent variables. Results: (1) Learning is fairly consistent with respect to objective values, but with slight tendency toward overresponse. (2) Learning is noticeably slower than the Marcet-Sargent ideal. Two striking treatment effects are tendencies toward (3) overresponse with high background noise and (4) underresponse with asymmetric coefficients.  相似文献   

In past studies, different kinds of gestures have shown different developmental trajectories, with iconic gestures being acquired after words and other gestures before. Similarly, when speech is missing or weak, iconic gestures are rarely used in compensation. These results suggest that iconic gestures are less independent of speech than other kinds of gestures. The present study tested this idea in French-English bilingual children who showed unequal proficiency in their two languages. Eight children between the ages of 3;6 and 4;11 were videotaped in two separate free-play sessions, one in each language. Their use of gestures was coded. The results showed that the children used a higher rate of iconics in their more proficient language but the use of other kinds of gestures did not differ by proficiency. These results suggest that the relationship between iconic gestures and speech is closer than that of other kinds of gestures with speech and cannot therefore be used in the preschool years as a compensatory strategy for weak proficiency.  相似文献   

经济全球化使城市结构出现一种新的多中心格局。如果两个或两个以上原本独立的城市在城市功能方面具有互补的潜力,那么,依托快捷可靠的交通和通讯基础设施以及相互之间的合作,可以实现规模经济,从而促生网状城市群。这种创新的网状城市群是以研发、教育和创意产业等知本作为发展重心的。网状城市间的合作机制与公司间的网络相似,即每个成员城市都能从互惠措施、知识交换以及科技创新等具有互动性的协同发展中得到好处。本文具体探讨了荷兰任士达(Randstad)地区和日本关西地区的两个案例。  相似文献   

The relevance of world system/dependency theory, and ecological-evolutionary theory for the population processes of currently developing nations is explored and evaluated by testing hypotheses drawn from models of fertility and fertility decline implied by them. Despite the preliminary and necessarily limited nature of the tests and measures, some support is found for hypotheses drawn from boh perspectives. Techno-economic heritage is found to affect fertility change directly, and world system status and techno-economic heritage are each found to affect fertility level and fertility change through independent effects on intervening variables. In addition, a significant interaction effect of techno-economic heritage and world system status on fertility level is found.  相似文献   

This paper examines the predictive relations between two infant temperamental biases assessed at 4 months and inhibited behavior during the first 2 years of life in three independent samples from two research laboratories. Although each sample used slightly different criteria for classifying infants, the results across samples were consistent. Infants of both genders who displayed high levels of motor activity and distress to unfamiliar events were more inhibited at 14 months of age. By 24 months, there were significant sex differences: Boys identified as high reactive were more inhibited than high reactive girls.  相似文献   

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