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<正> 我国人口基数大,是“三大隐患”之一。我们抓计划生育工作,忽视了晚婚、晚育教育。有人认为:晚婚、晚育不会影响控制人口增长。为了回答这个问题,我们组织全市25个乡的计划生育干部,对1983年农村晚婚、晚育的情况,进行了一次抽样调查。每个乡调查一个大队。调查结果如下: 晚婚、晚育是计划生育工作的重要内容,是控制人口增长的必要措施。过去,在城镇,机关、厂矿抓晚婚、晚育工作取得了很大成绩。但近几年来,有些单位,特别在农村,对晚婚、晚育工作放任自流,致使全市晚婚、晚育的人数一年少于一年。自新婚姻法公布后,早婚、早育现象一年比一年多。  相似文献   

1992年,山东省人口出生率和自然增长率在1991年基本保持稳定的基础上,又有了较大幅度的下降,符合政策生育率、晚婚晚育率以及统计合格率则都有较大幅度的提高,全省16个市地、133个县市区全部完成了年度人口控制计划,取得了自70年代全面推行计划生育以来人口控制工作的最好成绩。 山东省1992年计划生育工作主要抓了以下六点:  相似文献   

<正> 反映计划生育工作的统计指标很多,如人口出生率、计划生育率、一胎率、多胎率、晚育率等等(以下简称六率)。其中,人口出生率是人口计划的数量指标;计划生育率、一胎率、晚育率,是人口计划的质量指标;晚婚率目前虽然尚未列入人口计划指标,但它也是衡量计划生育工作的一个重要指标。人口出生率是一定时期内的出生人数与该时期的平均人口的比值,它是一个强度相对数。通常以一年为一个统计时期,常用千分数表示,它反映人口出生的强度,是衡量妇女生育水平的一个标志。  相似文献   

山东省寿光县位于渤海湾南畔,1990年底,总人口数已过百万。该县是全国闻名的蔬菜基地,经济综合实力名列全国百强县,居第46位。寿光县经济的巨大发展格外引人瞩目,而他们的计划生育工作也在短短几年里取得显著成绩。 1985年,寿光县计划外生育多达5700余人,人口出生率高达22‰。自然增长率为14‰,计划生育率仅64.4%,在潍坊市倒数第二。1990年,全县出生率控制在14.2‰,自然增长率为7. 98‰,计划生育率达到92.6%,计划生育工作一跃而为全市第二。从1985到1990年,仅仅5年时间,寿光县的计划生育工作翻了身。1991年他们的工作又上了一个新台阶,年底全县出生率下降到9.47‰,自然增长率3.61‰,计划生育率96.3%,晚婚率80%,晚育率87%,为此,寿光县已连续两年获人口与计划生育目标管理责任制一等奖,跨入山东省先进单位行列,受到省委、省政府的通报表彰。这个百万人口大县快速由后进变先进的经验可概括为以下几方面。  相似文献   

“晚婚、晚育、少生”是我国推行计划生育的一项重大政策,当前的工作重点是“少生”,即“提倡每对夫妇只生一个孩子”。大力推行“少生”,固然是加速控制我国人口增长的关键,但坚持提倡“晚婚、晚育”,也是当前控制我国人口增长的一项重要措施,特别是近期内,更应该重视这项工作。  相似文献   

随着计划生育工作的不断深入,城市自觉实行计划生育的程度有了显著提高,特别是国有大中型企业的计划生育工作成绩斐然,基本上实现了上级对晚婚率、晚育率、独生子女领证率、计划生育率的要求。如何加强对独生子女的优育,是摆在国有企业计划生育工作中的重要问题。  相似文献   

茂油炼油厂坚持两种生产一起抓,把人口意识教育和预防教育做在前面,以青年工人婚前教育入手,强化青工人口意识。人口意识教育与安全教育、国防教育同步进行,收到较好的效果,该厂青年工人已经连续八年晚婚率保持97%以上,晚育率、合理生育率保持100%。该厂这个经验在茂名市一九九○年计划生育工作会议上作了介绍推广。  相似文献   

<正> 双阳县鹿乡公社现有10个大队,130个生产队,2,974口人,其中回族、朝鲜族占11.4%。几年来,公社党委坚定不移地贯彻我国当前的人口政策,提倡晚婚、晚育,一对夫妇只生一个孩子,坚持两种生产一起抓,逐步把计划生育工作提高到了一个新的水平。今年以来,共出现计划外怀孕152人,比去年同期减少25%,人流60例,引产76例,新数率为89.5。到目前,出生189人,其中一胎172人,一胎生育率为91%,计划生育率为92.06%,实现了无三胎生育,予计今年人口自然增长率可降到5‰以下。一、正确认识我国的人口问题,自觉地抓好计划生育  相似文献   

江苏省如东县地处长江以北,黄海之滨,是个百万人口的农业县。五十年代人口出生率高达千分之四十五点三,每个育龄妇女平均生育五个孩子以上。1963年,该县开始提倡节育,但效果不明显,到1969年,人口出生率高达26.3‰。七十年代以来,如东县经过努力,广大群众晚婚、晚育、少生、优生的觉悟越来越高,控制人口增长取得了显著的成绩,成为全国计划生育红旗单位之一。全县人口自然增长率由1969年的19.98‰,降到1972年的5.27‰。以后连续十一年控制在6.5%以内,平均年增长率为4.3%。这十一年比前十一少生十  相似文献   

北京军区某团从一九七四年开展计划生育工作以来,没有多生一个孩,没有处罚一个人,多次被评为北京军区和北京市计划生育先进单位。这个团的一条基本经验,就是他们善于通过深入细致的工作,使党的计划生育政策不仅深入人心,而且深得人心,赢得了群众的积极拥护和自觉响应。 他们的主要做法和特点是: 一、宣传教育注意把理说顺 这个团的领导同志认识到,要使党的计划生育政策深得人心,必须把宣传教育放在首位,切合实际地把道理讲顺。他们在宣传教育中,克服片面性,不讲过头话,密切联系指战员的思想实际,实事求是地讲清道理。比如,在宣传提倡晚婚晚育时,既宣传晚婚晚育对控制人口增长、部队建设和个人成长的好处,又指出不是越晚越好,男二十五岁、女二十三岁是我们提倡的适当的晚婚年龄。在宣传提倡一对夫妇只生育一个孩子时,不是简单地宣传只生一个就是好,而是从我国人口现状和增长趋势出发,讲清今后二十年全国将有两亿多对新婚夫妇,如果每对夫妇生两个,本世纪末全国人口就要超过十三亿,只有大力提倡生一个,才有可能控制在十二亿以内。提倡一对夫妇只生育一个  相似文献   

曾毅  金沃泊 《人口研究》2004,28(2):65-75
1 引言近年来 ,国际社会科学与医学界一个热门领域是研究人们生命早期发生的事件 (例如胎儿与孩童营养状况 ,5 0岁以前的重要生命历程事件等 )对晚年寿命长短的影响。例如 ,Doblhammer( 2 0 0 0 ) ,Perls ,Alpert和Frett( 1 997)以及Smith ,Minean与Bean( 2 0 0 3)分析研究了晚育与长寿的关系。这几项研究以及其他前人关于人们早期生命事件与晚年寿命长短相关关系的研究绝大多数因高龄年龄段样本量太小而侧重于 80岁以下老人。极少数几个例外是Preston ,Hill与Drevenstedt( 1 998)关于出生于上世纪初的美国黑人队列 ,Snowdon( 2 0 0 1…  相似文献   

This is an expanded version of comments on the future of the demography of aging at an invited session of the 2008 annual meeting of the Population Association of America. In an introduction, John Haaga offers reasons for a revival of interest in population aging, including greater realization of plasticity in aging trajectories at both individual and societal levels. Linda Martin proposes that population scientists working in aging emulate those studying fertility and family planning in previous decades, learning from interventions (in this case, aimed at increasing retirement savings and reducing disability at older ages). Changes in family structure will increasingly affect new cohorts of the elderly, and Linda Waite speculates on the ways in which changes in the economy, medicine, and the legal environment could affect the social context for aging. Research on mortality at older ages is “alive and well” asserts James Vaupel, who sets out six large questions on mortality trends and differentials over time and across species. Lastly, Wolfgang Lutz expands the scope of projections, showing the considerable uncertainty about the timing and pace of population aging in the developing world and the effects on future elderly of the increases in educational attainment in much of the world during the second half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to see if older people who are able to forgive themselves have a lower mortality risk than older adults who are not able to forgive themselves. In addition, it is hypothesized that the relationship between self-forgiveness and mortality will be contingent upon the level of an older individual’s education. More specifically, it is predicted that the potentially beneficial effects of self-forgiveness will be more evident among older people with more years of schooling. Data from a nationwide survey of older people provide support for this view. Self-forgiveness does not provide a mortality benefit for less educated elders. But as the level of educational attainment rises, self-forgiveness is associated with a progressively smaller mortality risk.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1995, the singulate mean age at marriage in Japan increased from 24.5 to 27.7 years for women and from 27.6 to 30.7 years for men, making Japan one of the latest‐marrying populations in the world. Over the same period, the proportion of women who will never marry, calculated from age‐specific first‐marriage probabilities pertaining to a particular calendar year, increased from 5 to 15 percent for women and from 6 to 22 percent for men—behaviors sharply different from those characterizing the universal‐marriage society of earlier years. This article investigates how and why these changes have come about. The reasons are bound up with rapid educational gains by women, massive increases in the proportion of women who work for pay outside the home, major changes in the structure and functioning of the marriage market, extraordinary increases in the prevalence of premarital sex, and far‐reaching changes in values relating to marriage and family life.  相似文献   

The causes of large variation in the sizes of HIV epidemics among countries in sub-Saharan Africa are not well understood. Here we assess the potential roles of late age at marriage and a long period of premarital sexual activity as population risk factors, using ecological data from 33 sub-Saharan African countries and with individual-level data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in Kenya and Ghana in 2003. The ecological analysis finds a significant positive correlation between HIV prevalence and median age at first marriage, and between HIV prevalence and interval between first sexual intercourse and first marriage. The individual-level analysis shows that HIV infection per year of exposure is higher before than after first marriage. These findings support the hypothesis of a link between a high average age at marriage and a long period of premarital intercourse during which partner changes are relatively common and facilitate the spread of HIV.  相似文献   

In recent publications James Lee, Wang Feng, Cameron Campbell, and Zhongwei Zhao argue—contrary to what has long been the view of most sinologists—that people in late imperial China deliberately controlled their fertility through a combination of late starting, early stopping, and long spacing. The present article challenges this argument and the data offered in its support. It attempts to show that though they did not want as many children as possible, most Chinese couples did want to raise as many sons as possible. What is interpreted by the revisionists as evidence of birth control is better understood as evidence of poverty.  相似文献   

晚清时期,东北地区人口婚姻带有地域特色:已婚人口中女性婚配人口多于男性,婚龄普遍为早婚,且男小女大;未婚人口中,男性多于女性;男女终身不嫁的不婚人口很少,但男性较多;丧偶人口中,守寡女性占据绝大多数,鳏夫续娶较多,寡妇再嫁则很少;离婚人口中,有休妻、出妻等绝婚现象,但离婚人口很少。种种婚姻状况,主要是由于东北民族婚俗与陋习、东北移民人口的社会、经济状况决定的。  相似文献   

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