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以新疆某高校特殊教育专业师范生为研究对象,调查师范生实习教学实践能力现状,结果发现,师范生实习教学实践能力一般,主要表现为实习、独立讲课次数少;本科专业核心课程实施情况不理想,缺乏实践性;本科培养模式与途径单一。为此,调整培养方案,实行教学改革、鼓励学生参与教学实践、加强实习监督管理等方面提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

课堂教学是实施创新教育的主渠道,学校教育主要是靠课堂教学这条途径展开的.因此,优化教学过程诸环节,让学生通过主动探索、发现、体验,完成对知识信息的收集、分析、判断,是创新教育的主要形式. 机械制图是中等职业学校机械、机电类专业的一门理论性和实践性都较强的专业基础课,既是学生学习后续专业课程的基础,也是学生进行课程设计、毕业设计和生产实习的基础.它主要培养学生看图、画图、空间想象力和应用能力.笔者经过多年的教学实践和潜心研究,对该课程的创新教学有以下几点体会.  相似文献   

笔者以华东师范大学物理学系2008级免费师范生为调查样本,通过访谈和调研,比较学生教育实习前后针对职业认同感、教学能力、求职策略等方面的变化,深入挖掘教育实习对就业力养成的作用。根据访谈结果和教育实习现状,拟定分别从师范生的角度出发,如何在教育实习过程中自我培养和提升师范生就业力的指导方案。  相似文献   

本文在对高师学前教育专业师范生教师技能概念界定基础上,着重分析了当前高等师范院校学前教育专业的师范生教师技能培养过程中存在的问题:课程设置不合理、培养教师缺乏实际教学经验、教育见习实习环节薄弱等。  相似文献   

职业院校接纳大学毕业生到岗实习、见习,他们给院校的教师队伍带来了活力,也给院校的师资力量提供了必要的储备。理论上讲教师应具备的教育技能应包括人际、班组管理、语言沟通、课堂应对及信息处理等。一般而言,青年人最大的特点是热情高而工作经验不足,见习教师和职业院校学生的年龄差距小,因而更容易与学生打成一片,更容易与学生沟通交流,但在备课讲课等教学的主要环节上,他们却显得功力不足,缺乏驾驭课堂的能力。对他们而言,教材处理和教学组织是困扰他们的两大难点:  相似文献   

良好的职业能力是教师必备的职业素养,是完成教育教学实践活动的基本保证.本文从师范生职业能力的内涵与构成要素出发,针对师范生职业能力不强的现状,提出一些提高师范生职业能力的培养策略.  相似文献   

文中通过对我校小学数学教育专业学生在实习过程中出现的问题进行调查,以pds理念分析培养现状及其矛盾,对小学数学教育专业师范生的教学实践环节进行进一步探究。并就本专业在实践课程设置改革、实践技能训练内容与目标的更新、实习模式改革、实习时间安排、实习评价体系的完善等方面提出具有可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

林克松 《职业时空》2010,6(6):97-98
我国第一届免费师范生即将面临教育实习,教育实习对免费师范生的影响意义重大。然而当前,免费师范生教育实习目标存在缺乏关注度、实效度、清晰度及区分度等困境,这将严重影响免费师范生教育实习的质量。免费师范生教育实习要开创新局面,首先要优化教育实习目标,需要从教师专业发展的理论出发,运用课程开发的相关理论来思考如何设计,并在建构目标时有机融合教师教育的理论学习和实践学习,从而真正发挥免费师范生教育实习的价值和功用。  相似文献   

田种霞 《职业》2020,(1):58-59
《中等职业学校语文课程标准(征求意见稿)》(以下简称《课标》)指出:“语文教学要根据语文教育的规律,按照课程内容,确定教学线索,把握教学关键点,创设教学情境,传授必需的基础知识和必要的技能训练。教师要组织开展以学生自主体验、合作学习、主动探究等为主要方式的言语实践活动,引导学生通过读写听说活动,提高语言文字运用能力和思维能力。”课堂是老师传授知识和技能的主要途径,课堂教学方法的正确有效运用,直接影响教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

国锐 《职业》2010,(14)
一、实习教学是培养学生具有较强工程实践能力的重要途径 国家教育部颁布的<金工实习基本要求>中明确指出:金工实习教学是为使学生获得机械制造工艺知识、培养工程实践能力和创新意识的重要实践性教学环节.由于职业技术教育的培养目标是技术应用型人才,所以金工实习教学在培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用.因此,在职业技术教育的教学过程中,既要重视知识的传授,又要加强能力的培养,更要注重对学生综合素质的提高.  相似文献   

This article highlights contrasts between the identity and values of sociology faculty members versus the identity and values of college administrators. Some of these contrasts include: questioning authority and speaking truth to power versus being in a position of authority and engaging in political compromise; taking a critical, reflective, and independent stance as a scholar versus a dean taking a stance of positive attitude and setting direction in the organization; and acting in an egalitarian and democratic fashion versus acting in a discriminating manner and making executive decisions. This article also explores the ways in which being a sociologist can inform a dean’s understanding of the structure and organizational life of the college and the group dynamics among faculty, students, administrators, and other constituents.  相似文献   

Short‐term treatment with saffron — which comes from the crocus plant and is known to cooks as one of the most important and expensive ingredients of various dishes — is as effective in treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as methylphenidate, researchers have found in one small trial. The study, “Crocus sativus L. Versus Methylphenidate in Treatment of Children with Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized Double‐Blind Pilot Study,” was published in the February issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Methylphenidate is a controlled substance, a stimulant with addictive properties.  相似文献   

When Indivior's popular Suboxone film went off patent, Dr. Reddy's was ready with the generic, and there are more companies now providing it as well — including Indivior itself (distributed by Sandoz). The point of generics, from a patient or payer point of view, is that they are less expensive than brand. But there can be problems — with quality, including of active ingredients. Patients frequently complain when their agonist medications are switched — whether it's from one type of methadone to another or, now, from Suboxone film to a generic.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This article discusses the implicit psychological theories of parents, viewed as being related to the culture and analysable in term of ideology and world view. In a study in Sweden, parents of four year old children were interviewed concerning their ideas of child development Contrasting images of the child could be seen, sometimes co-existing in one and the same person. It is argued that parents adopt contrasting ideas of child as a means of dealing with conflicting demands of parenthood - creating a free zone for individuality while helping one's child adapt to the environment.  相似文献   

In this essay, we respond to Simon's article (2012). We discuss our view that therapy works best when therapists can match therapeutic interventions to the worldview of clients. We see this matching to client worldview as rooted in research evidence, and we suggest that therapists can practice authentically and effectively using more than one divergent therapy approach. We conclude the paper by pointing out points of disagreement we have with Simon's use of Davis and Piercy's (Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2007a; 33, 298; Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2007b, 32, 515) study, a study Simon uses to ground his arguments.  相似文献   

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