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Estimation in Semiparametric Marginal Shared Gamma Frailty Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The semiparametric marginal shared frailty models in survival analysis have the non–parametric hazard functions multiplied by a random frailty in each cluster, and the survival times conditional on frailties are assumed to be independent. In addition, the marginal hazard functions have the same form as in the usual Cox proportional hazard models. In this paper, an approach based on maximum likelihood and expectation–maximization is applied to semiparametric marginal shared gamma frailty models, where the frailties are assumed to be gamma distributed with mean 1 and variance θ. The estimates of the fixed–effect parameters and their standard errors obtained using this approach are compared in terms of both bias and efficiency with those obtained using the extended marginal approach. Similarly, the standard errors of our frailty variance estimates are found to compare favourably with those obtained using other methods. The asymptotic distribution of the frailty variance estimates is shown to be a 50–50 mixture of a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for θ0 = 0. Simulations demonstrate that, for θ0 < 0, it is approximately an x −(100 − x )%, 0 ≤ x ≤ 50, mixture between a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for small samples and small values of θ0; otherwise, it is approximately normal.  相似文献   

The shared frailty models allow for unobserved heterogeneity or for statistical dependence between observed survival data. The most commonly used estimation procedure in frailty models is the EM algorithm, but this approach yields a discrete estimator of the distribution and consequently does not allow direct estimation of the hazard function. We show how maximum penalized likelihood estimation can be applied to nonparametric estimation of a continuous hazard function in a shared gamma-frailty model with right-censored and left-truncated data. We examine the problem of obtaining variance estimators for regression coefficients, the frailty parameter and baseline hazard functions. Some simulations for the proposed estimation procedure are presented. A prospective cohort (Paquid) with grouped survival data serves to illustrate the method which was used to analyze the relationship between environmental factors and the risk of dementia.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a frailty model for statistical inference in the case where we are faced with arbitrarily censored and truncated data. Our results extend those of Alioum and Commenges (1996), who developed a method of fitting a proportional hazards model to data of this kind. We discuss the identifiability of the regression coefficients involved in the model which are the parameters of interest, as well as the identifiability of the baseline cumulative hazard function of the model which plays the role of the infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. We illustrate our method with the use of simulated data as well as with a set of real data on transfusion-related AIDS.  相似文献   

This article proposes a semiparametric nonlinear reproductive dispersion model (SNRDM) which is an extension of nonlinear reproductive dispersion model and semiparametric regression model. Maximum penalized likelihood estimators (MPLEs) of unknown parameters and nonparametric functions in SNRDMs are presented. Some novel diagnostic statistics such as Cook distance and difference deviance for parametric and nonparametric parts are developed to identify influence observations in SNRDMs on the basis of case-deletion method, and some formulae readily computed with the MPLEs algorithm for diagnostic measures are given. The equivalency of case-deletion models and mean-shift outlier models in SNRDM is investigated. A simulation study and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed diagnostic measures.  相似文献   

Abstract. Partially linear models are extensions of linear models to include a non-parametric function of some covariate. They have been found to be useful in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. This paper provides a convenient means to extend Cook's local influence analysis to the penalized Gaussian likelihood estimator that uses a smoothing spline as a solution to its non-parametric component. Insight is also provided into the interplay of the influence or leverage measures between the linear and the non-parametric components in the model. The diagnostics are applied to a mouthwash data set and a longitudinal hormone study with informative results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper develops a new contrast process for parametric inference of general hidden Markov models, when the hidden chain has a non-compact state space. This contrast is based on the conditional likelihood approach, often used for ARCH-type models. We prove the strong consistency of the conditional likelihood estimators under appropriate conditions. The method is applied to the Kalman filter (for which this contrast and the exact likelihood lead to asymptotically equivalent estimators) and to the discretely observed stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

Multivariate failure time data arise when the sample consists of clusters and each cluster contains several possibly dependent failure times. The Clayton–Oakes model (Clayton, 1978; Oakes, 1982) for multivariate failure times characterizes the intracluster dependence parametrically but allows arbitrary specification of the marginal distributions. In this paper, we discuss estimation in the Clayton–Oakes model when the marginal distributions are modeled to follow the Cox (1972) proportional hazards regression model. Parameter estimation is based on an approximate generalized maximum likelihood estimator. We illustrate the model's application with example datasets.  相似文献   

We provide three new results concerning quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimators in generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic in mean (GARCH-M) models. We first show that, depending on the functional form that we impose in the mean equation, the properties of the model may change and the conditional variance parameter space may be restricted, in contrast to the theory of traditional GARCH processes. Second, we also present a new test for GARCH effects in the GARCH-M context which is simpler to implement than alternative procedures such as in Beg et al. (2001 Beg , R. , Silvapulle , M. , Silvapulle , P. ( 2001 ). Tests against inequality constraints when some nuisance parameters are present only under the alternative: test of ARCH in ARCH-M models . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 19 : 245485 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We propose a new way of dealing with parameters that are not identified by creating composites of parameters that are identified. Third, the finite sample properties of QML estimators are explored in a restricted ARCH-M model and bias and variance approximations are found which show that the larger the volatility of the process the better the variance parameters are estimated. The invariance properties that Lumsdaine (1995 Lumsdaine , R. L. ( 1995 ). Finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator in GARCH(1,1) and IGARCH(1,1) models: a Monte Carlo investigation . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 13 ( 1 ): 110 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proved for the traditional GARCH are shown not to hold in the GARCH-M. For those researchers who choose not to rely on the first order asymptotic approximation of our proposed test statistic, we also show how our bias expressions can be used to bias correct the QML estimates with a view to improving the finite sample performance of the test. Finally, we show how our new proposed test works in practice in an empirical economic application.  相似文献   


In clustered survival data, the dependence among individual survival times within a cluster has usually been described using copula models and frailty models. In this paper we propose a profile likelihood approach for semiparametric copula models with different cluster sizes. We also propose a likelihood ratio method based on profile likelihood for testing the absence of association parameter (i.e. test of independence) under the copula models, leading to the boundary problem of the parameter space. For this purpose, we show via simulation study that the proposed likelihood ratio method using an asymptotic chi-square mixture distribution performs well as sample size increases. We compare the behaviors of the two models using the profile likelihood approach under a semiparametric setting. The proposed method is demonstrated using two well-known data sets.  相似文献   

It is very well known that analyses for missing data depend on untestable assumptions. As a consequence, in such settings, sensitivity analyses are often sensible. One such class of analyses assesses the dependence of conclusions on an explicit missing value mechanism. Inevitably, there is an association between such dependence and the actual (but unknown) distribution of the missing data. In a particular parametric framework for dropout in this paper, an approach is presented that reduces (but never removes) the impact of incorrect assumptions on the form of the association. It is shown how these models can be formulated and fitted relatively simply using hierarchical likelihood. These are applied directly to an example involving mastitis in dairy cattle, and an extensive simulation study is described to show the properties of the methods.  相似文献   

Nonlinear heteroscedastic models are widely used in econometrics and statistical applications. We derive matrix formulae for the second-order biases of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters in the mean and variance response which generalize previous results by Cook et al. (1986 Cook , D. R. , Tsai , C. L. , Wei , B. C. ( 1986 ). Bias in nonlinear regression . Biometrika 73 : 615623 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Cordeiro (1993 Cordeiro , G. M. ( 1993 ). Bartlett corrections and bias correction for two heteroscedastic regression models . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 22 : 169188 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The biases of the estimators are easily obtained as vectors of regression coefficients from suitable weighted linear regressions. The practical use of such biases is illustrated in a simulation study and in an application to a real data set.  相似文献   

We use Owen's (1988, 1990) empirical likelihood method in upgraded mixture models. Two groups of independent observations are available. One is z 1, ..., z n which is observed directly from a distribution F ( z ). The other one is x 1, ..., x m which is observed indirectly from F ( z ), where the x i s have density ∫ p ( x | z ) dF ( z ) and p ( x | z ) is a conditional density function. We are interested in testing H 0: p ( x | z ) = p ( x | z ; θ ), for some specified smooth density function. A semiparametric likelihood ratio based statistic is proposed and it is shown that it converges to a chi-squared distribution. This is a simple method for doing goodness of fit tests, especially when x is a discrete variable with finitely many values. In addition, we discuss estimation of θ and F ( z ) when H 0 is true. The connection between upgraded mixture models and general estimating equations is pointed out.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider models based on multivariate counting processes, including multi-state models. These models are specified semi-parametrically by a set of functions and real parameters. We consider inference for these models based on coarsened observations, focusing on families of smooth estimators such as produced by penalized likelihood. An important issue is the choice of model structure, for instance, the choice between a Markov and some non-Markov models. We define in a general context the expected Kullback–Leibler criterion and we show that the likelihood-based cross-validation (LCV) is a nearly unbiased estimator of it. We give a general form of an approximate of the leave-one-out LCV. The approach is studied by simulations, and it is illustrated by estimating a Markov and two semi-Markov illness–death models with application on dementia using data of a large cohort study.  相似文献   

在提出Box-Cox变换下联合均值与方差模型的基础上,研究了该模型参数的估计问题.同时利用截面极大似然估计方法对变换参数λ进行估计,并对均值模型和方差模型的参数进行极大似然估计.通过随机模拟和实例研究,结果表明该模型和方法是有效和可行的.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to use a special class of bivariate frailty models to study dependent censored data. The proposed models are closely linked to Archimedean copula models. We give sufficient conditions for the identifiability of this type of competing risks models. The proposed conditions are derived based on a property shared by Archimedean copula models and satisfied by several well‐known bivariate frailty models. Compared with the models studied by Heckman and Honoré and Abbring and van den Berg, our models are more restrictive but can be identified with a discrete (even finite) covariate. Under our identifiability conditions, expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm provides us with consistent estimates of the unknown parameters. Simulation studies have shown that our estimation procedure works quite well. We fit a dependent censored leukaemia data set using the Clayton copula model and end our paper with some discussions. © 2014 Board of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics  相似文献   

Interest is centered on the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators of the parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution in an extreme value context. Our aim consists of reducing the bias of these estimates for which no explicit expression is available. To circumvent this difficulty, we prove that these estimators are asymptotically equivalent to one-step estimators introduced by Beirlant et al. (2010 Beirlant , J. , Guillou , A. , Toulemonde , G. ( 2010 ). Peaks-over-threshold modeling under random censoring . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth.  [Google Scholar]) in a right-censoring context. Then, using this equivalence property, we estimate the bias of these one-step estimators to approximate the asymptotic bias of the ML-estimators. Finally, a small simulation study and an application to a real data set are provided to illustrate that these new estimators actually exhibit reduced bias.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed major developments in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology resulting in the need for statisticians to develop models that account for spatial clustering and variation. In public health settings, epidemiologists and health-care professionals are interested in discerning spatial patterns in survival data that might exist among the counties. This paper develops a Bayesian hierarchical model for capturing spatial heterogeneity within the framework of proportional odds. This is deemed more appropriate when a substantial percentage of subjects enjoy prolonged survival. We discuss the implementation issues of our models, perform comparisons among competing models and illustrate with data from the SEER (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) database of the National Cancer Institute, paying particular attention to the underlying spatial story.  相似文献   

The penalized likelihood approach of Fan and Li (2001 Fan, J., Li, R. (2001). Variable selection via nonconcave penalized likelihood and its oracle properties. Journal of the American Association 96:13481360.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2002 Fan, J., Li, R. (2002). Variable selection for Cox’s proportional hazards model and frailty model. The Annals of Statistics 30:7499.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) differs from the traditional variable selection procedures in that it deletes the non-significant variables by estimating their coefficients as zero. Nevertheless, the desirable performance of this shrinkage methodology relies heavily on an appropriate selection of the tuning parameter which is involved in the penalty functions. In this work, new estimates of the norm of the error are firstly proposed through the use of Kantorovich inequalities and, subsequently, applied to the frailty models framework. These estimates are used in order to derive a tuning parameter selection procedure for penalized frailty models and clustered data. In contrast with the standard methods, the proposed approach does not depend on resampling and therefore results in a considerable gain in computational time. Moreover, it produces improved results. Simulation studies are presented to support theoretical findings and two real medical data sets are analyzed.  相似文献   

We derive analytic expressions for the biases of the maximum likelihood estimators of the scale parameter in the half-logistic distribution with known location, and of the location parameter when the latter is unknown. Using these expressions to bias-correct the estimators is highly effective, without adverse consequences for estimation mean squared error. The overall performance of the first of these bias-corrected estimators is slightly better than that of a bootstrap bias-corrected estimator. The bias-corrected estimator of the location parameter significantly out-performs its bootstrapped-based counterpart. Taking computational costs into account, the analytic bias corrections clearly dominate the use of the bootstrap.  相似文献   

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