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Public Organization Review -  相似文献   

在领导工作中,变是绝对的,不变是相对的。对于一个领导者来说,他的思想、工作方法只有在变中不断提高、不断成熟,才能最终取得事业的成功。领导者在工作中不论是改变别人的规矩,还是改变自己的规矩,都是正常现象,完全搞“萧规曹随”在许多情况下是行不通的。但……  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore an organizational issue of gender inequality in labour, represented in visual arts, and illustrated by critical artistic practice of Lucy McKenzie, Julita Wójcik and Mary Kelly. The paper seeks alternatives to patriarchal constructions of the gendered identity at work and the associated notions of the idealized managerial masculinities. I attend to working strategies and art making processes that reflect managerial otherness. The artists discussed engage in relational activities that have replaced dominant masculine values of managing and producing by a focus on collectivism, play and relational transmission. Work here is envisaged as a political and cultural category that alters a meaning of value and is considered crucial in formation of identity and a lifestyle choice. The paper reflects on invisibility of alternative ways of working, contributing to on-going multidisciplinary debate, challenging disadvantage and discrimination at work context and a disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts, management and in society as a whole. In a dim corner of my room for longer than my fancy thinks A beautiful and silent Sphinx has watched me through the shifting gloom. Inviolate and immobile she does not rise she does not stir For silver moons are naught to her and naught to her the suns that reel (From The Sphinx by Oscar Wilde)  相似文献   

江传明 《领导科学》2002,(23):17-17
作为"当家人"的基层领导,总是面对大量的工作任务要安排,众多的日常事务要处理,复杂的矛盾问题要解决,有时忙得团团转,结果却不够理想.基层单位尽管任务繁重,关系复杂,头绪较多,但还是有重有轻,有急有缓,有大有小.  相似文献   

戴顺德 《领导科学》2001,(14):10-11
基层领导开局涉及面广,牵涉的关系错综复杂,容易出现这样或那样的问题.但总的看来,问题主要出在开局与全局、主客观条件、后续工作及成本效益等关系的处理上.因此,基层领导要想开好局,首先要处理好这四大关系.  相似文献   

所谓工作中的弱项,是指工作中存在着不足、处于后进状态、偏于下游的环节和"地带".工作中的弱项是制约一项工作全面发展的瓶颈,是影响一个单位全面建设、协调发展的羁绊.  相似文献   

The academic community, practitioner literature and newspapers have all taken an interest in workplace romance. This paper aims to review the literature on workplace romance and to argue that the issue of power is key to understanding the negative consequences for individuals and organizations, linking workplace romance with theories or explanatory models of power. The paper first examines definitions of workplace romance, presents evidence of its prevalence, distinguishes between different types of workplace romance, and then looks at the main issues that managers and organizations face when considering the issue. The approaches taken by research in management, law, psychology and sociology are contrasted. The motivations for romance and the place of culture are described. Secrecy, gender differences and the negative and positive outcomes for men and women are discussed. The link between romance and harassment is explored. The paper looks at what organizations have done to manage romance. The research methods that have been used are reviewed, as are the gaps and weaknesses in order to make recommendations for future research. The review synthesizes accumulated knowledge in both research and practice, ending by identifying recommendations for managers.  相似文献   

苗彬  涂孟 《管理评论》2021,33(12):252-261
如何推动员工工作主动性行为是提高企业竞争力的科学管理问题.相互投资型雇佣关系作为和谐有效的雇佣关系模式能够得到员工积极回应.本研究通过432份调查问卷,采用层次回归分析法实证研究相互投资型雇佣关系对工作主动性行为的作用机制,并探究心理安全在两者之间的中介作用和组织信任的调节效应.研究表明,相互投资型雇佣关系对工作主动性行为具有显著正向作用,心理安全在相互投资型雇佣关系和工作主动性行为间起部分中介作用,组织信任对心理安全与工作主动性行为之间的关系具有负向调节作用.本研究丰富了雇佣模式对员工行为的影响研究,拓宽了激发员工工作主动性以实现"人尽其才"的新思路.  相似文献   

鲁运生 《领导科学》2004,(12):34-35
基层工作主要呈现出“五多、二少”的特点,即业务多、事务性的工作多、涉密工作多、影响党和领导机关形象的工作多、关系基层群众切身利益的敏感工作多,人员少、个人单独支配的学习时间少。这对干基层工作的领导干部尤其是年轻干部提出了更高的要求。作为新时期的年轻干部,要干  相似文献   

李晓春 《领导科学》2007,(12):36-37
在2006年以来进行的地方党委换届中,实行了精减领导职数、减少副书记职数、扩大党政领导成员交叉任职、建立常委分工负责制的领导班子配备改革。面对领导班子  相似文献   

谈话是同志之间增进了解、交流思想的重要工具.组织部门作为党员干部之家,想要掌握同志们的思想动态、解开思想疙瘩、引导大家树立正确的思想观念,就需要经常使用谈话这种平易近人的交流手段.谈话看似简单,但在工作中却出现了不少谈话失效的情形,笔者结合自身工作谈几点谈话应当注意的问题.  相似文献   

《干部任用条例》将近年来各地广泛采用的公开选拔、竞争上岗确定为党政领导干部选拔任用方式之一,可以说公选在我国必将拥有一个美好的未来。综观近几年来全国各地普遍开展的公选工作,规模越来越大,层次越来越高,越来越赢得了广大干部群众的认可和赞扬。但是这些并不能说明当前的公选工作就已经相当完善了。事实上,当前的公选中仍存在许多问题,对此,我们必须予以足够的重视,并很好地加以研究和解决。问题之一:考试内容与公选职位的任职要求之间存在差距;对策:大力增强公选考试的效度《干部任用条例》明确规定,统一考试是公选的第三个程序。…  相似文献   

曹儒国 《领导科学》2004,(19):30-31
近几年,我们常德市按照中央和省委的统一部署,采取领导联点、工作组驻村的方式,扎扎实实地开展了以扶贫帮困为主要内容的农村基层组织建设工作,取得了比较明显的成效。然而,通过调查我们也发现,在办点过程中,有些工作组急功近利思想比较严重,热衷于见效快的短期行为,不注重办点  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on informal mentoring at work. Based on two basic premises of interpersonal relationships, it discusses four promising areas in current mentoring research that could be cultivated further by future research. The first premise that we hold is that relationships never exist in a vacuum. Traditionally, however, mentoring literature has often overlooked the context of mentoring. We propose that the developmental network approach can be further extended to gather more insight into the interplay between mentoring dyads and their context. Also, mentoring literature could pay more attention to temporal influences in mentoring studies. The second premise that is applied is that relationships are not only instrumental in nature. However, mentoring research to date has mostly applied a one‐sided and transactional view to mentoring. Relational mentoring theory could be helpful in examining relational motivations of both members. Also, mentoring literature can achieve more explanatory power by examining the underlying mechanisms of mentoring, next to social exchange principles, that cause these developmental changes. In summary, in each of these four research areas, we identify and discuss fundamental questions and developments in research that can advance mentoring theory and practice.  相似文献   

修宗峰  周泽将 《管理科学》2016,29(2):146-160
企业公益性捐赠引起研究者们广泛关注,已有研究重点关注企业公益性捐赠的影响因素和经济后果,但关于企业公益性捐赠的利他动机研究不足。地区幸福感是一种具有利他性特征的综合性社会资本,幸福感正在被运用到更多的管理学研究之中。 从地区幸福感这一非正式制度的社会资本视角入手,以2007年至2013年中国A股国有上市公司和民营上市公司为研究对象,采用Tobit、OLS、Logit等多元回归分析方法,实证检验地区幸福感与企业公益性捐赠的关系,并进一步考察产权性质和制度环境对二者关系的影响。研究结果表明,地区幸福感对上市公司的公益性捐赠行为具有一定的正向影响,即地区幸福感程度越高,其所在地区的上市公司公益性捐赠的可能性越高、捐赠水平越高,但这一正向影响仅存在于民营企业中;良好的制度环境有助于促进地区幸福感对企业公益性捐赠的正向影响,并且这一正向激励效应在国有上市公司和民营上市公司中不存在显著差异。 研究结论拓展了企业公益性捐赠的利他动机研究;通过对幸福感与信任、网络、道德伦理规范等之间关系的理论分析,初步构建了地区幸福感与企业公益性捐赠的理论关系;从社会资本角度将地区幸福感导入企业社会责任尤其是公益性捐赠行为的研究中,增进了福利社会学和社会心理学在公司治理层面的研究积累。 运用社会学、经济学和心理学的相关理论对这些研究发现进行分析和解释,相关研究结论对于深入理解转型经济下地区幸福感的作用以及如何在新兴市场中构建幸福和谐社会具有一定的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   

"我是穷过来的,看到有人穷我就心疼,最大的心愿就是让穷人过好日子,这是我的原动力.还有,我的性格是没有什么可以影响我,不能影响我的什么呢?那就是信仰,我是信仰共产主义的.无论任何时候,我坚信一点:共产党是要为大多数人民谋幸福的.什么是社会主义?人民幸福就是社会主义.正是凭这个信念,我走过了一生."  相似文献   

郭瑞民 《领导科学》2003,(10):12-13
重视并认真做好群众工作,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,是我们党的优良传统和最大的政治优势。中共河南省委抽调大批机关干部驻村,就是结合新的形势,全面贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,密切党同人民群众血肉联系的一项具体行动。驻村工作能够使机关干部在同群众面对面、心贴心的交流中,在为群众服务的过程中,  相似文献   

While research on gender in organizations has not only documented sustained gender inequality, it has also offered an understanding of how gender is enacted through doing and undoing gender. An underexplored aspect concerns how men can do and undo gender to support or hinder gender equality processes in organizations. Doing gender is then understood as creating gender difference while undoing gender would conversely mean to reduce gender difference. The former is supporting gender inequality while the latter means moving toward gender equality. This article therefore provides a systematic review of empirical articles that discuss how men are doing and undoing gender within an organizational context. It is shown that undoing gender practices of men in organizations are under‐researched and a research agenda of how men can undo gender at work is thus developed. This article makes a two‐fold contribution: first it offers a refinement of doing and undoing gender approaches and second, it develops a research agenda for exploring how men can undo gender at work.  相似文献   

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