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During discussions on how to respondto public health emergencies some scholarshave made use of Ulrich Beck’s theory ofsocial risks to expose the dilemma and tran-scendence of a risk society. They proposeto do away with discourse centralism andcreate a mechanism of autonomous societythrough consultation, dialogue and commu-nication among different discourses; to doaway with human centralism and seek theharmonious coexistence of man and nature;and to do away with individual and nation-state cen…  相似文献   

The existence of different and conflicting definitions and different types, but few clear measures, of privatization has contributed to different interpretations of the extent of privatization in the almost 70‐year history of the British National Health Service (NHS). This article aims to examine the extent of privatization in the NHS over successive policy chronologies through the lens of the ‘three dimensional’ approach of the Mixed Economy of Welfare. We find that whilst privatization in the NHS is not new, the generally accepted view that it has increased in recent years appears valid, although precision is difficult due to the lack of a generally accepted typology or measure.  相似文献   

Summary The health policies of the Labour Government of 1997–2001included an increased emphasis on social services departments'(SSDs) contribution to promoting health. Three dimensions ofthis policy shift are discussed: first, the drive towards organisationalfusion between elements of the NHS and SSDs; second, the newmechanisms for conjoint funding of health and social services;and, finally, the new policy focus on tackling health inequalitiesby combating social inequalities on a national and localitybasis. In each case, the touchstone of our analysis is the consequencesfor the health and well-being of SSD service users as membersof socially disadvantaged groups. We conclude that New Labourhas taken some steps, particularly reducing child poverty, whichwill have long lasting health and social benefits for actualand potential service users. However, inadequate funding ofSSDs undermines their effectiveness as a partner in integratedhealth and social care. As signalled by service user initiatives,SSDs potential for promoting more equal chances of health andwell-being in ill-health will also not be realised without substantialchanges to current SSD policy and practice.  相似文献   

In order to know more about currentmedical health service conditions, the ProjectGroup of Medical Health Security and Fund-raising in Rural China set up by the Develop-ment Research Center under the State Coun-cil organized a large-scale field investigationin 2004. The investigation did not utilize ran-dom samples, but can still reflect to a verygreat extent the actual medical health condi-tions at present in the rural areas.1. Medical health institutions arestill backward in rural areas(…  相似文献   

Given the current policy debate over health reform in the United States, it is not possible to describe the organizational structure that might emerge from this process. This article explores five of the attributes that underpin the context for a discussion of the structure and operation of a health bureaucracy in the USA. First, ambivalence in the US society about a public commitment to health and a general scepticism about a significant public sector in this area. Second, separation within the system between types of activities (e.g. health research activities, provision of services, and financing of health efforts). Third, the health system operates in the context of a government with shared powers as well as federalism and an assumption that some issues belong to states, and sometimes localities, and not to the federal government. Fourth, difficulty in the US system when it attempts to focus on prevention activities. And fifth, the structure of HHS creates tensions between management initiatives and professional expertise and standards. The article concludes with a discussion of possible organizational alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper concerns two practices, public consultation and user involvement, whose adoption has been urged upon the UK National Health Service in recent years. Public consultation is a local attempt to seek the views of a broad constituency of persons. User involvement is a local attempt to include organized groups of service users in the planning, and occasionally the management, of such services. The paper has four objectives. First, it locates the topic in the context of several related current debates. Second, it outlines the main findings of a recent empirical study of public consultation as they relate to the above debates. Third, it summarizes the relevant findings of an empirical study of user involvement. Finally, it examines these two practices as technologies of legitimation which can be seen as a means by which managerial legitimacy is maintained in the context of an increasingly pluralistic policy arena.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to understand coordination as it unfolds in case management practices in the context of integrated care networks devoted to frail elderly individuals. More specifically, my goal is to describe practical coordination processes. I conducted a qualitative exploratory study using an embedded case study design. My research covers three Health and Social Services Centres in Québec. I observed that case management is more frequently justified by a situation in which home care is precarious than by the intensity and multidimensionality present in a situation. In such instances, case management intervenes through a standby mode.  相似文献   

There is a viewpoint that claims that, in essence, globalization is the globalization of capitalism, or a new stage of the capitalistic development. Hence, the overall situation would not appear to favor socialism. This  相似文献   

Determining the distribution of psychiatric disorders and developing sound preventive and intervention practices are pressing public health issues. Since at present mental disorders lack biological markers, psychiatric taxonomies must grapple with how best to address issues of validity and reliability. With the increasing congruence between the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) (American Psychiatric Association, 2010 American Psychiatric Association. 2010. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersProposed Revisions, Fifth, Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association.  [Google Scholar]), it is imperative that decisions regarding the inclusion of new disorders be research-based and not unduly influenced by industry. The first draft of DSM-V, recently made public, has created a firestorm of controversy, for the DSM's nomenclature of disease or other pathology not only affects such disparate domains as jurisprudence and insurance claims but is also an instrument designed to facilitate research on psychopathology.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to understand coordination as it unfolds in case management practices in the context of integrated care networks devoted to frail elderly individuals. More specifically, my goal is to describe practical coordination processes. I conducted a qualitative exploratory study using an embedded case study design. My research covers three Health and Social Services Centres in Québec. I observed that case management is more frequently justified by a situation in which home care is precarious than by the intensity and multidimensionality present in a situation. In such instances, case management intervenes through a standby mode.  相似文献   

Childcare services are increasingly put forward as one of the most important policy levers to combat poverty and inequality. However, higher income families use childcare services to a much larger extent than lower income families. Almost all European countries increased expenditures on childcare over the past years, but has an ever‐increasing public spending on childcare provision led to more equality in its use? In this article, the relationship between spending and childcare use as well as between spending and inequality in childcare use over the period 2006–12 is empirically analyzed using a random effects model drawing on country‐level panel data (n = 156), derived from the EU‐SILC and OECD SOCX databases. Since governments can spend money in different ways, it is discussed whether a public or a market‐based strategy to subsidize childcare provision is related to more equality. The results suggest that more spending leads to higher levels of childcare use, but not directly to lower levels of inequality. For achieving equity in childcare use, government investment should lead to an expansion of childcare places across the income distribution. The findings allow the formulation of new hypotheses regarding the role of the private market in childcare services provision.  相似文献   

W. D. Rubinstein, Wealth and Inequality in Britain, Historical Handbooks I (1986), 167 (Faber &; Faber, paperback £3.95) and Elites and the Wealthy in Modern British History (1987), 383 (The Harvester Press, Sussex and St Martin's Press, New York, n.p.).  相似文献   


This study examines how older adults access organizational volunteer roles and what socio-structural factors are associated with the access. Using the data from the Current Population Survey (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2002 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 2002. Current population survey, September 2002: Volunteer supplement, Washington, DC: Author. [Computer file] [Google Scholar]), bivariate analyses show that there are variations in access to volunteer roles across types of organizations. Results from multinomial logistic regressions indicate that education, income, age, and race are associated with the ways that older adults access volunteer roles. Voluntary organizations are advised to approach older adults directly, use current volunteers to recruit potential ones, publicize their organizational goals, and disseminate relevant information in efforts to improve access of older adults to volunteer roles.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some widespread but often not fully articulated views concerning the possible roles of biology and evolution in the social sciences. Such views cluster around a set of intuitions that suggest that evolution's role is “ballistic”: it constitutes a starting point for mind that has been, and is, superseded by the role of culture and social construction. An implication is that evolved and the socially constructed aspects of mind are separable and independent, with the latter being the primary driver of mind. I outline four variants of the ballistic view. I then show how current findings and arguments in evolutionary thinking as related to mind contradict those ballistic views. The contrary view—that evolutionary and social factors are interdependent in the generation of social psychological capacities—is proposed as a consequence. This view is able to respect some insights of theories that make ballistic assumptions, whilst avoiding those assumptions.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Richard Pugh, School of Social Relations, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK. Email: spa08{at}keele.ac.uk Summary Most British social work literature is written with the implicitassumption of an urban context, but large numbers of peoplestill live in comparatively rural settings. Rural social workremains a largely unrecognized dimension of practice, receivinglittle attention beyond the reportage of individual projectsor initiatives. This paper considers whether it is a sufficientlydistinctive area of practice to warrant specific consideration.It concludes that it is an under-researched aspect of practicewithin the UK which merits particular attention and identifiessome areas for future development.  相似文献   

This research explored how newly forming clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were beginning to think about their new ‘duty’ to tackle health inequalities (HIs), as outlined in UK health policy. The concept of ‘sensemaking’ (Weick 1995) was used to illustrate the influences on CCGs’ interpretations of the policy. Three CCGs in the North of England were recruited, and qualitative methods, including interviews, observations and document analysis, were used to collect data, over a period from January 2012 to December 2012. The tangibility of central policy objectives is important in providing clear guidance and direction to organizations trying to tackle large scale policy agendas such as HIs. At a local level, both individual and collective organizational histories and wider relationships were influential on the way CCGs understood the problem of HIs and how they decided to try to tackle the issue locally. The research highlights what influences local level relationships and what factors need to be considered when trying to interpret and implement national policy at a local level.  相似文献   

Complaints procedures are one component of maintaining and improving the quality of community care services. However, how effective are they in providing a means of redress for service users? This article presents the findings from four research projects, which included complaints procedures in their survey of service users’ experiences of community care provision. These findings are compared with the outcomes of similar research projects. The article concludes by evaluating the Department of Health’s consultation proposals on complaints procedures, and other policy documents, in the light of the research findings.  相似文献   

In the context of very high mortality and infection rates, this article examines the policy response to COVID-19 in care homes for older people in the UK, with particular focus on England in the first 10 weeks of the pandemic. The timing and content of the policy response as well as different possible explanations for what happened are considered. Undertaking a forensic analysis of policy in regard to the overall plan, monitoring and protection as well as funding and resources, the first part lays bare the slow, late and inadequate response to the risk and reality of COVID-19 in care homes as against that in the National Health Service (NHS). A two-pronged, multidimensional explanation is offered: structural, sectoral specificities; political and socio-cultural factors. Amongst the relevant structural factors are the institutionalised separation from the health system, the complex system of provision and policy for adult social care, widespread market dependence. There is also the fact that logistical difficulties were exacerbated by years of austerity and resource cutting and a weak regulatory tradition of the care home sector. The effects of a series of political and cultural factors are also highlighted. As well as little mobilisation of the sector and low public commitment to and knowledge of social care, there is a pattern of Conservative government trying to divest the state of responsibilities in social care. This would support an interpretation in terms of policy avoidance as well as a possible political calculation by government that its policies towards the care sector and care homes would be less important and politically damaging than those for the NHS.  相似文献   

Globally there is a growing tendency to involve men in preventing domestic violence. Since men are the main perpetrators of violence against women, proponents of men's involvement argue that men must be involved to prevent men's violence against women. Conversely, opponents of men's involvement argue that involving men would not bring about the expected outcome, since men's involvement is challenging, particularly in the cultural context, and men intentionally perpetrate violence against women. In this paper, an attempt has been made to critically justify the suitability of men's involvement and to find a more culturally acceptable alternative for preventing domestic violence against women in South Asia. This article critically discusses theories related to the sociocultural understanding of domestic violence, insightfully presents domestic violence in this regional perspective, argues the pros and cons of men's involvement, and proposes family involvement as a culturally suitable approach to prevent domestic violence.  相似文献   

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