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社会结构的变迁,实际上体现的是人们利益分配机制的变化.如何给各阶层合理的流动机会,促进社会公平的实现,教育公平是重要手段和途径.从社会学视角透视教育公平,能更好地体现人类对公平诉求与政府责任的内在统一性.推进中国教育公平,需要转变政府角色,转变学生评估体系,建立弱势群体补偿机制,这样才有可能给每位社会成员提供合适的教育机会.  相似文献   

倪娟芝 《社科纵横》2008,23(12):153-155
构建社会主义和谐社会,是中国新时期一项重要战略决策.本文通过对教育公平的界定,对和谐社会视野下教育公平现状,以及造成教育不公平原因分析的基础上,提出实现教育公平的途径:优化配置教育资源,逐步实现教育资源配置的基本均衡;停办重点学校,实行公办中小学就近入学;建设和谐校园;建立弱势补偿的政策机制,加强对弱势群体的补偿力度,有效提升教育的均衡发展.  相似文献   

在各国致力于教育公平的实践中,教育公平的政策和措施不仅受到人口构成、民族种类、宗教信仰等多种因素的影响,而且更容易受到一国的政治体制、经济体制、社会和文化发展水平的制约。同时,教育的发展也对政治体制、经济体制、社会文化发展水平起到了相应的促进作用。教育作为现代社会价值、资源和财富分配以及社会分层的重要手段,越来越受到世界各国的关注。人们普遍要求打破社会精英阶层对于教育特权的垄断,使受教育权成为每个人基本权利的组成部分。教育机会均等观念的演变在美国的教育公平实践中得以体现。在多元文化背景下美国对教育机会均等的认识与强调,是美国教育公平实践的重要特征。美国早期的教育立法与具体措施的落实是实现教育公平的保证。20世纪80年代以后,择校制度逐渐成为美国实现教育公平的一个策略转向。英国的教育公平实践始终与其制度变革联系在一起,因此在英国不同时期对教育公平的探索体现了不同时期教育改革的任务,更是国家政治、社会生活发展的具体反映。在经过英国人民的不断斗争后,英国政府在基础公共教育方面不断对教育公平进行探索,在实现入学机会均等、努力消除地区和校际差距以及第三条道路中加大对弱势群体的补偿教育等方面都有重大的突破。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告表明,加强社会建设既是中国特色社会主义“五位一体”总体布局的重要组成部分,又是社会和谐稳定的重要保证、全面建成小康社会的必然要求。公平正义是社会建设的核心价值取向,而社会建设是维护公平正义的重要手段。社会建设的过程就是制度创新的过程,其实质就是要通过社会政策和社会制度来维护和实现社会公平正义,即教育公平、就业公平、收入分配公平、社会保障公平、医疗公平,让全体人民特别是让社会弱势群体共享社会发展的成果。  相似文献   

经济体制改革使中国取得了显著的经济成就,也引发了众多社会问题。片面强调经济增长和市场化改革使某些城市职工和农民的利益遭受损失,比如城市职工失业、农民失去土地等。为了社会公平和建立社会秩序、促进社会和谐,政府应该对弱势群体给予利益补偿,应该积极发展社会政策。中国不但需要科学地制定社会政策,而且需要科学有效地实施社会政策,需要重建政府与民众之间的相互信任。  相似文献   

和谐社会应当是一个社会阶层易于流动与社会结构开放的社会,公平合理的教育制度安排是实现社会阶层合理流动的重要前提条件.因此,政府必须视教育为公共服务的一部分,只是政府在各级各类教育中的责任、政策选择及制度安排有所不同.对于社会公共需要性质的教育,政府应为学龄儿童免费提供基础教育,还应保证教育资源的公平分配.对于非社会公共需要性质的教育,政府的政策选择与制度安排包括提供公平的教育机会,同时还应建立以人力资本预期的教育信贷机制以及教育监督机制.  相似文献   

李群芳 《学术交流》2007,(7):183-186
教育资源配置的公平性体现了教育资源在社会成员之间公平分配和平等享用的价值观念与准则,是实现教育公平的前提和内在要求。目前,我国教育投入严重不足,教育资源配置的公平性缺失,已成为影响和制约教育机会均等的重要因素,阻碍了实现教育公平的进程。对此,我们应通过合理的制度安排和政策调整来配置教育资源,并且要根据不同教育阶段的特性以及存在的不公平的实际,公平合理地配置不同阶段的教育资源,从而促进教育资源配置的公平性,加快实现教育公平的进程。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《学术交流》2007,(2):81-84
收入分配不公和居民收入差距扩大是我国收入分配领域中存在的主要问题。经济发展的政策导向和战略选择、市场经济追求效率的内在动因、分配制度不规范以及再分配手段调节乏力是造成这一现象的根本原因。我们必须从维护社会稳定、构建社会主义和谐社会的角度来寻找解决问题的途径。在指导思想上应立足于社会公平,更多地关注普通劳动者和弱势群体的利益。在路径选择上应重视法制建设,加快垄断行业管理体制改革,通过完善社会政策,发挥好政府的宏观调控作用,建立一套公平合理的国民收入分配机制。  相似文献   

进入新世纪之后,全球性的风险社会已经来临,保护和促进社会安全已成为全人类的共同课题.公众的社会安全感问题,不但具有反映社会安全状态的睛雨表功能,同时也具有直接影响社会稳定的现实品格.在我国市场经济条件下,社会利益分配格局均衡程度和社会弱势群体边缘化程度,是决定公众安全感以致社会稳定的关键因素.在与市场经济相配套的利益均衡机制还没有来得及建立和完善的条件下,社会矛盾的累积不可避免.从根本上排除影响社会安全的结构性隐患,有效规避社会风险,亟须构建以完善底线公平为基点、以提供上升流动机会为目标、以塑造社会公共价值为取向的利益协调机制,均衡社会成员的贡献补偿,调节过分悬殊的收入分配差距,促进边缘群体的上升流动,从而为实现社会长治久安奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

赵丽欣  韩方玉 《学术交流》2006,(12):134-137
社会主义和谐社会的主要特征体现为:以人为本,把公平和正义作为核心价值取向,人们的创造活力得到充分激发,社会主义民主更加完善、法制更加完备。而社会弱势群体的存在,对实现社会主义平等原则、公正原则、发展目标、开放的分层结构以及社会协调发展产生不利的影响。鉴于此,要把解决社会弱势群体问题作为政府执政的第一要务,并视为政府和社会应有的责任和义务,尤其要建立健全弱势群体的社会保障机制,完善社会分配制度,加大公平优先的二次分配力度。同时,充分发挥“第三部门”对弱势群体的社会救助作用。  相似文献   

At the present stage, social fairness or equity is an important area of governance in China, and increasing the level of fairness is an important theme of work. In 2016, the Chinese government laid down specific arrangements and operations relating to equity in education, social security, market competition, etc. The participatory governance model entails testing policy outcomes in relation to the sense of fairness of the mass of the people. Our survey found that perceptions of fairness are higher among middle- and high-income groups and are lower in the eastern region than in the central and western regions. In social security, however, perceptions of fairness and of improvements in the level of fairness are lower than they are for education and market competition. Overall, specific policies relating to fairness in education have been quite effective in enhancing people's perceptions of fairness. Accordingly, if we are to make effective improvements in the fairness of social governance, we need a more rational distribution system that takes into account public opinion and expands the scope of fairness in social security.  相似文献   

维护和实现社会公正是中国社会主义制度的本质要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的价值基础。伴随着现代化进程以及市场经济进程,我国在社会公正方面取得了一些进展。但就总体而言,社会公正的具体状况却不容乐观。因此,各级政府必须强化公正政策的公正导向,切实保障公民的基本权利,建立公正的利益表达机制、建构公正的社会矛盾调节机制。  相似文献   


Recent changes to policies and funding for tertiary education are exacerbating an already difficult situation for refugees aiming to earn university degrees. No one intended to create the barriers that the refugee-background community faces; government agencies continue attempts to improve educational outcomes for those who arrive as refugees. The root causes of this situation are the complexity of the refugee situation and a lack of holistic knowledge about this diverse group of New Zealand residents among policy makers and educators. In addition, the complexity of interactions among policy changes and refugee situations has prevented any single agency from predicting outcomes of its policies for refugee-background students. In this paper, I discuss how new policies interact with a range of existing barriers faced by refugees pursuing degrees and how, without urgent attention, this will constrict or close pathways into and through university study. I further suggest that the strongest foundation for an effective program to provide equitable access to university education is including refugee-background students among those groups who receive equity consideration.  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers how far the New Labour educational policyrepresents a clear shift in focus from the policies of the Conservativeadministrations of the 1980s and 1990s. As in other areas ofsocial policy, the paper concludes that current government policyowes as much—if not more—to ‘New Right’ideology than to that of the ‘Old Left’. With anew emphasis on social inclusion, the paper considers the contributionof, and implications for, contemporary developments in educationpolicy and practice for child and family social work in general,and education social work in particular.  相似文献   

吴晓刚  李忠路 《社会》2017,37(5):139-164
本文通过对“首都大学生成长追踪调查”中三所精英大学(北京大学、清华大学和中国人民大学)具有代表性样本的数据分析,从教育公平和人才选拔效率两个角度检验了自主招生政策实施的效果。研究结果表明,从教育公平的方面来讲,获得自主招生破格录取的学生更有可能来自父母受过高等教育的家庭、城市家庭和好的重点高中。从人才选拔效率的角度来讲,获得自主招生破格录取学生的学业表现、社会活动能力、非认知能力、毕业后的计划和实际去向与统招学生却并无显著差别。本文的发现对于如何完善自主招生政策、促进教育公平、科学选拔和培养优秀人才等议题具有重要的政策启示意义。  相似文献   

Social Work Education in Mainland China: Development and Issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper gives an overview of the current trend of social work education in Mainland China, a fast-expanding academic subject of higher education in Mainland China during the last 20 years. This rapid development was brought about by the increasing recognition of the use of social work knowledge in tackling some of the social problems arising from the social and economic changes induced by the open door policy of China. New initiatives were undertaken by government departments, academic institutes and service providers, to explore possible reform of service delivery models in serving the elderly, children and youth, women and other vulnerable groups. It thus creates demands for personnel with new skills and knowledge. It has also led to the promulgation of government policies in 2006, in establishing a strong work force of social work, by setting up an accreditation system for social work as a vocation, making available funding for service development and setting up of NGOs. This paper also highlights some of the imminent issues that cause concern, such as the search for a theoretical model of social training and practices suitable for Chinese society, standardization of curriculum design, teaching and learning, consolidation of accreditation examination and career structure, and creation of a working environment conducive to the professionalization of social work in terms of motivating and retaining social work graduates to stay in the service sector.  相似文献   

在1980和1990年代,中国是世界教育领域分权改革的重要组成部分。主流研究当时都强调“低重心”、多渠道的教育经费体制的内在合理性,强调分权化是难以逆转的趋势。可是从2001年开始,中国调整了农村义务教育管理体制。我们通过实证分析发现,这一改革不再是分权化改革的延续和完善,而是重新确立政府责任的一种尝试。它既导致了教育投入的快速增长,也在相当程度上促进了教育公平,尤其是在小学教育阶段。这为世界教育改革提供了有益经验,也为主流研究的一系列命题和假设提供了反思的机会。  相似文献   

Research among students with physical and sensory disabilities who have succeeded in continuing their education at post-compulsory level as far as higher education, revealed that they have a high level of perceived personal control. This is strongly linked with educational attainment irrespective of severity of disability. The emphasis of these students upon self-help groups, and institutional response to student needs within a discourse of rights, rather than of welfare, has lessons for equity policy and practice with respect to other disadvantaged groups. The wider implications of intervention strategies and compensation programs which label and further marginalise members of disadvantaged groups are explored in the paper, in the context of the social construction of categories of disadvantage and difference, the analysis of competing discourses and social trends of individualisation and globalisation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Imogen Taylor, Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN Summary This paper discusses the importance of evaluation of socialwork education by social work researchers, particularly giventhe increasing demands from different interest groups for socialwork courses to demonstrate effectiveness. It is noted that educational researchers are dominating thefield of educational evaluation, yet it is crucial for the survivalof social work that social work education be evaluated by socialwork researchers. Both the tools and the outcome of such evaluationwill shape the future of social work education and social workitself. Recognizing that cross fertilization of ideas between disciplinesis essential, a model for social work evaluation is proposedwhich is derived from models developed by other disciplinesand integrated with social work practice theory. The resultingresearch model draws a number of parallels between researchand practice, bringing together two groups which are often distantand distinct. The model also brings researcher and user closertogether. The model is analysed in light of its applicationto the evaluation of Enquiry and Action Learning, an innovativeapproach to social work education implemented by the Departmentof Social Work, University of Bristol. Central government funding must be available to ensure systematicand rigorous evaluation of social work education rather thanthe piecemeal research possible so far.  相似文献   

周全胜 《社会工作》2008,(24):57-60
维护和实现社会公正是中国社会主义制度的本质要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的价值基础。伴随着现代化进程以及市场经济进程,我国在社会公正方面取得了一些进展。但就总体而言,社会公正的具体状况却不容乐观。因此,各级政府必须强化公正政策的公正导向,切实保障公民的基本权利,建立公正的利益表达机制、建构公正的社会矛盾调节机制。  相似文献   

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