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Progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from continuous distributions have been studied rather extensively in the literature; see Balakrishnan and Aggarwala [2000. Progressive Censoring: Theory, Methods and Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston]. In this paper, we derive the joint and marginal distributions of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from discrete distributions. We then use these distributions to show the non-Markovian property as well as to discuss some properties in the special case of the geometric distribution.  相似文献   

Generalized order statistics (gos) were introduced by Kamps [1995. A Concept of Generalized Order Statistics. Teubner, Stuttgart] to unify several models of ordered random variables (rv's), e.g., (ordinary) order statistics (oos), records, sequential order statistics (sos). In a wide subclass of gos that includes oos and sos, the possible limit distribution functions (df's) of the maximum gos are obtained in Nasri-Roudsari [1996. Extreme value theory of generalized order statistics. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 55, 281–297]. In this paper, for this subclass, necessary and sufficient conditions of weak convergence, as well as the form of the possible limit df's of extreme, intermediate and central gos are derived. These results are extended to a wider subclass.  相似文献   

A general result for obtaining recurrence relations between product moments of order statistics is established and this result is used to determine the recurrence relations between product moments of some doubly truncated distributions. The examples considered are Weibull, exponential, Pareto, power function and Cauchy distributions.  相似文献   

In this note we show that the Markov Property holds for order statistics while sampling from a discrete parent population if and only if the population has at most two distinct units. This disproves the claim of Gupta and Gupta (1981) that for geometric parent, the order statistics form a Markov chain.  相似文献   

Using certain properties of order statistics, the geometric distribution has been characterized when the components are independent and identically distributed. When the components are independent, the geometric distribution has been characterized in the class of either IFR or DFR discrete distributions. In particular, Ferguson's (1967) characterization theorem for independent components in a sample of size two has been extended in several directions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider finite populations and investigate their characterizations by regressions of order statistics under sampling without replacement. We also investigate some asymptotic results when the size of the population goes to infinity.  相似文献   

Some general asymptotic methods of estimating the quantile function, Q(ξ), 0<ξ<1, of location-scale families of distributions based on a few selected order statistics are considered, with applications to some nonregular distributions. Specific results are discussed for the ABLUE of Q(ξ) for the location-scale exponential and double exponential distributions. As a further application of the exponential results, we discuss a nonlinear estimator of Q(ξ) for the scale-shape Pareto distribution.  相似文献   

The basic assumption underlying the concept of ranked set sampling is that actual measurement of units is expensive, whereas ranking is cheap. This may not be true in reality in certain cases where ranking may be moderately expensive. In such situations, based on total cost considerations, k-tuple ranked set sampling is known to be a viable alternative, where one selects k units (instead of one) from each ranked set. In this article, we consider estimation of the distribution function based on k-tuple ranked set samples when the cost of selecting and ranking units is not ignorable. We investigate estimation both in the balanced and unbalanced data case. Properties of the estimation procedure in the presence of ranking error are also investigated. Results of simulation studies as well as an application to a real data set are presented to illustrate some of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating an extreme quantile of a Weibull tail-distribution. The new extreme quantile estimator has a reduced bias compared to the more classical ones proposed in the literature. It is based on an exponential regression model that was introduced in Diebolt et al. [2007. Bias-reduced estimators of the Weibull-tail coefficient. Test, to appear]. The asymptotic normality of the extreme quantile estimator is established. We also introduce an adaptive selection procedure to determine the number of upper order statistics to be used. A simulation study as well as an application to a real data set is provided in order to prove the efficiency of the above-mentioned methods.  相似文献   

The order statistics from a sample of size n≥3 from a discrete distribution form a Markov chain if and only if the parent distribution is supported by one or two points. More generally, a necessary and sufficient condition for the order statistics to form a Markov chain for (n≥3) is that there does not exist any atom x0 of the parent distribution F satisfying F(x0-)>0 and F(x0)<1. To derive this result a formula for the joint distribution of order statistics is proved, which is of an interest on its own. Many exponential characterizations implicitly assume the Markov property. The corresponding putative geometric characterizations cannot then be reasonably expected to obtain. Some illustrative geometric characterizations are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that, in the continuous case, the probability that two consecutive order statistics are equal to zero, whereas it is not true when the distribution is discrete. It is, perhaps, for this reason that order statistics from discrete distributions has not been investigated in the literature as much as from a continuous distribution. The main purpose of this paper, therefore, is to obtain the probability of ties when the distribution is discrete. Also it is shown that, in the discrete case, the Markov property does not hold good. However, the order statistics from a geometric distribution forms a Markov chain.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of determining sharp upper bounds on the expected values of non-extreme order statistics based on i.i.d. random variables taking on N values at most. We show that the bound problem is equivalent to the problem of establishing the best approximation of the projection of the density function of the respective order statistic based on the standard uniform i.i.d. sample onto the family of non-decreasing functions by arbitrary N  -valued functions in the norm of L2(0,1)L2(0,1) space. We also present an algorithm converging to the local minima of the approximation problems.  相似文献   

We propose a method for the analysis of a spatial point pattern, which is assumed to arise as a set of observations from a spatial nonhomogeneous Poisson process. The spatial point pattern is observed in a bounded region, which, for most applications, is taken to be a rectangle in the space where the process is defined. The method is based on modeling a density function, defined on this bounded region, that is directly related with the intensity function of the Poisson process. We develop a flexible nonparametric mixture model for this density using a bivariate Beta distribution for the mixture kernel and a Dirichlet process prior for the mixing distribution. Using posterior simulation methods, we obtain full inference for the intensity function and any other functional of the process that might be of interest. We discuss applications to problems where inference for clustering in the spatial point pattern is of interest. Moreover, we consider applications of the methodology to extreme value analysis problems. We illustrate the modeling approach with three previously published data sets. Two of the data sets are from forestry and consist of locations of trees. The third data set consists of extremes from the Dow Jones index over a period of 1303 days.  相似文献   

We study the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Berk–Jones test, score test and their integrated versions in the context of testing the goodness-of-fit of a heavy tailed distribution function. A comparison of these tests is conducted via Bahadur efficiency and simulations.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1} with a common absolutely continuous distribution function F  . Let X1:n?X2:n???Xn:nX1:n?X2:n???Xn:n be the order statistics of {X1,X2,…,Xn}{X1,X2,,Xn} and {Yl,l?1}{Yl,l?1} be the sequence of record values generated by {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1}. In this work, the conditional distribution of YlYl given Xn:nXn:n is established. Some characterizations of F   based on record values and Xn:nXn:n are then given.  相似文献   

In this note, we correct the proof of Representation 1 of Balakrishnan and Dembińska [2008. Progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from discrete distributions. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 138, 845–856] which relates the joint distribution of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics corresponding to an arbitrary population to progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from the standard uniform distribution.  相似文献   

Let {X n:n ≥ 1} be an i.i.d. sequence of random variables with a continuous distribution function F. Under the assumption that the upper tail of Fis regularly varying with exponent 1/α, α > 0, we study the asymptotic properties of an estimator of α based on k-record values.  相似文献   

In this paper, some results of Pakes and Steutel [1997. On the number of records near the maximum, Austral. J. Statist. 39, 179–193] on the properties of the numbers of near order statistic observations are extended to the case of progressively Type-II censored data. In this way, we introduce the notion of the numbers of near minimum observations under progressive censoring. We derive distributional and asymptotic results for them and discuss the notion of the “increasing” sample in the case of progressive censoring. Some applications for the spacings, associated with the order statistics from progressively Type-II censored samples, are also provided.  相似文献   

Bivariate extreme value theory was used to estimate a rare event (see de Haan and de Ronde [1998. Sea and wind: multivariate extremes at work. Extremes 1, 7–45]). This procedure involves estimating a tail dependence function. There are several estimators for the tail dependence function in the literature, but their limiting distributions depend on partial derivatives of the tail dependence function. In this paper smooth estimators are proposed for estimating partial derivatives of bivariate tail dependence functions and their asymptotic distributions are derived as well. A simulation study is conducted to compare different estimators of partial derivatives in terms of both mean squared errors and coverage accuracy of confidence intervals of the bivariate tail dependence function based on these different estimators of partial derivatives.  相似文献   

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