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Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the requirements analysis of an internal coaching concept in the organisation of a merchandising company and its following implementation. The aim is to offer the advantages of coaching to the middle and lower management as the top management already receives benefit from individual coaching. The requirements analysis was based on interviews with nine department managers using a pre-structured questionnaire. Based on these interviews a customised coaching concept for this company was defined: coaching is an optional, temporary, individual, method conducted, trust-based, internal consulting service for new leaders.  相似文献   

Out of strategic considerations, companies offer their employees coaching as an internal method of personnel development. A wide range of organizational forms can be taken into consideration for those internal coaching offers. As coach and client belong to the same organization, specific areas of conflict can arise in the coaching process. Those will be briefly described. Thereafter it will be discussed how the anticipated conflicts arising during the phase of contract formation can be dealt with. Furthermore it is shown how organizational implementation of internal coaching offers can mitigate the assumed conflicts.  相似文献   

“Internal Coaching” addresses a broad spectrum of in-house counseling. Coaching is thereby portrayed less as a profession in its own right, rather as a function which individuals with very different roles can offer and employ. Personnel directors, top managers and special internal advisors present insights into their advisory functions within companies. It becomes clear that coaching as an internal function has become an integral part of the firms. Thus this book is equally relevant for internal and external coaches. Exposure to and analysis of coaching skills from various service points of view can create greater awareness of one’s own role and strengthen professional cooperation.  相似文献   

Implementation of internal coaching programs in organizationsThe implementation of internal coaching in organizations requires a long-term preparation. A short-term realization and prompt outcomes of such large programs are not to be expected. The best qualifications of an internal coach is unprofitable, if the conditions of an implementation of such coaching programs are not prepared exactly. Further more, the coach has to make a lot of preparing work, e.g. to organize information meetings, to establish and to co-ordinate a pool of internal and external coaches. There are extensive requirements of an internal coaching, and before an implementation it is to calculate, whether the necessary structures are given or may be established.  相似文献   

The questions as to what coaching is, which goals are pursued in coaching, and what expectations are placed on coaching services are commonly answered in the coaching scene by taking recourse to its own, internal models and preconceptions. The future of coaching, and of the providers of coaching services depends to a considerable degree on whether the self-perception and the service portfolio offered by coaching providers actually meet the needs and demands of clients. In order to learn more about the preconceptions and expectations of companies concerning the service and the coaches themselves, Kienbaum has collaborated with Harvard Business Manager on a survey of such companies in early 2008. The author presents an overview over the survey’s relevant findings, and he discusses the conclusions of these findings concerning a future understanding of coaching services and what is required of coaches and their qualifications.  相似文献   

Coaching has become an integral part of systematic management development. This article describes the successful implementation of an individual coaching as an essential element in a leadership development program, that is based on the author’s practical experience. Moreover, the article presents the conceptual framework of the development program, the understanding of coaching and the underlying process. Effective internal marketing, transparency about the coaching process and an emphasis on voluntary compliance are emerging as success factors for the sustainable establishment of the coaching offer.  相似文献   

When organizations employ coaching as an instrument for personnel development, the question arises whether they should opt to engage internal or external consultants. In a first step, this article identifies the characteristics of internal and external coaches by means of a series of criteria. It then goes on to discuss the factors which influence the suitability of choice between an internal or external coach at the level of the organization, in terms of the coachee and in terms of the coach. It becomes apparent that there is a situational consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. The article concludes with an actual example which demonstrates possibilities to combine the advantages of internal and external coaching.  相似文献   

The present article provides a quantitative overview of the state of coaching research. It first provides an insight into the status quo of the academic publishing landscape. Afterwards, results of the four meta-analyes that have been published on coaching research up to now are summarized. First, results on the efficacy of coaching or coaching outcomes are presented. Findings for different outcome measures as well as different study designs are reported. Next, results on predictors of coaching success are presented. They include specific features of the coaching process and setting, the coach-coachee-relationship as well as characteristics of coaches and coachees. The article closes with a summary and an assessment of the state of coaching research.  相似文献   

This article addresses the interface of personal trust and trust in the organization in internal coaching taking particular account of the fact that the coach is part of the organization. The consequences of the mode of assignment, i.e. the circumstances under which the coaching is initiated, the importance of neutrality, discretion, voluntariness and the importance of the coachee??s previous experience with the organization are discussed. The article also explains which aspects affect trust development and how trust building in internal coaching can be improved.  相似文献   

Implementation of coaching for principals and supervisory school authorityGerman schools will have to improve the quality of their work to be able to compete on an international level. School development is also personnel development. Establishing professionalism of school executives (among others by coaching) plays a major role in this matter. First of all the author describes the implementation process of internal coaching for principals and thereafter for officers of the supervisory school authority. In doing so, he also points out problems that can arise during such a project. The evaluations of surveys prove the acceptance and importance of coaching for this target group. Finally, possible future coaching offers for school executives are addressed.  相似文献   

Leadership coaching reflects an evolving dynamic between the client and coach that is qualitatively different from most approaches to leadership development and therefore holds particular challenges for evaluation. Based on reviews of academic and practitioner literatures, this paper presents an integrated framework of coaching evaluation that includes formative evaluations of the client, coach, client–coach relationship, and coaching process, as well as summative evaluations based on coaching outcomes. The paper also includes a quantitative synthesis examining evaluation methodologies in 49 leadership coaching studies. The results revealed that self-reported changes in clients' leadership behaviors are the most frequently assessed coaching outcome, followed by clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of coaching. Recommendations to advance coaching evaluation research include the creation of collaborative partnerships between the evaluation stakeholders (client, coach, client's organization, and coaching organization) to facilitate systematic formative evaluations, the collection of multi-source and multi-level data, and the inclusion of distal outcomes in evaluation plans.  相似文献   

There are many different ways to understand and use coaching in organization which are influenced by the organizational culture with different basic assumptions about learning and change of humans. The question is on behalf of which implicit theory the members understand and develop their organization. The goal of the following investigation is to describe these implicit theories of change. Therefore a large sample of human resource managers were interviewed about assessment criteria for coaches, coaching topics, expectations on coaching, attitudes on coaching and the impact of coaching in their organization. The results show that there are no distinguishable patterns in the formal coaching processes but clear und different types of implicit theories about coaching. Finally some implication for coaching in organization and for external professional coaches were made.  相似文献   

Learning from blunders. Experiences of an executive coach with problems and solutionsNot too often, even rarely, we are in a situation to talk about blunders or shortcomings within our coaching community. That really is a pity, because a discussion like this combined with reflection and feed back is the best and only way for a coach to avoid professional mistakes in his future. So this article is “somehow another kind” of contribution. The author reports his own 18 years of “blunder-experience” as well as professional mistakes of other coaches which he observed in mentor coachings and supervisions, he suggests outcomes, consequences and solutions. Topics are: Anger, aggression and “struggles of power” within the coaching process; dependence versus (internal) independence of a coach; transference and counter-transference within the coaching process; peanut politics within a coaching process. Result: the coach himself, his core values, his boldness directed to social risks and to natural consequences — combined with appreciative conversation and respecting clients — makes out the core dissolving capacity. Without mentor coaching and professional supervision every coach would be trapped into his personal “trap of mistakes” — and even worse: without recognizing this dilemma.  相似文献   

The author discusses the question if and in which HR processes, tools or programs the implementation of an internal coach pool makes sense or where companies should continue to buy this service from the external market. For this purpose the article introduces a definition of internal Coaching. The central concept of this outline is a blueprint of an offering of internal or external coaching. The author presents a generic model for the analyzing the risks of such a project, which increases the probability of a decision which leads in the right direction. The author concludes that internal coaching makes sense in specific settings e.g. in order to ensure the ROI of learning opportunities. If this however in every situation has to be called “Coaching” should be discussed in the context of another essay.  相似文献   

The International Law Firm Hogan Lovells has developed an internal coaching program for their associates. The Career Coaching supports lawyers to develop important non-juristic competencies. With this program Hogan Lovells established the Employer Brand “The People Development Firm” to attract legal High Potentials in the war for talents. By means of the skills profile and typical coaching topics it is shown how a tailor-made personnel development can be offered.  相似文献   

The article focuses how far coaching for scientists and academics is developed and established on the relatively new counselling market university. The demand of coaching of the different target groups will be described as well as the topics and contents coaching offers to them. The professional profile and competences of coaches and supervisors are presented. Also the challenges especially for coaches and people in responsible positions for personal development are discussed.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching as internal consulting in a great public administrationThe author describes the process of the implementing of supervision, coaching and practise discussion in a great public administration. The difficulties of such an intention are shown, which appear, if an organization has no experiences with these formats and the decision makers have no background knowledge. Furthermore it is explained by which measures an institutional anchorage was possible. Because the process is not finished yet, a view of further developments is given.  相似文献   

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