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This paper deals with the question if the new valuation procedure for rental property established by the German Inheritance Tax Reform Act 2009 provides more consistent tax values than the previous valuation procedure which has been abolished as a result of the jurisdiction of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Our empirical findings show no improvement of the valuation results in terms of statistical spread. The only effect of the new valuation procedure is increasing tax values on average, and hence, tax values often exceed market values. But higher tax values could have been achieved with less effort by simply raising the multiplier of the previous valuation procedure. The findings of this contribution and the results of other papers suggest there is no standardised valuation procedure for rental property which provides a proper performance. Valuation of real estate remains one of the unsolved and presumably permanent problems of the inheritance tax in particular and of capital-based taxation in general.  相似文献   

Health coaching — burnout and professional reorientationThis paper describes the process of the health coaching called on by a freelance business economist suffering from burnout symptoms and power take-off, determined to make a decision with regard to his professional career. Major aim of the health coaching process is to focus on the clients’ health to ensure his physical, psychological and social well being as well as his mental and physical powers. Further aim of the career coaching is to develop a pathway for the clients’ future career and to enable him to realize a satisfying work-life-balance.  相似文献   

Great importance is attached to the perception of personality matches between brand and consumers regarding its impact on purchase behaviour and purchase behaviour antecedents. The latest metaanalysis of Bauer et al. (2006) confirmed the high level of significance of selfcongruity effects but drew also attention to the moderate level of the average total effects whose reasons are still unexplored. In particular selfcongruity research lacks knowledge about the relevance of physical self congruity perceptions that may enhance traditionally moderate levels of self congruity effects if included in self congruity measures. Additionally possible tracks of implementing selfcongruity research findings in practice are still unexplored. As knowledge of how to force selfcongruity perceptions is missing, yet the application of selfcongruity theory is subjected to trial-and-error-principles. This article dedicates to the actual state of the selfcongruity research that has not been systematised extensively since the nineteen-eighties. Existing metaanalytical results are supplemented by deepening theoretical knowledge of complementary areas of research. The resulting synthesis leads to an interdisciplinary comprehension of self congruity effects. On the basis of these explanations detailed findings are provided concerning research directives that still necessitate investigation: research in levels of self congruity effects as well as research in possibilities of implementing self congruity knowledge in daily brand management.  相似文献   

In this paper, the value of tax loss carryforwards is calculated using a modified arithmetic brownian motion for the taxable base. A formula for valuing tax loss carryforwards within a one period context is derived. A Monte-Carlos Simulation based on our findings leads to a valuation of tax loss carryforwards in a multiperiod setting and yields reasonable results. The methodology can also be used to value tax shields in a situation with an interest barrier as it is the case in the German tax system.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of many products makes high demands on methods used for measuring consumer preferences. In such cases, practitioners frequently use Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA). However, compositional approaches also proved to be efficient. Recently, Srinivasan and Netzer (2011) suggested a promising compositional technique called the Adaptive Self-Explicated Approach (ASE), which significantly outperformed ACA regarding its predictive validity. Another advantageous approach, called Pairwise Comparison-based Preference Measurement (PCPM), was introduced by Scholz et al. (2010). This paper contrasts the popular ACA with these two new compositional approaches and discusses the validity results of an empirical study in the leisure industry. For two out of three criteria PCPM partly leads to a significantly higher predictive validity and a halving of the survey time. As products and services become more complex, multi-attribute preference meas urement techniques have to cope with a large number of attributes. Particularly Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) and compositional approaches are often applied to complex products. Two new alternative compositional approaches have been recently proposed, the Adaptive Self-Explicated Approach (ASE, Srinivasan und Netzer 2011) as well as Pairwise Comparison-based Preference Measurement (PCPM, Scholz et al. 2010). In first empirical applications, the authors found that the predictive validity of ASE and PCPM was significantly higher than that of ACA. In an empirical study involving theme parks, we compare ASE and PCPM as well as the benchmark ACA with respect to several criteria of validity. We find that the predictive validity is significantly higher for the PCPM with respect to two (out of three) criteria. Moreover, the PCPM survey was about half the length of the ACA survey.  相似文献   

商场? 赌场?     
成功人士之所以成功,并非他们天生没有缺点,而是他们在实践的磨炼中,努力发挥自己的长处,注意克服自己的短处,压抑自己的“赌性“在有的人看来,人生何处没有赌,无论是创业还是选老婆,不管是买房子,还是炒股票,对于不能绝对掌控后果的未来,就  相似文献   

在我们的生活中,往往会有这样一种情况,即:在我们与人交谈时,重要的常常倒不是交谈的内容,而是怎么说,何时说。美国明尼苏达教育学院的罗伯·格林教授曾经做过这样一项有趣的调查,被调查的75名对象均为学有  相似文献   

儿子的公司早上8点打卡.我每天早上7点半叫他起毕竟.洗漱、吃早点再骑摩托去公司,加之路上可能出一点意外,要赶上打卡不"防患于未然"行么?但有一次儿子贪睡没赶上打卡时间当月奖金就"泡汤"了,所以儿子对打卡抱有"敌意"。我女婿  相似文献   

Within the German corporate governance system, the supervisory board fulfills several functions: monitoring and consultation of the management board, as well as reconciliation of interests. These divergent tasks might lead to conflicting demands. The agency theory focuses on the control function of the supervisory board and postulates a sufficient degree of independence from management. Following behavioral theories, the same requirement holds for the consultation function. In addition, on the basis of stakeholder theory, the reconciliation of interests emphasizes on the supervisory board’s independence from interests of individual stakeholder groups. Although in sum, the requirement of independence is one of the central corporate governance measures, the results of our empirical study indicate that only 5.9?% of the analyzed 527 DAX supervisory board members meet the examined independence criteria of the German Corporate Governance Code. Nevertheless, a comparison with Italian control committees shows that German supervisory board members fulfill the European Recommendations at a higher rate.  相似文献   

主持人:今年全国两会特别引起人们的关注,人们最为关注的是温总理作的政府工作报行,认为是对当前经济形势的一剂强心针,给我们很大的鼓舞和信心.  相似文献   

目前,全球经济形势仍不明朗,在一些地区和领域,衰退进一步恶化的态势仍未得到有效控制,好转的迹象尚未出现,诸多国家大规模的经济刺激计划还需要一段时间才能产生更为明显的效果,包括美国、日本、德国在内的全球主要经济体已陷入衰退。在此关键时刻,作为世界经济增长引擎之一的中国经济如能保持平稳较快增长,必将给国际社会带来信心与力量,2009年中国的两会注定是要引起世人关注。本刊特专程访谈参加全国人大二次全会的政府、国企、私营代表,一起探讨——  相似文献   

婚姻不是一种契约而是制度。婚姻契约论是特定历史条件下资产阶级反封建斗争的手段 ,但在今天看来有失偏颇。我们应还其本来面目 ,承认婚姻是一种制度  相似文献   

国有企业的民营化不等于私有化,从实质来说它应是社会化的含义,反映的是生产社会化规律。1997年,"拍卖"成为中国社会的十大流行语之 "拍卖"一词超出了经济范畴,成为有些人攻击"中国在搞私有化"的口实。中国,真的在悄悄地进行着"私有化"吗  相似文献   

在语文课堂上教师惯用"披文入情"之法:从作品中语言文字的读准到读出感情,从分析其表面意思到结合具体语境体悟其深沉情感,领略其言外之意、弦外之音,"文字"俨然成了语文  相似文献   

新年前后,世界多个地区出现了不同程度的“寒流”。亚太、欧洲纷纷出现灾难性的严寒天气,“最低气温”、“雪”、“冻”之类的字眼频频现于报端。严寒偷袭,让人措手不及;而“厄尔尼诺”、“全球变暖”、“温室效应”这样的说法似乎昨天还在萦绕耳际。人们不禁要问“地球到底怎么了?”全球气候到底是在变暖还是在变冷?亚太:严寒肆虐冻死多人2003年新年第一天,寒流袭击了印度北部地区,印控克什米尔地区和喜马偕尔  相似文献   

上世纪80年代,中国掀起了第一股留学热潮,大批留学生远渡重洋求知海外。他们大多为国内某高校的学生,在国外攻读硕士、博士。进入新世纪以来,留学主体换成了高中毕业生,留学的目的也变成增长见识、镀金、避开严酷的高考等,留学这  相似文献   

2013年2月3日,经国务院同意,国家发改委、财政部、人社部联合发布的《关于深化收入分配制度改革的若干意见》称,"到2020年实现城乡居民人均实际收入比2010年翻一番,力争中低收入者收入增长更快一些,人民生活水平全面提高"。也就是说,2020年将成为全国31个省(区)市(除港澳台地区)居民收入翻番的目标的最后期限。  相似文献   

小老鼠钻进大象大鼻子里的儿时故事,无意中揭示了一个哲理——管理,就要管住要害,管住命脉,管住进与出的源头。  相似文献   

2月2日,中央财经领导小组办公室副主任陈锡文在国新办的吹风会上提出,目前约有2000万农民工因经济不景气失业返乡,失业比例高达15.3%。这一数字超过了此前的官方估算,也高于温家宝总理接受一些媒体专访时给出的1200万。无论确切的失业人数如何,日益严峻的农民工失业返乡局面已毋庸置疑。这不仅会阻碍农民收入与生活水平的提高,令扩大内需的宏观调控目标大打折扣;还可能因贫困、土地纠纷等因素,直接影响城乡两地的治安状况,加剧社会矛盾。农民工失业问题,将是中国在城市化过程中,必须长期面对的课题。它既关系到农民工的切身利益,又关乎社会全局。解决问题的重点,是应尽快通过改变户籍制度等办法,让农民工留在城市,获得"新市民"身份,以将其纳入城镇社保与公共服务体系,享受政府失业补贴?还是通过扩大农村就业与社保,尽力保证返乡者的生活?让我们来看一些专家及网友的意见。  相似文献   

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