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The comments made by Merkl on our study Bigus and Zimmermann (2009) are generally not helpful. The arguments put forward are partly wrong, partly not consistent and partly irrelevant.  相似文献   

The survey at hand uses a sophisticated classification between derivative and original founders to demonstrate that the group of entrepreneurs consists of several distinct sub-groups or types. With the help of personality traits (Big Five) we examine the different entrepreneurial types. We also investigate how the interaction of personality and entrepreneurial type influences success. The analyses were conducted with a sample of franchise founders (derivative founders) and new business founders (original founders) in Germany. The results in relation to the entrepreneurial type support the distinction between groups as differences were found in personality traits. With respect to the prediction of success we identify interaction effects between personality and entrepreneurial type.  相似文献   

Subject of this article is the question for the taxation of capital gains of holdings in corporations, in which tax effects are reduced. Thereby tax effects are explicated under realistic uncertainty. Under realistic uncertainty tax effects are possible in case of taxation of capital gains, but not mandatory. Furthermore the analysis shows that for capital gains from concealed reserves each form of taxation will entail tax effects. This also applies to tax exemption. In the case of capital gains from profit reserves in the applicable corporate income tax system, tax exemption of capital gains from profit reserves and immediate write-off of profit reserves itself evoke tax effects. In the current corporate tax system only the distribution induced write-down of a shareholding to going concern value reduces tax effects. Nevertheless, this only applies to personal corporations, for public corporations tax effects have to be accepted. Beyond the valid tax system, tax effects must also be expected in a tax system, in which the corporate tax is integrated in the income tax and in which capital gains from profit reserves are tax-exempt. In comparison, the Dual Income Tax as proposed by the German Council of Economic Experts is a better solution for the problem of tax effects caused by the tax exemption of capital gains.  相似文献   

The present research examines the performance consequences of the influence of four major departments (sales, marketing, R&D, and manufacturing) and integrates organizational life cycle stages as moderating variables. Further, the article derives a hypothesis that addresses the influence dispersion among the departments that is most beneficial for performance. In order to validate this research model empirically, survey data from small and medium-sized German firms were gathered. Findings show that the optimal distribution of influence among departments is a function of the organizational life-cycle stage. While no moderating effects of the life-cycle stage emerge for the sales or manufacturing departments, a strong marketing department contributes to organizational performance only in early stages, while a strong R&D department contributes only in later stages. Further, the estimation of the non-linear regression model shows that a medium level of influence dispersion among departments is most beneficial to organizational performance.  相似文献   

The occupational transitions of executives are considered in concerns of the conceptions ??Social Support?? and ??Sense of Coherence?? by a four structured model of a transition cycle. Furthermore the importance of a coaching that recognizes the specific needs during the single phases of a professional transition is described. After all the idea of a coaching is supported, which becomes a status of a fixed installation in organizations. The executives are accompanied through the transition in order to reduce the psychological and organizational costs and finally to commit them and their team members for a long-term employment. In addition the special change from an expert to an executive is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the progression reservation (Progressionsvorbehalt) theoretically and empirically. At the beginning the historical development of the progression reservation is presented. Thereafter requirements on a systematic tax scale are defined and applied to the progression reservation. It turns out that the negative progression reservation does not meet these requirements, because marginal tax rates can occur over 100%. Moreover distortions are observed within a large range of the tax base. After this the paper presents a micro simulation on basis of individual tax statistics data from the Federal Statistical Office. As a result of this the theoretically analyzed distortions can also be found in reality.  相似文献   

Consulting for entrepreneurs is an ambitious and multidimensional consulting business. Beside formal operations and guidelines, this consulting should be the focus of collaboration and learning processes in groups and teams, which is necessary for integration into the consulting process. What happens in the face-to-face interaction in these entrepreneur groups and teams? What do they negotiate and solve on the interactional level to increase their chances of success? The authors describe video interaction analysis as an optional relevant practice for consulting entrepreneurs. This analysis is the groundwork for developing a learning workshop design which focuses on the dynamic team-learning aspect and facilitates the learning process of the team.  相似文献   

商场? 赌场?     
成功人士之所以成功,并非他们天生没有缺点,而是他们在实践的磨炼中,努力发挥自己的长处,注意克服自己的短处,压抑自己的“赌性“在有的人看来,人生何处没有赌,无论是创业还是选老婆,不管是买房子,还是炒股票,对于不能绝对掌控后果的未来,就  相似文献   

晓露 《领导文萃》2014,(24):98-98
正什么叫挣钱?什么叫赚钱?写写这两个字就知道了。挣钱的"挣"是一个提手旁,加一个市场竞争的"争"。这就是说,创业的第一个阶段都是挣钱的阶段,辛辛苦苦用我的双手到市场去拼搏、去竞争,挣下这一份家业。什么叫赚钱呢?"赚"字左边是一个"贝"字,右边是一个"兼"字,贝就是货币,就是融资,兼就是企业兼并。必须进行资产重组,必须兼并,  相似文献   

在我们的生活中,往往会有这样一种情况,即:在我们与人交谈时,重要的常常倒不是交谈的内容,而是怎么说,何时说。美国明尼苏达教育学院的罗伯·格林教授曾经做过这样一项有趣的调查,被调查的75名对象均为学有  相似文献   

儿子的公司早上8点打卡.我每天早上7点半叫他起毕竟.洗漱、吃早点再骑摩托去公司,加之路上可能出一点意外,要赶上打卡不"防患于未然"行么?但有一次儿子贪睡没赶上打卡时间当月奖金就"泡汤"了,所以儿子对打卡抱有"敌意"。我女婿  相似文献   

Standards and technologies (e.g. in the area of web services) that are currently discussed in research and practice will strongly change IT-based communication between organizations. However, the decision to standardize is accompanied by the risk of introducing a standard that is not adopted by other organizations afterwards. Hence, the interdependencies among the standardization decisions due to positive network effects result in a coordination problem, which is referred to as ??the standardization problem??. If the standardization decisions are taken by autonomous actors (e.g. legally independent organizations) that do not know the standardization decisions of the other actors in the network, this standardization problem arises for a decentralized decision structure and incomplete information. Thus, actors have to decide under uncertainty on whether to standardize or not. To avoid resulting inefficiencies and wrong decisions, we propose a formal, normative approach. This approach allows an actor within the network to anticipate the standardization decisions of the other actors and the associated network effects. Central to our approach are the consideration of interdependencies among the standardization decisions and the solution of the resulting system of equations.  相似文献   

Within the German corporate governance system, the supervisory board fulfills several functions: monitoring and consultation of the management board, as well as reconciliation of interests. These divergent tasks might lead to conflicting demands. The agency theory focuses on the control function of the supervisory board and postulates a sufficient degree of independence from management. Following behavioral theories, the same requirement holds for the consultation function. In addition, on the basis of stakeholder theory, the reconciliation of interests emphasizes on the supervisory board’s independence from interests of individual stakeholder groups. Although in sum, the requirement of independence is one of the central corporate governance measures, the results of our empirical study indicate that only 5.9?% of the analyzed 527 DAX supervisory board members meet the examined independence criteria of the German Corporate Governance Code. Nevertheless, a comparison with Italian control committees shows that German supervisory board members fulfill the European Recommendations at a higher rate.  相似文献   

The topic of education and learning currently being debated with much fervor in the public arena reflects the process of change within postmodern society and its impact on the development of children and adolescents. This discussion grapples with the issue of the authority of parents and teachers as well as their role in the context of family and school. The task of trying out new roles and agreeing on them is of pre-eminent importance, since traditional role models are no longer tenable. In doing so, the relation between hierarchy and discourse is being established anew.  相似文献   

主持人:今年全国两会特别引起人们的关注,人们最为关注的是温总理作的政府工作报行,认为是对当前经济形势的一剂强心针,给我们很大的鼓舞和信心.  相似文献   

国有企业的民营化不等于私有化,从实质来说它应是社会化的含义,反映的是生产社会化规律。1997年,"拍卖"成为中国社会的十大流行语之 "拍卖"一词超出了经济范畴,成为有些人攻击"中国在搞私有化"的口实。中国,真的在悄悄地进行着"私有化"吗  相似文献   

婚姻不是一种契约而是制度。婚姻契约论是特定历史条件下资产阶级反封建斗争的手段 ,但在今天看来有失偏颇。我们应还其本来面目 ,承认婚姻是一种制度  相似文献   

目前,全球经济形势仍不明朗,在一些地区和领域,衰退进一步恶化的态势仍未得到有效控制,好转的迹象尚未出现,诸多国家大规模的经济刺激计划还需要一段时间才能产生更为明显的效果,包括美国、日本、德国在内的全球主要经济体已陷入衰退。在此关键时刻,作为世界经济增长引擎之一的中国经济如能保持平稳较快增长,必将给国际社会带来信心与力量,2009年中国的两会注定是要引起世人关注。本刊特专程访谈参加全国人大二次全会的政府、国企、私营代表,一起探讨——  相似文献   

Large parts of firm valuation literature are concerned with the calculation of the so-called ??value of debt tax shields??, i.e., the market value surplus of partly debt-financed firms over operationally identical unlevered firms. In this article, I focus on those papers which employ simple duplication techniques according to Modigliani and Miller (1958). Given asymmetric tax treatment of investments and credits, this procedure is not convincing: Since the results of computations lack uniqueness, the value of levered firms is attributed to be a matter of preferences. In contrast, I try a more profound consideration of market conditions. The results are as follows: The mentioned valuation concept is not compatible with asymmetric taxation, therefore inconsistent outcomes are possible. At most, pricing bounds can be fixed. Proper market-driven valuation by super-replication is more complex, but independent of risk preferences.  相似文献   

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