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藏族教育应有藏族特色,藏族教育中的思想政治教育也应具有民族性。藏族在其千年历史发展中所创造的令世人瞩目的民族文化,无疑是对藏族学生进行思想政治教育最丰富、最亲切、最生动、最富有实效的思想宝库之一,利用其对学生进行自尊、自信、自强、自立教育,传统美德教育,历史使命教育,使他们发奋学习,立志建设家乡,振兴藏区,这是我们藏族教育工作者义不容辞的责任。本文试对藏族传统文化的思想教育功能做粗略论述。  相似文献   

寺院教育与藏族文化及藏区现代教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
寺院教育作为藏族传统教育的一种重要形式 ,不仅在藏族文化发展中发挥重要作用 ,而且也将对藏族现代教育产生深刻影响。文章简略论述了寺院教育在藏族文化发展中的作用 ,并就寺院教育对藏族现代教育的影响问题作了探讨。旨在批判地吸收寺院教育中的合理成份 ,为发展藏族现代教育 ,促进藏区社会的进步服务  相似文献   

历史上的藏族教育概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藏族作为世界民族之林的重要成员,同其它民族一样,也有自己的教育,也有自己光荣的教育史,只不过她的教育异常独特罢了。对于历史上的藏族教育,解放前后均有识者写过文章,然大多数都是作一些一般性的介绍,而对其当时条件下寺院教育的重要作用,似乎未进行认真、深入的研究。笔者不才,拟侧重对此进行些探讨,以作引玉之砖,并就教于博雅。(一)藏族教育之历史概况一谈起藏族教育,首先就会涉及寺院教育。因为寺院教育在我国广大藏族地区有着  相似文献   

本文在笔者对家乡长期深入了解的基础上,利用实地调查采访、古藏文文献资料解读等方法,特别是通过对岷江上游苯教寺院的教育制度、课程内容、组织系统、制度条例等方面的研究,认为西藏苯教作为藏族的本土宗教,除了具有神学宗教的一般特点以外,还具有浓郁的民族区域性、民间大众性等特点,因此,如果说藏族寺院教育是藏族传统教育的重要组成部分,那么苯教寺院教育是藏族传统教育的源头和最典型的代表.  相似文献   

寺院与古代藏族文学有着血肉关系。藏族文学史上享有地位的作家,几乎无不出于寺院。本文从藏族寺院的组织、经济和教育,寺院与藏族文学作者的关系等方面,对于寺院在藏族文学发展中所起的正反两方面的作用进行了系统分析和阐述。  相似文献   

杨小峻 《民族论坛》2011,(7X):93-97
教育公平包含了教育的起点、过程和结果的公平。教育机会公平是教育起点公平的重要内容,但起点公平不等于教育过程、结果的公平。西藏高等学校在教育教学过程中如果不能充分考虑藏族学生的特殊文化背景差异,往往会导致藏族学生在平等享有教育教学资源、学业成绩获得公正评价等方面处于弱势地位。西藏高校要从目前教育过程中的不均等现状为基础,建立一个高校教育管理制度、课程教学、师资队伍建设、藏族学生学习心理研究等多方面的公平机制,促进西藏高等教育公平。  相似文献   

一专院教育的历史作用藏传佛教寺院教育,在青海藏区经过漫长的发展过程,形成了一套完备的教育体系,它在藏族群众的思想观念中产生了极大的影响。历史上它对继承和发展藏族传统文化曾起了积极作用。今天,它对现代藏族文化的发展仍然有着一定的影响。本文就寺院办学问题,谈谈个人的看法。(一)政治方面历史上,我省藏传佛教寺院教育为宗教传播和培养宗教接班人起了作用。就整个藏族而言,是通过寺院教育交流思想、沟通感情、传递信息,对统一藏民族的思想,形成藏族的心理,增强藏族的内部团结都起了积极作用。通过寺院教育,使一部分人…  相似文献   

加强新时期内地高校藏族大学生思想政治教育意义重大。本文对大连理工大学藏族大学生的政治信仰、道德追求、诚信观念、爱情婚恋、人生价值、学习培训、人际交往、网络行为、民族宗教、职业设计十个方面的观念及行为进行了详实调查与比较分析,在此基础上对内地高校藏族大学生思想政治教育提出对策思考。  相似文献   

近年来,教育行政部门和学术界研究藏族教育者日多,发表了不少有价值的论文,出版了重要专著《藏族近现代教育史略》(朱解琳著),诚属好事。但专门论及藏族之古代教育者却寥若晨星,本文拟略作述说;并因另有专文论述藏族寺院教育,于此兹不赘言。  相似文献   

为了加快果洛藏族教育的发展,缩小与其它地区日益拉大的差距,从理论高度来认识、研讨和探索一条符合藏区实际的藏族教育发展之路,果洛州于12月5日至9日在大武召开了首届藏族教育理论研讨会。各县文教局长、民中校长、州教研室、州民师、州卫校的领导和部分骨干教师,离退休教育工作者共60人参加了会议。  相似文献   

扫盲教育是一项非长期性而又具有实用性、基础性、工具性的系统工程。推进贫困地区、少数民族地区和农村妇女的扫盲将是未来扫盲工作的重中之重;因此,抓准扫盲工作的重中之重,加大妇女扫盲力度是扫盲工作抓出成效的关键。  相似文献   

刘毅  郎玉屏 《民族学刊》2013,4(4):90-96,132-133
教育与经济的悖论源于贫困地区人才逆向流动的现实,然而从国家第一个连片开发的武陵山片区外出务工者的调研表明,务工是短期、直接、表面收益,教育是长期、间接、根本收益;优先发展教育甚至是教育第一发展是贫困地区根本改变落后状态的必然选择,现在是,将来也是。教育与经济相互促进,导致理论上出现教育与经济的悖论可能的原因是过分注重短期效益、直接效益、表面效益。  相似文献   

Many Chicagoans are getting shortchanged, particularly when it comes to money exchange between the Illinois Lottery (IL) and Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). A significant portion of lottery sales is earmarked for education in Illinois. Because these revenues are not generated equally, however, some contribute more to education via the lottery than others. When this money is distributed in a way that transfers it from one community to another, one community’s fiscal gain comes at another’s expense. So the question stands: Who plays and who pays? To answer this question, I use the city of Chicago as a case study to simultaneously compare the generation and appropriation of lottery revenues. What I found was that this exchange is inherently organized along lines of race and class. Lottery revenues disproportionately come from communities comprised predominantly by people of color and the working class, and then are redistributed across all communities through education finance. When fiscal policy of Illinois public education is structured in such a way, it inequitably distributes economic capital and preserves undeserved enrichment and unjust impoverishment. This represents a state-sponsored process that captures one mechanism for the reproduction of race and class inequality.  相似文献   

In what ways do the tragedies centered on the lives of black youth, particularly black male youth, inform teachers, education policymakers, and teacher educators about what knowledge is most worth knowing? In this counter/story, we will examine the details of the life and death of Trayvon Martin. From these details, we will extract and interpret a curriculum of tragedy that draws from Derrick Bell’s particular contributions to critical race theory (CRT) applies its central tenets. This article will conclude with lesson for black education for teachers, education policymakers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

对撒拉族女童教育状况的人类学调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
撒拉族青少年的教育状况,尤其女童教育状况自20世纪80年代初以来一直不容乐观,备受关注。本文从教育人类学的角度,参考先前学者的调查结果,结合当地实际,对新世纪撒拉族女童的教育状况进行了调查与分析。在分析了影响撒拉族女童教育的主、客观两个方面的原因后,作者提出少数民族女童的教育状况,不能仅仅凭借学校教育为本来做结论,与家庭教育有关的少数民族"本土文化"教育也不容忽视。  相似文献   

In 1917, Rabindranath Tagore declared, ‘There is only one history – the history of man’ [Tagore, R. (1917/2009). Nationalism. New Delhi: Penguin, p. 65]. This concept of ‘one-history’, and by extension ‘one-world’ is at the heart of his conceptualisation of what I call, education-sans-boundaries and, as I see it, one of the ways to bring a glocal unity. His goal was to establish the dignity of human relationships across boundaries. Thus, for him, local education and global education should not be two ends of a spectrum but overlapping categories instead. Moreover, the education-sans-boundaries should help in restoring the balance and harmony between man and society, knowledge and knowledge, and nation and nation. In this paper, I will explore Tagore’s relevant writings on education, with a focus on his concerted educational efforts to negotiate the boundaries of nation and geography to restore the lost rhythm. In the highly fractured times in which he lived, Tagore saw education in India was in a double-layered crisis under colonialism and growing nationalism. His was a non-dogmatic defence of harmony and principles of unity, and he tried to achieve this in his education models by going beyond the realms of collapsing of cultural differences and without sacrificing local/individual ties and that admits to no artificial boundaries – political, ideological or geographic. The present attempt, therefore, engages with Tagore’s distinct conceptualisation of open-ended education models by looking at his scholarly-and-practical efforts. It suggests that transmission of cultures has provided a ‘broad-basis’ of education in India and can offer healthy conditions for, and directions towards, building transnational/international solidarities.  相似文献   

Although scholars consistently show that class-specific parenting, influenced by the resources parents have due to their socio-economic position, is one of the most important factors for children’s different life chances and outcomes as adults, migrants’ parenting is usually analysed with a focus on their ethnicity or country of origin. Building on cultural perspectives on class, this study demonstrates that migrant parents are differently endowed with institutionalised and embodied cultural capital, which shapes their parenting and therewith their children’s educational opportunities. Specifically, parents differ in their trust in school authorities, the way they define their own role in shaping their children’s education, and their self-esteem and confidence in assessing their children’s abilities and performance. This study is based on the accounts of parents who migrated from Poland to Germany and shows that due to their class position, middle-class parents possess robust forms of cultural capital that they can transfer to their children in the context of migration. This finding makes a case for the relevance of class in the context of migration and thereby adds an important perspective to the study of migrants’ inequalities in education, which tends to focus on ‘ethnic’ differences between migrants and ‘natives’.  相似文献   

In 2014, an alleged “Trojan Horse” plot to Islamise education in a number of schools attended predominantly by diverse Muslim pupils in the inner city wards of Birmingham raised considerable questions. Ofsted investigations of 21 schools explored these concerns at the behest of the then Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove MP. At the head of this so-called plot, a certain Tahir Alam, once a darling of New Labour’s policies on British Muslim schools, faced the brunt of the media and political furore. Based on a series of face-to-face interviews with Alam in 2015 and 2016, this paper provides a detailed insight into the allegations, the context in which they emerged and the implications raised for young Muslims in the education system. Ultimately, as part of the government’s counter-terrorism policy the accusations of the “Islamisation” of education in these “Trojan Horse” schools foreshadowed the additional securitisation of all sectors of education. However, there was neither the evidence nor the legal justification to ratchet up anti-extremism education measures that eventually followed; namely the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. The consequences of the negative attention heightened existing Islamophobia but, paradoxically, they also limited the opportunities for de-radicalisation through education.  相似文献   

从中国民族教育六十余年的文献来看,不同时期的民族教育都充分反映了当时国家的方针、政策和社会特征。其中,从经验描述式的实证研究到理论与学科建设研究的历程凸现了中国民族教育学的发展。进入20世纪90年代后,关于民族教育的文献井喷式出现,主要出现在我国少数民族人口分布的西北地区、西南地区和我国北方地区(包括华北地区和东北地区),这从一个侧面证明了民族教育作为中国民族政策的有机组成部分的实践得到了自上而下的重视和自下而上的反馈。  相似文献   

As the U.S. continues to debate how to reform the current immigration system, there has been an increased emphasis on increasing skilled migration via employment sponsorship and subsequently decreasing other forms of migration, such as family reunification or refugees and asylees. Employment migration is viewed favourably because immigrants tend to arrive with greater education and language skills. However, it is unclear whether the descendants of immigrants admitted via employment categories have greater integration outcomes than the descendants of immigrants admitted via other categories. This study examines whether an immigrant’s entry visa (e.g. temporary work, refugee, student, etc.) affects their children’s education. Using data from the 2004 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles, this study finds that children whose fathers arrived via student/tourist visas have greater odds of college attainment. Related, this study identifies a possible mechanism, advanced/honors courses in high school, that may explain why father’s student/tourist visa exerts a positive effect on student’s pathway to college completion. However, there are no significant effects for fathers arriving under temporary work visas or as legal permanent residents.  相似文献   

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