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大城市外来人口迁移行为影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用2008年四大城市的外来人口问卷调查资料,运用多层次Logit模型分析影响大城市外来人口迁移行为的个体因素和迁入地因素。研究发现,外来人口的迁移行为发生较大的变化,城城迁移所占比重的上升导致性别、婚姻状况以及户口类型等因素对迁移概率的影响并不显著,迁移更多地表现为以家庭为单位;由于外来人口在就业和工资收入上受到不同程度的歧视,加之迁入地产业结构调整升级,就业岗位的增加对外来人口的吸引力有所下降,并且其预期收入水平与城市居民平均收入水平相脱离;城市平均工资增长率的提高对非正规部门劳动力产生了挤出效应,减小了潜在迁移者的迁移概率。  相似文献   

Y Xiong 《人口研究》1988,(4):20-24
The paper analyzed data from a migration survey in 74 Chinese cities and towns in 1986. Several characteristics of the migrant population were found from the data analysis. The biggest proportion of migrants was in 20-24 age group. This age group sent 26.1% of the migrants to metro-cities, 27.6% to large cities, 25.1% to median sized cities, 22.4% to small cities, and 22.2% to towns. Migrants in the 15-29 age groups accounted for 50% of the migrants to different-sized cities and towns. Female migration is 4.2-15.4% lower than male. The proportion migrating because of marriage ranged between 84/7-92.5% to different-sized cities for females, which is much higher than for males. The level of education in the migrant population is higher than in the general population, as educational qualifications are important for job opportunities. Those with middle school and above education, make up the bulk of the migrants, and 30-40% of the migrant population to big cities increased their educational level after migrating. The currently and never married comprise, the majority of the migrant population, while the number of widowed and divorced is minimal (2 and 0.4%, respectively). Most of the widowed were 60 years old and migrated for subsistence to cities where their children lived. Among the unmarried migrants, female make up 1/3. Whereas among the married, there are more females than males.  相似文献   

本文基于浙江省2513个进城农民工样本,应用描述性统计方法对农民工的就业状况和社会保障进行分析,并建立有序Probit模型对新老两代农民工及不同性别农民工的城市间再流动意愿的影响因素进行了探讨。研究发现,就业状况、社会保障对农民工的城市间再流动意愿产生了重要的影响。此外,家庭结构、流动状况、受教育程度等因素也是影响农民工的城市间再流动意愿的重要因素。这些因素的影响存在着一定的性别差异与代别差异。  相似文献   

城镇化进程中的人口流动与城镇新增贫困人口问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在城镇化的过程中,农村人口净流向城镇。这一方面推动城镇和农村的发展,另一方面带来城镇贫困人口的增加。由农村流入城镇的人口其贫困发生率大致在3%以上。为预防和保障人口流动中的城镇新增贫困人口,应该采取措施分类引导人口的城镇化,建立和完善进入城镇农民的社会保障体系,积极发展城镇服务业等第三产业,避免过度的城市化带来城镇贫困问题的扩大。  相似文献   

Guatemala has the highest fertility of any country in Latin America, and it is also the least urbanized. Projected rural-urban migration will shift more of Guatemala's population from rural areas into towns and cities. This article uses retrospective life-history data collected in migrant origin and destination areas in Guatemala to compare the fertility of rural-urban migrant women to that of rural and urban nonmigrants. Results from discrete-time hazard regression models of union formation, first birth, and third and higher parity births indicate that delayed marriage while still in rural areas, and the rapid adoption of urban fertility practices after migration, result in intermediate migrant fertility that is closer to that of urban natives than rural nonmigrants. If current patterns are any guide to the future, the redistribution of population from high fertility rural areas to towns and cities in Guatemala will accelerate the decline in aggregate fertility beyond what would have resulted from declines in rural and urban fertility alone.  相似文献   

流动妇女心理健康状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对江苏省张家港市和江阴市流动人口基本情况和症状自评量表(SCL-90)的实地调查,从流动妇女的人口社会学因素和流动经历特征分层分析流动妇女的心理健康状况。流动妇女心理健康水平低于成年正常女性;从人口社会学因素来看,未婚、无小孩、年轻的流动妇女心理健康水平较低;从流动经历来看,常回老家者、和家人同在一个城市者、对生活状况满意者的心理健康状况相对较好。  相似文献   

City dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa have increased roughly 600% in the last 35 years. Throughout the developing world, cities have expanded at a rate that has far outpaced rural population growth. Extensive data document lower fertility and mortality rates in cities than in rural regions. But slums, shantytowns, and squatters' settlements proliferate in many large cities. Martin Brockerhoff studies the reproductive and health consequences of urban growth, with an emphasis on maternal and child health. Brockerhoff reports that child mortality rates in large cities are highest among children born to mothers who recently migrated from rural areas or who live in low-quality housing. Children born in large cities have about a 30% higher risk of dying before they reach the age of 5 than those born in smaller cities. Despite this, children born to migrant mothers who have lived in a city for about a year have much better survival chances than children born in rural areas to nonmigrant mothers and children born to migrant mothers before or shortly after migration. Migration in developing countries as a whole has saved millions of children's lives. The apparent benefits experienced in the 1980s may not occur in the future, as cities continue to grow and municipal governments confront an overwhelming need for housing, jobs, and services. Another benefit is that fertility rates in African cities fell by about 1 birth per woman as a result of female migration from villages to towns in the 1980s and early 1990s. There will be an increasing need for donors and governments to concentrate family planning, reproductive health, child survival, and social services in cities, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, because there child mortality decline has been unexpectedly slow, overall fertility decline is not yet apparent in most countries, and levels of migration to cities are anticipated to remain high.  相似文献   

通过全国第五次和第六次人口普查数据对比分析,发现十年间我国人口流动的区域分布格局变化不大.东部沿海仍然是最主要的人口流入地.中部地区人口大量外迁的趋势依旧.西部地区作为人口流入地的吸引力有所下降;越来越多的人选择城市作为流动目的地.超一半的流动人口来自于镇;流动人口的受教育程度略有提升但务工经商人群文化程度普遍偏低,外出年龄有所推迟:留守儿童与留守老人数量激增。造成上述特征及变化的原因主要有区域经济发展格局、城乡发展差距与要素集聚格局以及流动人口接纳安置能力与政策等方面的因素。今后我国人口流动需要随着区域经济发展格局的变化.以及新型城镇化、主体功能区等新思路的安排进行舍理引导与配置。  相似文献   

将2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据和城市特征数据进行匹配,使用非线性分层模型分析了流动人口户籍迁移意愿的影响因素。结果表明,流动人口的个人基本特征、经济状况、流动特征对户籍迁移意愿存在单独的影响,流入城市特征不存在对流动人口户籍迁移意愿的直接影响,但通过流动人口个人层面特征跨层交互作用于流动人口的户籍迁移意愿。有子女随迁和在流入地居留时间越长的流动人口户籍迁移意愿越强,流入地的教育公共服务质量越好越会强化这种倾向;已在流入地购房、受教育程度越高、女性流动人口的户籍迁移意愿更高,流入地的人口规模越大越会加强这种作用。  相似文献   

日常生活中的家庭结构及其与父母的居住模式是流动和留守儿童各种问题的根源。本文利用2006年的珠三角农民工抽样调查原始数据,从农民工子女流动或留守的两种生存状况出发,探索了决定这两种生存状态的各种因素。结果发现,农民工子女的流动与否在很大程度上受制于自己的年龄、农村社会支持、迁移距离和父(母)在城市生存状态,他们的流动与否不仅是作为农民工父(母)理性选择的结果,还与国家、地方、生产等方面的制度有关。也就是说,与人口迁移中推拉理论的论述一样,农民工子女的流动与否也是由农村社会和城市社会各自的推拉合力作用的结果,也是作为父母的农民工经过利弊权衡后的理性选择结果。  相似文献   

S Ren 《人口研究》1988,(3):19-23
The author presents an analysis of migration of urban populations from 1951 to 1986 in China. Size and direction of urban migrant populations and the reasons for migration are included. The rural-urban migration is described as relatively stable in size and controlled by national political factors, economic conditions, and an urban population growth policy.  相似文献   

要重视流动儿童少年的教育问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
流动儿童少年人口的教育问题必须受到重视 ,流入地政府和教育部门要从全国的高度认识流动儿童少年的教育问题 ,流入地的学校要采取措施吸收流动儿童少年入学 ,以更好地发挥流入地的教育资源优势 ,要允许流动人口开办“打工子弟校” ,从事流动儿童少年的教育工作 ,同时 ,对各种“打工子弟校”要加强管理。在“入学率”和“巩固率”统计中 ,要改“户籍人口”口径为“常住人口”口径 ,以促使流入地更好地关心流动儿童少年的教育问题  相似文献   

农民工定居性迁移决策的影响因素实证研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
在农民工大规模流入城市的现状下 ,调查发现 ,农民工定居城市意愿并不十分强烈 ,反映出迁移决策影响因素的多样性和层次性。城市较高的收入预期是吸引农民工流入城市的直接动因 ,但定居性迁移决策更多受制于社会的、文化的、心理的和个人特征因素 ,本文依据对农民工定居意愿的调查 ,分析了影响农民工留城定居的内在机理并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

The migration efficiency ratio of an area is defined as the net migration of the area (in-migrants minus out-migrants) divided by the total number of moves whose origin or destination is that area (in-migrants plus out-migrants) multiplied by 100. This paper investigates variations in migration efficiency from 1955 to 1960 among Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas with populations of 250,000 or more. Regional variation in migration efficiency was evident, ranging from an average of ?9.7 in the Northeast to 19.6 for SMSA’s in the Western region. Nonwhites tended to have higher migration efficiency than whites. Rapidly growing metropolitan areas had higher migration efficiency ratios than areas growing at a lower rate or losing population. The educational level of a metropolitan area, as measured by the percent of the population 25 years old or over with at least a high school education, was positively related to migration efficiency. The composition of the migrant population, both in- and outmigrants for a given area, was related to the value of the migration efficiency ratio. If the migrant population contained a large proportion of persons aged 20–34, migration efficiency was low, regardless of the direction of the major migration stream. Region was found to have a major effect. Variables that had a strong and positive relationship with migration efficiency in one region were usually found to have no relation, or a negative relation, with it in other areas. Obviously, further research is needed for the identification of factors producing these strong regional effects.  相似文献   

本文使用了2009~2014年江苏省44个县市的数据①,利用面板数据进行回归分析,证明了地方教育财政支出会受到流动人口、地方经济发展等因素影响;人口流动会对人口流入地县市产生教育资源挤占效应,地方政府基础教育财政支出可能存在自利性动机,为了实现本地利益最大化,会对流动人口子女在本地入学设置相关门槛;这些发现表明,我们在发展地方经济、加大转移支付及实现义务教育经费随学籍走制度的同时,需要对产生问题的根源户籍制度进行改革,接纳农民工子女进入本地公立学校,才能实现中央“两为主”政策的教育公平目标。  相似文献   

本研究从生命历程的视角出发,利用2010年"农民工社会适应问题研究"课题组在重庆和珠三角地区所收集的调查数据,分析了影响农民工留城与返乡意愿的影响因素。研究发现,除了个体的能动性如教育程度和收入水平会影响其留城意愿外,与生命历程相关的出生组效应、家庭所处的生命周期以及一定的空间效应都会影响农民工的留城和返乡意愿,另外,性别因素也会导致其留城意愿的差异,文化方面的适应也会极大地影响农民工的留城意愿。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships between international migration, natural resources, and the environment. Rather than looking at environmental change as a cause of population movements, the article reveals how migration affects the environment in sending countries. Empirically, we rely on a case study in Guatemala. Although migrants and cash remittances make significant contributions to Guatemala’s changing economy, little is known about the relationships between migration and the environment in this Central American country—a country, which continues to have a large rural population and that relies heavily on its natural resources. Drawing on ethnographic research and household surveys in a Maya community, we reveal how migrants and their earnings, as well as their ideas, behavior and attitudes, affect land use, land cover, and firewood use. We reveal, for example, how in addition to investments in land for home building and pick-up trucks to help improve agricultural production, some migrant households purchase more land and often dedicate it to the cultivation of vegetable crops for local and foreign markets. Cultural practices and beliefs directly linked to land and the environment, particularly maize cultivation, also alter due to migration processes. And, despite the ability of migrant households to transition to more efficient fuels like liquid propane gas (LPG), we show how they continue to use firewood. In all, the study contributes important insights into the environmental implications of migration.  相似文献   

通过对流动人口迁移距离性别差异的考察发现:(1)女性流动人口的平均迁移距离长于男性23.1千米,个体因素、迁移特征、经济社会因素对男性、女性流动人口的迁移距离存在着不同方向和不同程度的影响。少数民族和农村户籍的女性流动人口的迁移距离明显长于男性。(2)随受教育程度的提高,女性迁移距离不断增加,初中、高中、大学和研究生学历的女性流动人口的迁移距离分别增加0.062、0.058、0.098和0.170个单位。(3)女性流动人口的迁移受到距离的阻抗作用强度弱于男性,距离每增加1%,流入的女性流动人口规模降低1.090%,而男性为1.275%。(4)引入经济发展差距(GDP)和收入差距变量后,各变量的影响程度和方向发生变化,女性表现出学历、收入水平越高迁移得越远的特征。  相似文献   

樊晓燕 《西北人口》2010,31(3):13-16,21
根据2008年5月对深圳市农民工失业保险现状与需求实态调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型,定量分析了农民工参加失业保险的主要影响因素。研究结果表明:农民工的文化程度、支出水平、再就业的难易程度、在城市工作的年限、长远打算和对未来生活的预期是影响其参保的主要因素,提出了尽快把农民工纳入失业保险范围、加强农民工的教育培训和拓展就业途径等政策建议。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的少数民族人口进入城市,尤其是大城市。这一群体在接受"城市化"和"现代化"洗礼的过程中,相对于一般的进城务工人员,由于加入了民族意识、民族宗教习俗、民族价值文化等因素,从而使其城市适应变得更加复杂和艰难。本研究从社会结构变迁的角度出发,以兰州市流动穆斯林社会调查为基础,对影响流动穆斯林城市适应的障碍性因素(民族因素、自身因素、社会环境因素和制度因素)进行了深入、细致的分析;并阐述了流动穆斯林城市适应的关键障碍因素:地理距离、经济条件及心理文化。随着城市化进程的进一步加快,与以往的农民工城市适应的关键障碍因素不同,制度因素已不再是阻碍流动穆斯林城市适应最主要的因素,而是呈现出多元化的特点。  相似文献   

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