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人口迁移与流动对我国各地区经济影响的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在对近十年来我国人口迁移和流动的时空演变格局进行初步考察的基础上,文章利用面板数据的变系数模型分别实证考察了人口迁移和流动对我国各地区(省域)经济的影响。结果发现:(1)我国各地区间人口迁移相对平稳,而人口流动在2000年以后呈现出持续快速增长的态势,且空间流向极不均衡;(2)人口的迁移和流动对中国整体经济来说是一个帕累托改进;(3)户籍制度对于发达地区起到了人才沙漏的作用;(4)对于中部的绝大部分地区以及西部的一些人口输出大省,伴随人口迁出而引起的人力资本流失对当地经济的负面影响开始凸显出来,人口流出虽然基本出现一个正面影响,但对本地经济发展的贡献并不如我们预想的那么明显。  相似文献   

文章利用中国人民大学中国调查与数据中心组织的“2013年首都大学生成长跟踪调查”数据,采用倾向得分匹配法探究了户籍制度对于大学生工资的影响。研究发现:大学生在就业时面临着户口与待遇的选择困境,为了获得户口,大学生在某种程度上需要牺牲与自己人力资本特征相匹配的工作和工资待遇,不得不支付“户口成本”;在同等的人力资本条件下,大学生需要牺牲21%的工资待遇才能获得一纸户口;大学生中人力资本特征越高的群体,遭受的户口成本所带来的工资损失越大。基于以上发现,文章认为应该进行户口去福利化的改革,如此才能提升劳动力市场资源配置的效率,使得人尽其才。  相似文献   

李萌  陈金永  张力 《南方人口》2020,35(4):28-40
人口管理组织化将多元、异质的个体塑造成相对刚性、权利分层的社会身份差序格局。本文探讨集体户口在人口管理组织化中的意义建构及对户籍制度改革的反思。分析显示,集体户口的发展历程是一个集个体存在和权利安排于一体的组织化过程。单位制年代,集体户口依业缘对人口进行组织和管理,合成以单位为中心的\个人紧密依存单位的社会单元;单位制解体后,集体户口以整合无房人口为导向,实现不同类型社会自由人的组织重构。在开放、流动、多元的社会形态下,集体户口能否更好地保障和拓展落户人口的合法民生权益,在实现人口管理组织化的同时促进社会善治,将是户籍制度改革的重要议题。  相似文献   

We examined migration in China using the 2005 inter-census population survey, in which migrants were registered at both their place of original (hukou) residence and at their destination. We find evidence that the estimated number of internal migrants in China is extremely sensitive to the enumeration method. We estimate that the traditional destination-based survey method fails to account for more than a third of migrants found using comparable origin-based methods. The ‘missing’ migrants are disproportionately young, male, and holders of rural hukou. We find that origin-based methods are more effective at capturing migrants who travel short distances for short periods, whereas destination-based methods are more effective when entire households have migrated and no remaining family members are located at the hukou location. We conclude with a set of policy recommendations for the design of population surveys in countries with large migrant populations.  相似文献   

The household registration (hukou) system in China, classifying each person as a rural or an urban resident, is a major means of controlling population mobility and determining eligibility for state‐provided services and welfare. Established in the late 1950s, it was initially used to bar rural‐to‐urban migration. After the late 1970s reforms, an inflow of rural migrant workers was allowed into the cities to meet labor demands in the burgeoning export industries and urban services without, however, changing the migrants' registered status, thus precluding their access to subsidized housing and other benefits available to those with urban registration. While there have been many calls for reforming this system, progress has been limited. Proposed reforms have attracted increasing academic and media attention.  相似文献   

以宁波市为例,基于宁波市“六普”与“五普”数据,首先利用年龄别死亡率对同批次队列人口进行年龄移算,即人口留存分析,对比2010年的实际人口数和无迁移模式下的封闭人口数之差,进一步测算两次普查期间分性别、年龄别人口的净迁移量和净迁移率。然后,将迁移率与出生率和死亡率整合,构建多要素随机人口预测模型,预测宁波市未来人口变化趋势,并评估迁移、死亡、出生三要素对人口变动的弹性影响效果。结果表明:人口净迁入对宁波市人口总量变化影响最大,而低死亡率和低出生率是未来50年加剧宁波市人口老龄化的主要原因。未来50年内,劳动力人口净迁入对降低宁波市人口老年负担系数的作用有限。鼓励夫妇生育二孩,优化人才引进与落户机制,尽快建立起应对高龄社会的公共服务体系尤其是长期照护体系,应是宁波市人口政策改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

户籍改革进程的障碍:基于城市落户门槛的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过落户门槛的比较,探讨城市落户改革进程的障碍在不同城市之间存在着哪些共性和差异,以及落户改革障碍产生的大环境。作者在盘点中央与地方政府市场化改革以来所实施的户籍新政的基础上,构造落户门槛指数检视城市户籍制度改革的进取和限度。研究结果表明,全国范围内城市落户门槛存在着质的共性但有度的差别,以落户条件为圆心的城市户籍现有改革,是以公共资源配置考虑、发展资源争夺为核心的地方利益博弈。  相似文献   

吴伟东 《南方人口》2011,26(5):11-16
户籍制度改革是中国当前的一项重大议题,制度改革的财政成本和收益迫切需要得到准确的估算。从人口迁移和福利磁力的研究视角出发,本文聚焦于制度改革的社会救助福利成本与收益,在估算公式中纳人了区域福利水平差距、劳动者定居比率和福利迁移比率等数据指标进行估算。估算结果表明:现阶段制度改革的高昂财政负担和我国相对紧张的财政状况,使制度改革只能遵循渐进的方式进行,目前仍不具备立即推行全面改革的足够空间。  相似文献   

农民工“进城落户”意愿与中国近期城镇化道路的选择   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
文章通过对2010年全国性调查数据的统计分析发现:(1)绝大多数农民工不愿意转变为非农户口;如果要求其交回承包地,则只有10%左右愿意转为非农户口。(2)为了孩子的教育与升学是少数农民工愿意转户的主要原因。(3)想保留承包地是大多数农民工不愿转户的主要原因。(4)在转为非农户口这一问题上,80前与80后农民工不存在显著区别。由此作者认为,推进城镇化的优选之路是常住化城镇化而非户籍化城镇化;要在不强迫改变农民土地权属的前提下将农民工转变为城市新市民;应给予进城的80前与80后同等重要的政策关注。深层城镇化的政策配置重点,应是基本公共服务与福利配置的均等化,而不是强化户籍的制度区隔功能。  相似文献   

此心安处是吾乡--流动人口身份认同的区域差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
身份认同是流动人口社会融合的重要组成部分,受客观社会环境和主观意愿等多方面因素的影响。利用2014年“流动人口社会融合及心理健康调查”数据,使用线性回归和二元逻辑斯蒂回归方法,分析当前制度区隔与结构排斥下流动人口身份认同的地区差异,文章发现,流动人口身份认同的现状较为复杂,呈现认同意愿“内部有别”与认同结果“人地一致”的特点,即“居留意愿”较低的城市中流动人口的“入籍意愿”较高,“融入于地”状况较好的城市中流动人口“本地人身份认同”度同样较高。从区域分割视角来看,除“入籍意愿”较高外,东部大城市流动人口的身份认同状况不容乐观。同时,受流动跨越行政距离的影响,省内流动人口具有较强的“内部优势”,其身份认同状况优于跨省而来的流动人口。  相似文献   

城市户籍制度改革与流动人口社会融合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李涛  任远 《南方人口》2011,26(3):17-24
户籍制度是城乡二元结构的基础性制度,是阻碍流动人口实现社会融合的主要制度性障碍。本文分析了户籍制度对流动人口公共服务和社会福利所造成的歧视性排斥.回顾了改革开放以来城市户籍制度的改革与探索,并对推动城市户籍改革、促进流动人口社会融合提出四个基本的思路,包括:第一,使户籍制度逐步与相关福利制度脱钩;第二,对外来人口社会福利和公共服务实行渐进性的增量改革;第三,扩大从外来移民到本地户籍人口的制度通道;第四,推动城市户籍改革和区域户籍改革的联动。  相似文献   

Wu X  Treiman DJ 《Demography》2004,41(2):363-384
The Chinese household registration system (hukou), which divides the population into "agricultural" and "nonagricultural" sectors, may be the most important determinant of differential privileges in state socialist China, determining access to good jobs, education for one's children, housing, health care, and even the right to move to a city. Transforming one's hukou status from rural to urban is a central aspect of upward social mobility. Using data from a 1996 national probability sample, we show that education and membership in the Chinese Communist Party are the main determinants of such mobility.  相似文献   

城乡差分与内外之别:流动人口社会保障研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动人口与流入地居民之间最主要的差异集中表现为社会保障福利和其他公共资源的获得。2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据。分析结果显示,由于户籍类型造成的城乡差分及因户籍地引起的内外之别共同作用于个体社会保障的可获得性,三个人群的社会保障水平呈现出显著的梯级差别,乡-城流动人口处于农村人和外来人的双重弱势;而且,经济越发达,流动人口的社会保障水平越低;而在经济欠发达之地,他们与本地市民的差距较小,呈现出低水平融入的特点。这些发现表明,各级政府改善流动人口社会福利的努力在很大程度上受制于各地区现行的制度安排,而这些制约维系着不同身份人群之间在公共资源可及性和可得性方面的不公。  相似文献   

本文基于2004-2012年的婚姻登记业务数据的分析发现,北京本地通婚的夫妇仅占所有新婚夫妇的41%;两地婚姻中,外来人口(包括落户北京的迁移人口及尚未落户的流动人口)与北京本地人口的组合占比约36%,外来人口之间的组合占比约23%,但在时序上有上升趋势。相对于本地通婚,两地婚姻的夫妇普遍结婚较晚,且多为高学历男女的组合。"双外夫妇"的增多重塑了北京的文化,同时也为城市发展带来一定的压力。  相似文献   

改革开放以来中国人口迁移发展的几个特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文主要通过深入的考察、分析 ,总结了改革开放以来中国人口迁移发展的几个特征 ,指出改革开放以来 ,中国人口迁移逐步趋强并渐显高度活跃态势、农村人口的非户籍乡—城迁移始终为迁移主流、迁移原因及机制发生了重大转变、人口迁移的城乡—区域模式出现了一些新的变化。文章最后还进一步阐释了改革开放以来中国人口迁移发展的这些特征所显示的重要意义  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - This paper tries to analyze the determinants and driving mechanisms of both settlement intention and hukou transfer intention for rural migrants in Chinese...  相似文献   

Environmental Influences on Human Migration in Rural Ecuador   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question of whether environmental conditions influence human migration has recently gained considerable attention, driven by claims that global environmental change will displace large populations. Despite this high level of interest, few quantitative studies have investigated the potential effects of environmental factors on migration, particularly in the developing world and for gradual but pervasive forms of environmental change. To address this, a retrospective migration survey was conducted in rural Ecuador and linked to data on topography, climate, and weather shocks. These data were used to estimate multivariate event history models of alternative forms of mobility (local mobility, internal migration, and international migration), controlling for a large number of covariates. This approach is generalizable to other study areas and responds to calls for the development of more rigorous methods in this field. The results indicate that adverse environmental conditions do not consistently increase rural out-migration and, in some cases, reduce migration. Instead, households respond to environmental factors in diverse ways, resulting in complex migratory responses. Overall, the results support an alternative narrative of environmentally induced migration that recognizes the adaptability of rural households in responding to environmental change.  相似文献   

Temporary Migrants in Shanghai Households, 1984   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In China, temporary migration is defined as a change in place of residence without a concomitant change in household registration; such mobility therefore encompasses a more heterogeneous set of movements than is usually subsumed under this heading in other nations. Because of China's strict control of permanent migration to large cities, temporary migration has become an important strategy for adjusting to economic changes and to effecting family reunification. The Shanghai Temporary Migration Survey of 1984 focused on one segment of temporary migrants, the 58% living in the households of permanent residents. Multinomial logistic regression suggests the heightened probability that close relatives of the household heads come to Shanghai to visit or to live, and nonrelatives to work. Regression on current and expected duration shows that many intended to stay for a year or more, some for up to 20 years. Their presence in the city places added strains on infrastructure and raises questions about the continued efficacy of China's migration policies.  相似文献   

劳动力回流后的个人发展及影响因素研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石智雷 《西北人口》2012,33(3):79-83
迁移劳动力返乡后,利用外出务工期间积累的资本、技术从事自我经营,或者创办实业,发展新的产业,成为当前农村劳动力转移的一个新现象。国内外学术界关于迁移劳动力回流后个人发展的研究,主要关注的是回流劳动力就业行为和收入能力,分析外出务工经历对农村劳动力职业转变和创业行为的影响,并考察了迁移劳动力返乡以后,是否会促进技术的改进和新技能的传播。迁移劳动力回流后的就业选择将对回流地的就业结构、就业机会和工资结构等产生怎样的影响,有待进一步检验。  相似文献   

We show that much of the recent reported decrease in interstate migration is a statistical artifact. Before 2006, the Census Bureau's imputation procedure for dealing with missing data in the Current Population Survey inflated the estimated interstate migration rate. An undocumented change in the procedure corrected the problem starting in 2006, thus reducing the estimated migration rate. The change in imputation procedures explains 90% of the reported decrease in interstate migration between 2005 and 2006, and 42% of the decrease between 2000 (the recent high-water mark) and 2010. After we remove the effect of the change in procedures, we find that the annual interstate migration rate follows a smooth downward trend from 1996 to 2010. Contrary to popular belief, the 2007-2009 recession is not associated with any additional decrease in interstate migration relative to trend.  相似文献   

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