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Objective: Although previous research has suggested that college housing impacts student behavior and outcomes, recent research linking college housing to risk-taking has been limited. In this study, we investigate if patterns of risk behavior differ based on the type of college housing environment students reside in. Participants: This study utilizes 510 college students living in on-campus college housing. Methods: Students were recruited from 5 college sites across the United States. Participants responded to survey items online that measured current risk-taking behaviors such as binge drinking and sexual activity. Results: After controlling for an assortment of demographic and psychological variables, results indicated that students living in co-ed housing were more likely than students living in gender-specific housing to binge drink and consume alcohol, have more permissive sexual attitudes, and have more recent sexual partners. Conclusions: On-campus housing environments impact college student risk behaviors. Implications are discussed in light of the decline of in loco parentis on most college campuses.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors tested a prototype intervention designed to deter alcohol use in residence halls. Participants: Approximately 384 freshmen participated in the study over a 2-year period. Methods: The authors devised a feedback method that assessed residents' blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at night and allowed the readings to be retrieved the next day via the Web. Residents in an intervention hall received their BAC readings as well as normative feedback. In a comparison hall, residents could retrieve only the BAC readings. Results: The authors found statistically significant hall differences, but they were small in size and not meaningful. Conclusions: Qualitative findings suggest the intervention had an overall positive impact, but the actions of a subgroup of rebellious drinkers might have obscured the effect. Social norms interventions could provoke some episodes of excessive drinking in students who find these messages objectionable. More research is needed to evaluate delayed BAC feedback.  相似文献   

Women in ancient China were prohibited from holding any position of power. Essentially,the women were"objects" sold into marriage.Their feet were bound to prevent them from escaping. While they could not hold positions of power,women were in control of their homes.A man was permitted to have more than one wife,and the women had a rank within the household.The first wife could dictate who went where,how much  相似文献   

(上接[8]《历代民族与帝王史》) §11,第4卷,第167页(伊历22年条下): 当时正在小木鹿(木鹿鲁兹,Marw al-Rudh)[1]的叶兹戴杰尔德(Yazdajird)[2]修书给(突厥)可汗求援,也修书给粟特国王求援.于是他的两个使者前往这两个王国.同时他还修书给中国国王,请求援助.  相似文献   

(上接[8]《历代民族与帝王史》) §11,第4卷,第167页(伊历22年条下): 当时正在小木鹿(木鹿鲁兹,Marw al-Rudh)[1]的叶兹戴杰尔德(Yazdajird)[2]修书给(突厥)可汗求援,也修书给粟特国王求援.于是他的两个使者前往这两个王国.同时他还修书给中国国王,请求援助.  相似文献   

古埃及亚历山大博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古埃及亚历山大博物馆是埃及亚历山大市的古典知识中心,始建于公元前280年左右,由托勒密二世菲拉德尔费斯和其父托勒密一世索塔尔修造,由多个学院组成,每个学院有一名首席教士负责,聘任学者的工资初由埃及国王继由罗马皇帝支付。270年,博物馆建筑被毁,然而其教育和研究机构的作用一直持续到4世纪。  相似文献   

古埃及亚历山大博物馆是埃及亚历山大市的古典知识中心,始建于公元前280年左右,由托勒密二世菲拉德尔费斯和其父托勒密一世索塔尔修造,由多个学院组成,每个学院有一名首席教士负责,聘任学者的工资初由埃及国王继由罗马皇帝支付.270年,博物馆建筑被毁,然而其教育和研究机构的作用一直持续到5世纪.  相似文献   

〖7〗<地名辞典> 编纂者雅古特(公元1179~1229年),全名希哈布丁·艾布·阿卜杜拉·雅古特·本·阿卜杜拉·哈马维·罗米·巴格达迪.中世纪阿拉伯最伟大的地理学家之一,著名辞书编纂家,同时也是历史学家和文学史家.祖籍东罗马帝国,卒于阿勒颇.著述颇丰,其中以<地名辞典>和<文学家辞典>最为著名.  相似文献   

两河流域是人类文明的发祥地之一.当地人民创造了高度的古代文明.今天,虽历几千年人为和自然灾害的侵袭,大部分古代文化遗迹都己荡然无存,但经广大考古工作者的辛勤努力,仍发现了不少文物古迹.  相似文献   

《古代埃及文献》是目前为止研究古代埃及的最完全的一套资料,本文通过对该书的整理和爬梳,归纳出古代埃及祭司的各种职能,他们活跃于古代埃及社会的宗教、外交、政治、文化及经济等各个领域,形成埃及古代社会政治体制的一大特色.代表神权的祭司在古代埃及社会中占着相当重要的地位,从其各种职能中我们可见一斑.  相似文献   

本文在对意大利罗马进行实地考察的基础上,对其古建筑分布规律、残存的古建筑遗迹的建筑风格以及古罗马时期城市的布局形式等进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

缘起 几年前读了解放军出版社1985年翻译出版的<中东战争全史>.作者是日本防卫研修所研究员田上四郎.该书第6章--10月战争(第4次中东战争)中有这样一段话(第251页):  相似文献   

蒙俊宇 《城市观察》2011,(5):188-192
古希腊神话具有的人本主义、民主精神、自由思想、享乐主义等特点,体现出城邦文明的特征。本文分析了古希腊神话的特点及其表现出的城邦文明,并对比了东西方文化视野中的古希腊神话和中国神话。  相似文献   


This article investigates a practical implementation of strategies for augmenting social capital, as they are being used within the Granddad Project, an intergenerational learning initiative conducted in schools in the Stockholm county area. Indicators for measuring social capital were constructed on the basis of questionnaire data. Responses from a total of 580 pupils, 19 granddads and 27 teachers in 17 schools were collected. Additionally, for the granddads, a qualitative analysis was also carried out using a set of narrative data, reflecting their perceptions and experiences of their work in the schools. The results indicate that the granddads' work itself is forming part of the social capital between individual granddads and the pupils. The pupil responses indicate that boys and girls feel secure in school and that the granddad supports and assists everyone. The responses from the granddads demonstrate that they find their work demanding, but nonetheless rewarding because of the social network it has established for them with the staff and the positive response from the pupils. These results support the assumption that interaction that occurs in the classrooms in schools where there is granddad intervention provides opportunities for increased social capital to be generated on the part of both the younger and the older generation.  相似文献   

【25】<肇始与历史>(al-Bad' wa al-Tārīkh ) 本书作者情况是阿拉伯古籍中较为特殊的一例.大约在公元966年,穆塔海尔·麦格迪西(al-Mutahhar al-Maqdisī,卒于公元966年之后)来到锡吉斯坦,应一位大臣的要求,写了一部简明扼要的历史著作,书名即<肇始与历史>.但后来不知什么原因,这部著作却归在哲学家艾哈迈德·巴勒希(al-Balkhī)名下.  相似文献   

[11]<罕世璎珞>(al-‘Iqd al-Farīd) 作者艾哈迈德·本·穆罕默德·本·阿卜德莱比·安达卢西(860~940),以伊本·阿卜德莱比(Ibn ‘Abd-Rabbīh )著称于世.  相似文献   

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