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体育游戏在学校体育教学中具有十分重要的地位和作用。然而,它对学生心理发展的积极作用却尚未引起人们的高度重视。为此,本文就体育游戏对学生心理发展的积极作用进行了探索、研究,并从学生心理发展的角度,对体育游戏在体育教学中的运用提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文通过体育游戏对高职院校体育教学的促进作用,对高职学生能力培养的作用,素质培养的作用进行分析与研究。总结出体育游戏教学对高职学生身心健康发展、综合素质能力培养有积极的作用。  相似文献   

在体育教学中,体育游戏具有激发学生积极性和求知欲作用。通过对游戏教学的作、特点、组织与实践的进行探讨,认为合理的运用体育游戏教学,可以使学生更快的掌握动作技术,完成课的任务.提高教学质量。使体育教学真正成为促进学生身心健康全面发展的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

本研究通过文献资料法、逻辑演绎法、问卷法、访谈法对腾冲县第二、三中学体育游戏的开展进行研究并提出相关建议:应加强腾冲县中学体育游戏的自主编创;做好游戏前的准备工作;合理进行体育设施与资源开发、人力开发,从而推动腾冲县中学体育游戏的发展。  相似文献   

体育游戏是学生体育活动的主要表现形式,有利于学生体力、智力和品行的发展,在教育中显示着极大作用。  相似文献   

“这是一个很年轻的机构。”儿童乐益会的中国区主管魏巍坐定后,开门见山地说。  相似文献   

体育教育是小学教育的重要组成部分,对小学生的身体健康、事物认识、体育技能等方面的发展具有重要作用。本文针对体育游戏教学的特点与作用,结合笔者教学经验,浅要分析了体育游戏在小学体育教学中的运用策略,以期提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

小学阶段是培养学生体育素养的关键时期,针对小学生的认知特点和心理特性,重视体育游戏对小学体育教学的影响,更重视体育游戏在小学体育教学中的灵活应用,让学生能够对体育产生足够的兴趣和热情,锻炼学生身体,更培养学生乐观积极的性格,将游戏与课程教学更好的融合,以此来强化学生的学习效果,促进学生的全面进步.  相似文献   

体育游戏作为中国的草根文化不断受到研究者的青睐,出现了大量的研究成果,通过对民间体育游戏的相关研究进行分析总结,指出目前研究的程度,以及研究中存在的不足,为今后我国进一步研究民间体育游戏奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

体育游戏由于健身效果非常好,而且具有很强的趣味性,同时学生也乐于参加,因此我国高校体育教学中广泛的应用体育游戏。实际上,体育游戏是一种古老文化,每个民族都有独特的体育游戏,体育游戏也随着民族的变化而发生改变。体育游戏是一种被大众广泛接受的娱乐手段,也是我国全面发展体育教育的一种方法。本文首先对体育游戏的特点进行了介绍,其次对高校体育教学应用体育游戏的作用进行了阐释,最后对探讨了体育游戏在体育教学中的正确运用,希望对高校体育教学的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

经过20多年的改革开放,民营企业获得了迅猛的发展,民营资本已经成为国民经济增长的重要力量。但是,不可否认,民营企业在中国获得迅猛发展的同时自身还存在许多问题。如果这些问题得不到解决,将会严重影响到民营企业的发展。在民营企业中引进职业经理人,将不失为解决问题的一个有效途径。民营企业面对的挑战上世纪80年代民营企业如雨后春笋般出现在中国大地上,出现了巨人、三株、南德等一批颇具实力的企业。但是好景不长,在这些企业中出现了这样那样的一些问题,最终导致了企业整体的败落。现在民营企业正在进行二次创业,民营企业需要在总结这…  相似文献   

论家族企业的职业化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国经济进—步向纵深发展,占全国企业总数28.72%的家族企业,一度表现出强大活力,受到世人的普遍关注。然而随着市场变革速度越来越快、竞争越来越激烈,完全由家族成员掌控的封闭式家族企业管理模式的缺陷日渐显现。因此,家族企业发展呼唤职业化管理。信用危机:困扰家族企业职业化管理的主要障碍在影响中国当代家族企业职业化管理的诸多因素中,信用危机可以说是一个至关重要的因素,也是困扰家族企业“职业革命”的主要障碍。产生信用危机的原因是多方面的,但主要原因来自以下三个方面:(一)肥水不落外人田:传统家族文化的影响。由于中国…  相似文献   

An erratum has been published for this article in Nonprofit Management and Leadership 15(4) 2005, 487 [ ]. Professional associations are operating in a context of uncertainty and change, with which their traditional governance structures struggle to manage. After describing this context and presenting a brief overview of relevant governance literature, a project aimed at supporting the redesign of governance structures and procedures among five professional associations in the United Kingdom is outlined. Three specific governance issues are examined: size of councils (council is the term used for a governing body of a U.K. professional association), their composition in relation to electoral processes, and the development of inner councils, or executive boards, within councils. Finally, we present a normative model, the cupped hands model, that has arisen from the research. This model offers a possible means of balancing the representation required by their status as membership associations with the requirement that professional associations become more strategic and proactive.  相似文献   

职业理想是职业生涯设计的动力因素,是毕业生择业和从业的思想基础和目标导向,因此对大学生进行职业理想教育是就业指导工作的重要环节和内容,应当贯穿大学生学习的全过程.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the part-time professional career option, a career alternative thought to promote work-family integration, and asks whether this alternative would increase responsiveness to fluctuations in the demand for professionals. For illustrative purposes, we focus on the current oversupply of physicians in the United States, and discuss: (a) existing strategies to reduce this supply; (b) how current full-time schedules restrict professionals' ability to successfully combine work and family; and (c) the potential consequences of promoting part-time careers for the professional community and for families. Este papel describe la opcion de la carrera profesional tiempo medio, una carrera alternativa que se supone provee la integracion de trabajo y familia y hace la pregunta si esta alternativa aumentaria respuestas a altas y bajas en la demanda de profesionales. Para ilustrar, enfocamos en la actual sobre fuente de medicos en los Estados Unidos y discutimos: (a) estrategias existentes para reducir esta fuente; (b) como horarios de tiempo completo existentes resrictan a profesionales que equivale a la abilidad de positivamente combinar el trabajo y la familia; y (c) las consecuencias potenciales de promover carreras a tiempo medio para la comunidad profesional y sus familiares.  相似文献   

Human choices regarding land cover management practices may influence ecosystem services provided by urban green spaces. We conducted a 2-year study to compare biological (weed, insect, and disease), aesthetic (lawn quality), and economic (lawn care program cost) attributes of an integrated pest management (IPM) program, in which pesticides are applied on the basis of treatment thresholds, with a standard program, in which pesticides are applied on a calendar basis without pest monitoring. Both programs were managed by a professional lawn care operator. Although weed incidence was low, the IPM program had significantly more lawns with weed presence than the standard program during 2005 and 2006. However, only 21% of the IPM lawns required herbicide applications in 2005, and none exceeded the treatment threshold (5% weed cover) in 2006 as compared to 100% of the standard program lawns being treated for weeds in both years. The IPM program also had significantly more lawns with insect damage than the standard program during June 2005 and August 2005, but not September 2005 and throughout 2006. Only 28% of the IPM lawns required insecticide applications in 2005 and none exceeded the threshold (5% insect damage) in 2006 whereas all of the lawns in the standard program received insecticide treatments in both years. Rhizoctonia blight was present on some of the lawns, but was not a common problem. Although lawn quality was high for both programs (>8, on a scale of 1–9), it was significantly higher for standard than for IPM program lawns during 2005, and June 2006 and September 2006, but not August 2006. The annual lawn management costs were lower for the IPM (281.50) than the standard program (281.50) than the standard program (458.06). Thirty one percent of the IPM program customers who continued with the study in 2006 did so because they were satisfied with the IPM program. Among those who did not continue with the program, 33% cited weed or insect problems, while 33% expected better results. The implications of these findings for implementation of IPM in professional lawn care are further discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, along with the enhancement of the argument for career of athletes, many researchers who major in sports psychology focus mainly on athletic retirement, a coordination of transitions in sport or and outside sport, social support and professional assistance in career transition, in the context of the second career concerning to professional athletes in Japan. However, when it comes to career transition of professional athletes, it is necessary to consider "career" from the whole perspectives of human life. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the career transition of professional athletes by the way of questionnaire and interview survey, which is approached from the view point of industrial/organizational psychology. For this purpose, we implemented the interview survey to professional athletes in 2008. In addition, we carried out the investigation to professional football players (interview survey: 5 players, questionnaire survey: 102 players) in 2009. Consequently, three following findings were led in conclusion. (1)Career intervention to professional athletes should be performed before the turning point of the career (career transition). (2)It is important to assess the career intervention to professional athletes. (3)It is an important stance to watch the processes when professional athletes open up one's career by oneself.  相似文献   

Based on a collection of auto-ethnographic narratives that reflect our experiences as academic mothers at an Australian university, this paper seeks to illustrate the impact of COVID-19 on our career cycles in order to explore alternative feminist models of progression and practice in Higher Education. Collectively, we span multiple disciplines, parenting profiles, and racial/ethnic backgrounds. Our narratives (initiated in 2019) explicate four focal points in our careers as a foundation for analyzing self-definitions of professional identity: pre- and post-maternity career break; and pre- and post-COVID-19 career. We have modeled this research on a collective feminist research practice that is generative and empowering in terms of self-reflective models of collaborative research. Considering this practice and these narratives, we argue for a de-centering of masculinized career cycle patterns and progression pathways both now and beyond COVID-19. This represents both a challenge to neo-liberal norms of academic productivity, as well as a call to radically enhance institutional gender equality policies and practice.  相似文献   

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