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Summary Infestations ofDendroctonus frontalis Zimm. are often observed to enlarge continuously by the colonization of new hosts in a pattern similar to a forest fire. This pattern of infestation growth presents unique problems in quantitatively estimating populations ofD. frontalis. Beetle populations on each infested tree in an infestation go through five processes: attack, oviposition, reemergence, survivorship, and emergence. These processes, which have been described mathematically in the literature, each take several days for completion. In order to follow the distribution and abundance ofD. frontalis throughout the course of development of a spot, we need a daily estimate of the number of beetles involved in each process on every tree. Since it is not practical to sample each tree daily, we developed a procedure whereby quantitative estimation procedures for within-tree populations were used in combination with the mathematical models for the life processes to produce a daily record of the number of adults successfully attacking trees, the number of eggs oviposited, the number of beetles reemerging, number of beetles surviving within the trees, and the number of beetles emerging. These daily estimates were then summarized for all trees in the spot for the duration of the infestation. The daily record of populations ofD. frontalis, used with information on infestation geometry, were suggested to be of value in describing and elucidating several important facets of population dynamics including dispersal patterns within infestations, between tree beetle loss (mortality), and time lags among the various population processes. The information reported can be used to develop simulation models of population dynamics or to validate existing models. Texas Agric. Experiment Stn. TA No. 14689.  相似文献   

Summary Detailed investigation of the within-tree population system ofDendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann has resulted in a large data base consisting of abundance estimates for various life stages. This data base was used to construct histograms for transformed estimates and several life stage indices. Histograms were also constructed for transformed values of adult residence time, brood development time, and several host-tree characteristics. Probability and cumulative density functions of the Weibull distribution were fitted, in tandem, to the scaled frequencies and interval means for each histogram. The inverse cumulative function is known, and with a uniform random number generator, allows the selection of random deviates from each distribution. This technique can be used for generating initial (starting) values inD. frontalis population models. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Paper No. TA 16628  相似文献   

Summary A method for estimating the number entering each development stage from data obtained by regular sampling through one generation of an insect population was described. This method is consisted of the following two procedures: The provisional estimates are calculated on the assumption that each stage has a common mortality in a sampling interval. Then these estimates are corrected on another assumption that the mortality is different in each stage but constant during a stage. The result of testing its validity with two laboratory populations of the common cabbage butterfly,Pieris rapae crucivora, showed the availability of the present method.  相似文献   

The relationship between the infestation rate of carambola fruits byBactrocera carambolae Drew and Hancock was investigated in a carambola orchard. Phenology of the fruits was found to influence percentage infestation of fruits byB. carambolae. The proportion of unbagged or susceptible fruits infested varied with time of year and tended to decrease with the increase of unbagged fruits available on the tree. The number of ovipunctures per fruit varied with fruit size and was also found to be indicative of the number of adult insects (B. carambolae and parasitoids) that will emerge from each fruit. Higher number of susceptible fruits available on each tree also decreased both the number of ovipunctures per fruit and the number of eggs laid per fruit, which could possibly be due to the strategy of spreading the risk adopted by the femaleB. carambolae or a result of random selection with more hosts available. The main parasitoids recorded wereBiosteres vandenboschi (Fullaway) andB. arisanus (Sonan). The mean percentage of parasitism was 38.3% and it followed roughly that of infestation of fruits.  相似文献   

Summary An iterative procedure for correcting stage-frequency data is described to allow for situations where the period during which a population is sampled begins after some individuals have entered stage 2 or ends before all individuals are dead. The reason for correcting data in this way is to enableKiritani andNakasuji's method for estimating stage-specific survival rates, with extensions proposed byManly (1976, 1977), to be used to analyse the data. The proposed procedure is illustrated on data obtained by sampling a population of the grasshopperChorthippus brunneus passing through four instar stages to reach the adult stage.  相似文献   

Summary Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the effects of infestation of bulk stored wheat by multiple species of insects at 30±2°C for 60 wk. Eight 204-liter drums containing wheat at 15.5% moisture content were used as three distinct man-made ecosystems: (a) Control system (2 drums), insect-free; (b) RST system (3 drums), artificially infested withRhyzopertha dominica (F.),Sitophilus oryzae (L.), andTribolium castaneum (Herbst); and (c) COT system (3 drums), infested withCryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens),Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), andTribolium castaneum. The variables measured tri-weekly within each system included carbon dioxide, oxygen, temperature, grain moisture, seed damage, grain weight and volume, dust weight and volume, fat acidity values (FAV) of the wheat, seed germination, microflora includingAlternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler,Aspergillus glaucus group,Aspergillus candidus Link, and bacteria, insects and the miteTarsonemus granarius Lindquist. PCA provided multivariate synopsis of the data quantifying several important relationships among the variables monitored. Tri-weekly and cumulative 60-wk analyses of each system showed that high bacterial counts were associated with high FAV levels;Tarsonemus numbers were positively related toAspergillus; Alternaria and seed germination were negatively related to FAV, bacteria and grain damage; and that the number of insects was related to the presence ofAspergillus and negatively related to the presence of bacteria. Seed germination andAlternaria infection often decrease rapidly presumably because of infection by fungi of theAspergillus glaucus group. The combined action ofR. dominica andAspergillus spp. enhanced seed damage and increased grain moisture content thus promoting bacterial growth which in turn inhibited insect and mold growth. Fat acidity values increased with time unless seed damage and bacterial infection were extensive as in the RST system. Contribution No. 903, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2M9.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of pesticide application on the within-field distribution of arthropods was investigated forTetranychus urticae, the twospotted spider mite, on strawberries. Analyses of dispersions based onGreen's coefficient,Iwao's regression of mean crowding on the mean, andTaylor's power law all indicated that mite populations were highly aggregated initially. As densities increased, more of the avialable niches were filled, leading to a less clumped dispersion. However, pesticide applications causing greater than 99.9% mortality acted in a nearly density independant fashion and, although the originating populations were similar in number, did not produce dispersions equivalent to the initial migrants. As a result, ignoring these changes by developing sampling plans based on dispersion indices which generated a single slope for an entire data set, led to statistical errors that invalidated the sampling programs. In order to accurately reflect the field biology of the spidermites, sampling plans for pre and post-treatment populations were substantially different. The impact of such changes in dispersion were graphically demonstrated using both sequential and binomial sampling techniques. Both methods showed that fewer samples were necessary to estimate densities at a given precision level for post-treatment populations. Also, these techniques indicated that post-treatment populations had similar, but significantly different, dispersions. The implications of changes in pre and post-treatment dispersions, as well as problems associated with inconsistant dispersions following pesticide use, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper has examined the effect of within-stage mortality on the estimation of stage-specific survival rates bySouthwood's (1978, p. 358) method. As pointed out bySouthwood, both the severity and timing of mortality affect the mean duration of a life stage, and consequently the estimate of the number of individuals entering that stage. Knowledge of the form of the survivorship curve permits correction of the estimate under certain circumstances. The use ofSouthwood's method with two overlapping stages having different rates and patterns of mortality leads to complex errors in the estimation of survival for the first stage. The nature of these errors is examined analytically and via a simulation model.Southwood's method is fairly robust, with moderate differences in mortality rates leading to acceptable errors in estimating survival for the first stage. When both the rate and pattern of mortality in both life stages are the same, then the survival estimate is made without error. Precise estimates of stage-specific survival will not usually be possible withSouthwood's method because of the errors introduced by the very parameters being measured. Direct measurement of mortality rates and survivorship patterns (seeSouthwood, 1978, p. 309) is strongly advised, at least in preliminary work.  相似文献   

Summary A model is developed for the analysis of insect stage-frequency data which may be applied to populations with age-dependent mortality. The analysis of stage-frequency data is divided into two steps. In the first step, the number of different mortality rates and their values are estimated. The second step provides estimates of developmental rates and variances for each developmental stage and in addition provides estimates of the number of recruits to each stage. The model may be used both in analysis and prediction of insect stage frequencies. Hence, in addition to estimating developmental and mortality rates from stage-frequency data, it may also be used as a simulation model for an insect population. The model is applied to two populations ofHemileuca oliviae Cockerell, a lepidopterous pest of New Mexico grasslands. The model identifies, in the two populations, different mortality rates that are related to plant productivity.  相似文献   

Summary The zygaenidPryeria sinica Moore and the ichneumonidAgrothereutes minousubae Nakanishi form a one host—one parasitoid system in nature. Their seasonal life cycles were investigated by laboratory experiments and field observations, and the life-cycle adaptation of the parasitoid to its host was examined. The moth is univoltine. The larva hatches from mid-February to mid-March and feeds on leaf buds and young leaves of ever greenEuonymus japonicus Thunb. The thermal constants for completing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th larval instars and prepupal stage were 85.6, 80.5, 85.2, 177,0 and 197.6 degree-days, respectively. The prepupa and pupa vulnerable to the attack by the parasitoid occurred from mid-April to early May and from mid- to late May, respectively. Diapause in the parasitoid is facultative and occurs in the eonymphal stage. The photoperiodic response for this diapause was a long-day type with a critical photoperiod of 13 hr 40 min at 20°C, but it was not expressed at 25°C, most larvae entering diapause irrespective of photoperiod. About 19, 120, 82 and 112 degree-days above 7°C were required to complete the egg, larval, prepupal and pupal development, respectively. These data were superimposed on the photothermograph of Fukuoka, and it is predicted that the 1st adult eclosion would occur in late April and the partial 2nd adult eclosion in early June. The prediction was supported by field observations. The adult eclosion of the parasitoid synchronized well with the apperance of prepupae and pupae of the moth. The parasitoid has two types of seasonal life cycle, one generation and two generations a year. Both types have an extremely long dormant period of 10–11 months due to aestivo-hibernation. This seasonal life cycle enables the parasitoid to maintain its population when the host is in short supply.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal and annual fluctuations in a population of the delphacid,Stenocranus minutus (Fab.) onDactylis glomerata L. were studied from March 1968 to September 1970. The study involved the comparison of several sampling methods to estimate the egg, nymphal and adult numbers and an investigation into causes of mortality within each stage. A population budget was made for the years 1969 and 1970.  相似文献   

Summary Life tables for worker honeybees covering all life span, and those for adults, were prepared for three seasonal cohorts,June bees, July bees andwintering bees. Survivorship curves forJune andJuly bees show a convex type being exceptional for insects, with relatively high mortality at egg and feeding larval stages and at later adult stage after most bees became potential foragers. Adult longevity greatly lengthens inWinteriing bees and survivorship curve drops approximately with the same rate. A remarkable similarity of survivorship curves for men and honeybees was demonstrated, apparently due to highly developed social care in both. Some comments were given on mortality factors. The importance of life tables for population researches was shown by applying our result to the population growth curve made byBodenheimer, based upon the data byNolan. At the asymptote of the uncorrected curve, the ratio of total population estimated by uncorrected curve to that by corrected curve reaches about 3∶2. Contribution No. 821 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Contributions from JIBP-PT No. 45. This study was in part supportod by a grant in aid from the Ministry of Education for the special project research, “Studies on the dynamic status of biosphere.” Population and bioeconomic studies on the honeybee colonies. II. We express our sincere thanks to Dr. YosiakiIt?, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo, for his kind stimulation and advices to the present work.  相似文献   

Summary Time-specific life tables were constructed for three pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), populations using a modification ofHughes' analytical procedure. All populations were studied on second-growth alfalfa (mid-June to mid-July) in south central Wisconsin; data for two populations were collected during 1980, and data for the third population were collected during 1982. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m) estimated on a physiological time (day-degree) scale under field conditions but in the absence of natural enemies, provided a reliable estimate of potential population growth rate and was used in preference toHughes' approach of estimating potential population growth rates directly from stage structure data. Emigration by adult alatae and fungal disease were the major sources ofA. pisum mortality in each of the three populations studied. These factors were most important because of their impact on reducing birth rates within the local population. Parasitism was never greater than 9 percent. Mortality attributable to predation ranged from 0.0 to about 30.0%; however, even at the highest predator densitiesA. pisum populations increased exponentially.  相似文献   

Summary Oviposition rates and related behaviours were quantified forLariophagus distinguendus F?rster attackingCalosobruchus chinensis (L.) andC. maculatus (F.). Oviposition rates varied with parasitoid age; parasitoids aged 1–7 days laid approximately twice as many eggs per day as those aged 8–14 days. Similar differences were noted in search rates and handling times; younger parasitoids had higher attack rates and lower handling times than older parasitoids. Search rates and handling times also varied with the host stage available for attack. Search rates were higher and handling times were lower on larger stages. The results are discussed with reference to their impact on the dynamical behavior of insect parasitoid-host populations.  相似文献   

Early season infestations of the sweet potato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), on cantaloupes,Cucumis melo L., were determined by counts of the number of adults per leaf in fields near Yuma, Arizona. We used these data to develop binomial sampling plans based on the relationship between mean densities of whiteflies per leaf,m, and proportion of leaves infested with more thanI whiteflies,P I, according to the empirical model lnm=a′+b′ ln[−ln(1−P I)]. The models were developed for the presence-absence approach (I=0) and for a cutoff value of three whiteflies per leaf (I=3). Four independent data sets were used to evaluate the models. Both methods yielded reliable predictions at low infestation levels, but some of the higherm values were overestimated. As the tentative economic threshold forB. tabaci is three adults per leaf, which corresponds to lowP I values, results of the binomial sampling were satisfactory for pest management purposes.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-release-recapture experiment to estimate population survivorship and absolute size was performed with wild-caughtAn. subpictus adults at the village of Khano-Harni, Lahore District, Punjab Province, Pakistan during September 1978, the end of the monsoon rainy season, when temporal population abundance was maximized. Daily survival rate estimated from the recapture sequence of marked adults was low, males=0.192 and females=0.343. Survivorship for females estimated by several vertical age-grading procedures ranged from 0.347 to 0.628. Both stage- and age-specific life tables were calculated from vertical age-grading data determined by the dilatation method. Female and male population size was estimated byBailey’s modification of theLincoln Index and was found to average 4478.4 and 6106.8, respectively. The bionomics, survivorship and population size ofAn. subpictus in the Lahore are indicated that this species was probably not important in the transmission of human malaria.  相似文献   

Summary Some calculations were performed usingTang's method as an aid in planning experiments for studying the population dynamics of the Jeffrey pine beetle. The population dynamics studies were aimed at detecting the importance of specific effects, e. g., tree diameter, tree height. TheTang procedure is a method of estimating the sample size required to detect effects of a given magnitude with analysis of variance tests. Using this procedure some sample calculations were performed which indicated the sample size needed, and the efficacy of different strategies of improving the results, e. g., increasing the number of trees sampled versus increasing the area of the tree sampled. The statistical parameters used in the calculations were estimated from some preliminary sampling data. Use of this procedure is recommended in insect population studies as a method of optimally planning experiments, and as a method of making precise conclusions about the significance of specific effects. This study was supported by Contracts 68-03-0273 and 68-03-2442 with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon. This paper has been reviewed by the Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

Summary ‘Predator-foolhardiness’ (Lloyd andDybas, 1966b) in an epidemic population of the sugarcane cicada,Mogannia minuta was tested by counting the number of successful and failed trials of hand-capturing of adults in the centre and periphery of a heavily infested area. Males frequently failed to escape from capture in the outbreak area but they did not in the peripheral zone. Females could escape well irrespective of the density. It was considered that the ‘predator-foolhardiness’ of males is not due to genetic differentiation through the process of outbreak but to the effect of massive chorus on the escape behaviour. The work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid No. 439017 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersal, immigration and emigration rates, horizontal and vertical survivorship and absolute population size were estimated for micropopulations ofAn. culicifacies, An. stephensi andAn. subpictus at a series of cattle sheds in rural Punjab Province, Pakistan, during November 1979 and May 1980 using capture-mark-release-recapture and dissection methods. Dispersal was temperature-related, with populations more vagile during May. Mean dispersal distance per individual was low for all species. More than 70% of all recaptures were taken at the point of release and the longest detected flight was 1250 meters. Horizontal survivorship was greater during November and was always less than vertical survivorship calculated from dissection agegrading data. Survivorship during the nulliparous period was greater than survivorship throughout total life, indicating the survivorship curve may be slightly sigmoid. Daily population sizes of endemic and immigrating females and males were calculated usingBailey's (1952) modification of the Lincoln Index, with the daily captures adjusted for immigration which was highest in May. Daily additions to the indoor resting population exclusive of immigrants were estimated using the method ofManly andParr (1968). The relationship of the present findings to malaria transmission and genetic control were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary When a population budget must be obtained from censuses based on replicated, sacrificed cultures, it is difficult to obtain estimates of transition probabilities and of the errors of such estimates, because there is no logical basis for pairing successive census counts. In a study of this nature estimating a population budget of immature stages of the housefly, the problem was solved by a randomization treatment of the original census results obtained at two densities. One hundred randomly generated census matrices over all census times for each density were smoothed to remove the effects of sampling error and a population budget constructed according to defined rules. Transition probabilities computed from the population budget were plotted on triangular coordinate paper and mean probabilities, 95% confidence regions for these means, and 95% equal frequency ellipses computed. All computations and the graphing of the results were carried out on a digital computer. The computer program, available from the authors, is written in FORTRAN IV and could be easily modified for similar studies. Contribution No. 1364 from the Department of Entomology, The University of Kansas. This study has been supported by the Medical Research and Development Command of the Office of the Surgeon General of the Army under contract No. DA-49-007-MD-738, U.S.A. and by a Public Health research career program award (No. 3-K3-GM-22, 021-01S1) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U.S.A. to RobertR. Sokal. It was carried out during the tenure of a National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship by EdwinH. Bryant. The authors appreciate the help of Dr.F.J. Rohlf with computational aspects.  相似文献   

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