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Teacher:Hello.你好。Student:Hi, This is Ryan. Is this the phone-in line?你好,我叫Ryan。是声讯台吗?Teacher:Yes, may I help you?是的,有什么可以帮你的?Student:I'm calling to practice my English.我打电话来想练练口语。Teacher:No problem. I'm here to help. What do youwant to talk about?没问题。我随时准备帮忙。你想聊些什么?Student:Can you tell me your name first?能先告诉我你的名字吗?Teacher:Sure. My name is Drew.当然,我叫Drew。Student:That's a good name. Does it have any spe-cial meaning?名…  相似文献   

电话练口语Unit 5 户外运动好潇洒——Outdoor activitiesPaul:Hello, how can I help you?你好,您有什么事儿?Allan:Hey, is that Paul? It's Allan here.是Paul 吗?我是Allan。Paul:Yeah, Paul speaking. What's up, Allan?是的,我是Paul,什么事儿?Allan:I have some questions about outdoor ac-tivities for you.我想问你几个关于户外运动的问题。Paul:No problem, ask away!没问题,说吧!Allan:My first question for you is, what do youcall it when you go and sleep in t…  相似文献   

A:Hello,Modern English,Drew speaking.你好,洋话连篇,我是Drew。B:Hello,Drew,It's Marco again.I have some ques-tions to ask you.你好,我是Marco,我有几个问题要问你。A:Yes,goahead.说吧。B:How do you say that when you have a large bill,but you need some change?当你想破钱时用英语怎么说?A:Well,that'seasy,Wesay Can you break a large bill?ie:If you havea$100bill,you just say:Can you breaka$100bill?很简单,你就说你能打开这张大票吗?比如说,你有一张一百的大票要破,你就说您能打开一百的吗?B:And what do y…  相似文献   

面试之中有奥秘 [Interview]A:Hello, Modern English. Drewhere.你好,洋话连篇, 我是Drew。B:Hi, buddy, it's Marco。嘿,哥们儿,我是Marco.A:How can I help you today?今天想聊些什么?B:Well. I am going for an interview tomorrow. Can you giveme an idea of what the inter-viewer will ask?明天我要参加面试。你能帮我想想他们都会问什么问题吗?A:well, they may ask you to tellthem about your educationalbackground and your workingbackground.他们会问你关于你的教育背景和工作背景的问题。B:But they can see my re…  相似文献   

A real walloping一顿狠揍Student to teacher:I don’t want to frighten you,Miss Forbes,but my father told me that I failed in maths,someone is going to get a real walloping!学生对老师说:福布斯小姐,我不想使你受到惊吓,可是我爸爸说如果我这次数学考试不及格,有人会挨一顿狠揍的。  相似文献   

At the bank, Amber must wait for another client before her turn. Then she gets some general accountinformation before being directed to the right place for opening a new account.Clerk: Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you?Lady: Could you give me my account balance? My account number is ...Clerk: Just a moment, please (enters the account number into the computer). Your name?Lady: Barbara Winters.Clerk: Here is your balance (hands her a computer printout).Lady: Thank you. I want to…  相似文献   

抽象名词An Abstract Noun Teacher:What's an abstract noun,Jane?老师:珍妮,什么叫抽象名词? Jane:I don’t know,madam.珍妮:我不知道,老师。Teacher:What,you don't know!Well.It's the name of a thing which you can think of but cannot touch.Now,give me an example.  相似文献   

Are you Mr Wang?你是王先生吗?Can you tell me your name,please?请告诉我你的名字可以吗?What’s your family name?你姓什么?What’s your full name?你的全名叫什么?  相似文献   

假如有人问您:“您到过北京吗?”[Have you been to Beijing?]您有可能回答说:“是的,我到过。”[Yes, I have.]假如有人对您说:“您参加史密斯先生的宴会了吗? (Did you go to Mr.Smith′s party?)如果您没参加,您可能这样回答:“我倒想参加,不过他并未邀请我”。(I would have gone. buthe didn′t inviteme.)这两段对话中英语have的读音各不相同,其中是强读式  相似文献   

Where is the other cake?There were two cakes in the cupboard,but nowthe mother could only find one.Mother:Where is the other cake,do you know?Son:I could only find one because it was verydark in it.在橱柜里有两块蛋糕,而现在妈妈只找到一个。妈妈:你知道另一块蛋糕在哪儿吗?儿子:因为太黑了,我只找到一块。  相似文献   

We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early in the morning. They came back lately and had some tea. I came into the riving room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light. He was looking for a glass the cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought, “What can I do? We are guests after all.”  相似文献   

英语是世界上运用最广泛的语官之一。它词汇相当丰富,特别是存在着大量的同义表达方式,具有充分的袭现力。就这个意义而言,understand一词给我们提供了一个很好的范例。众所周知,understand是英语中使用率较高的词之一。由于在口语及书面语中我们与之接触频繁,因此可以说跟它结下了不解之缘。其例句也俯拾即是,例如:Do you understand me when I speak slowly?(Linguaphone English Course)我说得慢的时侯,你懂我的意思吗?I understand the meaning of the word,but I don't know how to use it.我懂(懂得,明白,清楚、理解、理会)这个词的意义,但不知道该如何用。what do you understand by the following metaphor:The trickle became a stream;the stream has become a torrent.(L.G.Alexander)你是如何理解(领会)下面的喻意,即:涓涓细流变成一条小溪;小溪现在却已汇成一股滚滚的洪流。The experience of three-and-twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character.(Jane Austen)二十三年的经历并没有足以使他的  相似文献   

老师:下课了,你为什么不出去玩?学生:上课时我已经玩够了。Teacher:Class is over.Why don’t you go out to play?Pupil:I have played enough in class.玩够了  相似文献   

Why didn't you get married?你为什么不结婚?When and where did you get yourBS / MS?你什么时候、在哪儿获得的理学学士/硕士?What and where are you studying now?你现在在哪儿学习?学的是什么?Have you got any scholarship?你有学位吗?What do you do with your workfor BS / MS?你现在的工作和你的文凭(理学学士/硕士)有什么关系?What is your academicbackground?你的学术背景如何?Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢这个专业?Why your specialty is important toChina?为什么你选择的专业对中国来说很重要…  相似文献   

(随着时间的推移,Ben和Yen越走越近。一个周五,下班后,Ben决定邀请Yen共进晚餐。会有什么浪漫故事上演吗?)Yen:好了,Ben,周一见,祝你周末愉快!Ben:你也一样!哦,Yen?Yen:怎么?Ben:今晚和我一起吃顿饭好吗?Yen:对不起,我很想去,可惜我已经有安排了,今晚我要和女友们一同出去玩。Ben:那好吧,那明晚行吗?Yen:太棒了,我们吃什么呢?Ben:我想我们可以试试意大利菜,你觉得呢?我知道在朝阳公园附近有个不错的意大利餐馆。Yen:好,我从来没吃过意大利饭。Ben:然后也许我们可以看场电影,或者再去酒吧什么的。我几点钟去接你?Yen:我一天都没事,你…  相似文献   

六岁男孩:爸爸,我长大了要当北极探险家。爸爸:好极了,比尔。男孩:可是我想马上开始训练。爸爸:怎样训练?男孩:我要你每天给我一元钱买冰淇淋吃,这样我就可以习惯寒冷了。A six-year-old boy: Daddy, when I grow up I want to be an Arctic Explorer. Father: That's great, Bill. Boy: But I want to get some training at once.Father:How?B oy:W ell,I w ant a dollareveryday for an ice cream toget used to the cold.北极探险家…  相似文献   

李雷和他的妈妈在大街上走。他们看见一只大狗和一只小狗。“李雷,你知道它们是谁的狗吗?”妈妈问道。“对不起,我不知道。”“这只大狗是小狗的妈妈。”妈妈说道。“哦,我知道了。这只小狗是大狗的儿子。”李雷回答道。Li Lei and his mum walk in a street.They see abig dog and a small dog there.“Li Lei,do you know whose dogs they are?”hismum asks.“Sorry,I don't know.”“The big dog is the small dog’s mum.”says themother.“Oh,I know.The small dog is the big dog’sson.”answers Li Lei.阅读自评根据上文,回…  相似文献   

Is this your application form? 匘o you understand it?Have you signed it?这是你的申请表吗?你看懂了吗?签字了吗?What is the maximum time you wish you to stay (study) in _______?你准备在_______国呆(学习)多长时间?Are you traveling along or with someone else?你自己去还是和别人一齐去?Do you know anyone at all in ________?你在_______国有认识的人吗?Is any of your family outside China now? if so, who and where are they?你在海外有亲属吗?如果有,他们在哪儿?Do you have any relative in _______?…  相似文献   

(甲、乙对上,握手)田:How do you do? Glad to meet you乙:(惊奇)什么?甲:哥拉得吐密秋。  相似文献   

何震 《21世纪》2009,(2):20-21
案例1:主动提供帮助竞遭白眼 有一次,笔者何震陪同北美一家公司的一位负责人到山东进行投资考察。旅途中出于中国式的礼貌,我想帮他拿行李(一个不算太大的包),不料他却质问(Questioned me)我说:“怎么?你难道认为我老了吗?”(Well,do you think that I am old?)语气中显示出了不快和诧异,我也十分诧异地看着他的表情,他显然不是在开玩笑!我连忙说:“这是我们华人对于别人的礼貌和尊重的表示。”他应了一声,显然还是感到困惑,  相似文献   

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