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Chen Muhua (L4), Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF, Wang Zhaoguo (R3), Minister of United Front, Lu Ping (L3), Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Huang Qizao (L2), Vice President and first member of the ACWF Secretariat, and Zhao Di (R2), Vice President and member of the ACWF Secretariat with Ms. Peggyp Lam, head of the Hona Kona and Macao Women's Visitina Group.  相似文献   

Shen Meets Norov,沈跃跃会见诺罗夫,Shen Yueyue,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,President of the All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF)and President of the Good-Neighborliness,Friendship and Cooperation Commission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(GNFCC SCO),met SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov in Beijing on December 10,2021,before Norov was about to leave his post.  相似文献   

Gu Meets Japanese Foreign Minister's Wife顾秀莲主席会见日本外相夫人Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Komura Haruko (second from left),wife of Japanese Foreign Minister Komura Masahiko and President of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society,in Beijing on August 17.Zhao Shaohua,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF,attended the meeting. Gu welcomed Komura Haruko to China,especially while Beijing was hosting the 29th  相似文献   

Wife of Vanuatuan President Is a Guest at ACWF瓦努阿图总统夫人做客全国妇联At the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),on July 10,2007,Huang Qingyi(left),Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, met with Hanson Mataskelekele,wife of Vanuatuan President Kalkot Mataskelekele.Hanson Mataskelekele accompanied her husband during a state visit to  相似文献   

Gu Meets Congolese President's Wife顾秀莲会见刚果总统夫人Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Sassou Nguesso,wife of Denis Sassou Nguesso,President of the Republic of Congo,in Beijing, on September 16. Gu referred to the friendly ties developed between China and Congo,especially  相似文献   

"I didn't have much chance to look at China the last time I was here, but what I've seen this time is amazing. This opportunity is good for me to look at the insight of Chinese women," said Zipporah J. Kittony, the president of Kenya's largest nongovernmental women's organization—the Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organization—upon being warmly received by Chen Muhua (R), President of the All-China Women's Federation, and Huang Qizao (1st L), Vice President of the ACWF.  相似文献   

On April 13-22, Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), led an eight-member Chinese women's delegation during visits to the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The Chinese delegation was invited by the Lao Women's Union and the Korean Democratic Women's Union, respectively.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), a 52-member delegation of the Hong Kong Federation of Women visited Beijing from May 23-26, 2007. Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and ACWF President, greeted the visitors. The Hong Kong delegation, through ACWF, made three donations: One each to two vocational schools, and the other to the fund to construct a swimming center. During their stay, the women also visited several ministries and commissions under the State Council, the Central Government's cabinet, and they provided details of their work and the various activities, hosted by Hong Kong women from all walks of life, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.  相似文献   

Welcoming the Olympics with a Healthy Lifestyle节能减排健康生活亲子携手喜迎奥运On September 23,the achievements of the 2007"Double-qualified Family"activity were displayed at the Jingmao International Community in Beijing's Tongzhou District.Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress(NPC)and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),attended and presented a silk banner to the volunteer families who have participated in the grand series of activities involving environmental construction for the Olympics.The phrase"double-qualified family"refers to a family in which the parents try to be qualified parents,and try to cultivate their children to be qualified people.  相似文献   

Gu Xiulian (right), Vice- Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, met Fukushima Mizuho, Leader of Japan's Social Democratic Party, and her delegation in Beijing on December 8, 2005Envoy of China-Japan, People-to-People FriendshipA five-member delegation of Chinese women, led by Chen Xiurong, Vice- President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), visited Gunma P…  相似文献   

FOUR days after the adjournment of the 8th Chinese Women's National Congress, President Jiang Zemin received all the newly-elected members of the executive committee and several deputies at Zhongnanhai. Gu Xiulian, Vice President and the First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), briefed Jiang on the congress. She said deputies had reached consensus on certain issues: that women should capitalize on their abilities in the overall social participation; that the uplifting of women's quality should be seen as a long-term strategy; and that women's development requires a supportive social environment. Jiang Zemin listened attentively to the speeches delivered by seven deputies. Jiang Daguo, president of Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, from one of the  相似文献   

To ensure the realization of actual globalization ofbusiness networking, we need to seek joint ventureswith other nations all over the world, involvingcapitalists or investors looking for strategic partners. —Myrna Tang Yao, Chairperson of the National Commissionon the Role of Filipino Women, President of the NationalCouncil of Women of the Philippines and President of theFilipino-Chinese Federation of Business and ProfessionalWomen of the Philippines, Inc.  相似文献   

Gu Meets Indonesian President's Wife顾秀莲会见印度尼西亚总统夫人At the Great Hall of the People,in Beijing,Gu Xiulian(middle),Vice- Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Kristiani Herrawati(left),wife of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, on August 1,2007.Herrawati was  相似文献   

ON International Women's Day and the fifth anniversary of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, women from different lands and of different colors and creeds gathered happily in splendid attire to celebrate the holiday belonging to women of the whole world. Peng Peiyun, President  相似文献   

Invited by Jacqueline Mbabazi, wife of Ugandan Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and President of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Women's League, and Igbal Gaffar Elhusain Karar, President of the Sudanese Women General Union, a delegation of Chinese women visited Uganda and Sudan from November 29 to December 6, 2013.  相似文献   

Mrs. F. Kefi, Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the Coordination Committee for the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians, speaks at the opening ceremony. The meeting was attended by IPU General Secretory Mr. Cornillon, President of the Inter Parliamentary Council of IPU, Dr. Sorour, and President of the 96th WPM Mrs. Chen Muhua (sitting, from L to R).  相似文献   

Cordial Meeting亲切的会见Gu Xiulian (middle), Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF),met Noeleen Heyzer (second from left),Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social  相似文献   

Gu Urges Construction of Houses顾秀莲:给受灾的同胞们一个温暖的家Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF), met Zhang Yan,President of the Mianzhu Municipal Women's Federation, and Zhong Xiaoqin,a female representative of the Women's Federation of Shifang,in Beijing on May 26.Mianzhu and Shifang were two of the cities  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held, in Chengdu (capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province) on May 8, a conference to demonstrate and promote achievements in developing the weaving industry to help women find work and/or start a business. Shen Yueyue, Vice- Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and ACWF President, spoke during the conference. Song Xiuyan, Vice- President and First Member of the Secretariat of ACWF, hosted the event.  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation(ACWF)held an activity on November 28,2019,during which the federation released the list of China's Top 10 Women and Children's Rights-protection Cases,and to commend individuals and collectives,from different regions of the country,who distinguished themselves in the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests.The event was held in Beijing.Shen Yueyue,Vice-Chairperson of the NPC(National People's Congress)Standing Committee and President of ACWF,presented certificates to representatives of 996 collectives and 995 individuals.  相似文献   

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