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周书灿 《学习与探索》2007,4(5):222-228
《左传》是中国最早且又最详备完整的编年史著作。《左传》于战国时期一经写定,即在三晋一带流传。汉唐学者对《左传》的训诂与疏解、宋代学者对《左传》怀疑批判与解释方法的创新、元明时期《左传》研究的迟滞与徘徊不前、清代前期学术界对《左传》集大成的整理研究、晚清时期《左传》研究中义理之学重新崛起,呈现出经学传统下《左传》学鲜明的时代特点。不同历史时期,《左传》研究都或多或少地受到政治因素的影响或干扰,但《左传》的学术价值在不断的学术探讨中被重新发现并日渐受到重视,《左传》研究水平在学术批判继承中不断提高。  相似文献   

上博竹书《孔子诗论》与《诗三百》的经典化源流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自上博竹书《孔子诗论》从尘封的历史中现身以来,《诗三百》的经学化过程再一次受到关注,《孔子诗论》的出现为我们探寻《诗经》的经典化源流提供了有力的依据。春秋时代的礼崩乐坏推进了《诗三百》的普及,战国诸子的著作中引《诗》、证《诗》比比皆是,《孔子诗论》正是产生在这样的历史背景下;《孔子诗论》与先秦的用《诗》风气是密切相关的,而《毛诗序》与之是一脉相承的,所注重的都是《诗》的教化作用;《诗论》释《诗》与汉儒解《诗》的方式、内容、思想内涵又有很多差别,对《诗三百》走向经典《诗经》起到了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

肖东发  周悦 《学术交流》2006,(7):183-188
18世纪是世界历史上重要的一百年。在西方,经历了文艺复兴、启蒙运动之后,资产阶级革命风起云涌,把欧洲领入一个崭新的时代;在东方,中国封建君主专制集权则达到了前所未有的巅峰,统治手段更为残酷,社会更为衰败。这样相反的结果,在一定程度上与东西方出版的两部里程碑式的大书有关:一部是法国狄德罗带领“百科全书派”编纂的法国《大百科全书》,一部是中国清朝乾隆皇帝下令编纂的《四库全书》。由于东西方文化底蕴的不同,使这两部巨书风格各异:《百科全书》重创造,着眼于现实;《四库全书》重因袭,沉湎于历史。《百科全书》的编纂者以科学和民主为旗帜,熔铸了18世纪中叶以前欧洲取得的全部文化成果,反映了新兴资产阶级的思想学说和理想追求;《四库全书》的纂修,对古代典籍进行了系统整理,汇辑了中国漫长历史进程中留下来的丰富遗产,体现了传统文化的鲜明特征。它虽然推动了清代考据学的发展,但重道轻艺、淡泊科学技术的倾向,与《大百科全书》所具有的革命性和科学性是大相径庭的。尤其是统治者在编纂的过程中大肆禁书、毁书,乃至大兴“文字狱”,其结果削弱了我国的综合国力和民族的创造力。  相似文献   

王筠《说文系传校录》(简称《校录》)对徐锴《说文系传》的字头、释义、音切等内容做了全面校勘和研究,成为清代《说文系传》校勘研究的集成性著作。该书初为校补朱文藻《说文系传考异》而作,后另择善本进行系统校勘。在征引传世文献的基础上,充分利用新见出土文献材料和已有研究成果,旁征博引,考证详尽,规模庞大,创见精审,取得了重要成就。《校录》一书集中体现了王筠对《说文系传》的研究成果,为其“《说文》四大家”之一的学术地位奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

《梁师亮墓志》对于研究唐代医官的身份来源及其入仕迁转的途径具有重要的意义。通过《梁师亮墓志》与《梁师暕墓志》互证,可以比较清晰地还原梁氏家族的世系关系。志主梁师亮先以东宫左春坊“别教医生”的身份获得出身,最终通过尚书省吏部的选拔考试。入则良医,出则良吏,本应成为医官的他最终却选择放弃医官一职而走上了另一条入仕道路,反映出唐代对医者入仕之途的限制。此外,根据墓志等资料发现,唐代医官的来源主要有医学生考试通过者、医举及第者、民间医术优长者、为幕府辟署者以及流外入流、进献仙草等。  相似文献   

清代学者方玉润晚年写定的《诗经原始》一书,在《诗经》学史上有相当重要的地位,对顾颉刚古史辨派以来的《诗经》学发展有重大影响。方玉润着力于探讨诗三百的本意,被后人称为独立思考派。方玉润批评了《诗序》、朱熹的《诗集传》和姚际恒的《诗经通论》,确立了依照文本探索本意的解诗宗旨和方法,他对诗的评点往往细致入微,能挖掘出作品的种种妙处,富有启发意义。在追求诗人之意、把文本作为最高依据、重视诗的特有情性等方面,他实际上承继了以朱熹《诗经》学为代表的解诗传统。方玉润在解诗方法上表现得相当激进,而其思想观念则相当保守,故在解诗方法方面,《诗经原始》取得了长足进步,可它对诗歌内涵的把握,依然深受儒家政教伦理观念的拘囿,很多时候还不如《诗集传》。从本质上来说,它跟《诗序》依旧属于同一个儒教体系,甚至可以说跟《诗序》极为密切。  相似文献   

张明富 《求是学刊》2015,(1):152-157
《明史食货志》之编纂始于清初潘耒辑录"明实录"的有关资料,志书草稿成于王原,而后删改成王鸿绪《明史稿》之"食货志",雍乾之际再加修改而成其书。此书是研究明代社会经济的重要依据,历来受到学者的重视。20世纪中期以后,海内外学者开始对之进行校勘,纠正其失误。近几年对初校本《明史食货志》校勘记的修订是在尊重并吸收前贤有关成果的基础上,复核、修订初校本原有校勘记,并对新发现的问题加以考证,作出增补校勘。每条校勘,首先从论证较详的校勘记长编入手,而后简化成扼要的校勘记。初校本《明史食货志》原有校勘记99条,修订后形成了校勘记长编247条,又从中择出223条简化成校勘记。文章选列其中校勘记长编30条,希望读者由之了解本次校勘修订工作的大体状况。  相似文献   

由西汉学者韩婴开创的《韩诗》学派是汉代官方《诗》学的重要流派之一,但多数著作已亡佚,仅有部分佚文借助中土古籍的征引而得以保留。清人对这部分材料,已作了较为完善的辑录。但是,日本有不少以汉文撰写的古文献也曾载录了部分《韩诗》佚文,其中多有未见于中土者,据此可对清人辑本进行订补。同时,结合相关文献与史料记载,可对《韩诗》遗说在日本的传播情况做出分析。可见保留在日本古籍中的《韩诗》遗说具有文献学和传播学的双重价值,值得介绍与研究。  相似文献   

于丹 《学习与探索》2004,(2):116-119
典籍中的月神嫦娥被丑化为蟾蜍,文人笔下的嫦娥是翩跹美丽的女神。清代小说《女仙外史》中的嫦娥是一位非常独特的神 形象,她竟然转世成为被朝廷和正统史家称为"妖妇"的明代白莲教领袖唐赛儿,并负天命下凡勤王,做扶植纲常的正义之事,表现出对传统女性求得参与主流社会和与男人一样获得无上权利的欲望的思考,体现出作者进步的女性观和女权意识。  相似文献   

戴震是清代著名的经学大师,其《毛诗补传》是一部既属经学又属文学,内容涉及到由先秦到清代包括天文、地理、历法、历史、小学、音韵学等多个领域的学术论著,值得深入探讨。本文分三个部分进行论述:一、《毛诗补传》的内容与体例;二、《毛诗补传》的学术特色;三、《毛诗补传的》的得与失。《毛诗补传》的学术成就最突出的表现在对字词的训解上,尤其在水地、历算、训诂、名物的考辩上卓有成就。其不足主要表现在将《诗经》作为经学而不是文学,造成了他解释诗意中往往削足适履,牵强附会。  相似文献   

This study examined children's and adolescents' narrative accounts and evaluations of an instance when they forgave a peer and an instance when they did not forgive, as well as their definitions of what it means to forgive. The sample included 100 participants in three age groups (7‐, 11‐, and 16‐year olds). Regardless of age, forgiveness and non‐forgiveness accounts differed in interpersonal features, such as how they responded when hurt and whether the peer apologized. The psychological features of the experiences involving their own thoughts and feelings also distinguished between events that were forgiven and those that were not, but did so for 16‐year olds and, sometimes, for 11‐year olds, but never for 7‐year olds. The distinct ways in which younger and older children narrated their experiences also were reflected in their evolving definitions of what it means to forgive, though children's definitions revealed aspects of their thinking not captured in their narratives. Finally, children at all ages judged forgiving favorably but, with age, their evaluations of not forgiving became less negative. These findings challenge the narrow conceptual and methodological lenses through which forgiveness had been examined, and underscore meaningful age differences in the ways children make sense of and evaluate forgiveness and non‐forgiveness.  相似文献   

This article studies disability pension benefit claim processing and appeal procedures in six countries — the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United States of America, and Canada. It examines eligibility requirements and programme goals, focusing on how those countries assess a claimant's disability. Among these six countries, there were variations between the burdens on the agency and those on the claimant to compile evidence to support the claim. In addition, the use of agency doctors, or referrals to outside physicians, was often predictive of how this burden was distributed. The countries use similar procedures to make initial disability assessments; however, they differ in how they structure the process: whether it is centralized or decentralized, whether teams or individual decision makers are used, and whether the decision makers have specialized training or rely on experts. The study also notes variations in the appeals process. All countries have considered adopting or discarding an internal administrative review of eligibility decisions; the debate continues on whether an internal review is of any value. With or without it, all six countries allow at least one level of appeal on both factual and legal issues. Some countries use specialized tribunals, while others use courts to hear post-agency appeals. The article concludes with observations and recommendations applicable generally to disability pension benefit claim processing and appeals.  相似文献   

Despite requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, little is known about how much this training actually influences the thinking and behaviors of participants. Interview-based qualitative research methods were used to study the reactions of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to what was taught in an RCR course. For trainees with limited prior RCR experience, or who agreed with what was taught, it was relatively easy to influence their attitudes and how they thought they would use the new information in the future. However, if their prior experiences or existing knowledge conflicted with what was taught they resisted and often rejected new ideas that were presented. Interviews also revealed the tremendously complex process trainees must undergo trying to resolve or integrate all of the different perspectives they receive on RCR from other sources. These results revealed the importance of viewing RCR training from the perspective of learning theory and how prior knowledge influences what people learn. The results also support the need for periodic rather than one-time RCR training to counter the often conflicting views and practices young scientists experience in real-life research settings.  相似文献   

Despite requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, little is known about how much this training actually influences the thinking and behaviors of participants. Interview-based qualitative research methods were used to study the reactions of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to what was taught in an RCR course. For trainees with limited prior RCR experience, or who agreed with what was taught, it was relatively easy to influence their attitudes and how they thought they would use the new information in the future. However, if their prior experiences or existing knowledge conflicted with what was taught they resisted and often rejected new ideas that were presented. Interviews also revealed the tremendously complex process trainees must undergo trying to resolve or integrate all of the different perspectives they receive on RCR from other sources. These results revealed the importance of viewing RCR training from the perspective of learning theory and how prior knowledge influences what people learn. The results also support the need for periodic rather than one-time RCR training to counter the often conflicting views and practices young scientists experience in real-life research settings.  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore what we call the “dermatologization of life” and how it regulates the ways in which acne sufferers relate to their skin. We refer to these ways of relating to the skin as “skin sensing”. Through an analysis of the online narratives found on the website acne.org, we demonstrate how the skin sensing bound up with dermatologization both converges with and diverges from biomedical understandings of acne in three key contexts: the hormonal, the alimentary and the nocturnal. In doing so, we show that skin sensing involves a complex combination of pleasure and pain, excitement and exhaustion, and work and play. Ultimately, we suggest that the ways in which acne sufferers sense their skin open up a set of possibilities that not only disable but also enable them as they embark on the often all-consuming quest for a clear complexion.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between risks and market organisation by means of two case studies. After defining the two concepts, it analyses how risks influence the functioning of markets, by means of the theory elaborated by Knight (1921). The Knightian focus on the role of judgments in risks analysis implies that the concept of rationality has to be enlarged beyond the rational choice theory. Similarly, markets cannot be defined anymore as simply an equilibrium between supply and demand: they are a special type of institution. Therefore, the analysis centres on how people make decisions and apprehend risks in relation to market structures. In the rest of the paper, two of the most prominent food safety crises in recent years are analysed based on this conceptual framework: the milk powder crisis in China (2008) and the sanitary crisis following the Fukushima nuclear accident (2011). It is shown that they represent two types of market risks, one generated by the food market organisation and the other one related to the definition of the product quality.  相似文献   

This article explores psychological factors involved in terrorism and counterterrorism on individual, group, and organizational levels of analysis. On the individual level, we describe attempts to understand terrorist behavior as a form of psychopathology and/or as reflecting a unique constellation of personality traits. We also consider whether there exists a general motivational basis for participating in terrorism. On the group level of analysis, we address the process of shared reality construction, social influence involved in recruitment of new members to terrorist organization, their indoctrination into terrorist ideology, and the use of language in creating terrorism warranting norms. On the organizational level, we consider issues of training, logistics, and cost effectiveness as they apply to the decisions to launch or abstain from terrorist activities. We conclude by considering the implications of our analysis for possible ways and means for countering terrorism.  相似文献   

The ambiguity of community allows it to be a space for a vast range of imposed and 'organic' social reproduction functions, and an accessible site for meaningful collective action, but it also has the potential for disempowerment. The breadth of the concept of 'community' allows for it to be critiqued as ephemeral or as romantic fiction, but also used and exploited by government. It is because it retains such power to evoke reaction and contest that we need to understand the power that drives it, and the ideological purpose for which it may be used or misused. The notion of discourse immediately becomes useful. We can recognise competing discourses of community, and examine how they are used politically. We can recognise ways in which social work can engage with community discourses of empowerment rather than control. The article will explore a number of discourses and examine their usefulness for practice.  相似文献   

The central aim of this paper is to show how different types of green movement respond to questions of social policy. An important factor in this is a difference in attitudes to the state between more anarchistic greens and those greens that are prepared to accept a permanent and/or strategic role for the state. The paper is divided into two parts. In part one, after defning the green movement, it outlines how different green social movements from local groups, direct action protestors, established environmental groups and green political parties, have developed analyses, responses and alternatives to social policy issues. Part two of the paper looks at some of the ideological/theoretical debates within green politics with regard to social policy, with particular regard to the role of the state. It goes on to look at some of the ways in which European green parties have viewed social policy, and at proposals they have advanced for moving the aim of social policy from "welfare" to "well-being". It concludes with suggesting that the "post-materialist" characterization of green politics is very wide of the mark in terms of the range of analyses and policy alternatives greens have put forward, from health, education and drugs to transport. The central and long-standing green concern with lessening socioeconomic inequalities (but without relying on indiscriminate and unsustainable "economic growth") means that in terms of social policy, green politics can be seen as an "environmentalism of the poor", concerned with "materialist" issues.  相似文献   


This article analyzes how a formal text (the Ethics Review Form) available at National Health Service Research Ethics Committees (NHSRECs) in the United Kingdom was used in meetings. Derived from the work of Dorothy Smith on incorporating texts into institutional ethnography (IE), it proposes the concept of “text work” as a way into understanding more about decision-making in ethics review and describes the extent to which this formal text shaped and influenced review work. The research study used observations of committee meetings, field-notes and interviews to produce an ethnographic mapping of Research Ethics Committees’ (RECs) work. This article draws on one aspect of the research which was the process of isolating a particular, ubiquitous text and analyzing how it worked and was worked on in the meetings. The analysis contributes to contemporary discussion offering an alternative to ongoing debates about idealized ways of conducting ethics review. Finally, some tentative suggestions are made about improving training, based on and starting from the work which reviewers undertake.  相似文献   

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