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数字技能是青少年应对数字时代挑战的核心能力之一,目前相关实证研究较为缺乏。基于1 120份中学生问卷调查数据,描绘青少年数字技能现状,并在经典的资本理论视角下分析青少年数字技能的阶层差异及形成机制。研究发现,在各类技能中,青少年创造性技能的得分最低;青少年数字技能存在显著的阶层差异,高阶层家庭的孩子更具优势;家庭经济资本和文化资本的投入是青少年数字技能形成分层的重要中介机制,且文化资本的中介效应更显著。在家庭、学校、社区等不同场域投入相应资本,帮助低阶层青少年提升数字技能,是弥合数字鸿沟、构建包容型数字社会的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

流动青少年的生殖健康知识、态度和行为存在明显的弱质性:总体知识水平较低,尤其是性病与避孕知识缺乏严重;对早恋和对婚前性行为的态度日渐开放;性活动与性行为趋向活跃,意外妊娠和人工流产成为流动未婚青年生殖健康的严重问题。流动青少年家庭客观生存环境较差、父母主观重视不够、家庭教育能力不足、亲子关系欠佳、交流沟通不畅等因素,成为影响流动青少年的生殖健康的重要因素。必须要重视流动人口的家庭发展权,丰富家庭教育支持资源,逐步建立全方位、开放性的性教育和服务模式,促进流动青少年性与生殖健康发展。  相似文献   

本文在对武汉市七个城区青少年的社会环境与行为一需求特征,以及青少年社区服务现状与服务满意度评估的实证调查之上,基于青少年需求与社会服务整合的角度,从理论基础、目标与性质、工作运作及社会工作介入方面,提出了武汉市青少年事务社区综合服务平台建设模式的路径。  相似文献   

过度教育在一定程度上形成了教育本身的异化,从培养和促进人的发展变成了"善意的"对人的迫害和摧残.从学生的角度定义,过度教育是指超出学生当前和未来生活需求的教育.本文认为我国的过度教育主要表现在学科教育和特长培养中,过度教育对青少年的发展有多重不良影响,激烈的社会竞争、成人的心理问题和对竞争的过度反应等是过度教育产生的原因,并提出了纠正过度教育的相关对策.  相似文献   

上海社区青少年生存与发展状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,上海社区青少年的数量不断增加。其生存状况有恶化的可能。除去社区青少年自身的素质和能力较低以外,造成这种状况的另一重要原因是社区青少年无法从其社会支持网络中获得足够的支持。社区青少年生存现状给他们的人际交往、家庭关系、心理健康带来了很多负面影响,使社区青少年犯罪的可能性增大。  相似文献   

本研究抽样调查了上海市116位社区青少年的心理健康状况、社会态度倾向和社会支持程度,将他们的数据与146位大学生数据作比较,并分析三个方面之间的相互关系.研究结果表明,社区青少年心理健康水平显著低于全国常模,在敌意因子上程度显著高于大学生,心理健康状况不容乐观.社区青少年对社会的态度比大学生更为消极,他们的社会支持程度也显著低于大学生.而社会态度与心理健康水平之间存在着很高的相关,社会支持与社会态度相关度高,三者关系紧密.本文还提出了一些针对性建议和相关措施,协助有关部门更好地开展工作.  相似文献   

青少年是祖国未来的接班人,也是家庭的希望。青少年正处在世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,而他们又生活在家庭,家庭德育对其健康成长的影响是至关重要的。本文立足于家庭德育是青少年基础教育,阐述了德育观念和德育方式对青少年成长的积极影响。  相似文献   

杨培平 《老年人》2003,(9):23-23
社区是青少年认识社会、接触社会、参加社会活动的重要场所。中小学生一年中有近半的时间生活在社区,用大教育观来审视,社区教育是全面育人、全员育人、全方位育人的重要环节。基于这种认识,长沙市在所建的356个社区中普遍加强了青少年教育。他们的作法是:一、依托社区,组织由学校、家庭、社区相结合的工作队伍。长沙市社区党组织把关协工作纳入社区文化建设、群团组织建设、治安综合治理和社区服务,摆上了重要议事日程。一批老党员、老干部、老教师、老模范和老工人活跃在各社区,组织青少年开展丰富多彩的活动。以离退休教师为主体的学校关…  相似文献   

青少年是祖国的花朵,促进青少年健康成长是关系国家和民族的大事。国家更是将青少年的健康上升到国家战略的高度,提出健康中国的概念。这一理念更是突出体育以及健康的重要作用,强调青少年健康的重要作用。笔者就健康中国的提出、健康对青少年的重要作用以及促进青少年健康成长三个方面进行总结分析。  相似文献   

青少年的心理健康问题日益受到全社会的广泛关注,我国现有的心理健康教育主要以学校为主,忽视了课余时间的心理健康教育。因此,通过分析有关社区心理健康教育形式,制定有效的社区心理健康教育模式,选择有效且操作性强的社区心理健康教育模式加以运用,同时研究如何保障该模式的合理运用,可以有效推进青少年心理健康教育的发展。  相似文献   

This study investigated cross‐level mediational and moderational community and family influences on adolescent depressive symptoms. Using multilevel data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we predicted that structural community characteristics such as community poverty and ethnic heterogeneity would influence community social resources, which in turn would influence adolescent depressive symptoms. We further predicted that community social resources would influence adolescent depressive symptoms through family social resources. Findings also suggested that the influence of the parent‐child relationship on adolescent depressive symptoms is weaker in more adverse communities than in less adverse communities. The findings underscore the importance of placing family process models within the community context when adolescent outcomes are investigated.  相似文献   

This survey of 354 community mental health clients examined the relative impact of client self-reported events that they deemed “most traumatic” for predicting posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) symptom severity. Results of the voluntary survey revealed the most traumatic lifetime events to be (in descending order of frequency): sudden death of a loved one, sexual abuse, physical abuse, suicide attempt, and having been in a serious/life-threatening accident. These factors were then tested for gender differences, and regression models were developed to test the predictive power of traumatic events relative to primary diagnosis, psychosocial well-being, other key psychiatric indicators, and drinking to cope with negative emotions. Results demonstrated that sexual abuse was reported to be among the strongest predictors of PTSD symptom severity. Separate regression models also revealed important gender differences. Implications for social work assessment of seriously mentally ill clients are suggested.  相似文献   


As the adolescent population living in this country undergoes dramatic demographic changes in the 21st Century, increasing both in numbers and ethnic/racial diversity, practitioners and policy makers need to understand the prevalence of and trends in adolescent risk-taking behaviors, morbidity and mortality. Significant disparities in health status exist by ethnicity/race and gender in areas including: unintentional injury, violence, mental health, substance use, sexual behavior, and disease prevention. The epidemiological profile can help mobilize communities to address adolescent health issues. Developing effective interventions will require an ecological approach that builds on adolescents' assets and takes into account the contexts in which they live.  相似文献   

大型居住社区居民社区满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用2014年上海大型居住社区居民生活调查数据,文章采用多类别对数比率回归模型探讨影响大型居住社区居民社区满意度的重要因素。研究发现,职住距离、居住时间、受教育程度与居民社区满意度存在负相关关系;年龄、住房产权、住房类型对社区满意度具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Various treatment techniques have been implemented in the attempt to modify atypical sexual interests of adolescent sex offenders. The current exploratory study was designed to measure the effectiveness of verbal satisfaction, one component used in an outpatient, cognitive-behavioral treatment program. Data are presented on 15 adolescent sexual offenders against children. Results indicated that there was an overall decrease in deviant arousal after eight verbal satiation sessions as measured by penile plethysmography pre- and post-treatment. These preliminary findings are suggestive that verbal satisfaction can be effective in reducing deviant arousal for some adolescents.  相似文献   

A sample (N = 222) of middle school, high school, and college students were surveyed with regard to their adjustment to their parents’ divorces in specific domains, including coparenting, financial strain, and overall adjustment. With time since the divorce covaried, youth living with half-siblings, stepsiblings, or both (HSS) rated their experiences consistently more positively than youth living with full biological siblings only (FBS). HSS youth reported stronger perceptions that life has gotten better, parents are working together to raise them, and there are no lingering financial effects. There were no main effects for age, but an interaction of sibling structure and gender found male adolescents in the FBS group sometimes had more negative ratings than any of the other groups. Our findings contrast with prior studies suggesting that HSS youth do not adjust as well as FBS youth.  相似文献   


Many residential treatment and sex offender programs for adolescents historically have used coercion-based interventions. Treatment programs employing coercive techniques often replicate the same destructive and intrusive behaviors they seek to eliminate. Tension between departments coupled with poor communication and discomfort around sexual behavior issues within the staff of residential treatment centers are more likely to inhibit the progress of the youths they serve.

Collaboration among residential, educational, and clinical components enables staff to work in a direct, genuine, and respectful fashion with students who have histories of sexually abusive behavior. It further assists in maintaining a safe and predictable environment for these students. Finally, it helps students eliminate destructive behaviors by directly and consistently addressing four key areas: sexually abusive behavior, antisocial attitudes, social/emotional functioning, and overall self-care. It is not the author's intention to hold Bennington School, Inc.up as a model residential treatment program or to criticize other residential facilities. Rather, it is hoped that what is working in Bennington may be helpful to others.

Many who have worked on the front lines of residential treatment with sexually abusive adolescents have received training in elements specific to sexually abusive behavior. The origins of treatment for youth who have sexually abused were noteworthy for their lack of offense-specific interventions (National Adolescent Perpetration Network, 1993). However, a wealth of literature soon emerged addressing the need for assessment and treatment techniques specific to this population (Perry & Orchard, 1992; Barbaree, Marshall & Hudson, 1993). Much of this literature made assumptions regarding high levels of chronicity (Perry & Orchard,1992) while other contributions stressed the role of denial and minimization (Barbaree & Cortoni, 1993). As a result, while many issue-specific forms of assessment and treatment were developed, they often did not take into account other developmental needs and issues in the lives of sexually abusive youths (Lane, 1997).

Concurrent with this emerging research was a substantial increase in the number of treatment programs for juvenile sex offenders (National Adolescent Perpetration Network, 1993). In this context, it is not surprising that many treatment programs relied heavily on treatment targeting denial, minimization, and perceived sexual deviance without taking into account other treatment needs of youths. Although a recent literature review of adolescent residential programs (Curwen, 2000) notes a trend away from shame-based approaches, there appears to be less clarity on specific criteria on which to base residential treatment of adolescents who have sexually abused (Curwen, 2000).

Finally, recent research shows that among adult populations, accepting responsibility for abusive behavior in treatment is more likely to result from a warm, genuine, and empathic treatment style (Marshall, Fernandez, & Anderson, 1999). Group therapy participation, similarly, results from encouragement, open questions, and nonconfrontational challenge. The emerging themes of recent trends and research should inspire those at the front lines of residential treatment to reconsider not just basic treatment approaches, but the most minute elements of their interactions with youths.  相似文献   

This study focused on the possible links between parental residential and partnering transitions (a parent's move out of the household, introduction of a new maternal and paternal partner) and the initiation of romantic relationships in adolescence. Using data from a prospective cohort study of Dutch adolescents (the TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey; N = 1,513), recurrent event discrete‐time models with random effects were estimated, controlling for the initial family structure and quality of family climate. The results demonstrated that when all 3 events were considered, only the initiation of a new romantic relationship by the mother was associated with an increase in the odds of initiating a romantic relationship for the adolescent.  相似文献   

The health consequence of loneliness in the early life course is an understudied topic in the sociological literature. Using data from Waves 1–3 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we examine pre‐disease pathways in the relationship between adolescent loneliness and early adult health. Our results indicate that loneliness during adolescence is associated with diagnosed depression, poorer adult self‐rated health, and metabolic risk factors related to cardiovascular disease. High depressive symptoms and parent support are important pathways through which the health consequences of loneliness are exacerbated or offset. There is also evidence that lonely youth remain at higher risk for experiencing adult depression and poor self‐rated health even in the presence of equivalent levels of parental support relative to non‐lonely adolescents. Furthermore, lonely adolescent females are more vulnerable to reporting poor adult self‐rated health and being overweight or obese in adulthood. In sum, our study demonstrates the importance of adolescent loneliness for elevating the risk of poor health outcomes in adulthood.  相似文献   


A list of all treatment facilities for adolescent sex offenders that described themselves as inpatient or residential was requested from the Safer Society Foundation in Brandon, Vermont. A total of 203 such facilities were identified in this manner. Each was sent a questionnaire regarding their policies and practices. Of the 50 questionnaires that were returned, 49 were usable. Items on the questionnaire dealt with major phases of operating a residential program, including number of beds, average daily census, number of males and females in treatment, testing and assessment procedures, most frequent diagnoses, average IQ of patients, abuse history, therapeutic approaches used, number and types of individual/group treatment sessions per week, qualifications of therapists, average length of treatment, and follow-up research on treatment.  相似文献   

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