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近年来,南充市委市政府坚持以“三个代表”的重要思想为指针,认真实践四川省委提出的“三个转变”的经济思想和经营理念,明确提出了经营城市的工作思路,坚持把经营土地作为经营城市的核心和关键。提出了以规划为龙头、以土地为轴心,以市场化运作为方式来配制土地资源,买现“一年一变样,三年大变样,五年建成大城市框架”的宏伟目标。2002年全市土地出让收入7个多亿,是2001年的10倍,土地收入居全省第三,单位面积土地最高收入每亩621万元,居全省第一。2003年1-6月,全市土地投入已达5.85亿元,为去年全年土地出让收入的81.5%,预计年终将大大超过去年的收入。 相似文献
经营城市是市委、市政府用先进的经济思想和经营理念,加快我市城镇化进程,全力推进达州发展新跨越,全面建设小康社会的重大战略举措。经营土地是经营城市的核心和关键。下面,我就抓住机遇,搞好土地经营工作,谈点粗浅看法,以供参考。一、创新土地经济思想,树立土地经营理念“吃饭靠财政,建设靠土地”,已逐渐成为西部城市共识。经营土地,高度重视并充分发挥土地资本的作用,就成为经营城市的核心和关键,是提高城市综合竞争力的战略选择。外地已有成功的经验,辽宁的大连、山东的青岛、日照市和我省的成都、泸州、南充等城市把土地资本作为经营城… 相似文献
建设社会主义市场经济是我们的奋斗目标,而市场经济的基本特征之一就在于各种生产要素价值化、商品化和资本化.我国在改革开放20多年来,一般生活资料、生产资料的资本化已转型到较高层次,而土地要素却长期仍被保持在资源或资产状态,未能真正全面转变为商品和资本.就拿房地产来讲,房产通过投资建设和市场出租、出售的方式使其资本化的水平就大大高于地产. 相似文献
一年前,省委作出加快土地资源向土地资本转变的重大决策.全省上下普遍反映抓住了加快四川发展的要害和关键,响应热烈,行动积极,呈现出创新理念促转变、抓住机遇谋发展的局面. 相似文献
土地市场经营机制的选择,是土地资源向资本转化过程中绕不开的问题事实证明,由于各种交易成本的存在,政府———市场的最优配置模式,可以护公平竞争,降低市场交易成本,实现土地资本的最大化;政府—市场的不配置模式,一方面将诱发行政权寻租,致使国有土地资产在资源向资本的化中流失,另一方面将诱发市场投机,致使经济在高风险区运行。四川省乐山市作为原国家土地管理局土地使用制度改革联系点,自199年清理土地隐形市场始,政府推行土地有偿使用增加了城市的投入,城市当时的5平方公里扩大到现在的25平方公里,但是政府低价… 相似文献
有土地就存在地租,特别是土地资源丰富的四川,尤其不能忽视地租理论,无论是经典作家的地租理论,还是西方经济学家的地租理论都对四川省目前正在进行的土地资源向土地资本转变,促进招商引资工作有重要的启迪作用。一、经典作家的地租理论地租理论是马克思主义者研究的主要问题之一,他们详细地研究了地租的来源、种类及实现形式,从而深刻揭露了资本主义社会的剥削关系及其社会存在的基本矛盾,为社会主义发展提供了科学理论依据。(一)马克思的地租理论马克思的地租理论研究集中在《资本论》第三卷和《剩余价值学说史》第二卷中,马克思指出:“真… 相似文献
“综观全局,21世纪头20年,对我国来说,是一个必须紧紧抓住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。”这是江泽民同志十六大报告中着眼世界,着眼全局,站在时代的高度提出的科学论断,对我国的经济、政治建设和发展具有长远的指导意义,对做好国土资源管理工作,抓住机遇经营城市、经营土地意义十分重大。机遇是指事物发展的有利环境,是使事物产生变革的有利时机。机遇在一定条件下可能出现,但又不能事先预见,而有其自身的发展规律和偶然性。机遇是人们主观意志不能控制的客观现实,只是在特定的条件和环境下才可能出现。事物发展机遇… 相似文献
经营城市、经营土地,实现土地资源向土地资本的转变是省委、省政府为加快推进我省城镇化进程,实现四川新跨越的重大战略决策。国土资源作为经济发展的主要载体,城市建设、经济发展过程中的作用越来越明显,城市经济发展、招商引资、对外开放等各项工作也对国土资源管理工作提出了越来越高的要求。近年来,新都区国土资源局正确认识和处理发展经济和保护土地资源的关系,着力规范土地管理秩序,促进区政府高度垄断土地一级市场,搞活土地二级市场,下大力气进行了“窗口式办文”的有益尝试,为改善投资软环境,促进新都区的对外开放作出了一定的贡献,… 相似文献
Colorism, like whiteness is capital, is rooted in the institution of slavery and has resulted in the preference of light skin. Because colorism is part of the historical construction of whiteness, the consumption of whiteness is commodified through various markets. Current manifestations of racialized beauty, that is, skin bleaching and photo editing apps such as FaceTune and Snap Chat reinforce colorism and impact conceptualizations of beauty. This literature review surveys how colorism and racialized beauty are reproduced to reinforce whiteness as a form of capital. 相似文献
Wendy L. Bowcher 《Intercultural Education》2011,22(3):149-162
While empirical investigations and the development of theories for studying intercultural communication are important for developing our understanding of what happens when people of diverse backgrounds come together, equally important are records of specific instances of contact as these provide opportunities to reflect on what we know; to validate or question theories; to critically consider the decisions made by those involved as well as the kinds of decisions we might have taken had we been in that specific situation. This essay represents this latter type of contribution to the field of intercultural communication and intercultural education by presenting a snapshot of some personal experiences I had while living in Japan over a period of 18 years. The focal point of this essay relates to the tragic death of a student – an event that was pivotal in my own acculturation process. It then introduces some other experiences before relating these to some general issues concerning intercultural awareness and intercultural educational practice. 相似文献
一、基本思路根据宏观经济的内外部环境、国内外资本市场的不同运作方式与约束条件,以及市政、公用基础设施的特点,我们认为利用资本市场进行市政、公用基础设施投融资的基本思路应该是:进一步解放思想、拓展视野,紧紧依托境内外资本市场,精心选择适宜性项目,充分利用现有投融资工具,不断探索创新投融资方式,有效盘活市政、公用基础设施资产,以最低的成本和最小的风险筹措更多的城建资金,以在新的历史时期形成城市建设资金的良性循环,并加快实现城市建设的现代化目标。在这个基本思路中,解放思想、拓 相似文献
《Chinese Journal of Communication》2013,6(4):430-449
This study examined the degree to which demographic, human capital, and social capital variables can predict career success for public relations practitioners in Taiwan. Social capital includes two dimensions: social trust and social network. Human capital includes education, rank, career tenure, and motivation. Public relations practitioners (150) from 16 agencies in Taiwan were interviewed in 2006. Social capital explained the significant variance in subjective career success. As for human capital, motivation negatively predicted job comfort, but positively predicted challenge and task significance. Career tenure and rank in the agency positively predicted autonomy, while only age and professional tenure predicted objective success. This study also revealed that the longer the practitioners stay in the business, the more the sense of autonomy, financial rewards, and support they have. Combined with the results of objective career success, career tenure is the best predictor for career success among all the variables in human capital. Since gender does not predict career success, we may infer that public relations practice in Taiwan does not seem hostile to women. 相似文献
Erlenawati Sawir 《Intercultural Education》2011,22(5):381-394
While the economic benefits created by international education export are well documented, few systematic and qualitative analysis studies have been conducted to examine how academic staff perceive the presence of international students in their institutions. Using interview data from 80 academic staff from different disciplines in one higher institution in Australia, this study examines whether the presence of international students has an impact on staff teaching practice. Some of the academic staff reported that they made no adjustments to their teaching. They treated all students as one student group. Other staff members said that there have been changes in their teaching in response to the presence of international students in their classroom. The paper discusses some of the underlying causes of these responses, and implications for the practice of international education. The discussion of the findings is informed by Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, which helps us understand how people respond to cultural differences. 相似文献
When power struggles occur, the implications for early intervention are numerous. Trying to intervene with a person who has already reached the anger phase of crisis can often be like trying to stop a train by standing on the railroad tracks and holding up one's hands. As a direct result of early and purposeful intervention using simple and accessible techniques (i.e., self-awareness, awareness of others' messages, prioritization, decisiveness, consistency, communication), professionals can create an environment of safety and trust in which all individuals feel heard. In this manner, all needs can be addressed without allowing potentially negative interactions to escalate to levels at which restraints, ultimatums, and consequences are needed. In addition, the likelihood of success increases with early intervention. By recognizing that, in many cases, winning and losing power struggles is accomplished at the expense of treatment and educational goals, enlightened professionals can not only avoid future confrontations but also effect desired client or student outcomes. 相似文献