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上海地区儿童权利家庭保护影响因素分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究通过对上海地区儿童、家长、儿童教师进行儿童权利家庭保护问卷调查,来探讨当前上海地区儿童权利的家庭保护状况与其影响因素。结果发现:1.总体上,上海地区的家长与儿童对儿童权利受到保护的感知存在一致性,都认为儿童权利受到了较好保护,但在一致的基础上,对具体权利的感知上,儿童与家长还存在着一定的差异性。2.上海地区儿童自我保护意识较高,对《中国未成年人保护法》、自身哪些权利受到保护以及如何保护自身的权利都比较了解。3.儿童自我保护的意识和家长保护儿童权利的意识可能是影响儿童权利保护现状的主要因素。它们显著影响着儿童各个层面权利保护的现状。4.儿童性别、儿童年龄、家庭结构、是否独生子女等客观因素,对儿童与家长对儿童保护权利的感知都存在不同的影响,具有不确定的因素。家长性别、家长文化、经济收入水平仅仅影响家长对儿童权利保护的感知。5.在儿童享有的权利中,参与权受到的保护状况只受儿童性别的影响,保持着相对稳定的状态。儿童与家长对此项权利的衡量标准可能具有一致性。6.家长对孩子在学校教育权的关心只是出于自己是否关心孩子的成绩,而不是家长意识到这是儿童应该享有的权力。在此基础上,本研究提出了相应对策。 相似文献
台湾儿童保护服务的发展近30年,已实现儿童保护服务的专业化与职业化。台湾儿童保护服务的法制架构与行动信念包含初级预防、次级预防和三级预防等不同层次,其中,家庭维系和家庭重整是当下台湾儿童保护服务的重要转向。 相似文献
中国儿童常常被认为是泡在蜜罐里长大的,大部分父母就像护犊子一样护着自己的独生子女,在父母过度保护下成长的“独一代”也因此常常被人诟病。但是,由此被忽略的一个问题是:我们真正做到儿童保护了吗?儿童仅仅有家庭保护就够了吗? 相似文献
回顾美国儿童保护制度的历史轨迹,不难发现,它最早可以追溯到17世纪初的殖民时期,至今已有四百多年的历史。美国的儿童保护制度大致经历了萌芽时期、形成时期、过渡时期和现代化时期四个历史阶段。从最初零星的保护到民间组织发挥主导作用,从儿童保护的低潮到政府发挥主导作用,美国儿童保护制度历史演进中蕴含着丰富的社会、经济和文化内涵。 相似文献
许淑媛 《青春岁月:学术版》2021,(11):282-283
儿童是民族的摇篮,祖国的希望,然而近年来虐待儿童尤其是家庭虐童现象层出不穷,给儿童的身心带来了严重的危害.本文从何为家庭虐童出发,阐述了家庭虐童的基本含义和特征以及具体种类,剖析了家庭虐童的原因,分析了当前我国家庭虐童的法律保护现状与不足,最后针对不足提出了对策建议,保护家庭受虐儿童的合法权益. 相似文献
美国各州颁布实施儿童户外权利法案是民间组织积极推动和政府大力支持的结果,目的是鼓励儿童改变久坐的习惯,到户外和大自然中游戏和学习,以利于身心的健康发展。各州的研究人员、教育工作者、社区组织、设计人员和政府都在共同努力创造环境,让儿童多接触自然。美国开展儿童户外活动的经验告诉我们,户外活动不仅有利于儿童身心的健康发展,也有利于儿童智力、人格、社会能力的发展和环境意识的培养,大自然是宝贵的教育资源,值得我们格外重视,充分利用。 相似文献
独生子女比非独生子女的童年生活更多地嵌入了成年人的意识、成年人的活动方式。父母在有意无意之中减少了孩子童年的欢乐和对现实生活的体验,剥夺了孩子按照客观规律和自身特点发展的权利,忽视童年成为家庭教育问题的关键所在。主要表现是:成人本位,把孩子当大人;认识偏颇,把特点当缺点;不允许失败,把过程当结果;急功近利,把部分当全部;角色错位,把“外力”当“主力”。本文提出独生子女发展权的家庭保护尤其要强化以儿童为本的理念、注重儿童全面发展、注重儿童的发展过程和儿童发展的主体性。 相似文献
2010年将以“中国社会福利和儿童福利元年”载入世界历史史册,其主要标志有二:一是2010年9月1日,国务院常务会议研究部署发展“家庭服务业”的政策措施,首次明确提出“家庭服务业国家政策框架”,标志着中国家庭福利政策框架与家庭福利服务体系形成;二是2010年10月12日,国务院常务会议通过《关于加强孤儿保障工作的意见》,首次明确提出“建立与我国经济社会发展相适应的孤儿保障制度”,标志着我国儿童福利制度框架形成。 相似文献
服务学习(SL)是一种建立在经验学习理论基础上,将课程学习与社区服务相结合的教育方法。20世纪90年代以来,服务学习在公民教育中发挥的积极作用得到越来越多的学者的认同,成为美国公民教育领域的焦点话题。本文简要介绍服务学习的概念及其在美国公民教育中的运用和作用,对我国的公民教育有参考价值。 相似文献
Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, this study examines the extent to which families experience major economic setbacks and how they respond. Families that experience a substantial loss of income or work hours are more likely to cut back on expenditures, receive public assistance, experience divorce or separation, and move. No evidence that partners are able to compensate for a major income loss by increasing their work hours was found. Initial conditions, such as income and assets, the unemployment rate of the area, and race, affect how a family adapts. Families with fewer resources and those who live in areas of high unemployment are more likely to rely on public assistance, and they are less likely to move, increase the work hours of the female head of household, or cut food expenditures. 相似文献
Although female employment is associated with lower levels of completed fertility in the civilian world, we find family formation rates among U.S. military women to be comparatively high. We compare enlisted women with civilian women using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (N = 3,547), the only data set to measure simultaneously the nuptiality and fertility of both populations. Using propensity score matching, we show that the fertility effect derives primarily from early marriage in the military, a surprisingly “family‐friendly” institution. This shows that specific organizational and economic incentives in a working environment may offset the more widespread contemporary social and economic factors that otherwise depress marriage and fertility. 相似文献
Nazli Kibria 《Sociological Forum》2019,34(4):809-817
Family reunification is widely seen as a relatively stable feature of the contemporary U.S. immigration regime protected by the nation’s liberal democratic institutions and humanitarian values. Drawing on critical scholarship that situates immigration policies in racial nation‐building projects, this article explores the development of U.S. family‐based admission policies from 1965 to the early 2000s. I bring attention to the role of racial family logics in the changing character and meaning of these policies. Racial family logics reflect the emergent and contested ways in which families are both idealized and institutionally organized in relation to the state, the economy, and other social institutions to support racial projects. A normative conception of “the family” as a white, heterosexual, male wage earner, nuclear household unit informed the 1965 U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act and its emphasis on family‐based admissions. However, by the 1990s, the landscape of immigration, race, and family in the United States had shifted quite dramatically. The family‐based admissions system was now associated with immigrants from Asia and Latin America rather than Europe. The “browning” of the system was accompanied by its incorporation into racialized projects of state discipline, surveillance, and control over those deemed “undeserving” in relation to neoliberal values of self‐reliant and self‐regulating families. 相似文献
Bowen GL 《Evaluation and program planning》1984,7(4):303-308
This article provides an overview of the implementation and evaluation of Family Support Centers (FSC) in the U.S. Air Force. After describing the FSC model, the quantitative aspect of the evaluation is discussed, including the evaluation design, implementation methods, survey response rates, and procedures for data analysis. A summary of evaluation results also are presented as well as a discussion of administrative and methodological issues encountered in performing the evaluation. The results of the evaluation suggest that the FSC has become an integral part of the base human service delivery system, especially for married members and civilian spouses. 相似文献
美国土地财政收入发展演化从建国至今可以分为四个阶段:土地财政收入从中央向地方转移、从土地资产性收益向土地税收收益转移、土地财政收入占总财政收入比例先递减再到基本稳定、土地财政税收收入以财产税为主。该演化规律对上海的启示是:土地的资产性收益是历史的必然产物,应该客观看待土地财政这一现象,但要注意其又是阶段性的;上海市试点房产税是必然的选择并恰逢其时;上海市土地财政应该积极探索“两条腿走路”;将土地财政逐步向地方政府转移,使之成为地方政府财政收入的主要来源;简化与土地有关的税种并且加大对不动产保有环节征税。 相似文献
Jacqueline Hagan Karl Eschbach Nestor Rodriguez 《The International migration review》2008,42(1):64-88
Since the mid‐1990s the United States has enacted a series of laws that make it easier to deport noncitizens. Drawing on findings from interviews with a random sample of 300 Salvadoran deportees, we examine how family relations, ties, remittance behavior, and settlement experiences are disrupted by deportation, and how these ties influence future migration intentions. We find that a significant number of deportees were long‐term settlers in the United States. Many had established work histories and had formed families of their own. These strong social ties in turn influence the likelihood of repeat migration to the United States. 相似文献
This research sought to explain the agency of U.S.-based nonprofit nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the U.S. standing abroad, and explore the NGO role in the U.S. public diplomacy. A multiple-case study method was used to look at five 501(c)(3) organizations that receive predominantly private funding and operate globally. The data gathered from in-person interviews and corporate documentation were compared between cases, and synthesized across cases using the theory-building technique. While U.S. standing affects American NGOs’ practices and discourses, American NGOs’ behavior might have a bearing on the attitudes, perceptions, and opinions of international publics about the United States. Both the NGO-owned state identities and American NGOs’ reputation for autonomy and freedom of expression enhance the U.S. public diplomacy efforts. 相似文献