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Not all doctors like them, some even ignore them, but nevertheless the use of physician scorecards is growing and the scores may soon be widely available to the general public.  相似文献   

购并与战略联盟的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略联盟和购并是两种主要外部企业成长方式,这两种方式既有相同之处,也有很多相异之处。拟从战略空间与形式、作用机制、组织形式与管理、成败探析与退出机制四个方面全面剖析两者的异同,为中国企业经营者选择发展途径提供参考。  相似文献   

Payment schemes based on added value ratios are not prevalent in the U.K. There is suspicion of them on both sides of industry. Management fears that disclosure of information may be used against them and employees regard them as schemes over which they have no control and which are the tool of management. The author advocates that there is room for a joint agreement between the two sides to use added value schemes on a way that narrows the area of conflict and is mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

顾客满意与顾客忠诚之间关系的实证研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
顾客忠诚日益受到企业的追逐.在传统的营销学教科书中,培育顾客忠诚的最有效手段是让顾客满意,许多顾客忠诚计划都是以顾客满意为中心而设计的.然而,实务界所得出的结论却并非如此,顾客满意并不必然给企业带来相应的顾客忠诚.因此,需要重新审视这两者之间的关系.作者采用实证研究方法,首先从理论上鉴定了顾客满意和顾客忠诚的本质,并区分了不同的满意程度和忠诚类型.然后,研究了这两者之间的对应关系.结果认为,顾客满意是顾客忠诚的必要条件而不是充分条件,随着满意程度的提高,顾客会更加趋向于忠诚,但并非线性关系.根据研究的结论,企业制定顾客忠诚计划时,首先,对于不同忠诚类型的顾客,应该采取不同的策略;其次,企业应该致力于"让顾客非常满意",而非简单地追求"顾客满意";最后,除了提高顾客满意度外,企业还应该为顾客创造其他条件,才能获得真正的顾客忠诚.  相似文献   

Want to motivate others? Establish meaningfulness and value to them of what they are supposed to do for you, and provide the tools they need to do it. Until they see the value to them, and that value outweighs their perceived risks or costs of doing it, you may get motion but you won't get motivated behaviors. Without motivated behaviors, you'll waste a lot of time trying to goad them on toward your goal, which they don't share. What we want is bilateral motivation toward a common goal. If we're smart, we don't want to be the only ones who are motivated, and others just move.  相似文献   

On January 21, Richard Reece, MD, interviewed Charles E. Dwyer, PhD, to talk about solutions for changing the perceptions of today's beleaguered physicians. He discusses the state of affairs of physician executives in this turbulent industry and how they need to move beyond their thinking about organizations and their current responses to change. The key, Dwyer emphasizes, is influencing people to do what you want them to do. "If you want somebody to do something other than what they are doing now, then you must bring them to perceive that what you want them to do is better than what they are doing now in terms of what is important to them." He also explores how physicians can change their responses to the health care environment: "You can actually decide how you are going to respond conceptually, emotionally, and behaviorally to anything that happens in your life." Part 2 of this interview will appear in the upcoming May/June issue and will provide hands-on strategies for dealing with physician anger, fear, and resentment.  相似文献   

What do top managers see as the root of their success? This paper reports on a discourse analysis of five autobiographies from major industrial figures. Those chosen all had some disruption (war, being a refugee, or immigrant status) between the culture of their childhood and the culture in which they undertook their careers. This makes them more aware than most of their upbringing. Their accounts of their first 20 years are examined, and themes are drawn out for each of them. These themes are tabulated and some of the differences between them are discussed. Common themes are conspicuous by their absence. The paper discusses why this should not surprise us; top management is not one activity in one culture, and an upbringing that might have led one of these managers to success might have been disadvantageous to another. The paper concludes that the common factor between the accounts of the managers is that they all regard their upbringing as having fitted them particularly well for the company, industry and culture in which they were eventually successful.  相似文献   

This article deals with how to design a complete management system. It does not attempt to cover aspects of developing new products, producing them or finding outlet for them on the market. The aim is to show how to manage a company successfully by increasing successively the efficiency of company—environment relations until a series of advances over a wide front has been achieved.  相似文献   

System dynamics as anonymous causes of failure Dynamics of problem solving, dynamics of communication as well as dynamics of success are basic challenges in organizations. To ignore them may bring about severe failures in terms of economics and of the personnel. Therefore, it is important to clearly discern these various dynamics and to cope with them.  相似文献   

基于城镇化与新农村建设良性互动的统筹城乡发展战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城镇化是推动新农村建设的动力,新农村建设有利于城镇化的健康发展,城镇化与新农村建设应当良性互动、协调发展。从理论与实践2个方面对两者关系进行探讨,指出城镇化与新农村建设的良性互动是实行统筹城乡发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

Finlay CJ  Krueger G 《Omega》2011,63(1):21-44
In this article we conduct a textual analysis of memorial websites created by mothers who have experienced a loss due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Using an online Internet ethnographic approach, we reviewed a series of 20 sites in an attempt to analyze the motivations of the site creators as manifested in their online projects. We spent time on the sites, moving through all facets of them, following links, and experiencing them the way a visitor would encounter them. In this virtual exploration we uncovered personal narratives, community building, religious imagery, and numerous examples of social networking. We also analyzed guest books in order to understand who visits these sites and their reasons for doing so. We conclude that development of these sites are a process that helps some mothers in their grief and gives them a focus and activity that is helpful and perhaps healing. More importantly perhaps is the potential for community building and networking that this type of activity allows. As an extension of a real-world memorial such as a gravesite, a virtual mourning space provides more in the way of these types of communications. Our work suggests that memorial websites constructed by SIDS parents help in meaning and identity reconstruction after loss.  相似文献   

为了保持长期的竞争优势要求企业不仅能够服务顾客、赢得顾客,更重要的是要留住顾客,而服务恢复战略对留住顾客至关重要。服务恢复战略以受理顾客投诉、发现服务缺陷为起点,通过圆满解决顾客问题提高顾客的满意度和忠诚度,并通过系统学习以不断改进服务质量,最终达到增加企业利润的目的。  相似文献   

This article explores the major financial reforms of both government-funded and self-funded statutory bodies in Singapore over the last 7 years. The reforms have been based on two models of administrative reform: the business enterprise model and the bureaucratic efficiency model. In accordance with the business enterprise model, changes have been made to place statutory bodies on a more commercial footing, requiring them to adopt the financial and management practices found in business enterprises and, in doing so, to become more financially self-reliant. The autonomy expected to flow from these reforms has been circumscribed by the retention of key decision-making responsibilities and veto powers at the center of government. The reforms thus indicate ambivalence in the thinking of political and administrative leaders in relation to the management of statutory bodies, allowing them greater freedom as business-like enterprises, but still subjecting them to centrally imposed restrictions and directives.  相似文献   

在组织经营管理实践中,如何通过行之有效的激励措施提升员工的绩效是人力资源管理中的持久性难题。本文在回顾和分析内外在薪酬激励相关研究基础上,借鉴内外结合,刚柔相济的思想,构建了旨在提升组织人力资源长久动力的内外在薪酬组合激励模型,特别是提出的推动式、牵引式和权变式三种具体激励策略,为组织人力资源管理中的员工激励实践提供了有益的启示和帮助,并为今后有关激励与薪酬的理论研究提供了新的思路与方向。  相似文献   

企业的违约取决于还款能力和还款意愿综合作用的结果。传统的信用风险评估方法将还款能力与还款意愿当成两个独立的对象来处理,分别对二者进行评估后再做出风险决策,这种做法忽视了二者之间的内在联系,从而影响了信用风险决策的科学性与合理性。文章通过比较企业还款的成本与企业违约的机会成本大小来量化还款意愿,建立了一个n期的模型量化了借款人的动态的还款意愿。在此基础上,研究了企业还款意愿、还款能力对信用风险定价的交互影响,进一步建立了综合考虑还款能力和还款意愿两类因素条件下的贷款定价模型。  相似文献   

Developing criteria for healthy organizational change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Work and stress》2007,21(3):243-263
The objective of this study was to identify criteria for healthy change in organizations and to develop practical guidelines for intended change. We aimed to explore how change processes at the shop floor level can be better informed by consultants and labour inspectors. A total of 180 interviews were conducted with managers and employees in 90 units of public and private organizations in Norway. The interviews were analysed through four steps representing an expansion of grounded theory, and converted to qualitative analysis using QSR and N6 software. We found that organizational change processes were better managed by more attention to awareness of the local norms and diversity among employees in the perception and reactions to change efforts. An inspector or consultant should be aware of these phenomena in any change effort and tell the organization how to deal with them. The other three factors identified were early role clarification, manager availability, and using constructive conflicts to deal with change. They are all important coping mechanisms at the organizational level that will bring change processes onto a more optimal track if correctly managed. A healthy process empowers individuals instead of making them insecure and defensive in times of change. This will help them restore perceived control and promote job security, which benefits both them and the organization.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to identify criteria for healthy change in organizations and to develop practical guidelines for intended change. We aimed to explore how change processes at the shop floor level can be better informed by consultants and labour inspectors. A total of 180 interviews were conducted with managers and employees in 90 units of public and private organizations in Norway. The interviews were analysed through four steps representing an expansion of grounded theory, and converted to qualitative analysis using QSR and N6 software. We found that organizational change processes were better managed by more attention to awareness of the local norms and diversity among employees in the perception and reactions to change efforts. An inspector or consultant should be aware of these phenomena in any change effort and tell the organization how to deal with them. The other three factors identified were early role clarification, manager availability, and using constructive conflicts to deal with change. They are all important coping mechanisms at the organizational level that will bring change processes onto a more optimal track if correctly managed. A healthy process empowers individuals instead of making them insecure and defensive in times of change. This will help them restore perceived control and promote job security, which benefits both them and the organization.  相似文献   

In constructing this report, the author interviewed physicians to ask them how the practice of medicine has changed and what changes bother them most. She also talked to physician executives to find out how they were managing an increasingly disgruntled group of doctors. Four changes in the professional environment that physicians face dominated these conversations--lowered income, loss of control, the threat of litigation, and greatly increased paperwork. This article is a summary of comments in these four areas.  相似文献   

As Carrie  Sk Banerjee 《Omega》1984,12(3):251-259
Since computers lie behind almost all aspects of new technology, industry now has the chance to develop true integrated Manufacturing Information Systems. This paper examines the developments in this direction which new technology makes available, and why companies should embrace them. Case studies are presented in which the progress achieved and problems encountered by three companies in realising their manufacturing information system are discussed. General conclusions are drawn from them and recommendations for successful implementation are put forward.  相似文献   

基于顾客选择行为的多质量等级时鲜产品定价策略研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于现实中广泛存在的不同质量等级时鲜产品销售的现象,本文研究了追求收益最大化的销售商定价策略。我们考虑两种质量等级的情形,从顾客在不同等级产品之间的选择行为出发,研究了产品数量既定情形下销售商的最优折扣定价决策。同时,我们将这种"分离"销售策略与混合销售策略进行了对比。研究表明,当潜在顾客规模较小或产品供给相对较多时,分离策略相对混合策略的收益改进是更为显著的。  相似文献   

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