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SUMMARY Non-completion of higher education degree courses is a considerable problem, incurring costs on the taxpayer, higher education institutions and the students who fail to complete. Closer examination of the data reveals that non-completion rates in higher education vary substantially across institutions and by subject of degree. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, within each of 13 broad subject categories, the potential determinants of inter-university variations in non-completion rates. Published data are used to compute university non-completion rates over four time periods and to construct corresponding explanatory variables which could potentially be related to non-completion rates. The explanatory variables measure the characteristics (both academic and socioeconomic) of students recruited by universities and the characteristics of the institutions themselves. The significance of the relationship between the possible explanatory variables and non-completion rates within each given subject is assessed using both weighted leastsquares and weighted logit analysis. The conclusions drawn from the results of each technique are identical, and, therefore, for interpretation reasons, only the results of the weighted least-squares analysis are reported. As expected, the academic quality of student entrants is an important determinant of non-completion rates in the majority of subjects, although the magnitude of the effect varies according to subject. Variables reflecting the age and gender mix of university entrants are generally not significantly related to noncompletion rates. The characteristics of institutions which are significantly related to non-completion rates in specific subjects include the staff student ratio and the length of the degree course  相似文献   

Within the context of California's public report of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery outcomes, we first thoroughly review popular statistical methods for profiling healthcare providers. Extensive simulation studies are then conducted to compare profiling schemes based on hierarchical logistic regression (LR) modeling under various conditions. Both Bayesian and frequentist's methods are evaluated in classifying hospitals into ‘better’, ‘normal’ or ‘worse’ service providers. The simulation results suggest that no single method would dominate others on all accounts. Traditional schemes based on LR tend to identify too many false outliers, while those based on hierarchical modeling are relatively conservative. The issue of over shrinkage in hierarchical modeling is also investigated using the 2005–2006 California CABG data set. The article provides theoretical and empirical evidence in choosing the right methodology for provider profiling.  相似文献   

Purpose of this paper is the formulation of a generalized latent variable model. A variety of mixed measurement and structural relationship models for metric, classified metric, ordered categorical, dichotomous and one- and double-sided censored indicators is linked to metric latent variables by three construction principles. These involve the combination of threshold concepts, simultaneous equation systems and hierarchical factor analytical models. The LISREL model is shown to be a special case. While focusing on construction principles and important special cases of the general model, some references to estimation strategies are given. This research was partially supported by a dissertation grant of theStudienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Comments and suggestions on earlier drafts by Gerhard Arminger, Günter Bamberg, Bernd Korzen and Andreas Schepers are gratefully acknowleged.  相似文献   

A broad literature focused on the effectiveness of tertiary education. In classical models, a performance indicator is regressed on a set of characteristics of the individuals and fixed effects at the institution level. The FE coefficients are interpreted as the pure value added of the universities. The innovative contribution of the present paper resides in the use of Bayesian network (BN) analysis to assess the effectiveness of tertiary education. The results of an empirical study focused on Italian universities are discussed, to present the use of BN as a decision support tool for policy-making purposes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in computing make it practical to use complex hierarchical models. However, the complexity makes it difficult to see how features of the data determine the fitted model. This paper describes an approach to diagnostics for hierarchical models, specifically linear hierarchical models with additive normal or t -errors. The key is to express hierarchical models in the form of ordinary linear models by adding artificial `cases' to the data set corresponding to the higher levels of the hierarchy. The error term of this linear model is not homoscedastic, but its covariance structure is much simpler than that usually used in variance component or random effects models. The re-expression has several advantages. First, it is extremely general, covering dynamic linear models, random effect and mixed effect models, and pairwise difference models, among others. Second, it makes more explicit the geometry of hierarchical models, by analogy with the geometry of linear models. Third, the analogy with linear models provides a rich source of ideas for diagnostics for all the parts of hierarchical models. This paper gives diagnostics to examine candidate added variables, transformations, collinearity, case influence and residuals.  相似文献   

We will pursue a Bayesian nonparametric approach in the hierarchical mixture modelling of lifetime data in two situations: density estimation, when the distribution is a mixture of parametric densities with a nonparametric mixing measure, and accelerated failure time (AFT) regression modelling, when the same type of mixture is used for the distribution of the error term. The Dirichlet process is a popular choice for the mixing measure, yielding a Dirichlet process mixture model for the error; as an alternative, we also allow the mixing measure to be equal to a normalized inverse-Gaussian prior, built from normalized inverse-Gaussian finite dimensional distributions, as recently proposed in the literature. Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques will be used to estimate the predictive distribution of the survival time, along with the posterior distribution of the regression parameters. A comparison between the two models will be carried out on the grounds of their predictive power and their ability to identify the number of components in a given mixture density.  相似文献   

This article investigates maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimation of autoregressive model parameters when the innovations (errors) follow a finite mixture of distributions that, in turn, are scale-mixtures of skew-normal distributions (SMSN), an attractive and extremely flexible family of probabilistic distributions. The proposed model allows to fit different types of data which can be associated with different noise levels, and provides a robust modelling with great flexibility to accommodate skewness, heavy tails, multimodality and stationarity simultaneously. Also, the existence of convenient hierarchical representations of the SMSN random variables allows us to develop an EM-type algorithm to perform the MAP estimates. A comprehensive simulation study is then conducted to illustrate the superior performance of the proposed method. The new methodology is also applied to annual barley yields data.  相似文献   

Usually in latent class (LC) analysis, external predictors are taken to be cluster conditional probability predictors (LC models with external predictors), and/or score conditional probability predictors (LC regression models). In such cases, their distribution is not of interest. Class-specific distribution is of interest in the distal outcome model, when the distribution of the external variables is assumed to depend on LC membership. In this paper, we consider a more general formulation, that embeds both the LC regression and the distal outcome models, as is typically done in cluster-weighted modelling. This allows us to investigate (1) whether the distribution of the external variables differs across classes, (2) whether there are significant direct effects of the external variables on the indicators, by modelling jointly the relationship between the external and the latent variables. We show the advantages of the proposed modelling approach through a set of artificial examples, an extensive simulation study and an empirical application about psychological contracts among employees and employers in Belgium and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Beta regression is a suitable choice for modelling continuous response variables taking values on the unit interval. Data structures such as hierarchical, repeated measures and longitudinal typically induce extra variability and/or dependence and can be accounted for by the inclusion of random effects. In this sense, Statistical inference typically requires numerical methods, possibly combined with sampling algorithms. A class of Beta mixed models is adopted for the analysis of two real problems with grouped data structures. We focus on likelihood inference and describe the implemented algorithms. The first is a study on the life quality index of industry workers with data collected according to an hierarchical sampling scheme. The second is a study assessing the impact of hydroelectric power plants upon measures of water quality indexes up, downstream and at the reservoirs of the dammed rivers, with a nested and longitudinal data structure. Results from different algorithms are reported for comparison including from data-cloning, an alternative to numerical approximations which also allows assessing identifiability. Confidence intervals based on profiled likelihoods are compared with those obtained by asymptotic quadratic approximations, showing relevant differences for parameters related to the random effects. In both cases, the scientific hypothesis of interest was investigated by comparing alternative models, leading to relevant interpretations of the results within each context.  相似文献   

With the ready availability of spatial databases and geographical information system software, statisticians are increasingly encountering multivariate modelling settings featuring associations of more than one type: spatial associations between data locations and associations between the variables within the locations. Although flexible modelling of multivariate point-referenced data has recently been addressed by using a linear model of co-regionalization, existing methods for multivariate areal data typically suffer from unnecessary restrictions on the covariance structure or undesirable dependence on the conditioning order of the variables. We propose a class of Bayesian hierarchical models for multivariate areal data that avoids these restrictions, permitting flexible and order-free modelling of correlations both between variables and across areal units. Our framework encompasses a rich class of multivariate conditionally autoregressive models that are computationally feasible via modern Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. We illustrate the strengths of our approach over existing models by using simulation studies and also offer a real data application involving annual lung, larynx and oesophageal cancer death-rates in Minnesota counties between 1990 and 2000.  相似文献   

Distance learning can be useful for bridging geographical barriers to education in rural settings. However, empirical evidence on the equivalence of distance education and traditional face-to-face (F2F) instruction in statistics and biostatistics is mixed. Despite the difficulty in randomization, we minimized intra-instructor variation between F2F and online sections in seven graduate-level biostatistics service courses in a synchronous (live, real time) fashion; that is, for each course taught in a traditional F2F setting, a separate set of students were taught simultaneously via online learning technology, allowing for two-way interaction between instructor and students. Our primary objective was to compare student performance in the two courses that use these two teaching modes. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to test equivalence of modes. The frequentist mixed model approach was also conducted for reference. The results of Bayesian and frequentist methods agree and suggest a difference of less than 1% in average final grades. Finally, we discuss barriers to instruction and learning using the applied online teaching technology.  相似文献   

Summary.  Repeated measures and repeated events data have a hierarchical structure which can be analysed by using multilevel models. A growth curve model is an example of a multilevel random-coefficients model, whereas a discrete time event history model for recurrent events can be fitted as a multilevel logistic regression model. The paper describes extensions to the basic growth curve model to handle auto-correlated residuals, multiple-indicator latent variables and correlated growth processes, and event history models for correlated event processes. The multilevel approach to the analysis of repeated measures data is contrasted with structural equation modelling. The methods are illustrated in analyses of children's growth, changes in social and political attitudes, and the interrelationship between partnership transitions and childbearing.  相似文献   

Summary.  Traffic safety in the UK is one of the increasing number of areas where central government sets targets based on 'outcome-focused' performance indicators (PIs). Judgments about such PIs are often based solely on rankings of raw indicators and simple league tables dominate centrally published analyses. There is a considerable statistical literature examining health and education issues which has tended to use the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) to address variability in the data when drawing inferences about relative performance from headline PIs. This methodology could obviously be applied in contexts such as traffic safety. However, when such models are applied to the fairly crude data sets that are currently available, the interval estimates generated, e.g. in respect of rankings, are often too broad to allow much real differentiation between the traffic safety performance of the units that are being considered. Such results sit uncomfortably with the ethos of 'performance management' and raise the question of whether the inference from such data sets about relative performance can be improved in some way. Motivated by consideration of a set of nine road safety performance indicators measured on English local authorities in the year 2000, the paper considers methods to strengthen the weak inference that is obtained from GLMMs of individual indicators by simultaneous, multivariate modelling of a range of related indicators. The correlation structure between indicators is used to reduce the uncertainty that is associated with rankings of any one of the individual indicators. The results demonstrate that credible intervals can be substantially narrowed by the use of the multivariate GLMM approach and that multivariate modelling of multiple PIs may therefore have considerable potential for introducing more robust and realistic assessments of differential performance in some contexts.  相似文献   

This article takes a hierarchical model approach to the estimation of state space models with diffuse initial conditions. An initial state is said to be diffuse when it cannot be assigned a proper prior distribution. In state space models this occurs either when fixed effects are present or when modelling nonstationarity in the state transition equation. Whereas much of the literature views diffuse states as an initialization problem, we follow the approach of Sallas and Harville (1981,1988) and incorporate diffuse initial conditions via noninformative prior distributions into hierarchical linear models. We apply existing results to derive the restricted loglike-lihood and appropriate modifications to the standard Kalman filter and smoother. Our approach results in a better understanding of De Jong's (1991) contributions. This article also shows how to adjust the standard Kalman filter, the fixed inter- val smoother and the state space model forecasting recursions, together with their mean square errors, for he presence of diffuse components. Using a hierarchical model approach it is shown that the estimates obtained are Best Linear Unbiased Predictors (BLUP).  相似文献   

Latent Variable Models for Mixed Discrete and Continuous Outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a latent variable model for mixed discrete and continuous outcomes. The model accommodates any mixture of outcomes from an exponential family and allows for arbitrary covariate effects, as well as direct modelling of covariates on the latent variable. An EM algorithm is proposed for parameter estimation and estimates of the latent variables are produced as a by-product of the analysis. A generalized likelihood ratio test can be used to test the significance of covariates affecting the latent outcomes. This method is applied to birth defects data, where the outcomes of interest are continuous measures of size and binary indicators of minor physical anomalies. Infants who were exposed in utero to anticonvulsant medications are compared with controls.  相似文献   

The generalized additive model is a well established and strong tool that allows modelling smooth effects of predictors on the response. However, if the link function, which is typically chosen as the canonical link, is misspecified, estimates can be biased. A procedure is proposed that simultaneously estimates the form of the link function and the unknown form of the predictor functions including selection of predictors. The procedure is based on boosting methodology, which obtains estimates by using a sequence of weak learners. It strongly dominates fitting procedures that are unable to modify a given link function if the true link function deviates from the fixed function. The performance of the procedure is shown in simulation studies and illustrated by real world examples.  相似文献   

Bayesian hierarchical models typically involve specifying prior distributions for one or more variance components. This is rather removed from the observed data, so specification based on expert knowledge can be difficult. While there are suggestions for “default” priors in the literature, often a conditionally conjugate inverse‐gamma specification is used, despite documented drawbacks of this choice. The authors suggest “conservative” prior distributions for variance components, which deliberately give more weight to smaller values. These are appropriate for investigators who are skeptical about the presence of variability in the second‐stage parameters (random effects) and want to particularly guard against inferring more structure than is really present. The suggested priors readily adapt to various hierarchical modelling settings, such as fitting smooth curves, modelling spatial variation and combining data from multiple sites.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a Bayesian quantile regression method for hierarchical linear models. Existing approaches of hierarchical linear quantile regression models are scarce and most of them were not from the perspective of Bayesian thoughts, which is important for hierarchical models. In this paper, based on Bayesian theories and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, we introduce Asymmetric Laplace distributed errors to simulate joint posterior distributions of population parameters and across-unit parameters and then derive their posterior quantile inferences. We run a simulation as the proposed method to examine the effects on parameters induced by units and quantile levels; the method is also applied to study the relationship between Chinese rural residents' family annual income and their cultivated areas. Both the simulation and real data analysis indicate that the method is effective and accurate.  相似文献   

In this study, an evaluation of Bayesian hierarchical models is made based on simulation scenarios to compare single-stage and multi-stage Bayesian estimations. Simulated datasets of lung cancer disease counts for men aged 65 and older across 44 wards in the London Health Authority were analysed using a range of spatially structured random effect components. The goals of this study are to determine which of these single-stage models perform best given a certain simulating model, how estimation methods (single- vs. multi-stage) compare in yielding posterior estimates of fixed effects in the presence of spatially structured random effects, and finally which of two spatial prior models – the Leroux or ICAR model, perform best in a multi-stage context under different assumptions concerning spatial correlation. Among the fitted single-stage models without covariates, we found that when there is low amount of variability in the distribution of disease counts, the BYM model is relatively robust to misspecification in terms of DIC, while the Leroux model is the least robust to misspecification. When these models were fit to data generated from models with covariates, we found that when there was one set of covariates – either spatially correlated or non-spatially correlated, changing the values of the fixed coefficients affected the ability of either the Leroux or ICAR model to fit the data well in terms of DIC. When there were multiple sets of spatially correlated covariates in the simulating model, however, we could not distinguish the goodness of fit to the data between these single-stage models. We found that the multi-stage modelling process via the Leroux and ICAR models generally reduced the variance of the posterior estimated fixed effects for data generated from models with covariates and a UH term compared to analogous single-stage models. Finally, we found the multi-stage Leroux model compares favourably to the multi-stage ICAR model in terms of DIC. We conclude that the mutli-stage Leroux model should be seriously considered in applications of Bayesian disease mapping when an investigator desires to fit a model with both fixed effects and spatially structured random effects to Poisson count data.  相似文献   

A number of articles have discussed the way lower order polynomial and interaction terms should be handled in linear regression models. Only if all lower order terms are included in the model will the regression model be invariant with respect to coding transformations of the variables. If lower order terms are omitted, the regression model will not be well formulated. In this paper, we extend this work to examine the implications of the ordering of variables in the linear mixed-effects model. We demonstrate how linear transformations of the variables affect the model and tests of significance of fixed effects in the model. We show how the transformations modify the random effects in the model, as well as their covariance matrix and the value of the restricted log-likelihood. We suggest a variable selection strategy for the linear mixed-effects model.  相似文献   

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