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Recursive estimates of a probability density function (pdf) are known. This paper presents recursive estimates of a derivative of any desired order of a pdf. Let f be a pdf on the real line and p?0 be any desired integer. Based on a random sample of size n from f, estimators f(p)n of f(p), the pth order derivatives of f, are exhibited. These estimators are of the form n?1∑nj=1δjp, where δjp depends only on p and the jth observation in the sample, and hence can be computed recursively as the sample size increases. These estimators are shown to be asymptotically unbiased, mean square consistent and strongly consistent, both at a point and uniformly on the real line. For pointwise properties, the conditions on f(p) have been weakened with a little stronger assumption on the kernel function.  相似文献   

Consider the p-dimensional unit cube [0,1]p, p≥1. Partition [0, 1]p into n regions, R1,n,…,Rn,n such that the volume Δ(Rj,n) is of order n?1,j=1,…,n. Select and fix a point in each of these regions so that we have x(n)1,…,x(n)n. Suppose that associated with the j-th predictor vector x(n)j there is an observable variable Y(n)j, j=1,…,n, satisfying the multiple regression model Y(n)j=g(x(n)j)+e(n)j, where g is an unknown function defined on [0, 1]pand {e(n)j} are independent identically distributed random variables with Ee(n)1=0 and Var e(n)12<∞. This paper proposes gn(x)=a-pnΣnj=1Y(n)jRj,nk[(x?u)?an]du as an estimator of g(x), where k(u) is a known p-dimensional bounded density and {an} is a sequence of reals converging to 0 asn→∞. Weak and strong consistency of gn(x) and rates of convergence are obtained. Asymptoticnormality of the estimator is established. Also proposed is σ2n=n?1Σnj=1(Y(n)j?gn(x(n)j))2 as a consistent estimate of σ2.  相似文献   

Tsukanov (Theor. Probab. Appl. 26 (1981) 173–177) considers the regression model E(y|Z)=Fp+Zq, D(y|Z)=σ2In, where y(n×1) is a vector of measured values,F(n×k) contains the control variables, Z(n×l) contains the observed values, and p(k×1) and q(l×1) are being estimated. Assuming that Z=FL+R, where L(k×l) is non-random, and the rows of R (n×l) are i.i.d. N(0,Σ), we extend Tsukanov's results by (i) computing E(detHp), where Hp is the covariance matrix of p?, the l.s.e. of p, (ii) considering ‘optimality in the mean’ for the largest root criterion, (iii) discussing these equations when the matrix R has a left-spherical distribution.  相似文献   

An estimating equation for a parameter θ, based on an observation ?, is an equation g(x,θ)=0 which can be solved for θ in terms of x. An estimating equation is unbiased if the funaction g has 0 mean for every θ. For the case when the form of the frequency function p(x,θ) is completely specified up to the unknown real parameter θ, the optimality of the m.1 equation ?logp=0 in the class of all unbiased estimating equations was established by Godambe (1960). In this paper we allow the form of the frequency function p to vary assuming that x=(x1,…,xn)?Rn and that under p, E(xi)=θ. x1,…, xn are independent observations on a variate x, it is shown that among all the unbiased estimating equations for θ, x??θ=0 is uniquely optimum up to a constant multiple.  相似文献   

In the usual two-way layout of ANOVA (interactions are admitted) let nij ? 1 be the number of observations for the factor-level combination(i, j). For testing the hypothesis that all main effects of the first factor vanish numbers n1ij are given such that the power function of the F-test is uniformly maximized (U-optimality), if one considers only designs (nij) for which the row-sums ni are prescribed. Furthermore, in the (larger) set of all designs for which the total number of observations is given, all D-optimum designs are constructed.  相似文献   

Asymptotic expansions for the percentiles and c.d.f., up to terms of order 1n2 of the statistic T =mTrS1S-12, where mS1 and nS2 independently distributed W(m, p, Σ1) and W(n, p, Σ2) respectively, are obtained using methods similar to those of Ito [4], Chattopadhyay and Pillai [2]. These expansions hold when Σ1Σ-12 = I + F and|Chi(F)| < 1. Tables of powers of T for p = 3 and p = 4 for m = 4 and various values of n are given and comparison made with the exact powers for p = 3. These powers are useful for the study of (i) the test of equality of covariance matrices in two p-variate normal populations and (ii) robustness of test of equality of mean vectors of l normal populations against the violation of the assumption of equality of covariance matrices.  相似文献   

Let x ≥ 0 and n ≥ 2 be integers. Suppose there exists an orthogonal array A(n, q, μ1) of strength 2 in n symbols with q rows and n2μ1 columns where q = q1 ? d, q1 = n2x + n + 1, μ1 = (n ? 1)x + 1 and d is a positive integer. Then d is called the deficiency of the orthogonal array. The question of embedding such an array into a complete array A(n, q1, μ1) is considered for the case d ≥ 3. It is shown that for d = 3 such an embedding is always possible if n ≥ 2(d ? 1)2(2d2 ? 2d + 1). Partial results are indicated if d ≥ 4 for the embedding of a related design in a corresponding balanced incomplete block design.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a sequence-compound estimation. The component problem is the squared error loss estimation of θ?[a,b] based on an observation X whose p.d.f. is of the form u(x)c(θ)exp(?xθ). For each 0<t<12 a class of sequence-compound estimators ψ?=ψ?1,ψ?2,…) is exhibited whose compound risk (average of risks) up to stage n differs from the Bayes envelope (in the component problem) w.r.t. the empiric distribution Gn of the parameters involved up to stage n by a quantity of order O(n?δt) for a δ>0. It is also shown that at any stage i the difference of the risk of ψ?i and the risk of the Bayes response w.r.t. Gi?1 is O(i?δt). Examples of the above type of families are given where δ is min{1,2ab} and t is arbitrarily close to 12. Here it may be worthwhile to mention that a rate O(n?12) or better has not yet been obtained even in a very special family of densities.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a situation where, instead of observing y(N×1), we observe y+d; where the random variables in the vector d are called damage components. It is shown that A- and E-optimum designs minimize the effect of d in the mean square error (m.s.e.) of estimable linear functions of parameters under the ordinary linear model.  相似文献   

Let TM be an M-estimator (maximum likelihood type estimator) and TR be an R-estimator (Hodges-Lehmann's estimator) of the shift parameter Δ in the two-sample location model. The asymptotic representation of √N(TM-TR) up to a term of the order Op(N-14) is derived which is valid if the functions Ψ and ? generating TM and TR, respectively, decompose into an absolutely continuous and a step-function components; the order Op(N-14) cannot be improved unless the discontinuous components vanish. As a consequence, the conditions under which √N(TM-TR)=Op(N-14) are obtained. The main tool for obtaining the results is the second order asymptotic linearity of the pertaining linear rank statistics which is proved here under the assumption that the score-generating function ? has some jump-discontinuities.  相似文献   

If X2 is the Pearson chi-squared statistic for testing fit, then X2n has long been considered an associated measure of the degree of lack of fit. Here we consider two classes of statistics of chi-squared type, each having X2 as a member. The first is a class of directed divergence statistics discussed by Cressie and Read, the second consists of nonnegative definite quadratic forms in the standardized cell frequencies. We investigate the large sample behavior of Tn, where T is any of these statistics. A number of auxiliary results on the Cressie-Read statistics are also obtained. The measures are illustrated by application to data from classical physics compiled by Stigler.  相似文献   

Saha and Mohanty (1970) presented a main effect fold-over design consisting of 14 treatment combinations of the 24×33 factorial, which had the nice property of being even balanced. Calling this design DSM, this paper establishes the following specific results: (i) DSM is not d-optimal in the subclass Δe of all 14 point even balanced main effect fold-over designs of the 24×33 factorial; (ii) DSM is not d-optimal in the subclass Δ1e of all 14 point even and odd balanced main effect fold-over designs of the 24×33 factorial; (iii) DSM is even optimal in Δ1 and Δe. In addition to these results two 14 point designs in Δ1 are presented which are d-optimal and via a counter example it is shown that these designs are not odd optimal. Finally, several general matrix algebra results are given which should be useful in resolving d-optimality problems of fold-over designs of the kn11×kn22 factorial.  相似文献   

The m-associate triangular association scheme has been discussed, and several series of partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs with m-associate triangular association scheme have been obtained in Section 1. In Section 2, an m-associate triangular-group divisible association scheme (TqGDm, 1<q<m) has been introduced and several series of PBIB designs with m-associate triangular group divisible association scheme, from m-associate triangular PBIB designs have been constructed. Some numerical values to the three associate triangular designs, and three associate triangular group divisible designs in the range b, v≦100; r, k≦10, with their average efficiencies are given, respectively, in Tables I and II, in Section 3, where as usual v denotes the number of treatments, b the number of blocks, r the number of replications of each treatment, and k the block size.  相似文献   

Complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = sp, where g is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer have been constructed by Hedayat, Raghavarao, and Seiden (1975). Federer (1977) has constructed complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 4t, where t is a positive integer. We give a general procedure for constructing orthogonal F-squares of order n from an orthogonal array (n, k, s, 2) and an OL(s, t) set, where n is not necessarily a prime or prime power. In particular, we show how to construct sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 2sp, where s is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer. These sets are shown to be near complete and approach complete sets as s and/or p become large. We have also shown how to construct orthogonal arrays by these methods. In addition, the best upper bound on the number t of orthogonal F(n, λ1), F(n, λ2), …, F(n, λ1) squares is given.  相似文献   

The convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation in the exponential family are studied in this paper. We first develop an approach for obtaining the lower bound of empirical Bayes estimators. As an application of the approach, we demonstrate that O(n−1) is the lower bound rate for priors with bounded compact support. Second, we construct an empirical Bayes estimator using kernel sequence method and show that it has a rate of convergence of O(n−1(lnn)8). This upper bound rate is much faster compared to the earlier results published in the literature under the same assumption.  相似文献   

For a fixed number of runs, not all 2nm designs with resolution III or IV have clear two-factor interactions. Therefore, it is highly desirable to know when resolution III or IV designs can have clear two-factor interactions. In this paper, we provide a unified geometrical study of this problem and give a complete classification of the existence of clear two-factor interactions in regular 2nm designs with resolution III or IV and reveal the structures of these designs.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2, … be iid random variables with the pdf f(x,θ)=exp(θx?b(θ)) relative to a σ-finite measure μ, and consider the problem of deciding among three simple hypotheses Hi:θ=θi (1?i?3) subject to P(acceptHi|θi)=1?α (1?i?3). A procedure similar to Sobel–Wald procedure is discussed and its asymptotic efficiency as compared with the best nonsequential test is obtained by finding the limit lima→0(EiN(a)/n(a)), where N (a) is the stopping time of the proposed procedure and n(a) is the sample size of the best non-sequential test. It is shown that the same asymptotic limit holds for the original Sobel–Wald procedure. Specializing to N(θ,1) distribution it is found that lima→0(EiN(α)/n(α))=14 (i=1,2) and lima→0 (E3N(α)n(α))=δ21/4δ, where δi=(θi+1?θi) with 0<δ1?δ2. Also, the asymptotic efficiency evaluated when the X's have an exponential distribution.  相似文献   

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