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赵希男  王艳梅  靖可 《管理学报》2009,6(4):541-545
基于区域科技能力的个性优势特征识别,提出了一种区域科技发展模式的分析方法.该方法以确定社会系统内个体的价值取向为出发点,采用2-范数意义下的距离,从最有利于每个个体的角度出发,实现客观识别其个性优势特征.同时,基于识别到的个性优势状况,对所有个体进行系统聚类及"民主代理"评价,并以此为基础对系统的模式进行分析与推介.最后,将该方法应用于我国大陆31个省级区域2002~2004年科技发展模式的分析,并提出促进我国区域科技发展的相应对策.  相似文献   

领导—成员交换关系的差异化是近年来学术界的一个热点课题.尽管已有研究考察了它对一些个体和团队产出的影响,但领导—成员交换关系差异化对创造力的影响一直为研究者们所忽略.领导—成员交换关系差异化文献和社会比较理论表明领导与不同下属交换质量的差异对团队及个人创造力的发挥具有重要意义.基于此,本研究采用社会比较的理论视角,同时从个体和团队两个层面考察领导—成员交换关系差异化对团队和个体创造力的影响,并进一步分析团队层面的差异化对个体层面效应的调节作用.通过对中国大陆80个知识型团队的367名个体的问卷调查,结果发现:在个体层面,相对的领导—成员交换关系(RLMX)对个体创造力有显著正向影响,团队自主支持感在这两者关系中起着中介作用;在团队层面,领导—成员交换关系差异和团队创造力之间呈U型关系,领导—成员交换关系差异对个体创造力有消极影响,但团队层面的关系差异化对RLMX和个体创造力关系的调节效应不显著.总体来看,本研究发现LMX差异化对个体层面和团队层面的影响是不一致的.最后讨论了本研究的不足及未来潜在的研究方向.  相似文献   

针对具有相同职称、学历、年龄、性别等人力资本结构的团队在物资资本投入相同的情况下绩效有别的现象,提出团队人力资本竞优结构的概念、测量模型及团队与作业对象的匹配决策方法.团队人力资本竞优结构能够从单项指标优势度和多指标强弱结构效应两方面体现优势.以团队为整体,从最大程度认可团队价值出发,基于目标规划导引模型,构建团队人力资本竞优结构测量方法,揭示团队人力资本内质差异及其优势特征.在匹配决策中,将显性结构与隐性结构相结合,显性结构作为是否胜任的判据;以隐性的竞优结构相似度为切入点,构建“团队-作业对象”多目标多指标匹配优化模型,实现团队尽其才、资源尽其用的团队指派.通过算例,证明了方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

团队凝聚力是调动团队成员工作积极性、发挥个体潜能、实现组织目标最重要的保障。因此,提高团队凝聚力是团队管理工作的重中之重。文章主要从不同角度,七个方面浅谈影响团队凝聚力的主要因素以及如何提高。  相似文献   

研发团队胜任力模型的构建及其对团队绩效的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
高科技企业是知识密集、技术密集的经济实体,研发人员的创造性思维与创造性劳动是高科技企业成长与发展的动力源泉。企业在实践中发现,有效地对研发团队成员进行选拔、配置与管理是研发团队取得高绩效的关键,而应用胜任力模型则是一个有效的方法,同时也是一个新的研究领域。本文首先概述了国内外有关团队以及胜任力模型领域的研究成果,论证了胜任力模型的意义及其在研发团队成员选拔与配置、核心人才培养、管理继承人培养以及职业发展规划中的重要性。最后,本文在企业实践的基础上,总结了某高科技企业研发团队经理以及研发人员的胜任力模型。  相似文献   

半正式化组织中成员知识共享情境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一个典型的半正式化组织为案例,利用社会网络方法,构建组织的知识共享网络,并对该网络成员间知识共享的结构化特征进行了测度.在此基础上,通过结构化和半结构化访谈,揭示了成员知识共享结构化特征背后的情境因素,进而以半正式化组织和情境学习理论为支撑,揭示了该组织内部知识共享网络“中心性”成员的“身份”与“权力”情境特征、“边缘化”成员的“参与”情境特征以及“知识共享群体”的形成情境特征.由此,从个体情境、组织情境和组织支持3个角度,建立了影响半正式化组织知识共享绩效的概念模型.  相似文献   

管理人员与企业、岗位、团队的适配性问题关系到企业长期稳定发展。利用胜任力构建的企业核心胜任力与关键岗位胜任特征模型,能将企业核心团队适配程度与企业经营战略有机结合,能充分挖掘产生优秀绩效的能力要素。利用胜任力评价问卷评估企业核心团队成员的胜任力水平,能为企业核心团队适配性分析提供科学、全新的范式。  相似文献   

团队成员目标取向与建言行为的关系:一个跨层分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究以国内某大型企业集团27个营销团队共201名团队成员为研究对象,采用多水平研究方法,通过构建多层数据模型(HLM),以自我激励和个体-情景互动理论为框架对团队成员个体目标导向、团队氛围和员工建言行为的关系进行了探讨.研究发现目标导向不同的个体,其建言行为也有差异,相对于发展导向,表现导向的个体更多地卷入建言行为.团队心理安全感不仅对员工建言行为有直接显著影响,而且在个体目标导向(表现导向)与建言行为的关系中有正向的跨层调节效应:团队心理安全感越高,表现导向的个体越倾向于建言行为,团队心理安全感越低,表现导向与建言行为的关系越不明显.团队氛围对于其他目标导向与建言行为关系的跨层调节效果不显著.  相似文献   

领导―成员交换关系的差异化是近年来学术界的一个热点课题. 尽管已有研究考察了它对一些个体和团队产出的影响,但领导―成员交换关系差异化对创造力的影响一直为研究者们所忽略. 领导―成员交换关系差异化文献和社会比较理论表明领导与不同下属交换质量的差异对团队及个人创造力的发挥具有重要意义. 基于此,本研究采用社会比较的理论视角,同时从个体和团队两个层面考察领导―成员交换关系差异化对团队和个体创造力的影响,并进一步分析团队层面的差异化对个体层面效应的调节作用. 通过对中国大陆 80 个知识型团队的 367 名个体的问卷调查,结果发现: 在个体层面,相对的领导―成员交换关系( RLMX) 对个体创造力有显著正向影响,团队自主支持感在这两者关系中起着中介作用; 在团队层面,领导―成员交换关系差异和团队创造力之间呈 U 型关系,领导―成员交换关系差异对个体创造力有消极影响,但团队层面的关系差异化对 RLMX 和个体创造力关系的调节效应不显著. 总体来看,本研究发现 LMX 差异化对个体层面和团队层面的影响是不一致的. 最后讨论了本研究的不足及未来潜在的研究方向.  相似文献   

基层党组织既是团队,也是学习共同体。学习共同体视域下基层党组织有共同信仰和共同目标;成员平等,各有优势;共同研学,共建共享;成员与组织共同发展。基于此,可以通过以下途径加强基层党组织建设:强化共同信仰,确定共同目标;创建学习机制,做到优势互补;建立共享机制,增强组织力量;加强特色党建,实现共同发展。  相似文献   

In the current, increasingly dynamic environment, more attention is being devoted to ambidexterity (both explorative and exploitative learning), as it is beneficial to organizational functioning. Despite an abundance of research on organizational ambidexterity, there is a paucity of research examining team-level ambidexterity. In a cross-level empirical study, we examine a leader's dialectical thinking as an antecedent of team-level ambidexterity. We also incorporate collective team identification as a moderator in the study. Our findings support that a leader's dialectical thinking can help facilitate team ambidexterity that, in turn, improves employee performance. Those teams whose members have strong team identification and whose leader is high in dialectical thinking will reap the most benefit from team ambidexterity.  相似文献   

Individuals' knowledge networks are widely considered to contribute substantially to the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations. While the positive effects of knowledge networks as a primary driver of social capital have recently received considerable research attention, potential determinants of individuals' network building have not yet been adequately addressed. In this study, we investigate how certain team‐level properties affect team members' development of knowledge networks through the course of a team project. Using data from 430 team leaders and team members pertaining to 145 software development projects, we test cross‐level hypotheses using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). The results indicate that the team's perception of the organizational knowledge‐sharing climate, the team's networking preference, and the team's perceived importance of networking for project success positively affect individuals' network building. Furthermore, a team's perception of the adequacy of its technical competency and a team's perception of the adequacy of its material resources inhibit team members' individual network development. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper estimates social effects of incentivizing people in teams. In three field experiments featuring exogenous team formation and opportunities for repeated social interactions, we find large team effects that operate through social channels. In particular, assignment to a team treatment increases productivity by 9%–17% relative to an individual incentive treatment, even though the individual incentive yields a higher private return. Further, we find that in a choice treatment individuals overwhelmingly prefer the individual incentive to the team incentive, despite the latter being more effective. These results are most consistent with the team effects operating through guilt or social pressure as opposed to pure altruism.  相似文献   

HRD's traditional approach to competency focuses on superior individual performance. The concept of a core competency in the strategic literature, as reviewed here, considers it as an organizational capability that provides sustained competitive advantage. That model is examined and implications for HRD practice noted.  相似文献   

复杂变化环境下人的学习能力:概念、模型、测量及影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要研究企业复杂变化环境下个人的持续学习能力及其对其绩效的影响。个人是组织学习/团队学习的最小单位和学习型组织/学习型团队中的重要主体。本文首先对个人学习的文献进行了简要回顾总结,然后提出个人学习的定义,基于作者以前的组织学习模型建立了个人学习的九种行为和能力要素,开发了个人学习能力的定义和测量问卷模型(ILCQ)。采用来自企业的244个样本数据进行了统计分析,表明所建立的个人学习能力的测量模型具有好的信度和效度,并初步发现了个人学习能力与个人任务绩效和情景绩效之间均具有显著的正相关关系。希望这一研究为今后个人学习的深入研究建立概念、测量和逻辑关系基础。  相似文献   

陈国权  赵慧群 《管理学报》2009,6(7):898-905
基于我国的235个企业样本数据进行实证分析,研究了管理者个人、团队和组织三层面学习能力之间的关系,发现:①这3个层面的学习能力之间存在显著的正相关关系,其中个人学习能力与组织学习能力、团队学习能力与组织学习能力之间的关系还受到管理者职位的显著调节作用,而个人学习能力与团队学习能力之间的关系则不受职位的调节作用;②个人学习能力通过团队学习能力的中介作用对组织学习能力产生影响,这对高层管理者而言,只是部分的中介作用;而对中层管理者,则是完全的中介作用.  相似文献   

Some organizations collaborate with other partner organizations to reach common goals, establishing interorganizational networks. The governance of the network is often enacted by an interorganizational governing team composed of the directors or top managers of the partner firms. This team plans, manages, and supervises the advancement of the network’s common goals. The success of the network depends, to a large extent, on the involvement of the members of the governing team. In this study, we tested a multilevel model of the antecedents of the involvement of governing team members in the management activities of interorganizational networks. We examined whether the relationship between team interorganizational trust, as a team level construct, and individual involvement in management activities is partially mediated by individual affective commitment. Using a sample of 101 respondents belonging to 28 interorganizational governing teams, we tested a multilevel mediation model. Results showed, as expected, a positive indirect effect of team interorganizational trust on individual involvement through individual affective commitment. However, unexpectedly, team interorganizational trust also showed a negative direct relationship with individual involvement. Based on our findings, we highlight the need to also consider the “dark side” of interorganizational trust, and we propose potential mediators to explain the unexpected negative relationship.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented that intra‐group respect fosters individual engagement with work teams or organizations. The authors extend this work by empirically distinguishing between perceived inclusion of the self in the team and perceived value of the self for the team as separate psychological consequences of respect. Based on a social identity analysis, it is predicted that perceived inclusion facilitates the development of a positive team identity (how the individual feels about the team), while perceived value elicits the willingness to invest in the team (what the individual is willing to do for the team). Support for these predictions is obtained with structural equation modelling among two independent samples of professional soldiers working in military teams (ntotal = 495). Reports of individual team members about positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team correlated with supervisor ratings of the team's action readiness.  相似文献   

Employees’ identifications are a valuable asset for modern organizations, and identification research has stressed the necessity to distinguish identifications according to their focus (i.e. organizational, team, or leader identification). Interestingly, transformational leadership (TFL) has been proposed to unfold its effects by transforming followers’ identifications and could thus be a powerful way to actively manage identification. However, it remains unclear whether TFL affects identifications with different foci similarly or whether it predominantly influences a specific focus. To resolve this puzzle, the authors conducted a meta‐analysis (k = 73; N = 20,543) and found that TFL (and each TFL sub‐dimension) is more strongly associated with leader identification than with organizational identification or team identification. By presenting a comprehensive model of TFL's effects on identifications, we show that leader identification mediates the relationships between TFL and collective identifications (i.e. organizational identification or team identification), illustrating that relational identification plays a crucial role in subsequently shaping collective identifications. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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